THE MICI IGAN DAILY PAGE rEV:u WILL UfLhD CANDIDATE~S TO REPORT IIULU FOR FRETSAAN TENNIS A l .lc a n dc i a e s f r I e r e S h m a ~ Jiiiiu K' !tILS TOBAY, tenn~tis team are 's.i to re port any D (- f ie 1, rnlflivc L'eri°- «IIei II irnr~~t 11111eWO Illinolls in In 1113 [e Et airdty NiNETO RUN' ALF MILE timne after 3 o'clockt this afte'rnooa 01i Of'the Varsity courts at I't1 'y fi d Mve mrakzin the ikeaml will receive nurneral at tho end of the season and11 viz: l])rclba ly ccatipete in s'w"'oal til:t ,'ie with the Varsity "?lnd resorvos. (OnI3 j . e~rA' ers of the cla,.;of '36, ar(-c ii AERIEl' IM ' TIBLES fIErie and Buff~alo divided lthe relays I is i 1rfor the fistitmeErie wo 1 # # t l+Erie taking the 2110 yird free 61tylenoiterr1 itl y cor1itng24 po rn5ts and uffalo Ithe nmedley. Oak Pa's lC. 28. 1 li Als: fiidshec Inth rep meet vwhichl was held Ithird in th1is division with 1£ points. n Erie dethr oned Buffalo as National- - - - - Y 'Y. M. C. A. Junior swimming chant- I1 pion; lasi night at the Union pool by it'a score of 26 to 19. Lima, Ohio placing & fter college 4 third with 18 points. The star of the >:hntrme a igo ia h 's v;qn the 50 and 220 yard free style l.°a Y swims and placed second to Pierson'.c4, 'zta1 .Uestion "- o-,f Cleveland in the 100 yard event. Afreoyau going into business? _ Note j I s, reyou facing years of You may start June 27, and complete aprnicsithoty an course in nine consecutive months. Corona Portable discouraging trial and error at Rider's Pen Shop method of learning the prin- f, ~1ING r Eay ersciples of business with the FO ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ possibility of never attaining , ' B S N S' -- - - - -- -- - I s c e sM M H F l C.CUMMCOUM L1CLOSES AT 3lP.M. ADVERTISING AT-3 PJL. 1 1 lie to 'ompeJ)te. Trials will be held in three eventsiI t. c'w iihnfes >.tCeLaetwilot kx,. l :>>cS_ this afternoon on Ferry field to deter-tespigle asF' mine who will face the Illinois track- )(,)th' Nagle wi law', ciary(- .:i h men here 'Sat0urday in the secondl dual anu~d llwill lwasWasigted by Hierbert meet of the season. TJhese tivents are Vo (cir. he foramc'* is on this x s 'A r's T nv- ,it-.7 ,A'Uiid xxli~ln Lin ILILa dJ WI)I 1 11, the 100 and 220 yard dases and the balf rnile run. Coach Fh4rrell has announced that all places in the half mile wvill de- peed~ on the outcome of this "race. Nine meii are listed to run this race at 4f o'clock, including Hunt, art, Rear-i ick, Brown, Lowery and Kendrick i addition to Lomont, Beals and Pfluke the three runners who placed first, second and third against Iowa Satur-I day. While ester and 'Lasser are sure to run against Illinois in -both of the sprints, the third man in each of- these events will be chosen today. Kelley Harbaugh, Hough and Dahem wil run for the extra position in the 100+ clash at 3.15 o'clock, while Harbaugh, L lough, Allen and Freese will run a 220 yard racehalf an hour later Aside from these events, the entries will probably be the same as those against Iowa, with the possible excep- tion of the javelin throw as it is hop- ed that Northrop's arm will have re- covered sufficiently by Saturday to al- low him to compete in this event. Shoing fGratfies Farrell Satuday's test with the Hawkeyes was quitte gratifying to Coach Far- rell in many respects, as several of the new men stood up well under competition. Dahlem's second place in the broad jump was notable, since he bested Everingham, who won this event at the Kansas relays several weeks ago, forcing th3 Iowan into third place. While Cooper's third in th high hijrdes was a disappointment, his victory over Cuhel, Western Confer- ence champion in the low hurdles, in the latter's favorite event more than- balanced thoe loss. Jones' thid in the lows was also pleasing, as in gaining this place h4 defeated "several excel- lent men. including Beatty. Jack Lovette's showing Satur~ty I ~was outstanding, and is the best le has done since he has been in college 111s put~ of 46 feet 5 inches in the shot put was more than a foot further than he had ever made before. If hie is able to continue this, hie must no dout be reckoned with in the Conference meet. Although Lyon of Illinos is the best man in the Big Ten, being cap- able of 47 leet, Lewis of Northwestern is the only other man in the Con- ference who has done .46 feet at all consistently. Lovette Displ ays Card Form, The Wolverine's work in the Javelin was also exceptionally good as he had one throwe of 179 feet to win the event. This is the first time Lovette has "shown anything" in the Javelin since his freshman year, and indicates that his "armn has retured." Last sea- son he was hampered by is\ elbow which Wvas thrown out in the first" meet, while, he was ineligible in 'his sophomore' year. Although, etz ras',expected to make a throw of more tharn 150 fee in the hammer,.the sae was scarce ly hoped of Camnpbell, Who made one Polhrow of 152 feet. McCaffree's best throw of more than 14' feet was also a good mark. Schravesand's new erry field rec- ord of 142 feet 2 inches in the discus was his best mark in competition and stamps him as an outstanding can- didate for Conference honors. HOLY CR OSS TRACKMAN EQUALS 100 YARD MARK (By Associated Press) WORCESTER, Mass., May 9,~-Au- thorities at Holy Cross College were hoping today that Jimmy Quinn, a Holy Cross student, would be recog- nized officially as having eualled the best time ever made for 100 yards by a human being.. In winning the 100-yard dash at Kingston, R. I., Saturday in a meet between H-oly Cross and Rhode Is- land State College he was timed in 9 3-5 seconds. This time has been recognized as the world's record by the National A. A. U. officials and as having been made by four other ,,printers. Coach l art. Sullivan said he would gather all the information and forward it to A. ,A. U. officials. GEEL1TO E MARRIED Announcement has been made of the r -a-ement of Paul1 Goebel, forimei 1+i,-11ligan gridlstrto -Miss Margare F . Callum cf De-troit. The weddling i-111 probably take place piext fall Cf-,ebel and his bride will live iii Grand Rapids, where he is manager c1. a s-sort ing gools store. loebel nlayed end on the 1921, 1922 4,