P'AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURZSDAY, MAY 19. 1927 I I U.UDAUNTEDJ ON MEXICANQUESTIONj Oil 'and Iiail Niatioll PoeKs Not J ust if y Anly Iiterveutioii CLAIM GRIEVANCES EXISTI (13y Associated Press)E NWW Y' ORK, May 17--The oil and! land1c controversy between the United Sta te's and AMeXICO rests iwon areal grieVanc( nT the part of Alnerican in- terests , 1)1.t not one that. jn:-tifies, un-I tier such g; ct.iOns as international law, any .skirt of forcible intervenition in the irinof affairs of that nation, states a Ftort made public today by t the, Department of Research and Ed- ucaition of the Federal Council of;;. Churches, The report is the result of several months investigation by the D~epart-1 meet of Research and Education and is introduced as a "strictly infornia- [ Enlau rted by the fat tional document," which disclaims any adIy for a faoti-stolp figW 'Intention to suggest what course 21ha inset shows the -o,, ei1ther government should follow. Thle petroleum law of 1925, says the~ MINORITY Eot.sfun ol ecofsaoy fiYatures and to be at variance with~ FOR" ANNUA thec understandings arrived at in 1923 i asa prelude to the recognition of theIy 110 ta Meoxican government by the United h inoiy1a Staites. The report points out at the Seniors don't even take same time that such violence as has seriously. Only a scant been lone to American property rights! dred showed up yesterday prises out of sovereign acts of the for the mock elections,i Meflxicani Republic in the adoption of the fact that they are the her constitution and the enactment of portan t elections on campu diomiestic legislationh and that in the cause they are admittedly precsent state of international rela-I Apparently the seniorsI io(ns each nation," including- the Unit-1 Cap Night policy establishe ed Sa tes, "dlemands the right to be by, the council was to h( "11!( 'judge of its own domlestic laws, lecase ,and so considere, alwys subject to the limitation that; wouldn't be wotrh. while it the operation of these laws results' The Most Beautiful Girli Ini violat ion of rights under interna-I is Esther Graham, it was fltonal law the victim of any resulting i Katheryn L~e Mire was i'ijsti~ ma deand thrughhisMost Popular Girl. While government, redress in forms pre- willing to go on record as scr ibed by international law." this vote was serious orr The department investigated the oil say that she was the me and land situation in all its phases I with the voters. ii1u4 presents what it considers to be Along with those two w thhe a orpmajorf th c npoints t e uceofulctheat T econtroversye , thep Pf ffn an"T e usuccessisufulth ol candidatep L ui e dispute is one of property rights. The ( would like to n. eet andc government of the United States Wonian Hater. claims that' under the Constitution' of But maybe he will alre, 1917 and the law of 1925 property l late with the Most Bashfu rights are bein~ taken from the oil abetli Anderson. conmpanies without compensation -1 Off course it was a Phi that article 27 of the Consitution,l won the office of Class Bl andl the law of 1925 are confiscatory." .gettiaig the key, almost BY ATEOF UNGSSE ANCLIFRECH Flood In. Missisippi ,', 'ILL ATTEMPT NEW YORK-PARIS AIR FLIGHT1 Shows Necessity 0111 jTimberConservation- Catling the great. M1issiissij)1)n l anONlbject lesson in I hl needof ors a ~"sF lcouservati n, M~artin L. 1)t.gh refor est at ionm ina t"". !cl-,ckingof soil e'. Osio. I Mr. Davey Urg;es the iusta I , m- tion anditlnat ion-wide 511 ~ or.af 1- est conser'vation pl riae'als that ;siu~eh Le; of his countryir'en, Nungesser and Coli, ?Ni. Dron 'In, famous Frech aviator, has made; dir.sters as the presenit let hornl ht attempt from Paris to New York. His gi,-mt li-pilane, just completed is shown here. flood may iv e checked at t hen' ::son lee.! inter. He held the endurance recordI recently broke~n by ChaniberlaIn and Acosta. If an agressive po1licy o~;' ret. re ^t li n __________ ____________________________ Iis not immz ed ately ImAe a Mlia i of our; LECTO RATlE S INGS 'VOTE1 FRANKLIN SPEAKS .I area nopogsramdl anrvd M exitn tr'l Mr.Llavy V'PA LL SEN IOR IOCK OFFICES O ELECTRICITY 1the United States to pay 1WPt ll' IN LECTURE HERE', ____ ty would be eligible for that ogele. As f oe their fun it was it was Fred S. Glover. "Mechanical Ideas in; Electricity" ,'TI FirWERK half, .hun- The Best Girl Student was Helen wstesbeto h etr ie i Tuesday nigrhtbyPo. .S.FakSA Th yafternoon Ruth. Now maylbe she can get. som nef te PyisPar W. tSFthank-ER R in spite of good marks. Hugh Chalmers was Massachusetts Institute of Techno-i oe m'ost im- elected as the Best Athlet'. Coach logy, in Natural Science auditorium. tle us-just be- Yost may 1)e surprised, but probably 'lThe lecture was devoted to giving the, ya joke, he got the votes because of auto rae-, mechanical and electrical analogues in thought the ing.[ physics. Several wechanical models ed this year Sid Dewey was nanved as the Best illustratedl the lecture showing the I AYLUIESO fold in this Maln Student. That's one that Phij1 close relationship between mechanics d that it fete missed. John Bou~nd won'the of- andl electricity.{ A splendiid opportailiy attending. ice of Best Dressed Ml~u and wvas lThelecoturie was attended by a to laity in the class right there in all his Van Boven glory large number of members of the De- decided, to prove it. troit-Ann Arbor section of the -Amerl- Wedding named htel The Class golitician managed to c arl Institute of Electrical Engineers, we are un- get himself elected. He was Earl who attendled a dinner at the Union Birthdjaiv to whether Blazer. And the Boy with the. Big- i 1-ncdiately preceding the lecture. not, we can Best Line turnedl out to bie Calvin Memcnbers of the faculty, of Michigan I Graduation ost popularI Patterson, who was leading the meet- isate college wer'e also present., Pro- Giftsi Etc. ing, anywvay, thus proving his ability. fe sor Franklin spokeabout a year ago' ve must list Howell Russ shook4 hands with in Ann Arbor and is recognized. as an; for Woman enough men to capture the job of ,authority in the field of electrical enz- ATh GREAT SAVINGS n. Perhaps Class Hand-Shaker. And there was gineering. Rlittenhouse, one boy so bashful we found him; The lecture was closed by Professor 1NC U1L I{i.A lE; coilquor the hiding way dlown here at the bottom; Franklin answering questions raisedofti arcl:Lne Wsng,'bthauec.TeNtoalC - ady haveaBahu By vention of the Institute was announced j ____ __ havGIEliBashful Boy.g held in Detroit June 20 to LII GijlPEli S T A T E--S tude nats here w ill June 24. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is Bete that vote on the changes ini the Athletic I______________ luffer. After Association constitution in an all ( CORNELL-Th1,)el'IS~S ..rxdpwntient DISCOVERY NIGHT, tany maii campus referendum. fund has r'eceivedl a total 0f 125,600. __________________________PRICES 25c - 50c ,in~ PUgu radMore (laizn"gimi REO-Topicnicking studenlts ,.r, ba hr bing expeieniced at 1narrowly escapiwd ed 1bth when the cair "-~mmt I n hich they were returning ,rolled _______________________ I vol' i >0 foot.lhani, plining them for Patronize D~aily Advertisers two hours. 10% 0 - -IM _ p u : . :- J : _ ..A '° " - tr- b .y i ,. T ('i . '(, LOTHFlE S owxaswwy a Or+a wr7a do T: cs; cy-sad 3 Anid Cut 4a O re EZ~T~iaH~D f'CLiSH UNIVERSITY -- VICE 17 6 Ta-4EUNITED STATES. a a F , ; w tf ., L ll a 4 -4 4 a :. . Suaits anid Topcoats . ,., $40 ~$60 a.. .. +.. ,.. .. a .. f a s , a OUR STORE,-,l;s THE G ub 4m lw AV n VT I a I', F. 9 S S ftp OF ANN ARBOR The character of the suits and topcoats tailored by Charter, Houo 4 a a a a 4 Will earn your\ most sinoere liking. J. F. Wuerth Co, 5 -S Students' Fashion Shop Downtown a M a 5= p.. . ."a.A.. __.., 4 w + 'Y, f' i .a T., t. . a,, TONIGHT k ON LY i kIr1. w to I " Starting Now TodayI ' _____________________Showing Where R mneean Thils- Met 7{-r tt. 4/ N, inuEi ; .z -. , ,. , . ' } 1 o n't O N L Y °e "DISCOVERY NIGHT" -A:N ON THE SCREEN- LOV, AUGIS and LEDGERS 1 5 ~IlIs px i ,,, .