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May 12, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-12

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Junior Positions To Be Filled By
Asbeek, McCoy And Gilmartin;
Five Recounts Necessary
Courtland C. Smith, '28, won a hot-
ly contested battle for president of the
Student Council and William V. Jef-
fries, '28, was elected president of
the Union in the annual all-campusL
spring elections held yesterday. Rob-
crt S. Miller, '28, won in a three cor-
nered race for president of the Ora-
torical association, and Kenneth
Haven, '28, defeated his two competi-
tors for the presidency of the Student
Christian association.
Smith, the new president of the
Student council, who will succeed
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, retiring
president, brings to the office wide
experience in campus activities. He
has been a member of The Daily for
three years, holding the position of
night editor and Stud nt Council re-
porter last year and being appointed
city editor for the year 1927-28. He
has also served on two Union opera
publicity committees, being chair-
man of the committee last year, and
was chairman of the publicity commit-
tee of the Union during the school
year 1925-26.
Robert Miller, the new president of
the Oratorical Association, has like-
wise had a great deal of experience in
campus affairs, being a member of
Adelphi House of Representatives for'
three years, speaker of Adelphi one
semester, a member of two varsity de-
bating teams, a member of Delta Sig-
ma Rho, a member of the Oratorical
board, and a member of the Oratorical
association reorganization committee.
In the other offices of the Oratorical
association, Lyle Eiserman, '28, was
elected vice-president when his op-
ponent withdrew; Laura Soule, '28,1
was chosen treasurer by 223 votes,
and Paul J. Kern, '29, won in the race
for treasurer by a 333 vote margin.
Three students, all former publica-
tion men, were elected to the Board in
Control of Student Publications. Fran-
cis Norquist, '28, led the field with 893,
votes, while Wilton Simpson, '27, and
John Cunningham, '28, followed close
in order. These will be the only stu-
de4ft representatives on the Board next
year. Nine men ran for the office.
William V. Jeffries, '28, won a closel
race for the presidency of the Union
in the all-campus elections yester-
day by a margin of 179 votes over his
opponent, Henry S. Grinnell, '28. The
final votes cast were Jeffries, 1298,
Grinnell, 1119.
Robert L. Halsted, '28, was elected
recording secretary. Charles B. Gil-
bert, '28, took the office of literaryl

William V. Jeffries .........1298
Henry S. Grinnell..........1119
Recording Secretary
W. Roger Greene ............961
Robert Halsted .............958
Henry M. Kline............302
Literary Vice-President
Charles B. Gilbert ...........688
De Leslie L. Allen ..........397
Combined Vice-President
Philip M. Northrop ............95
Harold A. Greene ............73
Robert D. Orcitt...........24
Law Vice-President
Paul W. Bruske..........133
Rowan Fasquelle .............94
Engineering Vice-President
Harold M. Philpott ..........230
Roscoe A. Davidson ..........159
James G. McKillen, Jr. .......120
Medic Vice-President
Edward K. Isbey ............148
E. Gifford Upjohn ............110
Courtland C. Smith ........1143
John T. Snodgrass ..........1086
Senior Representative
Leo Hoffman ................1014
Charles Gilbert ............. 954
.Junior Representative
Fred Asbeck............. 1386
Ernest McCoy.............1117
John Gilmartin...............932
Stdlents' Christian Association
William Brumbaugh........555
Charles E. Behymer..........474

jAs a result ofo organized hazing car-
ried on during Trhursday night preced-TfAIO
ing the Spring games, two students -fl1I A
have been suspended from the Univer-
sity, and two placed on probation forI
the remainder of this semester, and COAST GIUA
all of the fall semester. The action OF SE
came after a meeting of the discip- LOS
line committee.
The students who were disciplined AA
were members of a group of from 25 CANADA
to 50 men who had gone out in searchS
of frehsmen who, according to them, f)nited State
had been breaking traditions. In the Flight Fro
course of the night two of the group Dsepite
entered a house after a first-year,
man. Upperclassmen living in the res- (By
idence denied that he had violated any NEW YOR
rules, and a tsruggle ensued. The two of the worl
students who entered the house were the North A
suspended, and the leader of the.
group, along with one of the others refused to d
was put on probation. Bird" would
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, those watery
in commenting on the situation, made dauntless air
the statement that organized hazing , e
of freshmen, or forcibly removing Two days
students from houses, is against the have parted
policies of the University and will not approach of
be condoned by it. Coli, thed

- - - _.. r



es Fliers Will Attempt
om New York To Paris
French Expedition
y Associated Press)
K, May 11.-The eyes of
d were still turned upon1
ktlantic tonight and hopeI
die that France's "White1
be found somewhere in
y stretches with its two
rmen still alive.
ago the clouds should
to reveal the victorious
Captains Nungesser and
daring Frenchmen who

Oratorical Association.
Robert S. Miller...........1007f
Robert E. Minnich...........718
Emmanual J. H arris .........463
Lyle E. Eiserman ...........
(Herald withdrew).
Laura Soule ................973
Hilda M. Evans...........750
Paul J. Kern.............1152
Walter North ................819
Board In Control Of Student
Francis A. Norquist ........ 893
Wilton A. Simpson .......... 847
John Cunningham .......... 752
Cassam A. Wilson .......... 718
Matthew J. Hudson ........ 696
Thomas J. Dougall .......... 666
George E. Monroe...........621
Henry Thurnau ............ 488
Louis F. Knoepp ........... 413
Board In Control Of Athletics
Richard S. Spindle.........1044
Wilford H. Ketz...........651
Harold U. Andreae ..........366

Local Speakers Triumph Over Albion
In Final Contest Sponsored
My Micihigan League
Before a capacity crowd in Hill au-
ditorium last night, the Ann Arborl
high school debating team defeated the'
Albion high school team on the ques-
tion, "Resolved: That the United
States Government Should Own The
Coal Mines."C
Ann Arbor took the affirmative side
while Albion held the negative in the
tenth annual state championship de-
bate of the Michi.gan High School De-
bating league which was organized in
1917 as one of the activities of the
University of Michigan Extension di-
vision. Since its organization, the
league has grown to a membership of
235 schools.
By winning first honors in the cham-
pionship debate the Ann Arbor team
will be awarded a large bronze trophy
by the Extension division. For second
honors Albion receives a smaller
bronze trophy.
Through the cooperation of the De-
troit Free Press each of the six de-
baters in last night's debate receives
a gold watch as a testimonial of in-
dividual merit in debate.
Prof. G. E. Densmore, manager of
the League, introduced Shirley W.
Smith, the presiding officer of the de-
bate. The representatives of the Ann
Arbor affirmative team were: Patrick
Doyle, Franklin Forsythe, and Rolland
Stanger; for Albion: Robert Mc'ul-
loch, Harold Spiegel, and Milton Wil-
Those who acted as judges for last
night's debate were Dr. Charles Mc-
Kenny, president of Ypsilanti Normal
college; Mr. Stuart Perry, editor of
the Adrian Telegram; and Mr. Merlin
Wiley, former attorney-general ofl
Miss Margaret MacGregor, of the
University School of Music, opened
,the program with an organ recital.
(By Associated Press)
TORONTO, May 11-Sir Frederick
Stutart, director of the Toronto bu-
reau of the Dominion meterological
office today expressed the definite
opinion that if an excess of water had
not been taken from the Great Lakes
system through the Chicago drainage
canal, the Mississippi floods that have
taken such toll of life and propertyl

sought to wrest for their country the
honor of the first non-stop flight from
Paris to New York.
But the clouds rolled solidy across
the sky, a curtaiin shielding all from
knowledge of whatever grave adven-
ture had befallen the intrepid fliers.
Today the search for the aviators
was fully organized and the United
States coast guard was - practically
turned over to the task of finding
Nungesser and Coli.
Besides that all ships in the North
Atlantic were requested to keep spe-
cial lookout for the fallen plane and
the liner France received orders on
the other side to alter its usual course
to New York so as to parallel the air
route of the fliers.
Guard Watehes Coast
From (Maryland to the northermostI
point of the New England coast most
of the coast gaurd took up the hunt
and it was announced at Washington(
that the search would be extended to
the Mid-Atlantic.
In Canada the maritime provinces
joined in the rescue ateempts on the
chance that the French plane had been
brought down in the icy northern
Twenty coast guard patrol boats
and three coast guard airplanes were
patrolling the New England coast to-
day for 100 miles out to sea. Eight
destroyers had been taken from other
duties to concentrate upon the search
further from land, and the cutter Tam-
pa, which had been watching for ice-
bergs off the Grand Bank, was as-
signed a 1,200 mile area northeast of
NEW YORK, May 11.-Wheels of the
Ballanca monoplane, freshly painted!
red, white and blue, were today ready
to roll over the ground of Roosevelt
field Saturday morning at one o'clock,
for the start of a flight that every-
one connnected with the effort be-
'lives will land it in Paris.
isecsanics PrepareColumbia
The "Columbia" did not take the
air today, mechanics spending the
hours putting finishing touches to the
work of equipping it for its greatest
test. Veteran of a flight of more than
51 hours, the craft was groomed to the
minute for the transatlantic flight and
will take the air Saturday, weather
permitting, as fresh as though it hadj
no endurance record behind.
Clarence E. Chamberlain, pilot, and
Lloyd W. Bertaud, co-pilot and navi-
gator, continued to express confidence
in their ability and that of the plane
to negotiate the flight if a good break,
in weather can be obtained.I

(ByNEssociated Press)
tNEW ORLEANS, May il-Mississip-
pi flood waters reassembling from
the northeastern Louisiana lowlands!
to advance upon the south central
portion of the state tonight, still had
failed to find a penetrable spot in the
levees along the Bayou DesGlaises sec-I
Although various authorities had de-
Glared a break along that sector, 170
miles above New Orleans, on the west
side of the river, inevitable, and res-
cue fleets had been mobilized at Sim-
i mesport and in the Old river section,
local levee board officials sai that the
enbankments would hold and they
massed workmen in a desperate ef-
fort to hold back the swirling waters.
MEMPHIS, May 11 - Enormous
F shipments of food supplies that will
place 64 flood rolief concentration
centers on a two weeks ration reserve
basis continued today while the Amer-
ican Red Cross held large forces in
low Louisiana areas where breaks in
levees may add 100,000 persons to
the homeless.
WASHINGTON, May 11-Contribu--
tions to the Mississippi valley flood,
'relief fund today passed the $10,000,-
000 minimum set by President Cool-I
idge, but with the number of refugees
far beyond the original estimate, and
destructive tornadoes adding to the
suffering, Red Cross officials said more
would be needed.
Speaker Tells Cbnxocation Tuy's
Achievements Muit Be Part Of j
Tomorrow's Vicories
"Education does not consist of a
l body of knowledge, but rather an at-
titude of mind, compelling the use
of achievements of today for the vic-
tories of tomorrow," declared Dr.
Stanley Coulter in addressing the
Honors convocation yesterday in Hill
Admitting that it is a bold matter
to attempt to define education in the
presen't age, Dr. Coulter, after elimin-
ating several popular concepts of the!
term, pointed out a number of defin- 1
ite attributes of education, which he
called "the hallmarks of education."
Without these, lie said, the student's
years in college may give him an ex-
ternal polish, but not an inner lust

Clot In Artery Of Heart Causes Death
Of Graduate School Dean After
Recovery Is expected
Hundreds of friends, incding the members of the faculty, alumni,
and students, yesterday mourned the passing of Dean Alfred H. Lloyd,
of the Graduate school, who died at 3:15 yesterday morning, after being
stricken as he addressed the Senior Swing-Out service Tuesday after-
noon. Tributes came from men with whom he had worked and played,
from students who attended his classes, and from friends in all parts
of the country.
A funeral service for members of the family only will be held
Friday afternoon at the Lloyd home. There will be a service for friends
and students at 4:30 Saturday afternoon at St. Andrews Episcopal church.
Friends are requested not to send flowers.
Dean Lloyd was stricken as he addressed the seniors of the University
at their annual Swing-Out ceremony in Hill auditorium. He was rushed

Yesterday Michigan lost a
great teacher, a great dean, and a
great figure in her life. The
man who for 36 years has taught
and inspired students of this
University, who has headed a
great department, who once guid-
ed the destinies of Michigan
from the office of president, and
who has made her graduate
school one of the finest in the
country, has passed from the
scene of his achievements; andl
from the service of the school
he loved.
His untiring zeal in the admin-
istration of his duties is measur-
ed not only -in the paramount
position which Michigan holds
today in the world of scholar-
ship but in an increasing con-
sciousness of its important des-
tiny which his efforts made mani-
-Not only will Michigan gradu-
ates all over the world feel his
loss immeasurably, but scholars
and those whose hopes are pledg-
ed to the boundless cause of edu-
cation which his efforts ennobled,
must feel his death keenly.
For thirty years, lie gave his
best to the University, and when
called on in moments of emer-
gency he responded with unfail-
ing and unassuming loyalty. It
can truly be said that he lived
and died in the service of the
University of Michigan.
~No appreciation of Dean LloydJ
could be complete without some
mention of his impressive per-
sonality. An inspiring teacher
and a profound scholar, he had
won hundreds of friends among
the faculties, the graduates of
the University and the under-
graduate body by reason of his
unfailing graciousness, his intel-
ligent interest, his broad hu-
mor, and keen sympathy.
The ample tradition of the
University wastennobled by his
works, even as the lives of those

immediately to University hospital
f where he received the care of heart
!specialists. Death was caused by a
clot which formed in an artery of the
heart. He seemed to be improved at
about 1:30 Wednesday morning but
shortly after this he began to fail
and although the physicians fought to
save him he passed away at 3:15 with
practically no pain. His wife was at
the bedside when the end came.
Survived By Wife And Children
He is survived by the widow, Mar-
Fgaret E. Crocker Lloyd; two sons,
f Frederick Thurston Lloyd and Dr.
Putnem Crocker Lloyd; two daughters,
Alice Crocker Lloyd and Anna 'Mary
Lloyd, all of Ann Arbor; and two
brothers, Arthur D. Lloyd of Longvale,
Cal., and Walter Lloyd, of Montclair,
N. J.
Expressions of appreciation of
the work, and personality of
Lloyd by members of the faculty
will be found on page 4.
__ _ _ _ __

Dean Lloyd was born January


1864, in Montclair, N. J., of parent of
American nationality. There were
four brothers in the family. He was



vice president. In the race for the of- V 1 51-£VJQtL1 VVA7 'A
fice of combined vice president Philip C
-AM. Northrop, '28D stepped out in front. Cap Night, the annual traditional
Paul W. Bruske, '28 took the office celebration for the casting of the
of Law vice president with a margin freshman pots into the fire, has been
of 39 votes over his opponent Rown postponed and will not take place to-
Iasquelle, '28L.n morrow night as previously announe-
I-arold M. Philpott, '28E, was elect- ed. The action was taken by the stu-
ed engineering vice president. In the dent council yesterday.
contest for the office of medic41 viceI
president Edward K. Isbey, '28M, won !PRESIDENT GIVES APPROVAI
the race against E. Gifford Upjohn, r
'28M. The postponement and modifi- j
Kenneth Haven , '28, was elected. cation of Cap Night by action of I
president of the Student Chirstian as- the Student council will, I am'
socation. sure, meet with the sincere ap-I
Richard Spindle, '29, was elected to proval of the whole University.
membership of the Board in Control j The Freshmen will have a
of Athletics. chance to keep the tradition un-
W. Roger Greene, '28, was declared I broken and at the same time wej
the winner over Robert Halsted, '28, shall all-because of the action
in the race for corresponding secre- taken-be paying a most incom- I
try of the Union by a three vote mr- Ijplete and inadequate but veryi
uin afer five hecounts last night. heart-felt and willing tribute to
On the original count Halsted was;the memory of a wise and greatj
cdted a17oe t teacher and friend of us all. j
a .1.,1 mfar g i t, h IC. C. Little

for true education.
The first of these "hallmarks", ac-
cording to th-e speaker, is an honest
doubt regarding the objects in the
world about us. An active interest in
the things of the material world lead
to intellectual productivity, and de-
clared Dr. Coulter, will aid in "reach-
ing the real heart of the matter by
stripping the way of all false creeds
and foibles. In this way we tear do'wn -
the barriers and open new thorough- A
fares to education."
jaAnother "hallmark" that distin-
guishes the true scholar is the breadth
of his foundation, according to the C
speaker. He said the scholar must be
grounded, not alone in his chosen
field, but in many lines, giving the
broadness of Pasteur's knowledge as! dri
an example. It is absolutely essen- ti
tial, he maintained, that the scholar th
be exact, for the man who succeeds to
is compellingly exact. In his opinion re
the United States as a nation, has al- A
most lost this quality which makes for '
intellectual productivity. "Unless dayed
by day you become more meticulous- I w
ly exact, you are losing education,"' he A

given his preparatory- training in the
high school of Westfield, Mass., and
Montclair, N. J., and the St. Johns-
bury academy, St. Johnsbury, Vt.,
from 1878 to 1882.
He entered Harvard university in
1882 and was graduated from there
with his Bachelor's degree in 1886.
Shortly afterwards he entered as a
graduate student and was given his
Master's degree in 1888. He was a
James Walker fellow from Harvard
at the Universities of Berlin and
Heidelberg, 1889-1891. The degree of
Doctor of Philosophy was conferred
on him in 1893.
Formerly At Andover
Professor Lloyd was an instructor
in English and Latin at Phillips aca-
demy, Andover, Mass., in the year 1886-
1887. In 1891 he became an instructor
of Philosophy in thq University of
Michigan and three years later was
made an assistant professor. In 1899
lie was made junior professor and in
1906 a Professor of Philosophy. He
was made dean of the graduate school
in 1915.
In 1925 following the death of Presi-
dent Marion Leroy Burton he was
made acting President and served in
that capacity until September, when
President Little assumed the duties of

who knew him
enriched by hi
(By Ass
ed marines sail
co, Virginia, f
lat many more

were abundantly
s beautiful spirit.
ociated Press)
, May 11-Four hun-,
led today from Quan-
or Nicaragua, while
waited in readiness

PARIS, May 11.-"All hope is not
yet abandoned," is the characteristic
headline in the Paris newspapers this,
evening, in contrast with the joyous[
announcement of the departure of
Captains Nungesser and Coli on Sun-
day and the exhuberant attendance
upon the erroneous heralding of their
arival on the other side of the At-
lantic Monday.

embark for that central American th~e presidency.
public at Charleston, S. C. and Port- Dean Lloyd was a member of the
u-Prince, Haiti. American Philosophical association,
The marine movement was order- ,Western Philosophical association, be-
d by the Navy department coincided ing president of the latter organization'
ith 'recepit of advices from Rear in 1915-1916, the American Psycholo-

dmiral Latimer

that he had warned

warned h'is audience.
Education, in the final analysis de-
pends upon work, and genius, talent.
and creative scholarship are matters

armed forces in Nicaragua to surren-1
der their arms peaceably or bear the
consequences of disarmament 1 ,

gical association, Phi Beta Kappa and
Chi Phi. He belonged to the Harvard
Club of Michigan, the Research Cathol-
epistemiad and Trigon clubs.
Dean Lloyd published four books:

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