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May 12, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-12

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______________________r____________a_:__as______a________ _______________ Ia
O ! i -

Published every morning except Monday
luring the University year by the Board in
Contrel of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
ef postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
siaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by snail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
pard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 31314.
Telephone 4925
Stor, . . ...... W Calvin Patterson
y Edito...............Irwin A. Oliaa
News Editors.......... Frederick Shilito
IPhilip C. Brooks
Women's Editor............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor....... ....Wilton A. Simpson
telegraph Editor..........Morris Zwerdling
T Musio and Drama:.......Vincent C. Wall. Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
So Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ahes Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnaw
Joseph Brunswick

ty-that between the Soviet represen-
tatives and Sir Arthur Balfour, over
extension of credit to the former.
Russia believes that she can accomp-
lish her aim without material assist-
ance, though it may be facilitated
withthe granting of credit.
However there have crept out of
Geneva during the first week of the
conference statements to the effect
that a rehashing of the debt settle-
ment and immigration question would,
be projected for the, particular benefit
of the American delegates. Such at-
tempt, though ethically justified in the
minds of their supporters, would be
doubly insidious and destructive to
the purpose of the sessions, for they
would stir up problems not meant to
be included and would hamper the
realization of economic aims.
One of the very constructive and
sensible measures passed by the state
legislature recently provides for the
regulation of radio receiving and send-
ing sets, according to the terms of
the Armstrong bill, which was signed
by Governor Green yesterday.
Federal legislation, to be sure, has
accomplished a great deal in the field,
but the Federal laws are admittedly
in an experimental stage and iMichigan
seems to have taken the lead in ampli-
fying and extending the radio legisla-
The State Public Utilities commis-
sion has been entrusted with the en-
forcement of the act, which will seek
to abolish interference from regen-
erative receiving sets and reassign
wave lengths for broadcasting; and
certainly no one will disagree that
radio has become an immense public
utility, and that regulations for the
common benefit are proper and de-
As far as the broadcasting end of
the program is concerned, the state
can do little, because a Chicago sta-
tion is just as likely to be trouble-
some as any other; but in the field of
receiving interference from the regen-
erative sets the state can and should
do a great deal.
Italy and Jugoslavia will soon be-
gin negotiations for revision of the
Tirana pact relative to Albania, it
has been reported. If another dispute
comes up, Mussolini wants to have
things more convenient.
"Coolidge Chir.a Policy Lauded."
The administration seems to be get-
ting a break in the foreign policy at

Faculty members intimately ac-
quainted with Dean Lloyd have ex-
pressed their appreciation of his en-
deavors and personality in the follow-
ing messages:
The University has been called upon
to bear a very great test of faith and
courage. It has been asked to do1
without the vital, simple, lovable
scholar who for many years has been
its servant and friend. It has been
forced suddenly to change the warm
reality of a personality comprising in
a wonderful way all that is good and
noble and true to the unseen, intan-
giable inspiration of the ideals which
so clearly led that personality through-
out its life.
We can only gather together the
greater mutual effort secured in the
knowledge that we have been privi-
leged to know and to love a very great
man and that his memory can never
be anything but a beautiful one to all
of Michigan forever.
C. C. Little.

Music and Drama


TONITGHIT: The Rockford Players J
present "The Firebrand" at S:15
o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hail.
* * *
A review, by Philip Brooks
When Reynolds Evans with his un-
surpassable sophistication speaks.
vaguely of the Power that "pulls the.
strings in this unaccountable puppet
show," and asks if any existence
"could be more incredible than this
world," one is inclined to accept the
indefiniteness of it all-to forgive the
incompatibility of a social order which
can countenance at one and the same
time such an indomitable character as
Mrs. Crespin, and such a rogue as
And when the latter parts are played
so superbly by such capable artists as
Frances Horine and Robert Hender-
son, one is inclined to affirm undeni-

TIIUTrS>AY, MAY 12, 192
1iiiiiijllulll 1lifli i iiV Il01111 IisI1111 l II 1111 11 u11111 llillI lilii liii 1110Il1illI11I11 III11I111111 IIIIII 111IIII Illnllnllll
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insure delivery At Both Ends of the Diagonal
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Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
eas Campbell
Jessie Church
Chbester !r. Clark
Edward C. Cummings
Margaret Clarke
Blanchard W. Cleland
Clarence Edelson
William Emery
Robert E. Finch
. Martin Frissel
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber
cwoleman j. Glencer
Harvey . Gunderson
Stewart Hooker
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaum
Parl Kern
Sally Knox
G. Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
Morris Quinn
James Sheehan
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
William Thurnau
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sberwood Winslow
Herbert R. Vedder
Milford Vanik

Dean Lloyd was a man whom every ably the success of William Archer
one loved. le had no enemies. The when he wrote "The Green Goddess."
principles of philosophy that he taught And when one is so limited for
he first lived. The integrity of his space as this, he regrets deeply that
life, the wisdom of his counsel, and he cannot discuss in detail the various#
the charm of his personality enabled factors contributing to the admirably
him to serve the University to a degree effective production of the play by
that has been granted to but a few. The Rockford Players.
His complte devotion to all that was It must suffice, then, to mention with
highest in life and in education re- high approval the work of two of
mains to us as an enduring inspira- "the Ann Arbor clothes horses," as
tion. they have been ruthlessly termed,
M. P. Tilley. William Bishop gave a performance
possessing remarkable finish, in ad-
The death of Dean Alfred H. Lloyd dition to a convincing interpretation
is deeply affecting to me. He was my ( of his difficult part. Robert Wetzel,
teacher over thirty years ago, and as the High Wriest, also carried him-
in all the intervening years his calm self in such a manner as to give the
strength and kindly sympathy had clothes horses a very formidable ap-
never failed. He has been a landmark pearance.

Rider'saen Shop
315 State Street



We are closing out all Spring Hats
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Telephone 21214
Contracts ...............William C. Pusch
Copywriting.........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George H. Annable, Jr.
ForeignAdvertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation ...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication.........John H. Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Cooper
Mtarion L. Reeding A. M. Hinklev
Marion Kerr E. L. Hulse
Nance Solomonr . A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott
Jo hnRusswinkle Harold Utley
ouglas Fuller Ray Wachter
Vinle C. Witham Esther Booze


THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1927
Night Editor-G. THOMAS McKEA]
That. the University of Michiga:
radio programs broadcasted over
WWJ this year have been all tha
could be expected in the way of
succes is evident from the numerou
requests for pamphlets containing th,
talks given on the different nights
and the announcement by Waldo i
Abbot, program manager, that step.
have already been made toward ar
ranging next year's prsogram.
It is reported that more than 1,75(
copies have been requested thus fai
although the pamphlets will not b
available until nearly the middle of
June. Individually, different Detroit
concerns have evinced an interest ii.
what has been done in this way by
ordering 50 copies of the bulletin, com-
mending talks given in two particular
instances on technical subjects.
The importance of the radio as a
factor in modern ,life has been recog-
nized for some time; now it would
seem that its importance as a factoi
in something more important-the
fostering of education-is coming tc
be realized. The value of the Univer-
sity's service developed through this
form of comuunication is being recog.
nized by the citizens of the state, who
are thus becoming much more satis-
fied to support an institution which
aids them directly.
Commerce, industry, and agricul-
ture have opened their struggle at
the Geneva economic conference to
balance and protect world relations,
but they are unable to work with a
free hand even now, according to the
news despatches. International rifts
which have grown out of previous ses-
sions are making their bid to prevent
any easy accomplishments along eco-
nomic lines, and it remains to be seen
whether these wrenches will seriously
hinder the machine.
Sub-committees are at work, com-
bining the suggestions of experts with
those of statesmen into resolutions
which are to be presented to the three
main commissions-those on agricul-
ture, industry, and commerce. The ex-
pected early oratory has subsided and
real wdrk is now the order of the
conference day. On the whole a vastj
intricate scheme has been evolved in
which there is no place for prejudiceI
or log-rolling. Experts have a habitI

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.


y To The Editor:
I-n view of the generous advance
publicity given by The Daily to the
recent Cercle Francais production, "La
Sonnette d'Alarme," the Romance
Language faculty were decidedly sur-
prised by the inadequate nature of the
criticism which appeared in your
dramatic column the next morninig.
The reviewer, who by his own admis-
sion, did not known enough French
to understand what it was all about,
confined himself to a brief mention of
the central plot, to a few words con-
demning the artificiality of Mr. Bon-
ell's acting, and to 'the enthusiastic
praise of the beauty of the two lead-
ing women, presumably the only fea-1
ture of the performance which heI
felt qualified to appreciate.
Without wishing to be too captious,
I feel that there is very little excuse
for such treatment. The play was a
student enterprise, presented by an
important campus organization in the
Mimes theater to a full house. The
members of the cast were amateurs of
talent; some of whom, at least, are
prominently asociated with college
theatricals. The comedy itself, far
from being the insipid type usually
picked by such groups for its literary
or linguistic value, was a recent Par-
isian sucess, full of sparkling lines
and interesting situations.
It is a pity the reviewer was not
sufficiently acquainted with the French
people or the French language to ap-
preciate the thoroughly French intona-
tion and mannerism which made Mr.
Bonell's portrayal of Boby not only
convincing but a high spot in the cam-
pus dramatics of the current season.
Miss Burt, also, in the role of Suzanne,1
deserved credit for much more than
mere beauty, both in the perfect na-
ture of her French and in the direct-
ness, naturalness, and intensity of her
acting. Mr. Reed, as Emile, should
also have received recognition for his1
command of the French language.
A letter of protest would undoubt-
edly be out of place if it were merely
the expression of individual opinion.a

oak. He was stricken in the midst
I of an emergency duty which he had
accepted as imperturbably as he alway
took whatever came to him in the
day's work. To the University his loss
is irreparable. Many are today ask-
ing themselves in effect "How shall
we steady our steps without him?"
Shirley W. Smith.
I feel very keenly the death of Dean
Lloyd. I have known him fairly inti-
mately for now nearly forty years,
first as fellow instructor, and finally
as Dean of the Graduate School, where
for a time I was associated with him
as a member of the executive com-
nittee. 'Ihroughout all these rela-
tions, I have found him a true and
helpful friend, wise in counsel, with
ideals which I have tried to emulate.
I shall miss him more than I can say.
G. Carl Huber.
The death of Dean Lloyd will not
only be a great shock to his many,
friends, but also a serious loss to the
University. In his long connection
with Michigan he has not only been
an inspiring leader but an adminis-
trator of lofty standards and sound
judgment. We lament the passing of
a valued colleague and a high souled
Arthur Lyon Cross.
As a friend Dean Lloyd was always
self-forgetful, kind in word and deed.
His advice was ever impersonal and
sound. As an administrator he was
far sighted, energetic but not pushing,
above all sane. As scholar he thought
his material through to the' bitter end.
He worked independently, belonged to
no school, and had -the satisfaction of
seeing many of his conclusions ac-
cepted by partizans of other doctrines.
W. B. Pillsbury.
Dean Lloyd has always seemed to
me the ideal scholar. For his learn-
ing was not something which he wore
externally-it had become a part of
himself. He has shown us for many
years, in his own person, the high in-
fluence which scholarship may have
upon character. His spirit has shed l
abroad, among us all, sweetness and
light; and I believe it will continue to
do so.
Wilbur R. Humphies.
The death of Dean Lloyd brings an
irreparable loss to the University and
his place in the community can never
be filled. He was always fairminded
and his judgments were so wise and
sound that his colleagues and students
always turned to him for help and
advice. His quiet dignity and ready
wit endeared him to all who knew
J. A. LBursley.
It is difficult, if not imposible, to
appraise the life of an associate whenI

"The Green Goddess" of last night
was all in all a fitting testimony to
the remarkable ability of the com-
* * .
A review, by Robert Gessner
A beautiful touch is perhaps the
highest quality of an instrumental ar-
tist, for it means the possession of
both execptional technique and deep
emotion. And Dalies Frantz, yester-
day's twilight organist, has a beauti-
ful touch.
The allegro appasionata from Guil-
mant's Sonata V opened a well select-
ed and intelligent program. This se-
lection was rendered in a true spirit,
unsuppressed by the detailed trifings
that generally arise upon the presen-
tation of such a number. Yet, Mr.
Frantz seemed at times to lose the
phasing of the rapid, rich roar that
isued forth in the climaxes. But in
the adagio that followed he produced
striking effects with quaint, celestral
quiverings from the high octaves-
rare ascendations that only an organ
can create. This group was completed
with, the scherzo, which carried the
atmosphere of Guilmant into a pleas-
ing conclusion.
Mulet's Noel was again of the pas-
toral theme, interspersed with the rare
beauty of a dream. (Damn poor poe-
try.) Because of its shortness the
selection was exceedingly ,effective.
Music of such a type soon grows
monotonous unless cut short or varied.
The declamatory passages-of Bach's'
Toccata were mingled with the ar-
peggio phrasing of the Fugue produced
in full a vividness that is seldom ob-
tained by organists in concert. The
life-power of Bach in this presenta-
tion in D minor by Frantz was one
of the most otustanding achievements
of the entire program. In Mascagni's
familiar Intermezzo, generally known
as Cavalleria Rusticana, the artist
again created the high, stilled tones
of the upper regions, the notes of
which seemed to come riding down to
the audience with the lightness of a
summer wind.
* * *
A review, by Joe Bates Smith
The select and most appreciative
audience that heard Miss Bessie Sick-
les sing her graduation recital last
night, realized just what work is ne-
cessary and what difficulties are pitted
against the aspirant for vocal fame.
This realization cme because Miss
Sickles has so successfully accomp-
lished all that is important to a finish-
ed concert artist.
Besides voice culture, the study of
harmony, theory, enunciation, and
languages, are necessary for anyone
wishing to possess all of the require-
ments for success.
Languages especially. The parrot
method of learning selections in a
language hitherto strange to the sing-
er is decidedly incompetent. The
phrasing of any language necessary
for sympathetic interpretation of a

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I owevkr, the feeling is quite general one is still overwhelmed with a sense 1
among the Romance Language faculty of personal loss. Dean Lloyd was firstc
that the French play was given inade- of all a counselor and friend. He ]s
quate treatment, and the same thiing brought to his high office an under- f





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