TUESDAY, MTAY47, 11927 TH ± MICHIGAN DAILY. - 'C .. . ~ . :, TO MEDIGAL MEETINGI Seven members of the University hospital m~edical staff left yesterday for Washington, D. C. where they will attend the sevenity-eighth annual con- vention of the American Medical as-r sociation from Maiy 16 to 20, which more than 12,000 physicians from all lilarts of the country are expected to attend, Doctor U. 3. Wile and Dr. G. H. Delote of the dermatology department, Dr. E. A. Pohle and Dr. P. M. Hickey of the roentgenology department, Dr.l W. P. Parker of the ophthalmology d e- ° partment, and Dr. A. C. Curtis, med- ical dlepartment from /the Universityl Hospital are the physicians who will attend the convention. Diagnostic clinics in which recent developments in medical science have been made evil l'be held in various lo- cal hospitals. Tomorrow the conven- tion will divide into fifteen ;groups for the discuission of a widely varied range of medical~ subjects, including discussions and (demonstrations of re-[ cent advances in professional ethics and medical standards, public health education, am'd' methods' of protecting the public figainst'tunscrupulous quack doctors. More than 350 papers aref scheduled to be. read during these Meetings wvhichi will constitute the re-1 mainder of the session. The subject of governmental encroachment of the mnedical nractic~e is expected to be one of the chi~ef topics of discussion by the council of delegates, and will prob)- ably include debates on the medical value, of alcohol. IWAV.ROSS ione, 6293. Typing Can Be Left at SIFT'S 1RRiTcGSTORE Elizabeth Lucas, '28, Wins First place In Atkinson Oratori cal Contest Sunday x$. -*. _ ;.:xr- =.? :s , -vst , n.,y .t :;« .. Li 1Fivst honors for the Atlinson Ora- toric'al contest held Sunday night in the auditorium of Lantd Bail wereI awarded to Elizabeth' Lucas, '28, wvhose oration was "The Rediscovery of Jesus' Teachings". Bly taking first' place, Mtiss Lucas won $40 and *a gold medal.j Second place, carrying an award of5 $25, w~as won by Jarl Andeer, '29, who spoke on "The Ideal of Faith". Third place, which carried an award of $10, was won by Patricia Hodgson, '27Ed, i whose topic was "A Modern Chris-! tian." The contest was estabiished by Mr.' 0. C. Atkinson of B~attle Creek in lion- or of his son, and was under the per- sonal supervision of Mr. Lewis C. Pei- t mann of Lane hall INDIANA. - Construction of aa field house costing $250,000 is planned for next year. 5-e TELEPHONE CO00 Long Distance Telepho ne Servic Sells Flour For Voight ¢ywlonS~becr~e.e14enga CRANDRAP108,MtCn. Duec. 7th, 14;;0. U~r. E. H. Dickey. Mihigan Bell Telephone Co.. City. Deer MIr. Dickey:- We thought it would be maell to let you know of the improvement in the long dietanoee ervice. We have from ten to twenty calla a day, long distance, and we own cheerfully nay that it helps materially in getting ordere on Voigt's'Creaent flour and other'Voigt produts. Re hope that the good service that you~ have been rendering will continue and with best wishee, we are. Very truly yours. V0IOT MILLIHG O~P C8Vfea dowel'. An Auhnic Sle tIJE bought for an earlier season bu~t it did r._ not, come. Good merchandiing pri1ciples; demnds, that we, have this sale. T'zis is d#ot stock bought for sale ,purposes but it is mnerj han- dise of 'our regular high stadard at ma 1ey saving prices S UIT$ One huntred and eighty SPRING suits tailed by LANGROCK and SCLLEYER Typewriting ands Mimeographing Prompt sei'~iie. Experienced oper- ators: Modterate rates. 0." D. MORRILL Time Typewriter and Stationery Store. 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615, ]DRY CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING All work guaranteed. Sine our'Tailor Custom Made Stilts. CHAS. DOUKAS 1°3h19 S. Universtiy Ave. reducd to \ 35' All Tapcats fro m our regular stock c TUXEDOS at 13off a nd c arw 3 t Y v. 1 I . ! Nj .'4'j 7 S CyI ' ti;F ._ f i 2 i U-FURNISIWGSI Neck wear Original $2.50 and, 2.00,now... Original, $1 .7S'5ancl 1.5+0 now ... }.. . G e t Y {: a f t , 1.Q I Shirts SAll $3.50shirts now .. 3 tot 8.50~ i1 Haits A11,07 00Felt hats. All of our regular. stock at Sport.Jackel Complete, stock of leather. and cloth jacket at I 4,.,75 i ! '' P o . S ... : , *1-. off 13 of p, " 4 z. I.. 0 'I- V CO4NDI-,TI6WS' OF SALE Modern smoking pleasure that never f ails Strictly a CASHI SALIE---N4qt hingI chargg, 2. 4A$i.Q eposit ho44yourlselect for ti w4~efeks 3, Aleratioi;s wil, be charged for at os. THE smokers of this age are the most independent ever known. 'Accepting no hearsay, they have smoked out the facts. They have learned that the choicest Turkish and Domestic to- baccos grown are rolled into Camels, .w that here is the incomparable blend- ing for goodness, that 'Camels simply will never fail you, never give you any but the finest thrill of smoking pleasure. This is why Camel's popu- larity, by far the largest. in the modern world, keeps overwhelmingly in the lead. As modern taste becomes more insistent upon choice tobaccos, in- creasing millions discover Camel's in- AsN