THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILLCRUFEE UIONJs' Diplomatic Chief Q4NUET TICKET S Ll 2 I ins Nearly Com~pleted For Annual F'athers' And Sons' Week~ End; i. Pr'esident Little To Speah CAP NIGHT PO)STPONED) M" LOCAL -SPONSORS OF NATIO, ~IA1?KED PUBLIC INTEREST NA CiL CAN( IN CLIN. -. CE WEEK.'REPORT cancer clieis are being organizedl FIc. E.XAMINA TIONS throughout the wountry in the attempt tomale the early treatment of cancer cases recognized as thre most logical and biologists who1 ha'e spci ali:!ed in cure andi preventative. In the ma- t~lestud ofcafier.haveuiited ll ority of cases of cancer, reports show stressingtbSO i12 PON nvu eof INYIY that the pait?int-s not had case T- jult More than 125 replies and accept- ances have been recei~ved~ from fathers by the committee in charge of the Fa- thers' and Sop~s' week-en~d program,E it wajs announced yesterday by Rogeri W. Greene, '28, who is chairmatn of the. commnittee. A large n'umber of star- dents have also bouight tickets for themselves and their fathers at the d1esk in the Union where the tickets are being sold daily from thr'ee to- five o'clock. The tickets now being sold am.~ for the banquet to be ,held in the Union assembly hal*j conmplimentary~ tickets for the father's use of the Union s'wimmin~g pool, for the track m1eet tt ~Ferry field, and~ for the mnotion pic- ture ao.t the Arcadle threatre Saturday night. They are priced at $1.00. Plans are~ nearly complete for thre banquet program. President Clarence Cook Little, J. Arthur Whitworth, '94, a nA Lester F. Johnson, '27~L, president of the Unioni during~ the past year, have consented to speak on thke pro- gram. Prof. Arthur L. Cross, of' the 1--istory department, will be the toast- master. The banquet is the main eventl of the week-end. It will also open i i since Cap Nright, which was originallyl the opening event, has beeni posttion- cd. _Nothing has berm substituted for~ thie Crap night ceremonies as yeti. President Little will be the main speaker on the program. Ho ehas not. alnnounced his subject. Locali sponsors of National Cancer 'terdlay, according to hospital reports week last night expressed their'satis- Dr. Recuben Peterson, of University faction over the public interest shown hospital, general chairman of Cancer in the campaign to familiarize th)e week throughout Michigan, decla,,ec< American pnbi4l with the preventiont that thus far thde results of thn, free and treatment of canicerouts disea'se<. clinics have shown that the public iL, Large numbers of persons wvere re- vitally iuitrestedl in the finding of aj ported to- have an'plied for examnina- satisfactory _cure and1 preventative tion at thre free clinics which ir treatment for cancer. Many lives' being held all this week at Univer Sity- have been saved througch- the exan-tina- and St. Joseph's' Mlercy hospitals, more'btis of free clinics, he state-. than 108 persons being examinedl at,; Stne the time of the announcement the two institutions up, to noon yes-'of free clinic examinations, phy-sicians 'CORN WELL 'COAL- COKE Scranton, Pocahontas ' ~Kentucky and west Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas CokeI ''this business has. been growing ever- wince it'was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do buis i n' it friendly way., If you , think so too, le's get toodther. CO N6 WE LC AL C K treatnment of the dsae andl show agu os(d u t i too late for sue n egnoli by statistical reports tht mn ie otr hope, throug'h the illstituo lb. Which ha~ve been edlsiylst fNatuional Cancer wveek, to remedy Who, It is for the pturposeof dc~i~It condition by famniliarizing the" half l the public up to aoeea raia~ public wvitht the importanice of early spanl,,l of the facts about cancer that f ree treatment of the disease. . - AlImQil Cashe, tee Nuts IFreshlDaIily 5,jlb .............. 1.00 a Filberts-, BrazilIs, ..... ... .... .... .8th h1l1Xched Jumbos, .. . .. . . 40 c 0ullJubs b.3i S~helled Jumbos, lb..25 - Toasted Swi elhop (= ; ! An -ir of diff c reicc and un~iqueness prevails at Dan's Den, The food~ is excellently prepared A rideffectively served, Our coffeCe is exceptional. A newr portrait-snap of Genaro Es- trada, Mexico's new mlinister of for- eign relationls. He has the reputa iln of beinig a tactful diplomat; Court Dec ision Will Return Irish Funds To Origin al Donors 3 :' } 4 n (B3y , Associated Press), Mr. Whuiwortnl, prominent alumnnus IOFF'ICE, LGliN WEiL14L LOCK Rapids and who has a son in the lini- over X2.500,000 subscribed in this coun-I Phones, Office: 4551-4552 Yard Office: 5152 versity, will speak fromn the fathrer's' try to the ca-use of the Irish republic poin ofvie. Te reula tlronwas settled today, but it was a bit hard (lance orchestra will play during the totl'utwo a h inr banquet. " A. room committee is arranging the Supreme cou~rt Justice Peters ruled ,"I~Ilfu~Ilh~hIIIIIrtIIIr~I~Ill~~~II~~iI1~IIl1IiI1 Ithe money sihoulereured toerstnhe- rooms in Ap.Aorncsae telon ilo ohty this commitfor.ouinselatofees. Aoghe atorneyst All well who arevieitectine. heirhownnycnso h olrvol atscho tc eetionre s-zedfr thredvaroultigthuans ar oof rb trdobtandther dcesat el-once t the ibers' hoight cdswyersidnthe _..sad o h.°al~ ~ dayk nghensitates'thetforing of ,causentrare read byi cmite NoiatheIihRbion , wh iveastoasutntad achte ~oc I bwean y cEntson -te dolaraiould .= ° fathCErsfoWhclebrAIn are6,000,re 00rn De Valethouand Stefpub-sid to obtinthirtikes tsnceat-ncrbeschoboghtbodstoaiate'ross~ -NC cE.:ISU 'auecaetutoso tefn deakdin3.he0Unio Wso that finalbefora free Ireland.. You will see II nedao ogv cuaei-;Du ar 9aalEand O odsris ar- w+- M forainmnd opoetogts may-bemade. byteIost Repbiw hichnd wasu-. mhentv an .d watchdthe dpro e cornng he ral ssusinthepr eanted by teamonshFDee Vae, ransed PRutiniCECWiLL, T. aKice Ts toneofbyspriBgclothesveracross slovens~fl De Val eranandantephe ONic H ilsaonESEriSSUMa ayte ,waQ hr '.Ma becam tusteesgof 'the fu ud bildng anundeavr toe acsrafte -ad$.0, h ignl.Y ux l e ftuermaritionan oprookeationgton- iaeunedlotlowertn ass s- -r cornng teerelblsuec.nstebprseytthe ellores esan th Evsito in Chia,Dr.eauice s inebyteBisgvrent . slvely peronia d ,can Friday, i o ae ing~h ati Pricel pillneer l May 13, OR~EGN- hrStiantaseoat theon te be(turned overa to it, as thecaspearanceu yourur -pt ofsuonjeetatatL e d a poofe dJntilthe repu.i - cbyochtnes amendmein Chinc heubliveias, ni CRN 1oyu.aeaprd.n (erdcnrlo h cho ae' 1. t~ ioneent Cr peaaceyu edtoia poi cy rostu ts athe io t he' ye ai i s'InCa mili suetilconi.lcyfro th edtorto heirttae Priote (toIn=.They Twill look better and - ou will feel better after you have had, them cleaned andl Founders ofth Pneumatic Tr Industry prs datorL u ry - mayRingShaped Tubes "Our Press Builing Statin V open M encompetition necessitates a superior product made - - ecntigs unjfil 8 o'clock." wr u ayicraein cost. , Maufa~cturing ine tbe-i no exception. -I. Compare, for instance, anl ordinary tube and a Dial ~-cued ring-shaped tube. I 4 Inflate both of these tubes and on the inner surfaces of the o ordinary tube you will find a large number of ripples. These" ripples arnd wrinkles are the result of forcing the straight.'2 8J madreli-cured tube to become round- .andf every ripple rep- ;816 resents -a point of possible weakness. The circular-cured tube, on the other hand,- will have a _smooth surface all around, indicating that the rubber is in an unistretched conition and able to give much more service. than is usually expected of ":. a tbe. SMTH IRECO.White, Swan Laundry .. I ~3 1 H TownC Distributor - ~N "Ann Arbor's Leading Cleaners" Disribto ,All I II l liiii 11 Mii MIERERU l ERT~ ll Is E RSIIUIIEI RI E RU 7 4 1 1 RlIR llISR I R il141'R RU 1 URURUREl/111l E1o~ I IIl G-Minding ' Wheeis ,. Refractories -Floor Grinding Machines and Staff:,Files N . 1 l _. _ __ N SINCLAIR LEWIS SAYS: "lIE BRINGS TO THE CONSIDERAT ION OF LIFEA FRESH INDIVYIDUALI TY." .-r Y,; Natural Science LEWIS BROWN Tickets, 50c A A 1.. * ~tAll State __rs & ruV rw WW ~ v ___A"% 1 A 1'lffri r1'17t* nI1,$vf~z irPFIJ. AKI~hf. l"ft