THE MICHIGAN DILY WEDNESDAY, MAY IS, 1937 -n.----. _____---___________ ...NSDY A 1~12 ,, " CONSTANT ACT! VITIES WILL OCCUPY ISTUDENTS DURING FRESHMAN WEEKI i (k'orfn'in1 d fl-mm Page 01nc) ) etter able to adv}Se the studIents re- Notbniy J b55 u, also flkaiay g-aiding their studies. fleids of specialization ill be cov- "(fnr Suday afternoon every fresh- ered. A scsvee:of rcund Itable confer- k ran wrill be ur ged to at tend the tmices' for those students who havel dhm1cii of his preference. FcA those made up t heir nvinds as to their life !deianitely expressing no choice, a work will be hld, and _ini small jsmall religious convocation will be groups so they will b)e able to talk; provided." with leadlers in th~ei r various fields - - -- -----_______ ____ and proessions, also with eminent practictioners when possible. I. "MAaniy plans have b~een miade to 11111 RET' !)!at i~. ci."oiiz .op- (" ( gj2 /JSouth State St. toni Wliibn~~i~'~de farvv-Specil This Week Cry on: ; o )breaf'-iA; o spefrvdFreak sport '. it, rcd y attEcr on W .ill ln