SEC.U RE NOTED AMERICAN PIANIST TO APPEAR AT ANNUAL FESTIVAL On, of the best-known and most factor Ii making his name well-known Prominent of American pianists, her-ion that conltinlent. 11ec studied in Gee- ' neatt l t. hc'5of has been secured as ,nmny and followed uip with concert 'tt"'' at 'v~avtour's through out that country, Itus- an attracion a the 34th annual1nla I ia England Australia, andt the Unit Festvalwhih wll e l'ddIn illed 'States. Since those early days lBut- auditorium May 1 8, 19, 20, and 21. He cheson has played with all tihe larger bus< Img be n touring this country; symphony organizations. lie has also aIv ab3diSaefv~ ins n madle several New York recitals every i~ w I 10> > tothe5tn il iii ulic. year. It Is t houf;lt lby officials of the Fes- l The exceptional versatility if Ibis e i, l that Ji- will we ove to bo of equal artist was dlemonstrated ding the ('r awing power w l'h any of the Wtier, season of 1924-25. when he ga ve a ser- r ifts ciigaIge(1. Iics of seven recitals covering the en- lliitche soii is by bil,h in usIPUtral'an tire literature of the piano froin the lbut hais <(l. seu Ito adopt this country 16th century to the present. This as his licm!e, lHe has been trained' was claimed by critics to be a nionu- _iii a ll the~ worldl cap~itals, and! his E u- ( mental "achievement in the musical rnoanr career has beeni a considerable I world. TI IF M ICH -IGAN DAMLY Id Sport Goods in Season'I I 11 I i : ' ' i Catchers' Mitts ............. $1.00, $1.35, $2.00, $3.00 Fielders' Gloves................. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Baseball Bats.............. ... 25c, 75c, -$1.00, $2.00 Baseballs................. 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $2.00 Tennis Rackets ........ $2.75, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $7.00 Tennis Balls..................'.75c, for 1927 Make Golf Balls ..... .......... 35c, 50c, 75c, $-1.00, $1.25 Golf Sets................... $10.00, $20.00, $25.00 Pitching Shoes ................. $2.50 per Set of Four Roller Skates................ $2.00 pair, Union make Our stock is complete and our service is prompt. Call I1 FRATERNIT IES AND SORORITIES Now is the time to -be think- ing about your Year Books. Come in and let us rgive you an e~timdte. 'ours r be tter imrnessions" Rhythm, Harmony, Pep Dancing to BOBCRUZET'S LAKE [OUSE COTTON PICKERS at our stc 'StE 310 Sout ire and be convinced that this is the place to buy. ito treol Hardware th State St. Dial 50.15 Quality, Qu~antity and Prices Right. Phonie 8805 711 N. Univ. (Over Geo. Moe); w . ~ i Wed., 8:30 to 11 :30 Fri. and Sat., 9 to 12 Watch the Drummer j The Big Pavilion, Whitmore Lake. You don't have to play second fiddle How many chaps ate lost in the shuffe just from lack of funds! Too busy working their way through college to go out for football. Pockets too empty to take in any fun. And yet how easy to acquire the wherewithal to' promote them from the blurry background to the clear-cut ranks of leadership! Simply turn the summer to good account--selling a product every housewife needs. Fuller Brushes are nationally 'advertised: Fuller Men are welcome in ten'million homes. Fuller offers you the same "free training in expert salesmanship they .give their year round salesmen. Experience that paves the way to future success. -Money to meet next term's expecnses. Remunerative territories still opten to a limited number of ambitious college'men. Men ik e you earn $15 daily. 1, i~nformnaiion from R. S . %J1,0 District Manager -A41L ,,odbrook 914,dg. DETROIT, 111 WH. f[ 8" .. _ ! Necessity I of Spring Weather 0 1 1%, THIE coming oft Spring and Warm op i weather brings with it the neces- sity of clean, well laundered linen that will be comfortable and cool. I kWL I 4 The Trojan laundry through its ex- cellent service and laundry methods will1 keep your cloth es in te best of condition. .Mad e spot-les'syclean, and faultlessly ironed, ga'rments are always laundered at the Trojan neat and good' looking. / 0 ...The Trojan L aundry PDhone 91,15 51 .4 East 'William Street ...w m s _1111 WILL ilfMU L1i41 111 INII -11 f1 IIIf 11l lt lUElI