ESTABLISHED 1890 pr rl- tiL r IROMEMPP, i qau aii MEMBER ASSOCJATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 97 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS HIGHWAY LEGISLATION FEATURES THIRD DAY OF [NGINEER MEETING 'cDONALD WIRES INABILITY TO ATTEl11 CONFERENCE DUE TO BUSINESS ELECTIONS ARE HELD Bartlett To -pe k Of "Responsibility Of Highway Offica" At Afternoon Session Highway legislation, and contract and materials performance, were the chief subjects of discussion in ad- dresses given by members of the state highway department yesterday in the morning and afternoon sessions of the 13th annual conference o highway engineering, which is in a four-day convention here. The principal address of the eve- ning, which is to be given by Thomas' H. McDonald, chief, of the United States bureau of public roads at Washington, D. C., was called off, when Prof. Roger L. Morrison, who is in charge of the program, received a telegram from Mr. McDonald re- gretting his inability to attend the conference due to urgent business in the west. Consequently, the evening session was postponed. Mr. McDon- ald was scheduled to give an illus- trated lecture on "The Historical De- velopment of European Highways." Three Morning Addresses "Contract Performance," was the subject of the address given by Martin DeGlopper, assistant construction en- gineer in the state highway depart- ment, at the morning session. He was followed by II. A. Miles, assessment engineer, who spoke on "Relation of County Drains to the Highway." Prof. Roger L. Morrison, director of the state highway laboratory, read a paper on "Materials Performance." "The highway laboratory of the Uni- versity is establishing for the purpose of finding new methods in road con- struction, and we are ready at any time to cooperate with road builders' and to help them solve their prob- lems," he said. At the afternoon session J. T. Shar- pensteen, maintenance supervisor of the state highway department, spoke on "Maintenance of Gravel Roads." A. L. Burridge, division engineer, dis- cussed "Organization Efficiency in Road Maintenance," and B. C. Tiney, maintenance engineer, gave an ad- dress on "Maintenance Accounting." Officers of the Michigan association of road commissioners and engineers were also elected for the ensuing, year. Fred H. Knox, road commis sioner of Ionia county, was selected as president of the body. He is to suc- ceed Warren R. Townsend of Grand Rapids. William W. Cox, of Port Hu- ron was named vice president. K. I. Sawyer of Ishpeming was re-elected secretary and treasurer of the asso- ciation. On the board of directors, George W. McCalla of Ann Arbor and A. B. Backus of Harbor Springs, were chos- en to take office besides the president, vice president, and secretary-treas- urer of the association. Today will be the last day of the conference and only two cessions will be held, one at 9:30 o'clock in the morning and the afternoon session at 1:30 o'clock. Both will take place in room 348 of the West Engineering building. Turkish Treaty May Restore DiplomaticI And TradeRelations l RCE MJy Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 -Negotia- tions which apparently are approach- ing a successful conclusion at Con- stantinople are not only to extend the DISPATCH 1,6440 AI)DTIONAL present trade understanding, but to i ARINES TO TROUlR LED restore the diplomatic relations brok- 1 DISTRICT Dean Jean Hamilton. Submits Resignation i 'WARSHIPS READY McNary-Haugen Bill For Farmers' Relief SERVICE IN CASE Q Is Passed By House! CAN ON SE INVI ON(1fl[(By soitd[e) WAS11INGTON, Feb. 17.-The M'e- Nary-Haugen farm relief bill was passed tonight by the House in exact- DEVELOPMENTS ARE AWAITED ly the form approved by the senate. BY BRITISh SOLDIERS WiTIIN The vote was 214 to 175, a margin of SETTLEMENTS 36 votes. It now goes directly to President REPORTS SUN'S DEFEAT Coolidge with congressional opinionE over whether he will veto the meas- I ure or permit it to become a law. Forces Described As)emoralized And The bill proposes creation of a fel- Seizing Railway Cars Ready To oral farm board with power to levyI Leave Shanghai an equalization fee on six basic agri- --~~~~cultural commodities for the purpose (By Associated Press) of controlling surpluses. SHANGHAI, Feb. 17.-Twenty-one By passing the measure, the House warships of five foreign countries lay ; in less than twelve months reversed in the Whangtoo river here toAay, 1 its position, having by a vote of 212, there fighting men ready to go into to 167 last spring rejected a bill em- en by the World war. Officials here will not disclose whether Rear Admiral Bristol, now holding the title of American com-! missioner at Constantinople, will be given the appointment as American ambassador, or whether a regular dip- lomatic officer will be chosen. NO EXPLANATION GIVEN Latiner Awaits mtcome Of Imtupend- ing Matagalpa Batle Before Deciding Route Sf 1 I! J I . I i r f { f l f E , } r t - S C i 1 , 1 J 1 1 1 1' Those mentioned include Jospeh C. (By Assocated Press) Grew, now under-secretary of state. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.--A force of Extension of the trade agreement 1,600 additional American marines s. was made necessary by the Senate's under orders for Nicaragua. refusal to ratify, the Lausanne treaty. Two hundred men aboard the cruis- The present agreement expires next or Trenton are to be rushed from Sunday. Guantanamo, Cuba to Quarento. Another 200 will proceed from San Diego, California. A full regiment, 1,200 strong, is scheduled to sail from WIthe United States aboard the navali The outcome of the impending bat- Miss Jean Hamilton tle between Liberal and Conservative i Dean of women whose resignation forcesat Matagalpa probably will de- was announced yesterday, and who A Student Is Eliible To T tide the exact routs Rear Admiral ( has been on leave of absence since Fny Prod tio Tlgbe T ryOuti Latimer will take with the additional June, 1926. Miss Hamilton is at pres- ForPducton To Be Given forces to be placed at his dispostion. ent in New York city. She came to March 2, 3 And 4 The Washington government does not the University in 1922, succeeding know in detail the number of troops Mrs. Myra B. Jordan. TO AWARD SILVER CUP ; facing each other at Matagalpa, but The duties of the dean of women, the dispatch of the others will in- which have been carried on by a com- With the last performance of "The crease American marine detachments mittee of, three advisers to women, Withoftesty"psceomefofth in Nicaragua four-fold, indicating the will continue as at present. Man of Destiny scheduled for tomor- grave doubt entertained by President- row night, the next dramatic undertak- Coolidge and his advisors that the ing of Mimes will be the presentation, Matagalpa crisis can be avoided. ANNUAL of a spotlight vaudeville on Wednesday, No explanation was made at the Thursday, and Friday, March 2, .3, andstean nvydprmtsoth of a spotlight ~state and navy departments of the ~ L ON H 4. Anyone is eligible to takepart immediate reason for sending addi-:iDR E H D_ in this production. It is the revival tional marines to Nicaragua. of a tradition that existed for many The 200 men to be sent from Guan- __I ofr atadiin hathexisted t r - tanamo to Quarento will supplement ' years at Michigan which was but re- the 400 marines now insuring order y Country (lub Orchestra Will cently dropped. . at Managua, capital of the Diaz gov- P rovide Music For Annual Tryouts of acts and registration of ernmcnt. Affair At Law Clul) eminent. Afi tLwCu those wishing to try out will be held They will also be available to keep on Monday afternoon from 4 to 5 open the Quarento-Managua railroad FEW TICKETS REMAIN o'clock in the Mimes theater. A silver'inIteFevetTthaKAdmSalREMAINe cup will be given for the best act, in the event that Admiral Lathper each one being voted ol by the audi- decides to employ his re-entorcements I Headed by its talented leader, Jack once on each of the three nights. The for the establishment of neutral zones prize wl bch e treeted y i s.T at Matagalpa or elsewhere in a fur- MeGay's Country club orchestra will prize will be presented by Mimes.I ther effort to -smother the Liberal at- arrive in town late this afternoon to burlesque one-act plays, classical tack on the Diaz government. provide the music for the annual win- skits, or orchestral numbers may be ter formal of the Lawyer's club which presented. The vaudeville will be LO1uisiana lHurricane will be held this evening in the lounge given to bring out this kind of talent room of the Lawyer's club. and any new ideas that may be useful Destroys Ten Lives; McGay's organization of musicians in future Mimes productions. Any Moreas gained a wide reputation playing acts which show sufficient merit may score More Injure out oa Jean Goidkette's oficq in D- be retained for the "State Street Fol- 4troit lurin the last few mo hs. One lies" which will be given later in the ;ri u~gtelatfwno s n spring by Mimes. Those who try out (By Associated Press) of the features of its playing is the snowngill als receive cosition PLEASANT HILL, La., Feb. 17.-- performance of "Red" Engels, saxa- fo thewionopsra. nsdrat Ten persons are dead and more than phone player, formerly with the Ken- ra score injured as a result of a Ir- tucky Colonels. Besides furnishing Cast rehearsals for "R. U. R.", the asoe re iead 1 th: music for the dancing, the orches_ next play that Mimes will give, March nado which struck a mile an a hal l so teain th 7 to 12, for six performances, will south of here late today.. ra vil also entertain with sevral also begin today. "R. U. R." is a fan- The Masonic temple here was turn- Tnovelty singing. tastical play with the plot laid far in ed into a makeshift hospital as the IThe.deoraytiodis for the dance will the future and with automaton men dead and dying were rusheed to this no s follow any distinct motif but have and "women for characters. Mr. Shuter city, een Ti e trfor a lount has the original manuscript of the It is expected that final checkup of comfort. The interior of the lounge play, and the presentation here will will reveal more than a dozen dead. vail be dressed with palms and color- be one of the first outside of New Through the effort of the Shrove- red fountains, besides the reduced cnl- York. The play itself was translated port Times, special nurses, doctors, ored lighting system that will be in by Paul Solver and Nagel Playfair and ambulances from the North effet. The private dining room and from a work by Karel Capec. The Louisiana sanitarium were dispatched the vestibule will be used as parlors, cast has as yet not been definitely to Pleasant Hill. Morticians sent two the former heing outfitted with bridged chosen. ambulances and provided transporta- n tables. Refreshments will be served I There are still a number of seats tion for the nurses. in the man dining room.. remaining for both performances of~ Meager information tonight describ- Reent and Mrs. Julius M. Beal, "The Man of Destiny" and "Annajan- ed the tornado as having cut a swath I Prof. and Mrs. F.Blythe Stason, and ska, the Bolshevik Empress" that will half a mile wide wrecking houses, Prof. and Mrs. Paul A. Leidy, will be be given tonight and tomorrow night. farms and other structures. the patronesses. The curtain will be held until 9 A home a mile and a half south of sifewstdetsswilhrmanbeorouted o'clock Saturday because of the Pleasant Hill was the first house side students, which may be procured basketball game preceding the per- struck. Out of the 12 occupants no hat the office of the Lawyer's club. formance. Tickets are priced at 75 one was injured. Tw nticket price is $3.50. Dancing cents. At another residence, Mrs. ). D. will continue from 9 o'clock until 1 Hicks and a son, Keyes, 25, were o'lok. DESCH POSTPONES killed outright. Keyes, it is said, had DESH OSTONST: been playing in the field, but becom- TWO UNIVERSITY ANN ARBOR' VISIT ing frightened went to the house ar- MEN GO ._riving there just as the storm struck I M NILL O TO I H D ch rofessor of fin all its fury. TEXAS AIR FIELD action if needed to protect foreign lives and property threatened by the invasion of Cantonese forces. Four thousand British soldiers ashore within the international set- tlements awaited developments; other British troops of the sea will bring the number up to 16,000, unless they are diverted to other ports of China. Five American war vessels, the Pittsburgh, Asheville, Sacramento, Edsall, and McCormick, had on board 1,100 marines ready for shore duty, and 1,200 other "devil dogs" are ex- pected from San Diego Feb. 24. The five foreign flags floating from' the warships were those of the United States, Great Britain, Japan, France and Italy. In Shanghai were many foreign refugees from Hankow and Kiukiang from which cities they had been; evacuated when coolie mobs overran the British concession dis- tricts, and Cantonese government of- ficials took over their administration.j Interest of foreign fighting men was{ L hP4I1to or] b tho talk that tha trnn bodying the same general provisions.j Three years ago it also voted down a bill by the same name with similar provision. WILL APPEAR MONDAY Gabrilowitsch Will Conduct DetroitI Organization in Last Number Of Choral Union Series REORGANIZED IN 1918 Ossip Gabrilowitsch and the De- troit Symphony orchestra will appear as the last number on the eighth an- nual Extra Concert series Monday night in Hill auditorium. This will har thic CONTRACTS TO DRAW PLANS FOR WOMEN'S f8 FIELD HOUSE ARE LET FOOT OF NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE TO BE SITE OF NEW STRUCTURE STREET TO BE CLOSED Expect To Ask Bids For Constrcteon Work In 3lMonth; To Be Ready For Next Fall Contracts for drawing the plans of the new Women's Field house were let yesterday afternoon by the Board in Control of Athletics to the lirm of Fry and Kasurin, local architects, and thus was started definite action to- ward the building of an athletic plant for Michigan women. The program of expansion of women's athletics at the University includes, besides the erection of the field house, the exten- sion of Palmer field into a playground 1200 feet long and 360 feet wide. The carrying out of this expansion program will mean the closing up of an entire street, the extension of an- other, and the expenditure of $250,- 000. The new field house will be lo- cated at the end of north University avenue, which has been recently ex- tended beyond the Health service, and will be directly across the street from the new Museum building, the con- tract for which has already been let. Fourteenth street will be known as Forest avenue and will extend up to Couzens nurses' dormitory. All of Belser street will be closed so as to allow an unbroken connection .with Palmer field. t ! ' I i I i I neignueneu o i ny e .a\ ena, ir oohs I be their second apearancuere 1uis of Marshal Sun Chuan-Sang, ruler of year the orchestra having played Kiangsu province in which Shanghai h is located, had suffered defeat in here December 13 on the 48th annual Sun's province of Chekiang and was Choral Union concert series under the falling back towards Shanghai. The auspices of the University School of Cantonese were said to have occupied Music. Hangchow, 113 miles from this city by The Detroit Symphony orchestra is rail, after severe fighting. Sun's foersere desribed as. d one of the youngest of the more prom- Sun's forces were described as de- moralized and seizing all available Inent musical organizations in the railway cars at Hangchow prepared country. It was founded in 1914 and to continue their retreat from Shang- reorganized in 1918. A year later the hai if necessary. people of Detroit built Orchestra hall as a home for the organization. Mr. Appointments Made Gabrilowitsch came as director of the TStaf orchestra also in 1918, and though he o .ecChnics S taffhad been for 20 years one of the most aetlprominent American pianists, he has won wide recognition for his work as a conductor. Appointments to the staff of the The orchestra has recently return- Michigan Technic official publication ed from a. tour of the East where MicthiganlTechnicofficileic it won considerable praise from crit- of the Colleges of Engineering and ics, even though some of the most not- Architecture, for the fiscal year end- able orchestras in the country make ing February, 1928, were announced at their home in that section. Since its the 39th annual banquet of that mag- reorganization in 1918 the Detroit' azine which was held last night at the Symphony orchestra has regularly Union. appeared in Ann Arbor twice a year. John S. Congo, '27E, was appointed Mr. Gabrilowitsch himself was born managing editor, and John L. Wot- in Petrograd, Russia, in 1878. He ring, '28E, was announneed as bus- :studied in the Conservatory of Music iness manager. The new appoint- there, where he was a pupil of Tol- inents will take effect immediately. stoff and Rubinstein and in 1894 won Technic charms were awarded to the Rubenstein piano prize. He then all members of the staff who served went to Vienna, studying under Les- one year or longer, by Prof. E. M. chetizky and Navratil. In 1909 he Bragg, of the advisory board. married Clara Clemens, daughter of "I have just received word from "Mark Twain" and toured in concert W. V. Merrihue, of he Engineering until 1918, when he took charge of the College Magazines, Associated, that in orchestra which he at present con- his opinion the last i sue of the Tech- ducts. nic is the best magazine ever publish- The concert Monday will start at ed by a member of the association," 8:15 o'clock. declared the new managing editor. Speakers at the dinner were Prof. .. B. F. Bailey of the electrical engineer- i Appropriation Bill ing department, Prof. A. H. White, head of the chemical engineering de- For Hospital Drawn partment, Prof. J. M. Albaladejp of the Romance languages department,( Louis Kirshman, retiring editor; and L, (By Associated Press)p J. A. Ardussi, '27E retiring business LANSING, Feb. 17-Bills providg I ~ A.Ardssi '2E rtirng usiessfor an appropriation for a psycho- manager.o pthc os0tl t"heUniversiyo Other appointments are: BernardMichigan, eight-hour days on public M. Cain, '29E, articles; Frederich works, and precautions against forest Schuman, '29E, publications manager; Claudius Gage, '29E, assistant bus- fires were drawn by the attorney-gen- Cm s Ganage,;2NeistManous-ll, eral today at the request of members iness manager; Neil MacDougall' of the legislature. '29E, college notes editor; Harlan F The University bill proposes $200,- Hedden, '29E, alumni news editor; 000 in the next fiscal year and an Lawrence Mengel, '28A, architectural LawrenceMng,'2A arhttraeua amount in 1928-29 for the hos- l editor; Theodore Rogvoy, '28, art edi- pital tor; William Page, '29A, circulation p . manager and Vernon Ford, '29E, ad- vertising. WOODSTOWN, N. J.-Crows, in such -numbers that they darken the sky and MOSCOW.-The United States have menace all small birds, have aroused again taken the lead over the world the fighting spirit of the residents of i" th eexnort tradIeo R ussa, I Salem county I , . i ,4 F ! t All Lots Purchased All lots south of Palmer field have been bought by the University and the houses are now being moved off while others have already been transferred during the past month. Bids are now being received for the clearing of the land and the cutting down of the hill on Palmer field, a distance of 24 feet to make the ground level with the southern part of the oresent women's field. The architecture of the new Wo- men's Field house will harmonize with the colonial, style of Couzens dormitory, which is located at the other end of the new field. There will be a long terrace on the side of the Field house, opeining onto the playing grounds. The general plans of Fry and Kasurin call for about 2,000 lock- ers, 64 showers, and 230 private dressing booths. The building will be of two stories with lockers and dress- ing rooms on both floors. On the first floor there will be a lounge room, 40 feet .by 56 feet. There will be a large Women's Athletic as- sociation room besides five office rooms, and a first aid station, and a kitchen for refreshments and -so- cials. A beautiful lobby will set off all these rooms on the main floor. The only athletic activity in the house will be four bowling alleys. In addition, there will be check rooms, supply roonis, and a hand apparatus room. All of the activities will be centered on the field except bowling. There will ne provisions for field hockey with several playing fields. Track will constitute a major spring and fall ac- tivity with a large running track, jumping standards and other appara- tus. Considerable ground will be de- voted to archery, which has been a popular sport with Michigan women. Additional tennis courts will be added to answer the popular demand. Base- ball fields will be built surrounding the playing field. Fry and Kasurin company are now working on the detailed plans for the construction so that in about a month's time bids can be let for the construction work of the project. Every effort is being made to speed up the preliminary plans so as to have the field and Field house ready for use n6Xt fall. Building To Cost $175,000 The plans call for an expenditure of $175,000 for the building and equip- ment within the Field house. The re- mainder of the $250,000 appropriation for the expansion of women's athlet- ics will be used towards preparing the field for the games and sports pro- posed. At present the women use a small, wooden house on Palmer field to serve as their headquarters. This has long ago proved inadequate for their out- door athletic activities and a com- mittee has been investigating the sit- uation for the past few months, which has resulted in the proposed expan- sion. This is the first elaborate ex- tension of women's athletics in the University since the erection of Bar- bour gymnasium. j INJURY FATAL TO NORMAL STUDENT Addresses Today This morning, Jay Downer, chief en- gineer of the Westchester county park commission will talk on "County Parks and Roadside Development". Discussion of the question after the address will be led by C. F. Boehler, engineer of design in the state high- way department, aid. H. F. Larson, engineer-manager of the Iron County Road Commission. Col. Sidney D. Walton of Detroit will give an ad- dress on "The Super Highway Plan, of the Detroit Meropolitan Area." Frank F. Rogers, state highway com-1 missioner of Michigan, and Leroy C. Smith, engineer-manager of the Wayne County Road commission will lead the discussion. The afternoon session will be com-1 i I t Pror. Ceci i. Let , prk7t;iJ1 U metallurgical engineering at Sheffield university, Sheffield, England, who was to speak before the Ann Arbor division of the Detroit chapter of the American Society for Steel Treating' tonight 'in Natural Science auditor- ium, has postponed his visit here in- definitely, according to word received by Prof. William P. Wood, secretary of the local group. Ac the visiting lecturer. Professor Two Michigan students, Georgej hlineman, '27E, and Fred Snavely, Daugherty's Defense '29E, received word yesterday from the commanding general of the sixth corps area at Chicago, that they have NEW YORK, Feb. 17.--The govern- been appointed to the rank of flying) ment appeared a house divided in the cadets in the Primary Air Flying Daugherty-Miller trial today when a i corps at Brooks field, San Antonio, high government official and a former Texas. They will entrain for the high official testified in favor of a de- South immediately to join their proper r f c t s c posed of speeches authorities on the by prominentI question ofI .1 street and highway safety. Judge Charles L. Bartlett of Detroit will talk on the subject, "From the I Standpoint of the Responsibility of{ the Highway Official." He will be fol- lowed by Gustav Schinck, commis- sioner from the department of police of Detroit, who will give the conclud-I ing address of the conference. His subject will be "From the Standpoint of the Police Official." PROVIDENCE, R. I.-Aram J. Poth- ier, a record breaker in getting elec- ted governor of the smallest state in the union, is just beginning his sev- enth term at the age of 73. As Lio S116 1 UL1G , 1 lc~ Desch delivered the annual lectureI before the Institute of Mining En- gineers last week in New York, follow- ing which urgent business forced him to postpone his tour of the West. fendant in a federal suit. After Aaron Sapiro, counsel sfor Thomas W. Miller, former alien prop- erty custodian, had announced there would be no defense for his client. APPRECIATING LIFE IS ABILITY TO HEAR TUNE OF UNIVERSE,ONDERDONK units. More than 500 men applied for ap- pointments of which 140 successful candidates were selected. Each ap- plicant was subjected to several rigid ' mental and physical examinations be- fore the final selection was made. The course of tivaining in Texas covers a period of one year after which the men will be enrolled in the reserve air corps of the United States Army. Hineman is president of tie Aero- nautical society of the University. d if i ill 611C I-,AIJUIL Ll CLUU LtJ 1L11DOIa. AlU lil4 VV~l H. Ability to hear "the tune of the uni- verse" is the essential quality of ap- preciating life, declared Dr. F. S. On- derdonk speaking at a public lecture held by the Tolstoy league yesterday in Angell hall. The topic of his dis- infects people with a feeling presence. He pointed out H. Bernard Shaw, and Tolstoya plifying this type of personali Dr. Onderdonk stated thatt two periods in a man's life g by his G. Wells, as exem- t BALTIMORE STUDENTS FORM CLUB FOR DISCOURAGEMENT OF SUICIDE (By Associated Press) , live" and its organizers express the Baltimore, Feb. 17-An anti-suicide hope that it would expand to combat club with an initial membership of 13 the "germ of self destruction." whose members pledge themselves to Cognizance of the suicide wave was take special courses in psychology, taken at the University of Maryland,4 study students' habits of thought, and also, where President R. A. Pearson, . i I Iy. there are S when lie TEXAS SENATE REPEALSI f