THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY ' V PIT PLACES MANY Plaeenlent! of Teaibers] In Lover MIfeigan;1 - For Detroit Scl FEWER PLA CES Placements to teaching next year which have b the .University Bur~eau of. already number 128. 'Thi appointments which ha recorded and others whi made without the assistai Sreau. The majority of plac( been for schools in thes i gan, a large percentage troit and the lower pen ever, several prospective1 'signed contracts for thei insular Menominee offer( cies which were filled.0 state a few have been1 Saway as Missouri and 01 Sschools, junior colleges are on the list. hPlacements this year Sfigure of last due to the condition of the field. "Iv acco rdin,g to Miss Marga b"are teaching aferm leaving fewer pjositons were fewer vacancies and Sments than last year." T combined with ;the 'act tendents seemh to be lat their staffs partially expl %that' only 128 T ~hbement made out of 504 calls th A~ pared with 188 placemen ' calls last year. HOLD bAt Due to the recent cha Open Road tour schedul Sigan unde~gradudtt a won for acceptance of one of open for the trip ' has be for a few days. All opt have been in' May 15. S Swas changed from a mid / one including the British Holland, and Belgium, wi s taLy at Geneva, the Inter dent Center, interest h; d, eveloping .inthe project. Four reservation~s have na~e by MajreY illh Smnither, '21), Helen ~Bro, Phyllis -Richards, '28, wh ers are coi~pleting their ~tbo group. BUHIU!.ichgan"Coed" Defies Paris Edict'of Feminine Styles For Present Season IJLI~~lIU Paris says beads, beads, and more when you examine it closely. It is of them to be used as trimming on the, pleated and split into halves like Is Principally straight line evening gown. But the trousers; it is a deceptive model if the Mkanyign coed" on this campus looks Paris in; wearer does not take too long steps. hoots tile eye and. says: "Give me the plainE She finds it very convenient for horse-j little perky taffeta for formal wear,-;back riding, too. 4VV ritJand without ornamentation." Three ofI Matching accessories in color seemsI .v the bouffant taffeta models to one to be an important amusement of the frock of "perpendlicular" line are sold ,"coed" 'here; but not an inexpensive g positions for to the women students by the local oe h n-oo ceehsbe enmdbystores. ij carried out for hats, scarfs, buckles, Appintent Pais(lelars:-furispasse. The ;and the -like for several months. Now ere are some "coedl" comes back with "not for me"; (they include shoes, which must be in not eenand shep continues to display fur trim-' line with the hat and choker beads es- Lch ofhae been mirlg on her coats, and to make the pecially. Red, ;green, and blue are small fur choker a necessary acces- equally popular. eet haesory to her suits. The "coedl" who wears a coat of the state of Mich- The campus woman puts her thumbs plain tan, brown or blue of other sbeing in De- down on the Parisian "in-between" !years knows that she is not a la mode, ninsula. H~ow- dress. She dlemandls the sport outfit, because all around her she sees hterl teachers have or the "dressy" dress-one or the. sisters wrapped in comfortable loose- northern pen- other! Of course almost any frock, ly belted coats of novelty plaids and ed six vacan- that isn't the latter can be classified the mixture weaves. Of course, if the Outside of the under the name of sports, whichA sat- college girl of fashion must have a placed as far isfies any particular person. 1plain model, she chooses black, which llahoma. High Then milady of the Michigan cam- will, fit in very nicely with the pre- and colleges puts whio professes to be fully eman- valent black and white scheme. cipated from fashion experts, makes' It. is violet time in Ann Arbor, and are below the her independence null and void by ap- these royal yet simple little flowers over-crowded plauding for low necks and short i are not growing "by a mossy stone, Manypeope,"sleeves after they have firmly estab- half-hidden'to the ee", but are being ~re Ca-ieonlished themselves for the coming sea-il displayed in huge bouquets on the narriage and son. When announcement yfirst came campus woman's collar. Some of them open. There out of the return of short sleeves, the are real, and some are factory made- d fwe plce' college mistress held up her hands in but they all give the same fresh "sutm- ie e pl c --..-.n-1nIIAnth en ;_tn n r "o m ah - + --1,11. NEIN MEMBERlS 1EABEict New MflPIP~flAfl~ or Junior Iflofty, Unmi-- Officers Society N0O T I C ESI at 4 o'clock tomorrow at Newbherry Tphe Thieta Sigma I Matrix ban- hIn-las track meet to be held to- quet which was toa1h( held today has day ~vill begin promptly at 4:30 o'clock III U IIIfuuriIU iA At the election held 'immediately af- i I 7C vJE'i itt $:<1UU *Vtt <<< <