SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1!}27 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -.... ......a. .,. DETROIT NORTHWESTEBN I S INT ERSCHOLASTIC TIAUK Eq L I AGHEI&COMPANY jor fl/en 1iSnceI&4& COUM W SAT3P..A DVERTISIN G AT 3 PJ NORTHIEASTERN PlNCES N EXT, 7 CAS 'DEIAND) KALAMAZOOQ INTI: ]R "IC1f 0LA'lk'II8Y. R K , Ilks 'I IE FOlRTHIRD) D~etroit Xcii hW(cE ,eraz... ,..... BEATTY IS HI6H SCORER I e~otNotlacrz.. ,......24 COlt5 Tie iHalf Bile Relay Mark While D tI Ca sou1 thw _est r...... All Otlher Records Withistanmd lDetroit . Northen......1 )j lDay's Conipzetitioui i FjDetMi 'entrI c1..........1 H PFon. iac ., x ............... s Detroilt Northwestern won the 27th Birminglwn ................ 4 annual :Michigan Interscholastic track' Toledo Libbey......... .....4 anzd field meet yesterday morning at Ferry field b~y finishing first "in the -_______ half mile relay, the final event on the'CI' seod;IikTld \Vt, program, to score 33 points against 241 by Detroit Northeastern, its nearest I bird; Mc11neyt e(Oai ,for i rival. Cass Tech of Detroit and Kala-! Running brand .hil;p- t--c:i by l; at - inazoo Central tied for third with 17 ', "~tNrtiu~ri; xeT' raontsapece . troit Northwcster n, second;, Olds, De'- The last event providled a thrilling t4i oten hrd ul eri climax, for in winning the relay which { etrfut.Dsac--1fe,6 counted five 1points for, the first team, 1-10 iches oi~. Dsac--lfe Northwestern tied the meet record of iihjm-Vnlylezi eri 1:.32,91 established by Tilden Tech of otwsen;Cillrzi ha, Chicago in 1926: The event was run iecod;tiforCfilthirdbten Lewi, in three' heats, each of the teams com- !secrond;tiPe frn, lbi d et we aLeri , peting against time. N1o'rtheastern's aman ogzs Detroit EatrWilas iinunt- quartet wntescn heat, knowing ;tern. Height-s feet 8 7-8 inches. j that a victory would assure them the meet, but in the tird and final heat, Dsu h~-o yDeTe t:roit Northwestern : 1ilrrung er, Flinit Norhweter tid te rcor towinCenitral, second, Swartout, Muskegon, the event and' the meet. thr;Dr-,Gan1aefut BaorAn olaui Star Distance-=1.08 feet 10 ilich'.s. Aside from this spectacular finish ( "velin* throw-Won ley BatorlDe-j the feature of the day was the three }totSuhetr;PtlDtot firsts scored by Beatty of .Detfoit ItNoithSeuthwsen; Olte,Dtri Northeastern, who thus won the indi- Northwern secird; TOxley, Dei vidual high fIiint scorer's trophy.INrhetrtir;Trsof e Beaty ws te'wnne ofthetwotroit Cass Tech, fourth. Distance ---153 hurdle events 'and the running broadI feet 8 inches. jump. Bator, Detroit Southwestern weight man was the second high pointI ILLIN)IS HAS EDGE scorer, registering firsts in the ham- j I g~ T N muer throw and javelin throw, and 'E WOLVERINES i j 1 r."- - """' fir/ E :+.,,,_ti ::i: '{..\," '- 5 j; ' Yom-- J Y - ° "ii: sac "?: tE' ' " j r}1A{ {= 1 t { ". :. :::: is .. . .:..y ": L::ti33 J .: ;,.... -::.:::..:: is ".r f ry^7:i. Hickey-Freeman 0 Customized Clothes ri.1 :?}S - : jIf you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all wants ads under appropriate. heaid- ings and to rcvise or withhold objectionablet jcopy. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing pubication. Notice of any error be given in time for 'the second insertion. G 4 ~ CASH RATESP S Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of Ifive average words to the line) for one or two tnsertions. Nine .ents per rrading Iine for three or more insertions. Cahclassifieds .received at the Daily atlice inTePress Building on Maynard Stret CONTRACT RATES S Special standardizede rates given on applica-; dion. ILOST--B3rown shell rimmed glasses in or near Barbour Gymnasiumn, Friday nright. Finder please calll 8425. H. Fox, after 6 P1. M. 163 I LOST-Sigma Xi pin, fastened to silk handkerchief. 11. W. Gouldthorpe, E 5-10-27. Call 22491. 162-163-1 64- 1LOST-Will the person who picked up Topaz ring in the ladies wash room in the main library Saturday1 night call Swan at 1115. Reward. I jWant it because it was a gift. 161-162-1631 LOST-A green Schaefer fountain Penl, marked LeVerne Taylor. Phonle 6988. ILOST-A green gold Wahl fountain pen, Friday morning on campus. + Call J.- E. Wendel, 3193. Reward. LOST-Friday,. April 22, silver van- ity case on a chain, with two black enameled figures on front. Reward.t t' 781714 V fourth in the sot put. Toan af De- trit Cass Tech scored ten points 'by winning the 100 and 220 yard dashes II fast time. The half mile run produced the closest race of the dlay, Rogers, Kala- imazoo Central, nosing out Smith of Cass Tech by inches. Rogers started slowly, and at the half way mark he was well behind, but he piked up a nice lead towards the finish. Smith made a final sprint in the stretch to breast the tape' a fraction of a sec- and after the J(alamazon runner. Lewis asthI 44) Lewis of Northeastern won the 440 yard dsh in exceedingly fast time, coming within 1-5 of a second of the meet record of :50.2. Dant and L.angs of Northwestern were second and third while Etzel scored Ann Arbor's only ' 1ont by finishing fourth.. fN Swartz of Kalamazoo .won an i- 1 pressive victory in the MAl run, beat- { ing out Ciger 'of Pontiac by sevrall yards. Cavanaugh of NorthwesternI ' placed third, while Gould, aother Kalamazoo runner took fourth. Harper of Pontiac won the shot put at 46 feet 8 inches, while Dues, North- wester'n won the discus with a heave of 'I1p feet 10 inches. Hathaway of Kalamazoo Central finished first in the pole vault at 11 feet, but failed in an attempt to set a new meet rec- chrd. Dennis captured another first for Northwestern by winning the high jumpat aheit of 5 feet 8 78 i -E ches.- . unntirdo- 120 yard high hurdles: Won by Beat- S ty, Detroit Northeastern; Erskine, D-a trot Northwestern, second; Beauvais. Detroi. Western, third;. Baxter, To-, ledo Scott, fourth. Time-: 16.1. 1 100 yard cash: Won by Tolan Cassi Tech; Campbll, Flint 'Cetral, se- ond; Snowden, Detroit Northeastern,, third; IDnnet ,Toledo ibbey, fourth. Time-: 10. E . Mile xrun' ~cin by Swartz, Kalama- zoo Central; Criger, Pontiac, secon; Cavanaugh, Detroit Northwestern,l third; iouldi, Kalamazoo Central,l fourth. Time-4 :3. ' 440 yard das--Won by Lewis, D- S troit Northeastern; Dnt, DetroitI Nrhetern, second; Langs, Detroit Northwestern ,ird; Etzel, Ann Ar- c. bar, fourth. Time-: 50.+4. 220 yard dash-Won by Tolan, D-' troit Cass Tech ; Bennett, Toledo Lib- hey, second; Campbell Flint Central, Il Third; Fenker, aKalamazoo, fourtht Tfime-:22I 880 yard run-,--Won by Rogers, Kal-I amazoo Central; Smith, Detroit Cass Tech, second; Ekonovich, Detroit Northeastern third; Farrell, Chicago Crane Tech, fourth. Time-2: 02.9. 220 yard low hurdles-Won by Beat- ty, D~troit Northeastern; Erskine, De- troit Northwestern, second; Baxter, Toledo Scott, third; Buest, Grand Rap- ids South, fourth. Time-:25.2. Half mile relay-i-Won by Detroit Northwestern. Time-i:32.9. Equals Michigan Interscholastic record made! by Tilden Tech of Chicago in 1926). 12 pound shot put-Won by Harper, ' Pontiac; Turashoff, Detroit Cass Tech: s econd; Rolfe, Flint Central, third; Bator, Detroit Southwestern, fourth. Distance-46 feet, 8 inches. Pole vault-Won by Hathaway, Kal- .^mazoo Central; Palmer, Lansing Following are the results of the nine Illinois-Michigan dual 'track mneets. Year 1898 1920 1921 1922 1.923 1924, 1925 1926 1927 .. . . . . . . 1 1-2......388 .. . . .. . .!0 1-2......44 S~82...........51 .......91..........44 .. . . .. . . 80...........54 ..106..........29 ..... 65 2-3...... 6: .. . . .. . . 64...........71 3.........'42 1-21 1-2j After all, it's only a, queston of quality.- Quality of style, cloth and workmanship,, They all look good but just how good are thzy? f To-day's clothing world points to Hickey-Freeman as the outstand- ing exponent of quality-----their most choice patterns are here for your ~selection, FOR RENT 1. I - FOR RENT-Furnished four roomj apartment. Private bath and en-! trance. Heat and water furnished. Dial 7339. 163-1164! FOR RENT-1523 South University Front suite durnig May Festival or longer. Phone 22288. 163-164-1651 2-31 NEW YORK: Chick Fewster, in- fielder, was released outright to Jer- Bey City. READ+ THE WANT AD ol $50 up FOR RENT-Washtenaw Apts. Fur- nished apartment from June, -for summer. D~ial 22219. 163-164-165k ROOMS-North Thye 109, near hos- pital and campus. Large, pleasant' suite. One double room; also room 1on first floor with bath. Available 1June 10. Ladies or married couple preferred. Dial 7445. 162-463 FOR RENT-Near hospital and cam- pus Five room house, two 2-room apartments, first and seciond floor,, available June 12. Phone 21815. 1 160-162-163; FOR- SALE FOR SALE - May Festival tickets. Two for Thursday; one each for Friday and Saturday performances. 1 Phone 9562. 163 FOR SALE-Cheap' Several tickets for Schumann-H-eink, Wednesday ievening. Second balcony. Phone 5358.' 163-1,64-165 FOR SALE-Two May Festival tick- ets on main floor. Dial 22219 -____163 FOR SALE-Underwood typewriter. Good condition; $30.00. Call 218931 after 6 P. M. 16246t.3-164 All makes of typewriters for sale or rent. Excellent machines at rea- sonable prices, for rent. Prompt repairing by experienced workmen. Courteous service. Aulta Brand Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State Street. { sun-tues-thurs-tf FOR SALE-Good trailer for sale cheap. J. C Smith, 1608, Charlton. Phone 6140* 162-163 FOR SALE-Ford roadster. ,Demount- able rims, self starter, five good] tires. Excellent condition. A bar- gain for'$35.00. Call Roberts, phone] 4418. 161;162-163-164-165-166 FOR SALE-1926 Ford Coupe. Looks like new. Has seat covers, heater, tires almost new. Price is right.' 1922 Dodge touring, motor A-i con- dition. Don't pay railroad fare. Drive this home. 514 ~ R EWaHgonPhoeE11 514 E.RWa h.onPhoeER1 FOR SALE - Most desirable large rooming house, furnished or unfur- ni shed. Best 'location. Easy terms. May rent. Dial 7733 (or 4454 evenings).% FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touing. $40. Call 3283. tf IFOR SALE-Chevrolet ".1923 touring. $40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon or evening and ask for McKee or Gow. I FOR SALE-Ford roadster 1924; 1five tires, starter, demountable, good condition. 1617, Washtenaw. Phone 911. Bover or Farquhar. I ~ : -- W~e invite you to come in and see for yourself how it is done. .i - i R. E® t This is the _ "TTO Y_..". Phone 4191 WANTED- a i I I - { I