PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1927 _I Published every morning except Monday &turng the University year by the Board in Contrel of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial ;Assocation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise ;credited in this paper andthe local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffic at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate f postage granted by Third Assistant Post- waster Generl. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, *4.oo.. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building, May- mard Street.' Phones: Editorial, 4925; Tueiness aa4. FDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANIGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY. JR. Editor..............W. Calvin Patterson City Editor.............. Irwin A. Oliam CewyEdito.... Frederick Shillito News Editors.........Phil C. Brooks Women's Editor.............Marion Kubik Sports Editor...........Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwe ling ;uio and Drama......Vincent C. Wall. Jr. Night Editors Charles Behyme Ellis Merr Carton Champe St.nford N. Phelps Jo CambeliqCourtland C. Smith J amesHerld Cassam A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Carl Burger Henry Thurnas Joseph Brunswick Reporters Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaum Margaret Arthur Pan 'Kern 7-ast'o~nphr.l Sally Knox JessierChurch Richard Kurvink. £cr r. Clark! G. Thomas McKean Edward C. utmmings T'nneth Patrick Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy briancaxard W.t.Lleland MuLL15iisUIuu Clarence Edelson Tames Sheehan William 1Emerw Slvia Stone Robert E. Finch Mary Louise Taylor J. Martin Frissel Nelson J. Sita, Jr. Robert Gessner William Thurnan Margaret Gross Marian Welles Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasilewki Coleman J. Glencer Sherwood Winslow Harvey 4J Gunderson Herbert L. Vedder Q wart onker Milford Vanik )corton B. Icove BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Contracts ..................William C. Pusch Copywriting ..........Thomas E. Sunderland Local Adverting ....George H. Annable, Jr. Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven Publication........ ...ohn H.Bobrink { Accounts...... ...rancis A. Norquist A4slstants George B. Ahb Selma Jensen 4Allman James Jordan ;tbdh',.., aon ero": - red lott ' J Lnnington ster A. Booze Eizabeth Macauley ' . S. Bradley W. A. Mahaffy J. . Bownl R. A. Meyer Juliette ohen R. L. Miller Florence Cooper G. W. Perrett C. F. Correll R. W. Pestonz E. V. Egelang -D I ReadingB B.Fishman J. E. Robertson . Alie L. Fouch john ssihlee DJ . Fuller F A. . Scherer . Goldberg W\. I. Schloss L. H..Good na nce Solomon Beatrice Gren rg h larvey Talcott C. WV. Hamtm Fred Toepel A. M. Hintiy, U_ . T. Tremble M. R. ubbdp Harol d Utley r' . L. Iuh;e JHerbet Varni H. A. Jahn Ray Wachter WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1927 Night Editor-STEWART HOOKER ADVERTISING BLUNDERS Of the characteristics of campus organizations and activities, one of the most outstanding is the annual ro- tation of offices which is naturally re- garded as the student body changes. This relatively quick succession can truly be charged with much of the inefficiency which also features stu- dent activities. To be sure, the activities are gen- erally orgariized on the tryout basis whereby a student is at least ac- quainted with the work iivolved for one or two years before he is placed in a position of responsibility. Still, there are many special problems re- occuring each year which are under- stood only by the seniors who have completed their year's work. Ignor- ant of the appropriate solutions, the new officers continue to make the mistakes of their predecessors year after year. In general, they spend the entire first semester getting the or- ganizationas on a working basis. These conditions are by no means necessary, but could be obviated by having the outgoing office holder pre- pare a written record including an analysis bf his mistakes and other helpful hints. Such reports would be filed year by year so that the officers. in each activity would soon have a wealth of information to guide them. Also, they could be assisted, as they are now in many cases, with oral suggestions. In the activities in which the work is repetitive only year by year, the written report would Je particularly beneficial. .t could also b.e well ap- plied to 'te,:Student Council, the Union, the publications, and many other org*an tions. Though in some instances, the sen-1 eors occupying important positions during the last year have already. made way for the new class, it is hoped that all who are iii a position to do so will cooperate in establish- Ing a greater efficiency in Michigan activities. the methods the United States has used in handling the situation. Our state department, to be sure, has madatorily ordered peace in the Central American republic; but even on the face of it that does not seem to be such a bad thing. Nicaragua iited self does not feel nearly so insulted as Mexico. When Henry L. Stimsor the American plenipotentiary and ar- biter, announced his plan for a free election, the Nicaraguans themselve: lined the streets and cheered. A free eection, guaranteed by the most responsible government in the world, is not an obnoxious process even when applied in Central Amer- ica; and if the Nicaraguans them- selves can approve, and approve heartily, it seems that Mexico's pro- testing remarks are slightly out of order. MAY FESTIVAL Tonight will see the opening con- cert of the 34th annual May Festival, which can truly be said to be Ann Arbor's greatest musical event. The growth of the Festival is comparable to that of the University in that every year it has brought more and more brilliance to its performances. This same growth is all the more surprising when viewed from the angle of cultural endeavor. It is well known that haste and confusion are the paramount conditions acting against the smaller and finer things, when the more material results are being sought. The last thirty years have probably seen more of these big things done for Michigan than at any other time in her 90 years of exis- tence. So it is with considerable pride that Michigan can point as well to the development along humanistic lines-of which the May Festival is so great an example-that has not only followed but even superseded the former. The national significance of the Festival has assumed larger propor- tions with each succeeding year, until it has gradually been impressed upon the campus that it contains some- thing worth while for the personal enjoyment and advantage derived from attendance. The best artists of the musical world who have not ap- peared .in Ann Arbor are very few, indeed. One of the most famous sm phonic organizations now in exis- tence has 'been a regular feature of th .Festi'val concerts sinc'e their be- ginning. The monumental choral and orchestral works which have been ap- proved by time and many audiences have all ben presented here, and each year sees the premiere of one or two more. All this greatness Js carried into the University and is car-ried out again to the world outside, which is perhaps more significant. An often unrealized result of the May Festival, a result which is grounded deep in the foundations of Michigan is the appreciative interest aroused among the student body, an interest providing additional impetus behind the cycle of refinement, intel- ligence ad advancement. /-- - - -/I/I/I/ RASED OLL DAMN LI CKY s Music D Drama Heap big paleface had um day yes-t terday when Michigamua and her1 fighting braves made her annual B. M. O. C. selection yesterday. * * * NOW THAT the dustof battle and of brik has been partially cleanedc away, the congratulationis of Rolls are extended to the fortunate pale-1 faces. And we hope you won't feel3 insulted at. our laughing yesterday.I * * * Stationed in the library and wear-I ing a slicker for additional protection from the rain, we watched the cere-; monies about Tappan Oak, and to- gether with a large number of the on- looking juniors, we reached the 'mo- mentous decision that we wouldn't want to belong to Michigamua, any- way. SPECIAL NOTICE TO MICHIGA3LUA (Courtesy of B. and G. Boys ~PLEASE IDON'TIj MAKE PATHS CAMPUS * * . Tradition hung thick about the campus yesterday. First came the women, swinging out in their Mortar- boards, minus. In the afternoon, the air resounded with the whoops of braves on the warpath. And then, bedraggled by the rain, mutilated by the Student Council, but triumphant over all came Cap Night. * * * "At least," muttered the hard-work- ing councilman officiating at the Cap Night ceremonies, "they can't blame us for this rain." * * * THE FRESHMEN aren't the only ones who are glad Cap Night has come at last. The bestthat can be said for their pots is that they're no decoration and though they have the purpose, the rest of us are glad to see them go. * * * SOPH ATTENJ)S CAP NIGHT - Sad plight of the unfortunate soph- omore who attended the Freshman Cap Night services at Ferry Field last night. "I thought the fellow standing next to me was a junior when I yelled, 'Take it off' " was his only comment. * * * Professor Hobbs and the S. C. A will bear the brunt of the attack to- night at the meeting of Adelphi, an- other agency that takes a hearty in- terest in the burning affairs of the campus. A special delegation from Rolls will be on hand to defend-. We'll have to leave the rest blank until later, as it's a tossup as to which one is hard- est to defend. * * * Rolls special correspondent will be. on the scene of the battle. He will report anything-if it is said. * * * Clothing stores were indignant over the attempts of various agencies on the campus to inaugurate fireless, safe and sane Cap Night. * * * MORE ELECTIONS The grave old seniors will assemble this afternoon to ballot for the true B. M. O. C. members of their class. The men and women who have really' distinguished themselves on the campus will at last gain deserved recognition. * * * A close race for the office of class bluffer is predicted among retiring, members of the Student Council. ' * * * We met the logical candidate for' class handshaker at the electionsr last week. Unfortunately we can't recall his name. , Benjinii Bolt. TONIGHT: The first program of the thirty-fourthi annual May F"est- val at 8 o'clock In hill auditorium. i . * * * Earl Moore, Musical Director of the Festival announces Madame ERNES- TINE SCHUMANN-IIEINK in a con- cert of songs; assisted by the Chica-C go Symphony orchestra, FREDERICKo STOCK, conductor; and with a world's premier performance of the "Heroic Elegy" of HOWARD HAN- SON, under the baton of the com- poser. ** SHAKESPEAREAN REVIVAL AT THE BONSTELLE PLAYHOUSE Following a successful run of "Ro- meo and Juliet" in modern dress last year, Jessie Bonstelle is presenting "Hamlet" this week, with a possibility of continuing the production into next if the Guild members evince sufficient enthusiasm. For the rest of the sea- son Miss Bonstelle will adopt the customary summer policy of oneplay a week. For the first part of the week Ham- let is being shorn of the doublet and hose of his period, although the latter part of the week he will be trapped as usual in the circus vestments of period costume. The same sets will be used for both productions. The revival by Miss Bonsetelle is particularly pertinent considering the present attempt which is being made by the American Shakespeare Found- ation fund (under the direction of Professor Baker) to secure funds to restore the Shakespeare Memorial theatre at Stratford-on-Avon, Eng- land. The former Memorial Theatre was destroyed by fire a year ago, and the present plans include its restora- tion as well as endowment for a Museum, a library and a Dramatic School. "MARCO NILLLIONS" A review, by Thomas J. Dougall (Editor's Note: "Marco Millions" is Eugene O'Neill's last and so far unprodvuced play, although it will be done by the Theatreluid early next fall. It is the only O'Neill piay which has been published before a legitimate performance.) , "'Thisplay," to quote Eugene O'Neill in his rather ironic Foreword, "is an atterp to rqeer p4 tic justice to one long famous as a traveler, unjustly world .renowned as a liar, but sadly unrecognized by posterity in his true eminence as a man and a citizen- Marco Polo of Venice." Beauty and cleverness are the out- standing characteristics of this latest opus by America's foremost dramatist. It is done in his new manner, the manner of a poet, and it has only its dramatic sincerity and effectiveness in common with his former dialectic dilemmas. Perhaps one cannot say that there is no poetry in his former works, but the lyric note of Marco Millions has certainly never been sounded before. There is a Shavian quality in the treatment of Marco as the big butter and egg man of Venice, a note de- cidedly reminiscent of the Man of Destiny and The Great Catherine. But there is something more. Shaw has merely shown us a celebrity in undress, emotionally speaking, and while the result is ridiculous and ex- hiliaratig, it is really only an exhi- bition of mental acrobatics-more of Shaw capitalizing on his intelligence. It is the old problem of whether the emotils can be divorced from the intellec. Shaw has undoubtedly done it and *e murmur "Delicious!" But O'Neill has not, and I for one would say "Great!" quite audibly. He has not given us the comedy of a little' mind as Shaw would have done, but has rather written the tragedy of a small life-the tragedy of a satisfied man. Perhaps Marco is even more than that. Perhaps, but only perhaps, he is a symbol of the complacency of the world, that smooth, all-conquering force which breaks ideals and against which the intelligent beat savagely and in vain. Except for the Great God Brown, Marco Millions, in form and content ,is quite different from any of O'Neill's other plays. But his approach to life is lefinitely the same. Life, he says is so stupid it is mysterious. And he proves it with savage and revealing satire. He is always the conscious artist and his drama has an organic unity that is amazing in view of the fact that it -is entirely episodic in its structure. The play willtake a for- tune to produce and, even with the revisions that the author has made, the Theatre Guild will be extremely, ~~IIliillill 11!!01111111 tlIm 11111111111[flill lllitllfill l11tlltllitl iilililltl1111ill lilitlltt111illillili"IIIII] ilitllil - GRALHAM'S -o~ M-h, COMMENCEMENT GIFTS GRAHAM'S At Both Ends of the Diagonal 8 iiiii lil1ltiltlfll iill il li1ltl lllilillilllititlilil1 iN~t11 il ll llil iiH illiltilliiliiiillilltlilliiii N illlt11il~i111 '1 PLEASE" DON'T MAKE PATHS ON THE GRANGER'S Dancing Tonight 8to 10 You will harmony that Jack furnish at mid-week greatly enjoy the sweet and the entertainment Scott and his Wolverines each of our dances. Our parties are very pleasant. MANN'S Cc!~& HEADQUARTERS FOR PANAMA HATS Hats that are Good Prices that are Right. See us before you buy. Panama and Straw Hats Cleaned and Blocked We do regular Factory Work. Hats properly Bleached, properly Blocked, with all new trimmings, look just like new. (No Acids Used) Don't have a good hat ruined by having it done by unskilled work- men in cheap cleaning shops. I ii I r 'Granger's Academy Dancing Wednesday, Friday, SaturdaI Rhythm, Harmony, Pep Dancing to BOB CRUZET'S LAKE HOUSE COTTON PICKERS Wed., 8:30 to 11:30 Fri. and Sat., 9 to 12 Factory (Where D. U. 617 Packard St. Hat Store R. stops at State) Phone 7415 Watch the Drummer The Big Pavilion, Whitmore Lake I I CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. i POMFRE T ZS azz U7IT on it. It is made of afine genuine English Broad- cloth that retains its nice, silk-like finish. It pays to insist on Arrows, because by so doing, you get the best that there is in shirts, collars and materials ASK YOUR DEALER SOME QUESTIONS To The.Editor: I would like to inquire if any of the advocates of the extension of paternalism in the form of depriving students of this University of the right to operate gasoline vehicles have any facts which would answer these questions: 1. Is the annual death-rate of stu- dents of the University of Michigan' through automobile accidents appre- ciably greater than the annual death- rate through automobile accidents of all classes of people in the State of Michigan? 2. - Is the annual death-rate through automobile accidents greater for the students of the University of Michi- gan than for people of the same age (and presumbly the same maturity of judgment) in the state at large? The arguments for the automobile ban which are based on recent fatal accidents seem to me to be inconclu- sive unless supported by the definite figures required in answer to the above questtions. One death does not make a menace; nor one case a rule. The Legislature of the State of Michigan in its great wisdom, which I gather from last Sunday's Daily to be quite beyond the reach of super- latives, has seen fit to, grant to all persons past the age of fourteen (ex- cluding those with physical or men- tal defects) the privilege of operat-' ing cars. It might possibly be con- sidered as an- affront to the mature judgment of the legislature in 'o doing, were the University to take the stand that a large class of those ! rrivrscnn whih te p mrgl ,.r. ha S _ Help the dollars roll in Dollars come to,.some fellows like pro- posals to the college widow.. But others arc not so fortunate. Here's a message of good cheer for those men who wish to earn as they learn. It's a little talk about how to wheedle the dollars into the bank account during the summer months-enough of them to ease the strain through the coming semesters. The Fuller Brush Company, a great nationai organization known favorably to millions of American homes, offers you a most attractive proposition in return for your vacation efforts. It provides you free a thorough course in salesmanship. It paves the way for you viith an extensive advertising campaign in national magazines. It provides you with a wide range of products for which there already is a tremendous demand. You can earn easily from $50 to $75 a week. Many fellows have topped these igures. No investment ofdany kind required. If you are interested in the, few fine territories still available to the right sort of men, communicate today with R. S. REESE District Manager - 411 Woodbrook Bldg. DETROIT, MICH. I I Mr . 9 ii I" , F ' , . ..r Y ,, ,, - r o ti r' d 1 . , I x , , Come In and See Our Display of Ukuleles, Banjos BANJO-URES AND OTHER SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Summer will soon be here-the season that calls for outdoor recreation, outdoor music! Be prepared with a new ukulele, banjo, banjo-uke or other small instru- ment. Largest assortment-lowest prices-best values. . and 'Larned Streets, in Detroit, was conveyed to the University by the Governor and Judges, the Territorial Government of Michigan. Re- CabrielP irIATA. P:Ig, , o Ukulele $1.95 Sweet-toned rare Special See it today! Banjo-Uke $15 and Up. Bacon, Vega, Gibson, Ludwig, etc., Banjos. Tenor Banjos VICTOR RECORD by the U. of 1. Band Self FREE lnl i I =1 !1 4 '