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May 11, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-11

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Y. MAY 11, 1927


PAGE. S!,; T





F"O~R TEN:T- (ro or suite for two 1
or I rt' bsiness girls, nearChinl-.
)115 ali( (lowlitt owil. Boaid if de'-
.1t. 401 S. D~ivision. Secornd
floor. 158-11,1-160J

!We haveU a limlited territory avail-
ab)le. For that reasoan wecan use110
only seloct p~ersons.li you fecel that
yOU, ca;n qualify for :I salary plus
~-q';il11MImf pstion, call 'L. W'. smith,
31179,eenclings. ,'159-161-163

IWolverines Will' Seek rTo ilaiutitiiP lrn'tE ehe
I'ntuarrec- Reeor1' li 31wa01suchl a "fine" wind
I:nunired Iechr Ferry field fr~ [oithe
At Eaist. Laising ~ etysedyaiinoita ~c
' 1 cscr li sl5('l the l1 i <wk recordl of
PLAY INDIANA SATURDAY : 21.z for h 220 yard disli, a d al-
n-),t equlle(d the W 'irid, mark 01,o
'Sx members of the Michigan tennis :20.-5. leter im5 the fi']oir, in
squad will leave on the one o'clocktacferi'iO; t) Steve I.) ,; I1':; new
bus this afternoon for East Lansing ,at ch I to(istmnce Robb who wa Idls
where they will" engage thea Michiigti j oly comipctitor.
State team in a return match. The'e~-
mhen who will mare the trip) are Cap-4 AJiiad1C~it3ly esteri was1 h iliift:;
tai. Irwin Olian, Horace Barton;' f hIlini s 11105 ecto Ile ril)Off
Leighton Stephens, Durwin lgyer I;SaI,larfld3 ty f1bl'ilrI14o, anid lC>,titlh4i
Kingsley Moore, and Kenneth Schafer. 111111°',Q jwo IW( :a.*1new st raw flat. iAs ,
This will be the fifth match 61. the , has icemi thne (lstolm Pfa seveni
year for the Michigan team jd th 1 years, Greenwood a ni hKilgore c
second meeting with t e Michigan i lai e OflCJ'('d3atine~w stratw hat, too
State team as the Wolverines defeat- Iev'ery '1'loferitte ahilete -whiti iw
ed the Green anyd White nietmen last i firs gaist the iliti. Althtou lh
Thursday at Ferry field by a score of j Stve wouldit fell how ?- ayrio nw ?
7 to 0. With victories over -the Spar- I t lie says fihe hts are tot p~at
tans and Ohio State in their first two of theliect4kheft over foin the
matchcs withr collegiate opponents,. atfr ae
th ov rn s wl n e h ,m thtfavored to keep their. slate clean. Al Lomlont who has not lost a, hall'
Altljough the playing order willI mile run in dual meet competition thlis
not be definitely announced until Iya saloiith akt'o e

Farr ll put. M onroe in this hlfl
mile test. Mouroe surprised them
aill and finished in second place
wit~hin a yard or two of L~omoutl.
vials 1(ook thtird lace and was
foilcw cd closely by P'fluhie. The
latter two men, tilong with L o-
111011t, will run ,,it urday.



Tf you are a telephone subscriber cal immie I LS
the Ad-Taker, D~ial 21214, and your want adil _____________________
will be charged. LOUST-A pair of shell rim glasses in
EThe 1lichigan. Daily reserves tht -riglht to l
classify, 1 wants ads und'erapi'Iathe- brown leather envelope case with
ings and to revise or withhold ubjcctinahle; name and address printed inside.
This ,column clomes at 3 P. M. ,date precei- Please call 8367. Reward.
ing pul lication., Notice ol a;mv error mnajt bet 159-160-161
given, iw~ time for the secon'i insertion. __________________________________

FORl SALE I News Letters and C'ollege Printing.
FOR SALE-Large house, suitable for Prices and ser vice right .
frater-nity, soror-ity or roo i )fils & Ohhlger, Prompt t rlpters
roig109-111 L. Wash. St. Dial 8132
house. Block from c-ampuis. Lea - WFS-tt
soilahle t ermis. Phone 6367. Mtiiss ______________________________
Lfilbert. 159-160-161' NOT'lCE-Mell Gillespie, teacher manl-
Il AE--imndnclae . dolin, banjos, guitar, chord con-
lorbed silver bag, diamond ring, stdructirn.,Dialf4757.
seven pieee Japanese tea set (cloi-1
S suilti), anmid fur coat. Ver'y reason- Trolanowski's Barber Shop) has sat-
able. Call L17 159-160-.161' isfied Students for 40 years.
-- --- - Isun-wed-fri
I OILSALE,,--Iarmonicats. We have'- __________________
>ra fine stock of these ver'y popular SU ITS AND CV E'tUQA l'T-- -Vt' y rears-
istrmnuents, from 25c upi. Univer-! enable prices, tailored or ready-
sity Music I-ouse. Tn-ade. We have a wouderful varl-

The only other trial held yesterdlayV CASH RATS
} t4'as a s' ecial 100 yardl dash which Ten cents per reacting lire (on the basis of
i wa kwo byHarbtig. He le bely jfive aver age vwordts to the line) i~r'111Cer 1%%k)
was on y larhugh' I-c ld KllyInsertions-.
to the take by a full yard, while D~ah-! Nine rents per rending tine for tliecc or viore
hem drew up in third; Allen and Freese i insertions.,
I Cash classifieds received at the Daily office
ran a 220 yard race with the latter in The Press Building on Maynard ;street.
wvinning by a foot. The time was only'j CONTRACT RATESE
23 with the wind, so Farrell has (de- Special ttanndiardized rates given on applica-'
cided that "H-ardboiled" Hiarbaughpin
will be the third entry in both the
220 and 100 yard (dashes. LO)ST
ltb ugli there was miothtnlig t ILOST-A main's wrist watch on southl
stake, Cooprer', ones, f1n1 Ta*11*1d tennlis court, Fer-ry Field.- Return
ries c, 09.11- vt ... Va,. nv-rii.,. to 727 Oakland. 158-159-160

LOST-Ladies Parker Duofold, left
in 1018 Angell Bail, Thursday.
Call 4628. Ask for Margaret Huey.
LOST-A green Schaefer fountain lpen,
marked LeVerne Taylor. Phone,
LOST-A man's wrist watch on south
tennis court, Ferry Field. Return
Sto 707 Oakland. 158-159

leOI{. SAL E--1 921 Ford touring. Mo-,
tor' A-1 conditioni. Tires very good.
$50 (cash.
E)t26 Ford Coupe. New paint job!
and ltires.
It. 1I.. ALB3ER1

low huardles ini:41 Cooper 110a1n
first amud -'tlrbihhsecond lie hlttera
barely beating out. Jonies lmo tooi: I
third aagainst Iowa.
And the Sock King is offering a pair'
of Scotch golf, socks to the man gues-;
sing the Illinois-Michigan score-i
that's how hard' it is to figure out!t
how the meet is going to come out! I

LOST---Cameo with gr'eyish back-
groum l', bound with silver. Reward
five dlollars. R: turn to Sarah Cas-
well Hall. 159-160-161
LOST - Saturday morning, Ferry
Field, at spring games, brown pull-
over sweater. Reward. Aroian, 427
T'hompson. Phone 22153. 159

LOST-A green gold Wahl fountain
pen, Friday nmorning on campus.,
Call J. E. Wendel, X3193. Reward.
LOST-Friday, Apiril 22, silver van-'
itr case on a chain, with two blacki
"enameled figures on front. Reward.
7817 I

[i14 EC. Washingtoni St.

Phone 31l5j

FOR SALE- Most desirable large'
rooming house, furnished or unfur-
nished. Best location. Easy terms.
Mav rent. Dial 7733 {or 44541

shortly before the match, the same !straw Iiat.in t e nai te 111W IadIye-
Wolverines who, faced .the Michigan I terday afternoon, Lomont led eight
State team at Terry f4ed' last week of his team mates to the tape in 2: 00.6.
with the exception of Goldsmith will i This was excellent time in view of the
face the Spartans again this after- wind which the meii were forced to
noon. Goldsmith's place will be filled buck in the stretch.
by Schafer.
Captain Olian, Barton, Stephens, Al - Ii x-ig definitely deeided thiat
gyer and eith'er Moore or Schafer will '11onroe, his 'big miler, mustude-
compose the Michigan singles com- r'elopi more speed before his test
bi/tation, while it is likely that the l iyit Cpt&tin Rue and tike other
dbubles teams of Barton and. Moore; star HIlin distance men, Coachk
and Stephens' and Algyer that have
represeneted the Wolverines in- the T Y COBB I-JO NORED
matches played thus far will again ]" ]' methStt oniaos.1 J' - lR I FANS
The State teams; which was def eat-
ed, 5-2, by Detroit City College last i (ly Associated Press)
Saturday at East Lansing, will, prob)- DETROIT, May 10-Tyrus Raymond
ably line up with Captain Herdershot Cobb, who for 22 years wore the uni-
in number one position, with Perrin , form of the Detroit Tigers, came back
Farleman, ClovIa,, and Smith playingI to the scene of his early baseball
in the order named. The doubles teams triumphs today to receive a glowing
are made un of Captain. Hendershot . welcome. The fact that Tyrus came
and Farleman and, Clovin. and Per- as an "enemy" playing against his
rn. former team as ar member of the Phil-

FOR RENT-Washtenaw Apts. Fur- eveins)
nished apartment from June, foi' FOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. $40.
gt Thr ial 92219_ 159~-160~-16f11 Call 283. tf


LLIIliiLeL'. 2.)LcL1 GGGiI. 1 J^+vv-ivi



TYPEWRITERS--All makes, sold.'
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair~
ed. Largest and beet stock to be 715
tained any where. 0. D. 1 ORR IL.
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
er: Phone 6615, L. C. rgmith & Cor-
ona Typewriters, Inc. tf
FOR SALE-Cllevrolet 1923 touring.
$40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon
or evening and ask: for Mc~ee or 1





Shl% Ipp


ety of patterns. Repairing also a
spe(cialty. HTeautiful fabrics for your
winter overcoat.
109 E. Washington
Phone 6069
c Wed-Fri-Sat
NOTICE - The new Victor Ortho-
phonic Portable machines are here.
Come in and hear there. Schae-
berle & Son Music House. t
The new Victor Portable Victrola
is here. Come in and see it. Port-
ale phonographs as low as $15.
Esy terms. Utniversity Music
Works. Rugs Shampooed Phone
6513. (aidy-tt
TO SEE~ best or' 50 iies clothing drop
card to 1103 E. Washingtotn. Phone
6365 evenings. $22 to $30. t
TYPEWRITING and Mlnmeograph.
lug promptly and nxeatly +cou~e
1by experienced operators at mod-
erate rates. Thesis and college
work a specialty for 19 years. 0.
D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. The
Typwniter and Stationery Store. tf
Our rapid turnover insures a fresh
stock and you secure the best qual-
Ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR-
RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith '& Corona
Typewriters, Inc. tU
NOTICE-The new Royal- 'ortables
are now on display at Rider's Pen
Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful
machine. You will, be interested.
Call and see them.

Michigan faces her second Confer-
ence opponent Saturday when the In-
diana tennis- team will invade Ferry
Wol verines Defeat
Buckeye B l Team
Box score of Michigan-Ohio State1
baseball game Monday at Columbus:
Nebelung,irf .......4: 1m1:2 O00
Weintraub, 3b...... 5 2 3, 1..1 0
Morse, ss..........4 12 1 30
Corriden, If.t . 4 1 1 2 0 1'
Puckelwartz, cf.. 4 0 2 1 0 0
Kubicek, 2b. ...... 4 0 41 4 1 1
Oosterbaan, lb. .... 4 1. 1 9, 1 1
Davis, c. .......... 40 17 1.1
Asbeck, p..........4 11 0 20
37 7 12 27 9 4-
O410 state,
Riehl, ss. ......... 4 1 1 0 2 2
Tressel, 3b......... 3 0 2 3 2. 0
Karow, 3b. ........ 400 53 1
Tarvert, cf. ........ 4 0 0 3 0 0
Sutton, rf .......... 2 0 0 0 0 0
Sope rf...........2 00 00 0
Fot,IF............ 40 01 1 1
Widdlbfieldi lb..:....2 1 1 13 0 0
Mackey, c. ,...... 4 0 1 2 2 1
Klink, p.......2 0 0 0 1 0
Blanchard, p. ...... 1 1 1 0 1. 0

adelphia Athletics made no difference.
A testimonial luncheon at nloonl t
the Masonic T'emple preceded the
parole to Navin field, participated in
by members of the University of
Michigan chub of Detroit.
Cobb himself took the floor after
Mayor. Smith had extended an offi -
cial welcome, and ' George Moriarity,
manaer of he Tigers, Connie Mack,
manager of the Athletics, Fielding H.
Yost of-the University of Michigan,
and Bennie Friedman, University, of
Michigan gridiron star, had spoken. I

American League
Philadelphia ... 200 100 00&.-61
Detroit .........001 000 002-3
Washington ....001 010 010-3
Chicago ........100 010 20x-4
Boston.........100 050 000-6
Cleveland.......100 110 020-5




flannels in distinctive new
stripes in the ,predominating
shades of gray, tan and

IFOR SALE-Ford roadster 1924;
five tires, starter, demounitable,
good condition. 1617 Wasll tenaw.
Phone 9117. Bover or Farqunhar.
WNE-loSax, tenor Sax, trum-,
pet and trombone player for en-
gagement May 30-July L. $35-$40 aI
week plus room and board. Good
men apply phone 6430. Ask for
Lodeesen. 159-160
IWANTED-Two stttdents to wait on
table and four students to work iin
kitchen fdr house party June 17,
18, 19. Meals and pay. Call Carl
!at 5618, Friday nooni. 159-160-161
IWANTED)-A number of UniversityI!
men for pleasant outdoor work
this summer in Detroit. SplendidI
opportunity. Call Knisely, 21684,'
for appointment. 158-159-160-1611
WANTEl)--Musicisan., for dance or-I
chestra, who will attend Summerl
School. Box 176 Daily
Sun.-Tues.- Wed.





WANTED-Theses to type. Reason-
able prices. Dial 9387. M. V.
Hartsuff. 153-157-159
'I WANTED STUDENTS to 'know that!
Sam pays from $5 to $26 for old
snits and overcoats.
121 EK ANN DIAL 4300


New York ......300 002 003-8 7
St. Louis .......001 230 010-7 8

32 3 6 27 12 5
Michigan. ......11 00 4 10 00-7
Ohio.... ......00 10 00 0 20-3
Three base hit-Morse. Home
run-Oosterbaan. Sacrifice hit-
Klink. Struck out-Ashbeck 6. Base
on *balls-Ashbeck 2, Klink 3. I-it
by pitcher-By -Klink 1, by Ashbeck

National League
Chicago .......101 110 020-6 10 0
Philadelphia ...020 000 100-3 7 0 S
BERKLEY: The University of Call-'
fprnia will send three crews east to
te Poughkepsie regatta, the varsity, I
freshmen and junior varsity combina-~
Chicago: Rudy Schuler, football.
tacker, and heavyweight wrestler has
been elected: to lead the 1928 Purple
wrestling team.



Steamship Tickets on All Liu!D8
At Regular Rates
3r-d clans rates to BRITISH PORTS
$82.50. ,RT $150; FRANCE $90, RT $162;~
$1C5, RT $175. Other Classes and Countries]
onl application.
CRUISES to Mediterranean, hwludingi
P-aris, London, Switzerland, Italy acid Gcr-
many, June 30 to September 1, $850 up;
North Cape Cruise, $347 up in cabin, much]
less in tourist cabin. Sanie cruise fromu
Europe, duration 18 days, costs $95.
TOURS. All expense personally con- I
ducted, $255 up.- All expenses afloat and1
ashore, 37 days, $295; 61 days, $490; motor'
tours $7 per day and up. Personally con-:
duct-d 'fours to Alaska during June, JulyI
and August. Agent for Thos. Cook & Son,,
American Express, Franco Belgique, De an
& IDawvson, S tudi-nts' Travel Club, Students'
Intetrnationale, Pijtman, Allen, Arts Craft, j
Hubbell, Church and man1- other Tours.
American Legion Post Convention Tours,
$65 and tip. All tours have a conductor.
Special discount to organizers of a party of 5.
Make reservations NOW. Phone 6412.
Licensed, Bonded Authorized
Steamship' Agency
Any Ship -- Any Line - Anywhere
601 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, Mich.1
All Travelers' Checks i
-Baggage and Accident Insurance-

-Our entire stock of used cars has
been put into first class running con-
dition' and t he prices, asked are is
many cases much lower than thme
value given. A car for every purse
and every car worth the money. Come
in, pick out your car and drive it
home. We have roadsters, touring,
coupes, Tudors, four 'doors, $36 to
The very one- you want is here,
Talk to Mr. Gauss. Phone 4229.-
320-320 VI. Huron St.,

Patronize Daily Advertisers



t . .. ...."_.."r".

Illazers cut in the style of a
sack coat-the best in ma-
terial-pattern and fit -in
nineteen different stripes.



A Ivell proportioned. brogue
made of pearl elk and trimmed
ivith a medium shade of tan calf.


Buyers for Fraternities and





Before placing your future orders for
the next college year




Our prices, for our usual quality, are

much lower than our present


El Uw IilI IImmk wML rL rLmau M tIAf- M SA




11 11

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