TA -IED Jr Ap 41P -.AL Air at A -: : _ _ .. --- --- - ,. XXXVII, No. 161 TEN PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1927 TEN PAGES ___________________________ ,,. , NLY CLUE TO PLIBHT F FRENCH AVIATORSl IN CLIM OF TRIO~l REE CANADIANS 'DECLAREj HEARTNG SOIND OF PLAN E !OTOR FRENCH AIR ACE LOST IN ATLANTIC [." NOTED ARCHITECT AND 'AUTHOR TALKS ABOUT, B E l-lTJ Cl I CA 0O ' 9 E X C E L L E N T E PAl1(K SYSTEM LIES. POflR CITY PLANNINI SUGGESTS TWO REMEDIES umniford Declares Edu(Illcation I ' Fore- t(d On Children iQ City; L.teraIy Inlmrisolled In ='", hools FOG HINDERS ANY TRACE ellanea Plane 1 Read For Flight To Paris While Immediate Race' With Others Is Not t llely "BULLETINV' (By Associated Press) HALIFAX, N. S May 12-The correspondent of the 14alifa Her- aid in Freeport , Dugby county, reported tonigt that two loWter fishermen told them they had se'e *ln airp ane mas over St. miry's bay .earl last Monday morning while attending t' their lobster traps. The men declared that they had only a brief glinepsa f the plane througl a morning. mist It =was b leaded .in a westerly diretion{ across:the 'mouth. oiLthe By ~fI Fundy, they said, The cprrespondent of the Her- ald said that the fishermen told him tis when they learwed for the first time today of the search[ being made for the Frenh trans- Atlantic fliers, Nungesser and The time to fishernien saw the plane was not reported to the Heraldi. s. Another fish ' . it;,unidentified ythe correspondent also re- ported seeing aplne. (By 0 s ociated Press) ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland, May 12 -Whether= the great eolony of New- foundland, long klnown as "the senti- nel of the St. Liawrence,". holds the ey to the mystery ,rrbunding the disappearance of Captains Nungesses and Coli, French trans-Atlantic flyers,. is a question which its inhabitants are bending every energy to answer. The problem ritges on sounds heard in the air by three residents of Harbor Grace, second largest town in Newfoundland, last Monday morning., Questioned by a local magistrate, Peter O'Brien and John Stapleton, stuck. firmly to their story that they had distinctly heard the whirring of an airplaie motor. The sound seem- ed to come from the northeast, Be- cause of' a dense fog they were uable to see anything. The two men were in different parts of the towi at the time. Mrs Hinto, 'wife of the super- intendent of the Inmpeial cable at Harbor Grace, also said that she plainly heard the sound and was' sure that it was that of an.Alrplane engine. If the flyers carry out ther original plan, of diverting their course in case they encountered fog on the Grand tanks, sought a route to the Gulf of, the St. Lawrence, whence they could make their way up the St. Lawrence riVer, it is entirely possible that they have passed over Harbor Grace. NEW YQRK, Ilray 12-Clarence ChamberlaIn and Lloyd Bertrand were standing by their Bellanca plane at Mitchell field tonight, ready to hop off for Paris early in the morning if weather permits. Liklihood of the first' American at- tempt to capture the $25,000 Orteig prize being a race to start before sun- rise was disspated late today when CaptainĀ°*tindbergh arrived from St. Louis and announced that he would not take off for France either toni-ght or tomorrow. Because of the speed with which he had flown across the countgy in two giant hops in ihs Ryan single-seater monoplane, enthusiasts had believed that he would let no other entrant get away ahead of,him. . With the Bellanca at Mitchell field tonight and the Ryan at Roosevelt field, th Fokker monoplane built for Commander Richard Byrd at Has- brouck Heghts, was unexpected'y started on a flight to Roosevelt field with Byrd following in another plane. Byrd Party Withdraws Announcement of' -this move gave rise to rumors that the Paris flight might be a three-cornered race, but this belief was shattered when it was recalled that Byrd's financial backers had formally announced last night that Byrd would not take off for Paris until the fate of Captain Nungesser and Major Coli, missing French fliers; had ben determined. It was announced early today that the Bellanca would hop off at one o'clock tomorrow if possible, .but the HOFFMAN, GILBERT AND SAUER LEAD FOR COUNCILMEN Final recounts of the ballots cast in the election for senior members on the Student council, which showed no, 'clear majority on the first count, in- dicate that Leo Hoffman, '28, Charles Gilbert, '28, and Russell Sauer, '28, were elected to the positions at the Wednesday election. - Hoffman led the candidates with 1,014 votes. Gilbert was second with 954, -and Sauer was third with 886. Robert Halstead, '28, was fouth,' fail- ing of election by two votes when he polled 884. This was the second office that Halsted lost by narrow margin, falling in the race for corresponding secretary of the Union by three votes. The other candidates, in order of the votes received, follow: Marion [iodgson. '28, 610, George Annable, '28,1 524, Walyne Cowell, '28, 450, Ellis Mer- ry, '28, 431, and John Hedrick, '28, 431. . LTTERS OFT RIBUTE CONTINUE FOR LLOYD1 CaWhtinFrancois Cowl Who with Captain Nungesser feared has fallen into the Atlantic their- plane the "White Bird.", . it Is with . Lewis Browne To Speak Under Aus- pices Of Hillel Foundation On Topic, "This Believing World" HAS RELIGIOUS THEME Dr. Lewis Browne, noted author and lecturer, is scheduled to speak here at 4:30' Sunday afternoon, May 15, in Natural Science auditorium.. He will speak on the topic of "This Believing World". Although he is not yet thirtys years old, Dr. Browne is the author of two of the best-selling non-fictionj books of the day, namely "Stranger Than Fiction" and "This Believing 'World." The first of these is the{ story of the Jews, while- the latter is l the tale of man's religions and how1 they have developed. His Ann Arbor appearance is under the auspices of the Bnai-Brith Hillel foundation. Although born in England, Dr. Barowne received the greatest part of his education in this country. He.] spent some time when hb first came over, in contact with laborers in all parts of the country. Living and work- ing with th'e laborers, Dr. Browne was able to gain first hand information regarding their conditions. He return- ed to his studies after living for aa while with his parents In California, enrolling in the University of Cin- cinnati. Speaking of his attitudes atj college, Dr. Browne has said, "When I was finishing .college, I was very much the radical, with all sorts of theories regdrding the 'labor prob- lem, the working man, and so forth; I consulted by father, but he told me, 'Go, find out for yourself'." That is the way in which Dr. Browne has gathered material for his writings' He: travels very extensively, always de- siring to consult 'thei'very source of material before writing anything. Rare Books Of Early "There are two remedies of the problem of the big city," Mr. Lewis Mumford, 'architect and author, de- clared in a lecture given yesterday in Natural Science auditorium. "Either let them go ahead with their growth, be more elaborate, more expensive, and let them improve conditions as much as they are .able, still the re- sult will be eventually a necropolis or city of the dead. Or let them build up a new civilization which will have an entirely different base. New means of communication and transportation will restore the advantages of a rural region and have made it possible to live in the country and still enjoy the advantages of a big city."a "The city is a problem because of the enormous quantity of girowth it has undergone in the last few years," Mr. Mumford said. "A new type of town based upon industrial and finan- cial problems and having a greater quantity of people has sprung up, Any city with a, population over 250,000 is a cold industrial city because of the great concentration of people in it. Cities have grown up around mining towns or harbors or have developed during the 19th century due to the in- fluence of the railways. t lDescribes Housing "The first problem in the develop- ment of a big city is the housing, problem," continued Mr. Mumford,j Chicago can boast of a. marvellousj system of parks and boulevards, but behind the boulevards lies some of' Ithe worst city planning that I have l ever come across. Whereever a city! continues to grow, housing problems, spring up. A problem such as thi is an index that the city has a large mass of casual workers or unemploy-f ed people. And the food problem ini the large city has to be solved by soil robbery from neighboring farm lands.' A city attempts, to create a source of supply from places where.the labor is all ready over-worked.f Education is forced upon the chil-' dren of a city; they are literally im- prisoned in the schools, he said. As a result of' this prison system of edu- cation financial accounting is drilled into the student and ie learns that he must make more money. Also, no city' can increase beyond its food supply if it has no adequate water supply. Large cities have to resort to elahor- ate means and large financial fayouts to obtain a source of water. New York brags that it obtains its water from the Catskills forty miles away, but is, It anything to brag about? "Transportation in a large city also has to be found, stated Mr. Mumford. "Money has to be diverted from other1 channels in order to ra' subway o surface-line taxes. For a city to grow it must spend -for means as well as for modes of living." Printers Compose GOVEHRMENT AT ROME PLANS APPLICATION OF NEW STATEPRINCIPLE TEN PERCENT WAGE REDUCTIONI CONTEMIPLATE 'IroUuouT r ITALY AS RESULT AIMED TO AID INDUSTRY Application(0F Vasei t-Syndicalist Idea For National Economy To Be Effected Soon . (By Associated Press) ROM, ,May 12.-The first nation-I wide application of the fundamental principal of the Fascist-Syndalist, state, as4laid down in the recently promulgated charter of Labor-volun- tary cooperation between capital and Ilabor for the benfit of improved nation- al economy, is scheduled to be made within a few days. Working men in all branches of Italian production will be called upon } to make their contribution in the form of acceptance of a ten per cent wage reduction. Employers also will be ex- pected to make a corresponding con- tribution by proportionally reducing the cost of production and thereby make possible a substantial cut in thej high cost of living in Italy and an in- creased sale of Italian products abroad. Negotiations Under Way DALLAS Tex., May 12-A dawn-to- dusk flight from Michigan to Texas the first time that a large number of planes has been moved such a dis- tance by the American air forces, was made yesterday by,18 planes of the First Pursuit Group, of Selfridge IField, Mich., commanded by Maj, Thomas (C. Laiphier. The distance of the flight 'from Selfridge Field to Kelly Field, 1,340 miles, was covered in 11 hours and 25 minutes, flying inme. ' The group hopped off from, Selfridge Field at 4:50 a. n. and arrived at Kel- ly Field shor'ly befo're 6 p. m. Central Standard Time. The ianes were the last arrivals in a mobilization of 100 combat ships, assembled at the four flying fields around San Antonio, for participation in the joint air and land maneuvers.-' T:he achievement of the First Pur- suit Group set a new record for the' movement of a large formation over a long distance. The dawn-to-dusk pro- ject is one of the most important mil- itary maneuvers of the year, accord- ing to high Army officers, in that it demonstrated tl'i'e possibility of keep- ing a large pursuit force at Selfridge Field, from where it could reach any part of the country within 24 hours. SCOTL ND YARD RDS SOVIETTADFFC -..---..,- ,Y p5 L {k 1, r M y , { f k ;'i Maintain Contini Between New Routge As Group Of Airplanes Make Dawn ,Dusk Army Flight Record (By Associated NEW ORLEANS, Ma break in the levee sy central and southern : today when an emb, Bayou Rouge crumple port. It released a par seas which had sprea eastern Louisiana. Funeral Services Will Be Held This fMorning and Tomorrow'Afternooni Rev. Lewis To Officiate REQUEST NO FLOWERS Letters and words of tribute con- tinued to arrive yesterday at the home of Dean Alfred Hi Lloyd of the Grad- uate school as ,the family completed the arrangements for the funeral ser- vices that will be held this afternoon] and tomorrow afternoon.g The funeral service will be held at 4:15 Saturday afternoon at St. 'An- drews Episcopal church. Rev. Henry Lewis and Rev. Henry Tatlck will offiate. The members of the imm a diate family will act as pallbearers. The services will be open to friends of the late Dean and to members of' his classes. Family services will be held Fri- day morning at the Lloyd residence, following which the bddy will be cre- mated. The family request that no Bowers be sent. Among the tributes and letters "of appreciation there was the follow'- ing from the faculty of the Michigan School of Religion: "The sense of shock, bereave- meat and loss which the members of the administrative committee and the council of the Michiganf School of Religion feel in the sud- I den death of Dean Lloyd is over-' whelming and beyond words ade- quately to express. "Throughout the three years of the school's existence Dean Lloyd has been the nyaster spirit'of the enterprise. Himself chairman ofI the administrative committee un- til his duties as acting President of the University compelled him to relinquish the responsibility, he, .continued nevertheless to bey an active member of the govern-! in g committee of the School and has ever since remained its wise counsellor and guide, and the in- spirer of its highest ideals. His very presence on the committee was an assurance to outsiders that the undertaking would be sound, sane and constructive, while at the same time his tinfail-. ing interest and willingness al- ways to be consulted and to givek his time and thought unstintingly to the problems of the Scool has given to those associated with him in this, work an otherwise unat- tainable courage and enthusiasm. The resultant asset of all this to the School has been priceless as! h'is loss is correspondingly ir- reparable." ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Henry G. Sanders L.L\D. Louis A. Hopkins Ph.D. Leroy Waterman Ph.D. E ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Campbell Bonner Ph.D. George E. Myers Ph.D. I. Leo Sharfman A.B. L.L.B. John F. Shepard Ph.D. I Horace L. Wilgus M.S. ' Arthur E. Wood Ph.D. DEAN DA Y SPEAKS: AT CLUBMEETING' Dean Edmund E. Day of the School of Business Administration gave the principle address at the last regular meeting of the present semester of the Business Administration Club last night at the Union. -, Dean Day explained that the ef- forts to professionalize the School of Business Administration to such a de-- gree as to place it on a par with the LEVEE SYST CAUSES APPI IN THREATEI COI Negotiations between representa- tives of the Fascist confederation of employers and employes for the stipu- lation of new wage contracts provid- ing for reductions, which have been going on for several weeks have reach- ed the final stage, it was semi-of- ficially announced today. This morning Premier Mussolini conferred lengthily with finance Min- EFFECT S arch Entire Of Russian Violation Building For Evidence' Delegation's Aleged Of English Law HOLD AR4OSOFFICALS' ister Volti on the general situation re- (By Associated Press) sulting from the increase in the value LONDON, May 12.-One of the most of the lira, while this evening the head of the National Fascist Syndi- spectacular raids in London's financial cate conferred with Augusto Trurati, district took place today when 45 secretary-general of the Fascist party. men from Scotland Yard swooped It is certain, says Potolo Di Roma, down upon the Soviet house at Moor- which usually speaks authoritatively, that representatives of the workersl gate and took charge, notsonly of the "will demonstrate their patriotism, by cos officers, but the quarters oc- consenting to request of their em- cied, he Rusian aeudeega- ployers for, a ten per cent wage cut" tion, whose officials are supposed to which wil be employed to eveiry branch beh immune from arrest. of production, both industrial and ag- e cotland Yard men ricutura. Ienforced by 60. uniformed policemen Thr new wage scale will 'establsh- who surrounded the five story build- sed for a comparatively long period in ig and no one was permitted to enter accoranceomfteishyofgtheFascist or depart without permission. accordance of the wish of the I Acting under the instructions of the, Grand Council that "the new wage contract permit business an ample o they i andwll on to margin of time to adjust itself to theothe entire building and well on to new financial situation and the dif- midnight the search wascontinued., ficulties of international competition." The raid which began shortly before Will' Redue Production Cost 5 o'clock in the afternoon, was car- (Redutioi th~xe sPoroduction ost ried out under the authority of a Reduction in the cost of Droduction search warrant issed by Guil hall thruhwage cuts,' it is declared HI magistrate upon the request of White-, industrial circles, is absolutely neces- ha ials wo preetd eiec sary bcueo iers nvleo hall officials who presented. evidence ary because of the rise in value of designed to convince the magistrates the lira. While this rise has reduced that the laws of the country had been the cost of imported raw materials, .iolated and that on this account dras- it also has had the injurious effeo( ' tic steps' were deemed necessary inV of increasing the price of Italian pro-!the sterssteofdpubdic cessfytyn ducts abroad, and has ther.eby made the Interest of public safety.pa acute competition in the international Thc empls Rs, a a n markets.' Which controls Russian trade, as well * A number of sectional wage reduc- as the employes of the tiades dele- tions already have been accepted, not- gation; were taken completely by sur-q ably a ten per cent cut by the agrid, no prise. Before they had time to realize1 cultural workers of Pavia Bref ia,1 what had happened, the building from cutrliokrso avaGreca attic t t9 cellar was in the hands of Mortara, and other iniportant farm re-s gions, while 1200 port workers have tectives who endeavored to gain con- consented to give up a five, per cent trol of papers and.document to took high cost of living allowance, measures to prevent any persons The high cost of living allowance slipping from their grasp. Consterna- already has been taken away from tion prevailed among the clerks and virtually all categories of public and I typists and for more than an hour not semi-public employes because of .the one of them was permitted to leave gradual fall of retail prices which the the premises. government is trying by every means They were allowed to go, however, to accelerate. before the search began, but the of- ( ficials' were detained and closely questioned by Scotland Yard men1 Trans-Atlantic Try throughout the evening. Grave apprehension w s f 20 mile stretch of . a Big Bend section of Bay :De The water had mount . to . few' inches of the to, o the ment and at points was trickl The effect of the gyou break was probablematkal. Orleans weather bureau ren warning 'that every precs measure should be aloen'aa Misissippi in the Jpwer va ey against stages' prelously for Crest Of Flhod rloving The crest of theflod still the Tensas basin today movin southward. It remained t at Tullula, bit rising at Wi Waterproos and Ferriday, as on the ramparts protepting t central portin of the stat Bayou Des Gallses. Authoities said that th bre ably would not effect a large that most of the inhabitants stock already had been rem, Different opinions wkrg ex to' the course the water wo* Enginers said th natural draii tem should take care of Iti its effect would be local,. nl y port and other commu'nites iri mediate vicinity being effectei believed a portion of it wo into Indian Bayou, return tt Rouge apd then flow down th falaya basin into the Gulf of' I\ The crevasse was said to be wide, with a stream of water f to three feet deep flowing towards Bayou Choutigue at cheville , Evergreen and Neither of the 'three .towns llevd in dangr and the prottti at Cottonport was suflicient 'the water 'out of 'that place. Guards were withdrawn i levees in the neighborhood o leonville 'and the work of top embankment halted after'th asse at Cottonport because of ger of flood waters from the b That part of they stat ' double threat of rai and flot and topping. along, the ;Bl stretch proceeded slowly wit men unable to work on tIe 1 because of the danger of th cr pling into the bayou und6er t ing influence of. the rains. Work had been &andone point where the break occurre time before the water forced quarter of a mile from the ju through. -The crevasse is a Bayou Rouge and ayou De and 16>0 miles from New Or] the opposite side of the rvei Section Begs Help A general cry for help went the stricken Big Bend secton bags and other materials w from Alexandria and ne towns. Elsewhere in the lower Mi valley the dangerous' threat imminent. The river conti rise between New Orleans a Rouge, but atthe Crescent Q1 of one-tenth of a foot was re continual watch was 'kept a levees between the two ci much of the topping alre dy completed. Collection On Dispay 'At Main Library Rare books dating as far back as about the same time in America shows! 1474 and including the works of -some the works of Lowell, Emerson, and! of the oldest printers comprises the IHowe. The Gift Book consisted of s plays and poems of the chastest type, collection shown in the main library. and was primarily a present. They The incunabula are the oldest and died out because different companies1 represent all printed material ante- in different years sold the same dating the sixteenth century. The old- works, without even so much as al- est known ,ifcunabulum is the Guten- tering the order of the table of con-a Berg Bible printed in 1455, by Johann tents. Guatenberg, inventor of the printing Dr. Hubbard a member of the Board press. These bibles are so rare that of Regents, has compiled a collection one recently sold for $120,000. J of imaginary voyages, including the[ There' is no copy of it in the uni-i versity library but the Nurenberg Chronicle, edited in 1493, is one of the oldest copies on exhibition. It consists of 1809 woodcuts on 60j different I blocks and portrays the history of man. The Aldine press was one-.of the I first printers, and a copy by them is, displayed which was published about 30 years after the invention of print- ing by movable type. Shakespeare's third folios, was one of the rarest of his works. It is scar-' cer because a great number were de- stroyed in the London Fire, This with the first edition of Hamlet (1676), and1 several old comments on Shakespeare are on view. tale of Robinson Crusoe, and Gulli- ver's Travels. Robinson Crusoe has teen translated into innumerable languages including Sanscrit, Javan- ese, and Kavanese. A rare edition, the third of Crusoe's adventure, is shown. It deals With the serious reflection on his later life and is said to be one of Defoe's most unpopular books. Gulli- ver's Travels has not been successful in translation because most of the bitterness of his satire is lost. Robin- sonades, an imitation of Robinson Crusoe, became very popular as a fol- lower of Defoe's' works. There are copies of Lowell, Holmes, Longfellow-Outre Mer, his first book, Bryant, Stowe-first edition of Uncle Postponed Because Of Stormy Weatherl GARDEN CITY, N. Y. May 12- Flight of Clarence Chamberlain and Lloyd Bertau in the Bellanca mono- plane was postponed late tonight until early Saturday. morning because of squally weather in the North Atlantic. j Until almost 11:30 o'clock tonight, Clarence D. Chamberlain and Lloyd Bertaud had hopes to hop off at one; o'clock in the morning but when theL 11 o'clock special weather report was received, a conference was held in the Garden City hotel and decision was at4 last reached although with expres-t sIons of deep regret, to postpone the flight. I The flying time was tentatively setc for one o'clock Saturday morning and tmm 'fh1T nw iht a n n+b'hn ainl1 CHINA DISCUSSED AT CLUB MEETING Tracing the growth of the Nation- alist Movement in China,' Mr. Maurice T. Price talked to the Negro-Caucas-I ian Club last night at the Union. Mr. Price returned within the month from Shanghai, has lived in China for the past ten years and is very familiar with present conditions there.. According to Mr. Price, the recent anti-foreign sentiment in China has been almost entirely instigated by the Communist Party. The moderates in the Nationalist Party are very friend- ly towards foreigners. "Being chiefly a peasant race, the Chinese have given practically nb thought to government, and one of the aims of the Nationalist Party is to t t i . THE MICHIGAN As a sample copy, issue of The Michigan is being distributed v Daily today. The purp is to acquaint stude others with the latest p on the campus. It wi sent out next year as ment to The Daily bu 'l l