EI IH' THE MICHIGAN DAILY - __ . . ! . yr to f ../# yall t i 1 WVEDNE'SDAY, MAY It. 1927 DAILFIILBLEI Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). CODY must be typewritten.f VOLUME VII WEDNESDAY, 1MAY1 1,19 27 'NUMBIER t 1 B ridgeCompletes Honors (Convocation : The fourth annual H-onors Convocation will be held at 11:00 a. m. Wed- nesday, May 11, in Hill Auditorium. Dr. Stanley Coulter, formerly Acting President of Purdue University, will give the address. Classes at eleven o'clock in all divisions of the University, with the exception of clinics, are according to custom dismissed in order that mem- bers of the faculty and students may attend~ the convocation. The Deans are requested to meet with the President and the speaker of the day in the dressing rooms on the west side of the first floor of the Auditorium. Seats will be provided for members of the faculty on the stage. They are requested to enter the doors at the rear of Hill Auditorium and pass directly to these seats. There will be no academic procession. Academic costume will not be worn except by seniors in the section reserved for honor students. A sec- tion of seats on the main floor of the Auditorium will he reserved for honor students who will be admitted to this section on presentation of the cards which have been sent them. The doors of the Auditorium will be open at 10:45 a. mn. (C. C. Little. University Lecture : Dr. Caroline Ransom Williams, formerly of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, will lecture under the auspices of the Department of Semnitics at 4:15 p. in., Wednesday, May 11, in Natural Science Auditorium, on the subject, "Egyptian Thought and Art, 1360 B. C." The lecture will be illus- trated by the stereopticon. The public is cordially invited. F. F. Robbins. Business Administration Club: Dean Edmund E. Day of the School of Business Administration is call- ing a meeting of the Business Ad. Club at the Michigan Union on Thursday, May 12th, at 7:30 p. mn. All members of the club and those interested in the School of Business Administration are asked to be present. A busi- ness meeting and election of officers will follow Dean Day's talk. Donald 11. Doubleday. Com~edy Club: Tryouts for Membership: Tryouts for membership in Comedy Club will be held Wbdnesday after- noon from three until five in the auditorium of Newberry Hall. All stu- dents who are elgible for campus activities are invited to tryout. Candi- dates are expected to have prepared a short reading to present. before the club. All members of Comedy Club are expected to be present. Valentine L. Davies, Pres. Religion 14: Public lecture by Mr. Mumford on Thursday at 4:15 in Natural Science Auditorium. Quiz sections will not meet this week. Returned blue-books may be had at the School of Religion office mornings. A. E. Wood. Geology 2:s The second supplementary examination will be held Thursday at 4 o'clock in. Room 437 N. S.. I. D. Scott. Notice to Engineering Students: The Michigan Bell Telephone Company will employ a few engineering students during. the summer vacation for work in Detroit and in various cities elsewhere in the state. Either freshmen, sophomores or juniors, with good; scholarship records, will be considered. If interested se Mr. R. C. Gregory, Bell Telephone Building, Ann Arbor. H. C. Anderson. Joseph H. Cannon. The Piayloa ders Examination in Detroit: Civil service examinations will be given this :spring for. those interested in positions as playleaders for the Recreation Department-of the City of Detroit. Only those who have been living in Detroit for at least a year and who are twenty years and six months old are eligible. Those inter- ested may obtain information concerning the examination at the Bureau of Appointments. ; Margaret Cameron. chemistry: RiodneyV ~eeder Shank- scholarship: Paul Curkeet Samnson. CLes°ter George Barth. Me.x1~.4ican i'Flroad !land,' Rho Chi prize in pharmacy: Donald Medals in rhectoric-. lor: :ce El tho Phillips classical scholarshiips: Eve- Steward Breisch. CM0,linchev. Stephen lMa(cjel Ita:;eh- :, 1 lynIi1larriet White, Marjorie Rowellan{ Lehr and Fink prize In pharmacy: e Botler. George Lewis Webster.___ ihiuan Law Review iboardl: Ed-I Charles Ralph Eckler prize for pro- ASwf i)lieuipd itlf- lif- ar lot iles, James Bar'rett Boyle, h fciency in pharmacognosy: HelenI saving apparatus, has been designed Daniel Leon Bre nner, Robert Wendell; Ruth Yong. (ve._.r. . ~i~eJimesE 4igonue Dufy, Francesl Solis prize: Frieda Cobb Blanchard. toISU itneo i~la ciet May t lcr, William Bliss Giles, Fred! Woods Hole scholarship In biology: ill the English Chanel. Le~ntuno 1-1arlocker, Artu Lu eonidas I l rdi n , Edgar C. I lowlbot, Sidney f.Joseph lK arl, R Iichardl \William '>..,Lenske, Leslie Charles Put nam, Jiames . : :, ':",l~ndolph Itainsey. Robert 'reat Ilnear, Skiney Leon R obin, lhnujanuin Jay Safir, lBurton Blabcock Sibley, JlohnliE .:iSklarEdwa rd Schaad Stiuson, Lau- Jh n £uNe rent ~a~l 'aruI (\Hordl Egger ; ahbronlrock, Leroy Louis 'Whit- church, Arthur Richard Wood. ti Xl- McIauiht medals in journalism: Ia Cr Smitlh Henry(Cady, iM\argaret Louise Sherman, Morris Zwerdiing.I hut, Mex]eo, over odlsip'les (Pa~ss- Paul Gray testimonial in oratory:" " ' A ia new 1.0:3mile stretoh' o iload ! Elizabeth L. Rabinoff.Fo a SpecialO c so ,h ___west ___coast ____of___Mexico.___ Mrs. Eleanor Clay Ford testimonials in debate: Norma Alzina Green, M. Partridge. 'Patricia H-odgson, iHenrietta IH. How- Detroit Edison fellowship in metal-! ser, Miriam M. Olden, Laura M. Os- lurgy: Claude Lester Clark. good, Elizabeth L. Rabinoff.RY nw adt nthr'a Ro .Cai elwhpi i~- James Couzens testimonials in de- V R o nd e hr' way enigineering: Yasuhei Emori. bate: Norman Chester Bowersox,4 Eca eetta ns e ad American Petroleum Institute fel- Karl Crawfordl, Stanley Ellwood Di- hv a o ra o~sipi chmal eiiern:mood, William Gall, Stephen Evering- you hv a o dayora evening. George Homer Fancher. toin Jones, Richard 'P. Savage. , In which case you'll find it 271ght sJohn S. Gray testimonials in debate: covnett yt noorsain Natural Gasoline Manufacturers'I Gerald 0. Dykstra, Ephiraim R. Goin-covnetosepioou tin-- IAssociation fellowships: Edwin Alfred beg Stephen Everington Jones. Clarke, Robert Wilson Leslie, Albert1TomsbergrKokk,,obrtS select your car and be on1 the way-° Sknr.u Nwa, mr Mno Miller, John 0. Yeasting.ma yourself at the wheel. Skne.Lloyd's Register scholarship in ma Parke, Davis and Company fellow- ' ri ne engineering: William 'E. Ren- You rent a car in about two nin- ship in pharmacy: Leonard Dana ner, :Leslie D. Weston, William C. ue. N e ae oanyn Powers. Reynolds. ue. N e ae oanyn A. B. Prescott fellowship in organic Conference medal in athletics and questions. And our service has this Completion of the Salsipuedes viaI if-You- Can) Canyon, is the last link in linking central Mexico with the ri Honors Convocation' W~ill Be Held Today~ (Continued from Page Three) Du Pont fellowship in chemistry: Robert Frebrn Rthruff. D~letroit Edison fellowship in chem- iclengineering:: Everett Percy versity Hall at 4 :00 o'clock. New members are expected. Ruth Kani, Pres. Scabbard 1and(1Blade: There will be a regular meeting at the Union tonight at 8 :15 P. M. P. E Slayton. Lanfdscape Club .1eeting: There will be a meeting of the Landscape Club on Wednesday, May 11, 1927 at 8:00) P. M. Mr. Sidney B. Mitchell, Professor of Library Science willtal on Theuse of Iris in the Landscape." Everybody out. ____W. I. Gray. Faculy Wohen's Club: There will be a meeting of the New- comers' Section of the Faculty Wom- en's Club on Thursday afternoon, May 12, at 2 :30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Archibald D. Schultz, 723 South 'Division. All newcomers are cordially invited to attend. Margaret Van Duren, Secretary. Chli Delta Ph: There will be a. meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 in 201 S. W. Mary E. l bbey. IAutomobile IRulings: The following action was taken by the committee on automobiles yeste- day: Mr. Felix A. '.aworski, '2, has been susp~endled from the University for the f remainder of the semester for failurek to obey the ruling of the commit tee in prohibiting him from usig his car. Th'le AutonO)Re Comm~uitee. Univ-ersity of )Michigan Bhad: Be at Morris Hall in uniform at 7 :00 tonight to pay for the Senior Sing. Import ant. Paul F. Sehiaiderer, Student Manager. printing,_ ______g PARTY PROGRAMS ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS STATIONERY FOLDERS NEWSLETTERS PLACARDS BUSINESS CARDS CALLING CARDS ETC., ETC.j ( 2 15 S Main St. (off Liberty) E ! ~Phone 3231 _I For Service and Oality. None Better * * % ' % * * * r Opening TONIGHT at 8:15 in George Arliss' Famous Success "The Green Goddess" Reynolds Evans as the Raja Tomorrow at 8:15 Friday at 8:15 'The Green Goddess' Sarah Caswcll Angell Flal All Seats, 75 cents-At Bookstores and door ' s"-. Don't be disappoined. D~eserve your seats .. Zim T..!f'ei 1] riCY ,- wa r- decided advantage-the cost is so low you can afford to use a car frequently if you wish. The only requirement is that you be qualified and competent to drive a car. That's all. Next time you want to go some- where-days, evenings or week-ends --we invite you to go in one of our cars. You'll like the service. Ride in Groups and Split the Cost It costs no more for five to ride in one of our cars. Plan a trip with three or four others-divide the bill- and the cost to each is so small you'll never miss it. CONTROLLED BY YELLOW TRUCK & COACH MFG. CO. SUBSIDIARY GEN19RAL MOTORS CORPORATION AnnArbor Householders: The Rooming Committee will be at the Union o'clock every afternoon this wek to register rooms end of May 13, 14, 15. between three and five vacant during the week W. Roger. Greene. 504 East Washington Phone 3714, 1lO-usearchi Club: The Research Club will meet in Room 2528 East Medical Building, Wednesday, May 11, at 8 P. M: The following papers will be presented: "The Biology of Cancer," by President C. C. Little; and "Creative Personality: The Case of Milton," by Professor James H. Hanford. The Council will meet in Room 101, Pharmacology Building, at 4:30 P. M. 1 Seniors of all Schools and Colleges: A Senior Sing will be held in con- junction with the Varsity 'Band con- cert on. the Library steps, Wednesday evening, May 11, at 7:15 P. M. All seniors are urged to attend, and are requested to wear their caps andl gowns. Senior Sings Commititee, Sociology Club: The Sociology Club will meet in Room 302, Michigan Union, can Thurs- day, May 12, at 7:30 P. M. At this time members will be initiated into Louis 1. Bredvold, Secretary. Alpha Kappa Delta. Mir. Lewis Mum-, ford will meet with the Club directly following the initiation ceremony. Please be prompt. 11. C. Fuller. M Iichigan Glee Clubi: All members will meet at' Hill Auditorium at 11 o'clock today to take part in the Honors Convocation. L. Stuart Bulmnan, Manager. Members of Mlasques : There will be a very meeting of Masques today important in 203 Uni- -- . ENGRAVING......... LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Calling Cards Plate and 100 Cards, $2.75 and Up. Plate printing, $1.75 per One Hundred. ..w..r. ' . i WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE £ IM ' In Youolr Cap and G own Be Photographed .A .a... __ . r h A u ' ,r r s T T T A "T T T/'\T A T T 13 ITI VOP1~~l"IT T VV A DCr r~n nnIlx 0