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May 14, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-14

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0 FE~ p~~[~ichganTour Wi11ISAYS WOMEN STUDENTS ON FLOATING1 Portia Wins Annual1
PB1[cig ee Student Center;K.UNIVERSITY KEEP MEN FROM STUDIES' Debate From Athena TIt
°.UT UNIII IUIIWOMENLI One ofhe1 outstanding features of Women students aboard the floating eign students who are I? 1cbu 93
the Open Road tour, in which Mih- university do not prove conducive o the women (10 not knowx ) \\ inii' in V a utitlnolia (el:ion,
study on the part of the men. This with themselves. At hotr1, els ~n, Ii' soeneeai iite ldebalediiitheas,
i ;ia~n as b tnhiveunte prisitestof
Katherne lim erlili,1 ' Was Last ia a ee ie h piie e £sttement is made by Professor J. are said to le an d the best ofcievry- I~ tena ears in ''i ualen dethelte f
HaodTabl of the faclty of the thing. This icoveiencesiI((' the prep,
fJ ue e f iprie fant tGnvth neiaioa td floating university. In his opinion, be- especially when accommoodtions are i tos; Te os h(in st e p Va- ie
~>u a~ ~ entcr All official student groups i a* st ie
viiinErpeudrteasucso.Iig on the boat for seven months limited. i hat that t he United Staes t i solR. - - ot t stfe
vistig uoeudrhcaupesf with the same roup of women be- I sasrrsn i' h iijlsnln ~fSt hn, e
ASSOCIATIONS NOMINATE the Nation al Student Federation oflgI:i .srrsn atta h ,aNw
at lastLiveday atcomes irksome to men. jority of those wol take the t lip) go inet eu tesrn ontutv
Unvrstqomnwllh liible Geneva. The thirteent undergraduate 3 Many difficulties are encountered not for pleasure Int for the sake f es01 * ie yth firttve r -
foUnrst th w$00 mpienwhcwill be of-women, who with Miss Beatrice John- (uponllanding in foreign prts. The men learning. Professor Tar'h itlmentioed fesr r ('(moI Fl Gtheic orfatie. ro
+ee n ~ 98b h soi-ison, of the office of advisers to women, ar eev a, ntrandh~~~h~tc~ii 'ngl ish department, Mr. Harry T. (
!erdi.Apri1, byteAscawilsiJue2hilrminhre versity. The first is that, it is a eal \ oinstructor in public speaking,
ti on to Aid -Scientific Research by willtsilution,27thiill'remin ther
WmnfrUticin nrsechafive days in August. the International Labor office are educational ntttohvgaftl and Mr. Robert Miller, presidenft-I
work The prize is known as thee El- They will attend meetings of the very impressive," Miss Johnson went tofitymstf vmaevrygolet of the oratorical association, act-
len Richards. ReaearchealyprizethandbisalLeagueof Nations school, which has on. Outside the main building on the professors. Nal alteiealat d as udes.
nawarded to s the c olle l gepe woman, or ,i men of international repute on its fa-I shore of Lake Geneva is a monument: subjects are taught, and an opport- 1The Portia tears was composedl of
thewrde n tfc esac okr culty. Officials of the League also and inscription to former President ity is given to learn somethling of the airth Lambert, '27. Ruth Fine, '21),
woewho is *udged to have give talks on the aims, purposes, and IWoodrow Wilson as father of thesceeofnvgtnadRhBnfe,'2; orsiks
among ojg achievements of the League with an League. The second advantage is that he 229. Llizaoth Wellma, '29, and Mary
made a permanent contribr1 ion to n ogetritrainludr PoesradMs mrwo floating university acomflshes nfl).OV (Ronald '30, representing Athena in
tefedosietfcrsac. standing than the average uivesty becaise the debate.
t The last recipient of the prize wasa Among the lec~urers of last. summer aeeretadsneeLau ok the students are able to get practial1- -
PKteieChamberlin, '14 who re- were Gilbert Murray, of Oxford, AIerenrtidthAmicnsuns knowledge of the economic conditions Honorary women's organizations
1 eived her master's, degreefmte fr edomnenhedo the ciofrI at' tea in their hotel rooms. They were in foreign lands besides stdying them a h nvriyo inst r
Graduate school in 1919. Among othersl Intellectual Cooperation at Geneva ms nhsatcaotteie f in classes. The third point brow ht cnoigasre flcue nea I
of the more recent women research Jules Le Maitre, of France, Prof. Ma i dnigteOe odtus(hto out by Professor Tarbell s th at thesosrn eis flcue nei
t inerntioal sudet fiendhip) ad iquette open to al women.
gworkers who have, received the prize dariaga, of Spain. and Prof. Spykman, itrainlsuetfinsis n university is certain to ipove sn e ____________________
'are Dr. Florence, Rena Sabin, Dr. Net- of Yale university. After each le-!fl' httepojc ilgo. every student will want to cap hiss 3pSl
r tie M. Stevens, and Dr. Eleanor Car- ture there is opportunity for discus- F u o e er oe noeducation by a years study cruise. W N D t es l fw~ m eea ad dt e so .M s o no ,w o ac m aid P u o e eevtdit e -x9
"honor, for yrk done in the United a similar ;group last year, recalled brhpiDetSgm Roon-
IStates. English scientists on the prize the active interest of Indian students bershieniD elt imaRhoyhonr-SUNDAY
Slist are Dr. lrtcBuhnnDr-ithsdicsin."eesemd Henrietta Houser, '27Ed; Patricia Sa
Ida Smedley Mciae and Dr. E~velyn extremely anxious to establish logical Hodgson, '27; Laura Osgood, '28Ed; W H T ESU D Y
Laing. A special , ward of $2,000 was reasons why India should have itsj and Norma Green, 28. All of the wo- _______--
granted Madamne Cutrie in 1921. independence." she stated. men were membera of the women's SE SO ' SUPREMEA T A T O
The awards were formally made on "The buildings of the League and varsity debating teams.SE ON SAR CTN
the basis of thesis turned in by the
applicants. Provision is''now made ___________________________________
that the women to be considered fore f1 !j!
the prize must be recommended by DO NOT FORGET
committees -or associations._
College women may be nominated
for the prig '~4~committee fom Until June 1 we are offering {
ed of wdm ib~ie tits holding pro- j~ an extra 1% discount on all
fessorships in the science departments 0 I
and women doctors of philosophy ora ENGRAVED and3=Y
of medicine, who are teaching in a4
science depar4Mtint., Nominations may PeRsoNalEaDsi
also be made by .associations of wo-
men in science belonging to the As-1/ YProaCrd Y
sociation to Ad..Scientific Reearth lass Announcements
1,y Women, d6i ftse engaged in scien-CorsndneStiey
'tific research not included in eitherCorsndceSaiey
of these classifications, may make® Wedding Invtations
their nominations directly to the1
Prize committee This offer is made that we may give you the best
x 100 Cards. andl Plate (Script) ..... .......3.76 s
SIGMA DELTA PHI 100 )Crds and Plate (Solid Old English).....$.76
HOL S I ITI TIO00 Cards and Plate (Gothic and. Block) ......3.76
H ID IN T A I N100) Cards and Plate (Shaded Od English)... $.50 t
Hundreds of designs from which to select ..*.k I ,
.sigma Deltrh honorary frter- ait correspondingly lw ,prices. t t f
nity of dramatics and oratory held0. D IV O R L
their sp r n' Itti ri at the D.lta. . XL
ammia hose Tbrsay,sMay 12 The The Stationery and Typewriter Store t
followintg, womnenwee adm itted into.' 17 Nickes Ai'cpde Phone 661.
membership: Pauline Jacobs, '28, Ad- .
ison Pelletier, '28, Marjorie Chavan----t
Bie, '28, Laura Osgood, '28, and Dr-__-®>
othy Williams, '28.
Officrs w,erea "eected for next ~year""
as follows:residet,'Phyllis Lough.-
ton; vice-president, Paulin'e Jacobs;
secretary, Marie Burke; treasurer,96
Helen Vos; martial, Vera Johinson.
- - - --- When downtown, don't forget to drop in atr
COOPR'SKITHENTTEPreketes. Try our delicious Toasted Sand-
wches and tasty salads, home-made ice cream MAIL ORDERS NOW Pace.-$u;.i, $27, 93.7, .u:30)
mand candy.___________________ ____
}i SI
109 South' Main St. Phone 21414 1'

American Home Cooking
Speci lwe. Dinners, Every Neon
and* Every Night.
Those N ew Chinese Sandals
Have Just Arrived
AChange of Soes
Don' Fal T Se Thm m~~sand .Presto---
on'tFai ro ee The Thespots fock soappropriate for the active
Atpatecspeatoin sports, becomes quite the thing for
GOLF OXFORDS with crepe
IS BOT ERYrubber soles, in combinations of
nA I-.-"G 'S EY 1 y ight and dark tan elk-

AN 0 T I C E S Regular spring tryouts for Masques
______will be held from 4 to 5, Wednesday
here will be a meeting of the boardjatewryhl.
irectors of the Women's league at
o'clock this morning inl room 1101 A nwv Kansas gamne law permits
nary. BothI old and new boar ds, aret I women to fish without licenses b'ut re-
d to bequirexs men to pay an anntual fee of
yir W0111011lit arc st edlin try ing-___________
for the Seiior GCirls' lplay are ask-
to meet at 4 o'clock Monday in
berry hal Coiffures Now Vary in the
--' Line at Back ofthmeNc
OPTICAL' It may be the modernistic
D EPAR.TM NTfpints, the eliptical curve the
11 , 'jsingle point, the feather edge,
Leiies and Frames or the part carried down.
)la~e t Orer.But the front is always 'the
Optical Prescriphions sanme soft, chic wave.
HA L R' te St. ,Jewelers , Phone 3S) -8. Univ. Ave..

°' «0 '". f". "./, . '.ar°d ".I'".+ . ".E".1 '. "wE . ". 1:'f". ". "./. "'aMd'«I .s ,i . °.0 °'./ . ' "".i " '.I. . :


May 16th to 21 st
To fittingly celebrate our entrance into the gift, shop
business in Ann Arbor a year ago this month, and to
show our appreciationt to our many friends who have
mradle our success possible.
wliohs to announce that the following week will be
A splendid cpportunity to buy wedding and gradluation
p~resenits at. greatly reduced prices. Unusual' valuses in
p~ottery, silver, book-ends, pictures, lamps, leather, etc.
Not ontly merchandise from our regular stock, but !also
lovely things bought for this event.




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Spring Coats,,
Twvills- Charmeens - Satins
Tweeds - Mixtures
Gloriously smart coats are marshalled for a stirring
sale, Saturday ! We wish that fwe could hold the
coats up for you to see, as you are reading this
announcement! The sight of their exquisite fabrics
-their high-cost furs-would be proof positive
that here is a coat sale that is in a class by itself
for value, style, quality.
An Important.
Ofmfering of Dresse's
Enthusiastically we offer these dresses in a host
of new styles and fabrics, each an achievement of
what can be done in fashion and quality, at this

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