SATURDhAY, MAY 14, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA Cfi 7 I3F r.V TI-IF. DAILY ....... p ~~til 1810 withot a repair, pressing Ii the field of gas engineering. Mod- coton and cutting lumlber, attests to ern gais engineers say that his theo- it (lury mechanical construction. ries in thdat, field were absolptely cor- PROFH WORLEY UNCOVERSeEARLYentionstwoe also p rect. INYE aI. E OE IUmeRS Antionhed aogthoed, anoy thatr- R(ad tedBleiatr VWh't was the value of the invenl :fus edtogathspenafrli - - I ,VVE VASjecturied,iftervleitobcs kefronoHmloadths I'Vl EXCllIyTER 'EGNIBION ships, but also in modeling the same iimated by what suri ied. lie shows! to his ]ist of purchasers of his hook, I',)EXCTE RCOG'ITIY designs for a hydraulic wiater st,, 'The Young Miller'sGie. andTovercomingARSater the purp~ose of which is to support ferred him to the Supreme Court of AFTERThO EARScalculating tonnage and speed. vertical weights of leavy s.ater- Pennsylvania for redress. This body, INII )AR + rm Wtttoni ghlyradhredt wheel shafts. This was bot!)ef- for some reason, declared that, "In- I NFORMATION lowBA V Jme atsrngyahrdt ficient and frictionless.) venitons are an invasion of public low pressure atmospheric engines tin- m " Ti oEasta Secretaray O 'Navy Aids In Unraveling! til his death. Evans, with rare , Te design of a war vessecl is rights," hss angered Easta Disclosures MIade In Engineer's courage, declared that if enginesI shownr, which was to be sbetlled w('i t~h h 1 d a funeral pyre of 80 of his Uri ;inatl lannscrlt were to do worth while work, it couldi bar iron, the sloping sides off wllich linetions, declaring that no otherI be accomplished only by giving them !were to be at an angle of 45 degrees imember ot his family would b i eas ofbersac okifwam- etemd-s"ta us atcptn heMria fte oeihdi n nevrt ev Prof John S. Worley, of the College! ole," and that he proceeded to do Civil .War) The boat was to be part- the public as hie had (lone* ofEgneig h netosof with such success, that he may he fly submergible, and its water wheels, Almst immediately, he had cause Oliver Evans, who lived from 17551J said to be the first man to appily in submlerging, are made effective by to regret this act, for the Maryland to 119,arejus inthi da bein-high-pressure steam to power, the enclosing the wheel b)oxes as an air- legislature granted him a patent upon tigh 1819,tmntareirprustrewin thismltidayf begaborte lou riing to receive the credit and ap-; only system now extant. The author- Itgtcmatet i rsuewstecmlto fa lbrt lu ,preciation due them. Professor Wor- ity for this is the report Hof acoin- 1thu to be introduced into the boxes, mill. Armed with ibis, he obtained ey has been working on this mat- mittee composed of naval o fcers;A thus displacing the level of the water! redress from millers in Delaware and+ ter for m~any years in the East, and appointed by ex-secretary of the in 'them to a (ifferentiail point, by! Pennsylvania, getting damages for hisi. aside fromn one letter in the Pitts- Navy, Truman H Newberry, .in 1908 which the wheels could still be made equipment in their mills, which they burgh public library, the data which to investigate Evans' record, effective during~ this partial sub- had appropriated during his absence, hie has collected, 'anidwhich is nowv The inventions of 'Evans in the mergence. No one can deny that since his' patent. carried retroactive i in the rare book room of our trans- milling world are well known. So this was an unheard-of novelty at! penalties., With the proceeds, he portation library, is the only exist- eminently practical were they, that that early dlate--as ingenious as itJ built the Mars works, in Philadel- ing information, as far as is known,1 the elevator bucket system and the was practical. Some of his inven-! phia, where 100 or more of his en- concerning the fate of Oliver endless-screw conveyor, distributing tions show that he was also a pioneer gives were turned out. Evan's inventions; which -has come I features,, which he invented, remain to us from the pen of the inventor iin use today all over the county, hay- only been elaborated upon in'+ Whie i th EatProfessor Wor- point of mechanical detail. A~nother IB A T ~ L H O E I E ley got in 'touch with. Mr. Alba B. invention of his was the multi-tubu- , Johnson, of Pittsburgh, who had 'a1 lar boiler. The material presented 'by LITDXT JT C diary of Evans' and Mr. Johnson do- Mr. Johnson covers specificati~ns for O YLA'T 1X' .J1' it1v' OLjJ nated this% valuable original mann- a very advanced type of steam engine, script to the transportation library capable of sustaining a working pres-)G L COURSE t to aid Professor Worley in his work. sure of 225 pounds of steam perJ Curtis D. Wilbur, secretary of the Navy, square inch. Only In the last year ! L. D. .1ARR became interested in the matter and or two has this figure -of pressure' worked in conj unction with Professor been exceeded. !Poe90 7SvnsBn lg Worley As a result of the disclos- Built Test Engine Poe90 ures made in this manuscript, some The manuscript also discloses the _____________________________________ of the details of which will be given I fact that in 1803, five years previous lelow, it is a practical certainty that + to the building of Robert Fulton'sr Mr. Wilbur will name an auxiliary boat, the Clermont, Evans, working Ij sip of, the Ujnited States Navy afterif conjunction with the United. States +'II I~ Oliver Easintenerfuture, inNy, sent an cgiion telaue fhsivn wyenginean bolrt reonto ftevleo i ne-NwOrleans, which wasn to betete e tesGood enough ley himself, classes him in his letter Natchez, -miss Only the fact that the + rpp as "ore, if not the greatest mechani- I boat was destroyed in a storm, while calengnee ofbistim."being floated down to New Orleans, 'for Dad - . A. A~r UEe As disclosed in the manuscript, prevented Evans from reaping theS a4 the inventions of- Oliver Evans were reward Fulton received. The ma- much more revolutionary and far terial further revealed tat Evans'oug more advanced than those of his con- masterly gras.po the subject of ad- temporaries, Robert Fulton, James va ~ced mechanical usage, as shown Watt, Stephens, and others,.lie un-( in-his reported criticism from Wash-fo y u ydeniably outclassed Fulton in point ofI ington of Fulton's engineering er-fo y u's accurate judgment and , vision, in rors, touching his theory, was pheno- Iva,~ formulating niot: only new laws and menal. The fact that this engine $ correct data for the ratios of power. and boiler, after the disaster to theEd e o t needed for the increase of speed for boat, operated at Crescent City un- JE g w rh ~ ~ _ _ _ - . _ .T . __ _ T ____ _ _ _ Veteran Government Boat Proves Valua b le In Rescue Work i This river boat, unused for several years but always kept at full steam, was utilized to rescue thousands during the recent floods. She was stationed at Evansville. Id., and was long the object of taxpayers' wrath. ,w. . . _ . ,. .:. . .. .. :;. .' .® OPPORTUNI TY A 'large Detroit concern desires the services of six students (male) for special sales work during summer vacation, Successful applicants will be given personal interview. G. R. MacKINNEY, Sales Manager 1320 Book Building Detroit, Mich. v., I " r H 9 r- ft 4 " T- Y- -Hey Yot Timid Lo Huc~e's Your C..han Laugh at the Wise -Who Think They I love onle little 911 whvlen:N umber 'I'm ,vams -Iroiind; site diln' Nave 1mU0h choice the maittter. See ti WhIichl ensue wheeli tvv nv~yi~dsare AFR.AJ 'I'i 1OVE! SPECIAL jMichigan - Iowa Track Meet, and French Flyers Taking Off for Paris-New York Non-Stop $Flight VlBEHL R--SUNDAY--69ONJUAN"' LA ONLY vers! !cc to IBfrds r l 2:00 ill Svic i~tP '1:0f1 (l) Vtb8:40 "QUEER- . -DUCKS" r ~ BLACK WALNUTr wtORANGE ICE w - rye (- VANLL w - -r TR I -wS- wS "heTheflonmaof poursec7ilkbic forth wek nd Lasit Times Today STrORY 8Y At.?E$RT .jw -' @SJnnd