ESTABLISHED 1890 Y an %ss I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 165 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SWOLLEN FLOOD RiVER SEEPS OVER LEVEES TO COVER NEW LREAS WATERS RUSH UPON SLEEPING TOWN IN EARLY HOURS OF MORNING ANOTIER CITY INUNDATED Newly-Freed Waters Of Atchafalaya Join Those Rushing Through 1 Bayou Des Glases Break (By Associated Press) NEW ORLEANS, May 17.-Conquer- ing its earthen, man-made barriers, a swollenAtchafalaya, fed by the Mis- sissippi flood waters, today added Melville, Louisiana, to the long list of towns that have been inundated, during the present flood.' Leaving the inhabitants viewing the remnants of their city 'from dwellings tops as they awaited refugee boats, the waters raced onward and west-~ ward to join those flowing through the Bayou Des Glaise break, which al-7 ready have swept some 40 miles down the valleys to Palmero. Palmero is approximately 50 miles northward of Baton Rouge. Side Dikes Hold Waters ' The side dikes of the Atchafalaya still were holding the waters out of the eight parishes comprising the "sugarbowl" of Louisiana located be- tween the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers. No lives werebelieved lost in Mel- ille, in spite of the fact that the river was loosed upon the town in the early morning hours while many of the residents still were sleeping. Fleeing before the waters, they sought refuge on the levees and on upper floors of buildings until boats could reach them. Late this afternoon the water had openecd a 2000-foot crevasse. Still another crevasse occurred on the west bank of the Atchafalaya six miles above Melville this afternoon, but the territory affected already was under< water., The New Orleans weather bureau said that the water was running one foot deep over the Texas and Pacific railroad tracks at Palmero and Mor- row, and the western extremities of the Bayou Des Glaises, eight miles from Palmero, that was rising two, feet a day.I Every precaution was urged against "these unprecedented conditions in the Atchafalaya basin." The crest of the flood was more than 100 miles away at Ferriday in the Texas basin and moving slowly i down upon the Atchafalaya. The weather bureau said its stages werel three feet above those of the flood of1 1882. It was estimated it would re- quire from three to four weeks for it to reach Morgan City at the end of the Gulf of Mexico.- The weather bureau said that con- ditions now in sight indicated the flood in St.' Martinsparish would be 17 to 20 feet deep in the bottoms. Mississippi Precautions Taken The Mississippi river below old riv- er will not change materially withins the next few days, the weather bureau bulletin said, but precautions were urged continued against stages pre- viously predicted. Twelve square miles already had been inundated from the Melville erevasse. A high railroad embank- ment at the town was believed to have contributed largely to the safety of the inhabitants by breaking the first rush of the waters. ATLANTIC FLYERS1 HELD BY WEATHER! (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 17.-The weather man became almost optimistic late to- day in his consideration of atmosphe- ric conditions and their relation to the trans-Atlantic flight. Almost optinmistic he became but not quite, however. "There is aI slight turn in the right direction," he1 said cautiously, "but only a slight one. We have advised against any hopoff tomorrow morning." "How about later in the day?" he was asked. "Well, there's just a chance," he replied. "There are indications of gradual clearing, but not strong enough yet to make any definite pre- dictions." While the weather man prepared charts of fog and winds for them the six aviators waiting to hop off on their great adventure continued tests of their planes, went visiting, or just ANNUAL CAP NIGHT CEREMONY HELD AT FERRY FIELD AMID FIRE, SONGS DR, JACKSON STATES! THREE STUDENTS FROM ANN ARBOR MI'0CAL PIONEER AGESTILL IN CONTEST (Special to The Daily) By Benjzindn Bolt Led by the Varsity band and bear- ing a sombre coffin aloft as a symbol of departing verdancy, more than 500 eslh~men marched to South Ferry field last night to participate in an abbreviated annual Cap Night exer-i cise.I Although the event had been plan- ned as an exclusive freshman affair,, a large number of yearlings displayed their democracy and a sympathy for th-eir uninvited classmates by not at- tending. However although uninvited. a number of students aMd townspeople !nied State street to watch the fresh- men snake dance their way to the bon- fire and freedom from upperclass op- I pression.; Arriving at Ferry field, the march- ers found that some well-meaningl person had made a large pile of old crates and boxes in the center of the field. This they surrounded, with shouts for its destruction.; Members of the Student council; now came to the fore. Several were employed in keeping the freshmen in order, while one or two of the hard- ier spirits proceeded to cast gasoline; or some such liquid on the pile. It almost looked like an old-fash- f ioned Cap Night while the fire wast burning. Even though the band almost1 forgot to play the time-hallowed; "Where, Oh, Where, are the Verdant; Freshmen," and though Ferry fieldi can hardly compare with picturesquel Sleepy Hollow, still when the pots were sailing through the air it was just like old times. After all the pots and the coffin had been added to the flames, the freshmen were allowed to snake dance away a little more surplus energy. Then, still led by the band, they pro- ceeded to Yost Field house, where, to everyone's surprise, Baron Butter- field had prepared a moving picture show for their especial benefit. } Perhaps it was the projection dif-I ficulties, which the manager so kind- ly explained, but it rather seemed asl though the Baron wasn't taking any chancep of being called upon to pro- duce any more free shows. "The Cra- dle Snatchers" was the name of the+ picture, and it contained a number of actors and actresses, of whom Louise Fazenda was th'e only one we recog- nized on the temporary screen, has- tily constructed late this afternoon when the Baron suddenly learned the May Festival company were playing to have and to hold with Hill audi- torium. After the show was over a hundre( or so freshmen, still intent en pre serving tradition, started another snake dance up State street. A half-hearted attempt to stage r riot and enter the Maj was made by the survivors. However, lacking the ex- perience of upperclassmen, they soon abandoned the attempt. Spectators re- port that no tear gas was used, al- though the police were ready, and! saged a little shadow rioting of theirI own between shows at the Arcade. MAYI FESTIVL OPENING TODAY TO OFFER SATE MUSIC LOVERS NOTED ARTISTS AND SYMIPHONY i MOVETOWARD UNION OF- CUSTOMS PLANNED Resolution Would Empower League, To Propose Identical Tariff In European Countries DELEGATES SUGGEST PLAN (By Associated Press) GENEVA, May 17-A move towards1 a European customs union was de- duced by many delegates today from a resolution which was given prelim- inary approval by the Economic con- ference. Under this resolution the League of Nations would be empowered to pro- pose measures calculate to secure either an identical tariff system among European countries or a common bas-' is for the elaboration of long term commercial treaties. Subcommissions previously had flayed extensive tariff protection and laid down the doctrine that nationsj should remove or at least diminish tariff barriers which were so greatly hamperinig trade, by beginning with' those barriers imposed to counteract the effects of the Great war. The granting of unconditional most-' favored-nation treatment was declar- ed to be essential to a free and heal- thy development of commerce. Some delegates contributed an- other resolution concerning the ap- plication of terms as an implied criticism of the policy of American treasury agents of occasionally ex- amining the books of European man- ufacturers in an effort to determine the cost of production. A resolution says that investigation in connection vith the application of custorns duties should be administer- ed with full regard for the main tenets of commercial good will among nations and that inspection involving inquisitional procedure should be eliminated. PRESIDENT LITTLE TO TALK IN NORTH President Clarence Cook Little left Monday night for Houghton, Mich., where he will address several organ- izations today. This morning he will speak before the district convention of Rotary clubs, which includes all the clubs in the Upper Peninsula, as well as those in northern Wisconsin. His aspeechwhich will be the principal talk of the final day, of the conven- tion will have for its subject "The State University and Conservation". His address in the afternoon will be given before the county school board association. MOCK ELECTIONS TO OCCUR TODAY Senior class mock elections, to choose the recipients of the traditional class "honors" will be held at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Natural Science auditorium'. (BEGIN MICHIGANENSIAN DISTRIBUTION TODAY Annuals Will Be Given Out From S' 4 O'clock Today, Wednesday And Friday T0 IS ENDED IN SPEECH: LECTURES BEFORE MEDICAL AS- SOCIATION CONVENING AT WASHINGTON COOLIDGE GIVES ADDRESS1 Convention Hears President Coolidge As One Of The-Main Speake~rs On Program (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 16.-The age1 of medical pioneering is about at an end and an era, of reconstruction, based on the knowledge gleaned from the past stretched ahead, Dr. Jabez M. Jackson, of Kansas City, said tonightI in addressing the American Medical; ansociation in convention here. As president-elect of the organiza- tion he was one of two principle speakers on tonight's program, the other being President Coolidge. "The doctor of today, said Dr. Jack- son, "faces th'e future quite a dif- ferent man from the one who entered medicine a generation ago. Then the1 equipment was rather a meager edu- cation with little absolute knowledge.1 Says Doctors Well Educated ! "Today he is an educated man to begin with, inheriting the knowledge of the past and aided by all the re- sources that science can add. "Much will be expected of him, much cooperation required. The lab- oratory and the hospital must be at his command as the people of today have been educated to a new standard of service." Asserting that the laboratory and hospital and their cooperation fur- nished the prime problem of medical science, Dr. Jackson appealed for more endowed medical institutions, pointing out that economic pressure is making them increasingly necessary. "It must be recognized as an un-1 escapable fact that actual expense of hospital service is such that few to- day can make both ends meet without outside .aid" he said, adding that a few people must give for their own1 protoction endowments that will meet the cost of purely scientific service and equip adequate laboratories. Dr. Jackson deplored the disappear- ance of the general practitioner in the rural districts, but declared it not surprising, faced as he is with the1 advent of hospitals and specialists. Asserting that the federal restric- tions on medicinal whiskey had been made necessary to "curb a few boot- leg doctors and druggists," Wayne B. Wheeler of the ,Anti-Saloon League defended the regulations as reason- able. Mr. Wheeler, said he made the statement in connection with the controversy over medicinal whiskey at the Medical association meeting here. "The national prohibition act does not prevent a doctor from prescribing pure ethyl alcohol with whatever medicament is necessary," he said. "Most doctors admit that pure alco- hol plus a medicament is a safer medicine than whiskey. Medicinal whiskey in beverage form is used largely as a substitute for booze at the request of the patient, rather than on the best judgment of the physi- cian." Business legislation together with a memorial service at Arlington am- phitheater honoring members of the association who lost their lives in the World war rounded Gut the day. To- morrow's program calls for lectures and clinical demonstrations by lead- ing surgeons and specialists, and the home of delegates was scheduled to Three Michigan students of the ori- ginal ten competing in the College screen tests taken by the First Na- tional Studios in California are.amoiig the last forty selected for the sen'i- final choice, according to word re- ceived yesterday from John McCor- mick who screened the men here. Of the forty remaining, the final ten will be chosen by executives of the First National Pictures in conjunction with leading newspaper syndicate men, Fan Magazine and Motion Picture trade paper editors, next 'Monday, May 23. The Michigan men who yet have a, chance to go to Hollywood this sum- mer are Thomas; K. Denton, '28, Ar- thur H. Lee, '28, and Leland S. Wil- cox, '27. The judging conmittee next Monday, according to Mr. McCormick, will comprise over one hundred per-j sons qualified by experience to de- termine the bast screen possibilities among the remaining contestants. ,These forty remaining men were chosen from, the original three hun- dred tests made recently at the lead- ing colleges and universities through- out the country. The final ten select- ed from' the forty in the semi-finals will go to Hollywood at the close of the school year, their expenses fully paid, andtwil sreceive a weekly salary during the summer months while given every possible chance to make good in the motion picture world.- HOUGH TALKS*BEFORE~ COSMOPOLITA GRO0UP Pastor Of Detroit Central Methodist Ep iscopal Church Lectures On "League 'Of Friendly Minds" IS SPEAKER AT BANQUET RECEIPTS ARE NECESSARY1 Distribution of the 1927 Michigan- ensian will open today in the basement pf the Library, more than 3000 of the copies arriving here yesterday, o1, half of which were unloaded.t A desk will be placed outside oCj the entrance to the basement of thel Library on the East Side where re- ceipts are taken and stubs of these given out to those prfsenting re- ceipts. These stubs may then be tak- en to the basement where they will be redeemed by a copy of the 'Ensiah. The hours of distribution are from 8 to 4 o'clock, today, tomorrow, and Fri-I day. After this they will be removed to the office of the publication in the Press building where more will be given out until June 1. Following along the lines of past editions, the usual sections, featuies, classes, athletics, honorary societies, activities, fraternities, sororities, wo- men's activities, and a satire section. In the last section is found the big- gest change from the customs of the past. There is a resume by Timothy Hay of the Toasted Roll's columns taken from The Daily for the past year as well as some other humor written by hm. Only a few other minor changes. have been made. An unusually fine selection of etchings is found in the front of the book with the history of the University exemplified by photo-1 graphs in the feature section. Pictures of all class officers and members of the graduating classes are to be found in the same class section. The year-book is dedicated to Pres-f ident Clarence Cook Little as "One, who believes in youth, and in whom youth believes. Under whose leader- ship Michigan, the pioneer of the past is still opening new paths in educa- tion." Although a League of Friendly Minds is only possible through a com- plete understanding of the various cultures, races, and nations of the. universe, and that although the cost of such a world wide harmony of peoples is so terrificto the individual and to the groups at large, the re- sult would be well worth the price, stated Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, pas- tor of the Central Methodist Episcopal church of Detroit and former presi- dent of Northwestern university, at the annual banquet of the Cosmopo-E litan club held last night in the Pres- byterian church. Mentioning the fact that the Cosmo- politan club was the ideal of the League of Friendly Minds become concrete, Dr. Hough went on to say, "You can become profoundly inter- ested in any race, in any nation, and in any culture, only when you makej that race, or nation, or culture your own. The cost of this is terrible and consumes a lifetinee." He further declared that a complete understand- ing of the various religions and philo- sophies which is vitally necessary for a league of understanding would in- clude the study of Buddhism, of Is- lam, of Shintoism, of the creed of Zoroaster, and that of Confucius, as well as the Greek speculations, would take an enormous amont of time. Dr. Hough added that after know-I ing the literature and temperament and culture of any people or nation one would appreciate it and a recon- ciliation would be made with that nation or people. "Culture does something for you which has never been done for you before. You have a feeling of personal gratitude." "The League of Nations is a vast body of provincial groups, all self- centered, and for this reason it is not as successful as it might be. An appreciation of the whole world is ne- .i ,) ., FIRST PARTICIPATING ARTISTS WILL ARRiIV.E IN AN'' ARBOR FOR REHEAISALS TODAY ONLY FEW TICKETS LEFT Last 1Iiinute Change In Program Made To Pay honor To Late Prof. Francis W. Kelsey Madame Schumann-hleink Celebrated sonrano, who will appear at the opening concert of the 34th Annual May Festival tonight. YELLING REDMEN FALL ON VICTIMS BY LEGEND TREE Listen to this tale of romance, ' Tale of Indian warriors bold- In the early moon of green leaves Came they forth, the stoics val- ient; Forth they romped to paleface wigym, Wigwam once of friendly Great Chief, Paleface mighty 'mong his kind; Came he forth to take their token Of the warpath they would tread. Then to the mighty oak of Tappan Dashed the screaming, yelling redmen ; To the tree'of Indian legend Where the whitemen nale and trembling Warriors choice of pale face na- tion. Choice of tribe to run the gaunt- let. Downrnthe warriors, painted de- l inrons, Swooped and caught their prey like eagles, Loud the warcry stirred the still- ness As they seized their hapless cap- tives, Forth they bore them to their wigwa There to. torture at their pleasure. Ann Arbor and the University will >e host to hundreds of music lovers rom all over Michigan and various >oints of the country, beginning to- light with the opening concert of the 4th annual May Festival in Hill au- litorium. Preparations for the Festi- ral have been completed, during the .ast week, and the first of the parti- ipating artists will arrive in Ain rbor this morning. Rehearsals will >e held immediately. Workmen from the buildings and ;rounds department have been busy or several days past installing the xtra seats on the stage of Hill audi- oriumn, and enlarging the stage. These neasures were necessary to accommo- tae the groups which will be using he stage at one time. The auditor- um itself has been redecorated and enovated for the occasion. Kelsey To Be Honored A change has been made in the rogram at the last minute to pay onor to the late Prof. Francis W. {elsey, according to an announcement nade yesterday by Earl V. Moore, di- ecotor of the Festival. In place of he number, Beethoven's "Scene from 7idelio," which was to have been iven by the quartet at the second oncert on Thursday night, the funeral narch from the "Eroica Symphony" )y Beethoven will be played by the rchestra. Professor Kelsey was a nember of the board of directors of he School of Music. Both course tickets and single ad- nissions- to the various concerts of he Festival have been entirely sold ilt, excepting for a fe in the second balcony, according to a statement by Charles A. Sink, secretary and busi- ness manager of the School of Music. These may be obtained at the office f the school on Maynard street. Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heink s expected to arrive in Ann Arbor his morning. She will be the prin- -ipal attraction at the first concert tonight, and will be assisted by the Chicago Symphony orchestra, under he direction of Frederick Stock. Madame Schumann-Heink is con- idered by authorities to be the great- st of the single attractions on this year's Festival program. Her visit is Af more importance inasmuch as it marks her return to Ann Arbor, where she has sung many times be- fore, to celebrate the fiftieth year of her appearance on the concert stage. She was brought here last year to appear on the Choral Union concert series. Howard Hanson, musical director of the Eastman school of music,.Roches- ter, N. Y., arrived in Ann Arbor yes- erday and conducted rehearsals of the Choral Union last night in Hill audi- torium. Dr. Hanson is the composer of the "Lament for Beowulf" the pre- miere of which was presented at last year's Festival and which received much favorable commendation. . This ear he was commissioned by the na- ional committee for the observance of the Beethoven centenary to write the "Heroic Elegy" in commemoration' of that composer. This work will re- ceive its first presentation by the Chicago Symphony orchestra tonight, and Dr. Hanson will act as guest con- ductor. Other I3'thoven music which will be played or sung durig the festival includes the "Symphony No. 7 in A major," also given by the Or- chestra at tonight's concert; two num- bers by the Choral Union and orches- tra at the second concert tomorrow forte No. 5," which will be played by night; and the "Concerto for Piano- Ernest Hutcheson at the fifth concert on Saturday afternoon. The second concert tomorrow night will "feature the+ "Missa Solemnis" of Beethoven, which will be given joint- ly by the Choral Union, the Chicago Symphony orchestra, and the quartet, consisting of Betsy Lane Shepherd, Elsie Baker, Arthur Hackett, and William Simmons, all of the Metro- politan Grand Opera company. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR KELSEY Funeral services for Prof. Francis W. Kelsey of the Latin department, There they ate camp-fires, Heard the words dom, Smoked the pine friendship. Thus there came Jo Chamberlin, Courtland' Smith, round glowing of- mighty wis- of peace and, to Michigainua: Ellis Merry, Raymond Read, take action on a resolution calling for cessary. When enough people join a nation-wide referendum on the med-the League of the Friendly Minds ical value of whiskey which was post- there will be a true League of Na- poned from today. tions," concluded Dr. Hough. FRAYER ANNOUNCES NEW ACTIVITIES FOR ENTERING STUDENTS TO AID IN PROPER START AT MICHIGAN ________________- Constant activities to occupy en- tering students during Freshman week next September have been planned by the committee in charge, according to Prof. William A. Frayer of the his I tory department, chairman. No effort1 will be spared, according to Professor Frayer, to give the freshmen a proper start on their new life. "Freshman week is one of the most important phases of the plan to hu- manize our education, that is to bring' about a more effective personal con- tact between students and faculty," said Professor Frayer. "The program has been designed to make an effec- tive beginning in such endeavors. President Originated Idea tering freshman to the campus notI later than Monday'morning, Sept. 12. Attendance will be obligatory. When the freshman arrive, they will 'sign in' and then will be immediately assign- ed to a faculty advisor. There will beE over 50 of these advisors, so that no one wil have over 25 students. Each will be assisted by several upper class helpers, who will be able, to cover much ground that the older men could not touch.; Registrar Plans Questionaire "A preliminary step has already been made by Registrar Smith in his elaborate questionaire to prospective students, which makes a close study of individual students possible before ar- the usual manner, but by definite time assignments the usual delay is ex- pected to be largely avoided. We are seeking to avoid, so far as possible,, the mob element in our arrangements. "Under our special program prac- tically every hour will be occupied. On Monday an assembly will be ad- dressed by President Little. At least; one special concert will be given. One; of the pleasantest events will be theI mass meetings for the practice ofI Michigan songs. Several mixers and get-togethers will be held at the Union. "A very elaborate program to intro-! duce the freshmen in small groups to the library is being worked out. Stu- dents who have expressed a real in- Albert Vyse, Clarence Brownell, n Bryan Hunt, William Pusch, Louis Kubicek, Carl Loos, Ben- nie Oosterbaan,. Henry Grinnell, o Stephen Jones, George Hestert Paul Samson, John Starrett, c James Hughey. Cubs Defeat Boston In 20 Inning Contestf Chicago and Boston played twenty- two innings yesterday'before the Cubst finally managed to slip the winning run over the plate. Osborne finished f the game for Chicago after both I Blake and Brillheart had been knock- ed off the mound. "Bob Smith pitched c the whole game for the Braves and it looked as if he would brekk the exist- ing record of pitching twenty six in-) nings in one game which was played between Brooklyn and Bu'ston. ILLINOIS.- Appropriations for the university tdtaling $10,500,000 wereI approved by the governor. COUNCIL WILL NOT MEET S No meeting of the Student E t