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May 10, 1927 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-10

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Published every morning except Monday
turing the University year by the Board in
Control , of Student Publications.
Members of Western Confereace Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the pstoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
Waster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
'ard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
d 'tow. ..............W. Calvin Patterson
City, Editor................Irwin A. Olian
News Editors......... jFrederick Shillito
E . ...' Philip C. Brooks
Wdmen's Editor............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor...........Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor..........Morris Zwerd'ing
Musio and Drama......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe St.mford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtiand C. Smith
fames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick

Anonymous communications will he
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.


To The Editor:
Is not Professor Hobbs confusing
issues with regard to the S. C. A.?
As I understand it, the Association, l
as such, is not committed to pacifism
or any other political "ism." Some
in ividuals in it, speaking for them-
selves only, are pacifists in Mr. Sher-
wood Eddy's non-resistance sense of
the term (we are all pacifists, Profes-
sor Hobbs included, in the sense of
hating war.) But the freedom of
speech enjoyed by an individual with-
in an organization ought not to com-
mit the whole organization. Professor
Blank, let us say, advocates the Single
Tax. Would it be fair to herald the
fact under such a caption as "Michi-
gan Facul\y Endorses Single Tax?"
Now, it is as unjust to assume that
the whole Christian Association is of
one mind on political questions as to
assume that the whole faculty is so.
Just a word on an entirely different
question. I do not want "Timothy
Hay" to drop his column until he is
assured how much many of the faculty
have admired the wit, urbanity, sub-
tlety and skill with which he has kept
"Toasted Rolls" worth reading day
after day. "Toasted Rolls" is all that
the "Gargoyle" ought to be. Isn't it
worthier of a college to produce real
fresh satire on incidentspofdcampus
life than merely to copy old jokes from
professional "comic papers" on the
sole themes of "wine, women, and
Yours for a better sense of humor
for both faculty and students,
-Preston Slosson.

The ideal platform for some progres-
sive candidate for one of these in-
portant campus offices ought to include ;
something like the following:
* * *
"Cooler Warm Weather will beI
given the campus Especially forI
Swing-Out and other circus parades.
In fact if we can't arrange for the
cooler weather we will close down
"Silent horns and pianos for the
School of 3Music.
* * * *
"Militaristic professors made Deans
of a School of War-to be established
PERMANENTLY as far north in
Greenland as is possible.
S* * *
"Speedief Spring Games. And a
deeper river for the tug-of-war. j
* **
"Student seif-government for Michi-
* * *.
If that doesn't elect him, it's because
he didn't know the fellow that counted
the votes.
* * *
To The Editor:
I am pleased to see that there are
others besides myself who enjoy be-
ing in the limelight caused by the dis-
cussion of open letters, for I am but
little concerned over being called a
fanatic, as indeed I have been many
times. It's , fine stuff to be talked
about, especially when you're fighting,
Now that Professor Hobbs is report-
od to 7hn iovP red that the Univer-

SG AF0R A HA _ Saw
Music and DramaKGAHPS
TONIGHT: The Rockford Players
present Booth Tarkington's "The In-
tinmate Strangers" at 8:15 o'clock fn N" ' L E O H R H T C
Sarah Caswell Angell ball.
It always happens that when the
Pulitzer Prize Play is formally an-1 B th Ends of the Diagonal
nounced with the flourish of ethical
ballyhoo that is expected, there are.IIli lll[ 111 1 IIIIlft1111 !111111111111
always those who can name at random Penmak egs
a dozen more worthy productions.
However, this year's choice "In Abra-
hams Bosom," (a play of Negro life,wn
by Paul Green) seems to be accorded
a fairly unanimous and positive com-
ment, although there are present the
usual vocal dissenters who have fav-
ord"Broadway," "The Silver Cord,"

Marlon Anderson l
Margaret Arthur
Jessie Church
i.nceser . Clark #
Edward C. runmmings
Margaret Clarke
Ciare card v . leland
larence Edelson
William Emery
Robert E. Finch
Martin Frissel
Rober Gessner
Margaret Gross ;
Elaine Gruber
Coleman J.bGlencer
Harvey Gunderson
Stewart hooker
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaum
Pal Kern
tylly Knox
Richard Kurvink.
1.. nomas'Mckean
V-nnelh Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
mALVs Qy n
James Sheehan
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
William Thurnau
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
Herbert E. Vedder
Mlilford Vanik


Telephone 21211
Contracts...............William C. Pusch
Copywriting ...........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ....Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation ....T. Kenneth Haven
Publication............John H. Bobrink
Accounts.....-...........Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ain, Jr
Selma Jensedi. ., Florence Cooper
carion L. Reeding A. M. inklev
Marion Kerr E. L. Hulse
Nance. Solomon . R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Millgr Harvey Talcott
ohn Russwinle Harold Utley
ouglas Fulle Ray Wachter
Vrle C. Witham Esther Booze
TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1927
Night Editor-PAUL J. KERN
TODAY is the day that you will
be asked to donate something-any
amount tht you wish-to the fund
for the Fresh Air'Camp that is Thain-
tained each year by the Student Christ-
ian association. The fund that will be
collected today will enable the asso-
ciation to give a vacation. to about
400 needy boys from the vicinity of
Ann Arbor.
This camp is under the control of
the association, and the leaders and
directors are older students who have
taken some recognized part in campus
activities and achievements. Most of
these men work for only a small sum
for the six weeks of camp, because
they are convinced that their work
is worthy and successful. The ideals
emphasized at the camp are of the
highest; the boys are taught the es-
sentials of good sportsmanship and
fair play, and their health is improved
through outside work and exercise.
Most of the boys for whom the camp
cares would never be able to leave the
city during the summer if it were
not for this help. They would be in
grave danger of becoming mere street
gamins and potential parasites. In
short, by giving these boys a vacation
the Fresh Air camp is doing a worthy
service and merits your support.
Since its first course in "Rapid
Writing' was given by Prof. Fred N.
Scott, head of the rhetoric department,
more than 30 years ag, improvement
and progress in journalistic work has
been rapid. As a climax to its activi-
ties, possibly as a sort of reward for
its recent advancements, announce-
ment has been made of plans now
under way for the establishment of
the future University of Mchigan
department of journalism as a sepa-
rate and secure departmental unit;
one which will be among the fore-
most of its kind in the country.
Seven years ago, Prof. John L.
Brumm, now head of the department
took over the helm, and is to be com-
mended for assuming the responsibili-
ty in many of the progressive steps
taken since that date. Enrollment has I
constantly increased until with more
than 300 students now taking work in1
journalism, the figures rank among
the foremost in enrollment with other
schools giving work in journalism in
the country. Standards have been

To The Editor: eaLtoinave LL1'ufl-.'J 1 c
I am pleased at the discussion which sity has been harboring radicals all
my open letter has brought out, for I these years, and is threatening to put
am but little ,concerned over being an end to it all, I wish to join in the
called a fanatic. Defenders of the'campaign.
S. C. A., apparently wishing to with- Well do I know that defenders of
draw attention from its influence on the University, apparently wishing to
the campus, now place emphasis on withdraw attention from its influence
the summer camp, its most effective in the state, now place emphasis on
claim for support, though this camp the Milder courses, its most effective
gets directly in the way of the Citi- claims for support, though there are
zens Military Training camps, the key- other courses which get directly in the
stone in our system of national de- way of the Chambers of Commerce and
fence. Rotorary clubs the keystones in our
Itis to be presumed that the S. C. system of national defense.
A. and the Y. M. C. A. organization By dragging freshmen into the Uni-
interest themselves in boys atithe versity we subject them to these harm-
formative age because they hope to ful courses, and they turn out to be
mould them to their ideals, which the usual University type of man-
prompts me to say that I am old the virtues of this type being largely
enough to have observed a good many of the negative sort. Some of them
Y. M. C. A. organizations and become actually come out believing that this
familiar with what is well recognized old world of ours isn't a perfect place!
as the Y. M. C. A. type of man. At -Also An Authority-on geology.
the risk of giving offense-I would not
be "hazy" again-I would like to say FRESH Alit CAMP -1ENACES
that if I had a son, next to having WeThOpeLth Ed Es shehr
him become vicious I should wish him
not to develop into the Y. M. C. A. type. to keep in touch with the -Hobbs ex-
The virtues of this type I have found pedition in Greenland functions cor-
to be largely of the negative sort, and rectly. It would be a shame to miss
I have only rarely observed in it the out on these snappy arguments
peculiarly manly virtues. The world, brought up from time to time on
long dimly conscious of this, had its everything in general and militarism
ideas crystallized as a consequence of in particular. *
the World War and the participation
f th M C - itFor instance, we learn in Campus
of the Y. M. C. A. in it.
-William H. Hobbs. Opinion for today that the professor
has discovered that the S4 C. A. fresh
"NARROW-1)LNDED" air camp destroys the effectiveness of
To The Editor: the present system of national defense.
ToTh Eitr:* * *
In reply to Professor W H. Hobbs' We are sorry-for the under-privileg-
letter in Saturday's Daily, I would ed boys of the slums. They are being
like to say that I think his views re- carted off to the Fresh Air camp,
garding the Student Christian Associa- where the S. C. A. gets in some ter-
tion are extremely narrow-minded. rible teachings that form "negative"
There are those of us who believe, characters.
that there are two sides to this f* * *
national defense, or "war," situation. Can't you just see the great Ameri-
We would prefer that the student body can boys from the slums of Detroit
be allowed to judge for itself as to -motivated with the highest ideals of
which is the best defense, "big guns" the streets-going into that camp and
or the good will and respect of all then coming out a week later with
nations. That it is a debatable ques- nothing but negative personalities?
tion is clearly proved by the large Or maybe they become pacifists, and
gathering in Hill auditorium in the hang a strip of yellow bunting on their
not far past. Will anyone say that mantel at home.
I the views presented by Mr. Sherwood * * *
Eddy were unsound, unfair, or un- We certainly must do something
patriotic? Professor Hobbs clearly about this camp that is a hot-bed of
showed his unwillingness to submit pacifism. Perhaps Professor Hobbs,
the question to the judgment of the would like to attend in order that he
student body for consideration by try- might debate the question with any
ing his best to prevent Mr. Eddy from of the boys who are converted to
Ispeaking in Ann Arbor. Failing in pacifism while subjected to the in-
this he challenged Mr. Eddy to the filuence of fresh air and a healthful
aforementioned debate. camp program.
I for one, refuse to believe that the p *grm
S. C. A. is trying to secure money un- "I didn't raise my son to go to a
der false pretenses as Professor Hobbs fresh air camp," the patriotic mother
unamicably states. Having been close- will say, "I want him to grow up in;
ly associated with the S. C. A. last the unhealthy city so that he will be
year I know that it is doing a good fit to attend the military . training;
work, is 'not shielding itself under the camp."
name of Christian Association, and * * *
has not cause to change its policies. ON this cruise of his to Greenland,
-Albert O. Flindt, '27E. - ~ Professr HbbsI

or "Saturday's Children."
In fact there has been for some time
a faction favoring the naming of the
Green play. It has been a half-way
success for the producers, having play-
ed at the Provineetown and the Gar-_
rick from December 30 to March 5;
it is representative of the efforts of
the author who has written a num-
ber of 4outstanding dramas concern-
ing the Negroes and poor whites of
the Carolinas; it was enthusiastically
reviewed in nearly all the outstanding
drama columns. And finally it is con-
sidered to be in sympathy with the
sentiment that has arisen concerning
the type of play that should be chosen.
* * *
A review, by Kenneth King
On the occasion of the final perform-
ance of "Pigs," the innocuous and
mildly amusing John Golden show
which held unbewailed its way last
night, this writer wishes to take viol-
ent exception to the general depreca-
tion of the local actors who have ap-
peared with the Rockford Players. j
Appearing in these plays after a maxi-
mum of two rehearsals, the local play-
ers have given performances which are
little short of excellent.
In the present opus particularly,
Robert Wetzel and Samuel Bonnell
give polished performances, in no way
inferior to those of the professional
members of the company. Frances
Bavier and Robert Henderson as the
youngsters with a penchant for pigs,
accomplish the inevitable miracle and
raise the unavoidable mortgage-money
in pleasing style. Reynolds Evans, Amy
- Loomis, and Frances Horine, molded
nice characterizations out of an un-
promising script.
Considering that "Pigs" was origi-
nally produced under the aegis of I
John Golden, who specializes exclusi-
vely in clean plays, we were slightly
shocked to find an illegitimate baby
as one of the important offstage
characters. We suspect that the baby
was dragged in by the play doctor to
keep the play from being unendurably
mild, and as we are not particularly
susceptible to babies, illegitimate or
otherwise, for us the play was just



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A review, by Vivien Bulloch
With very appropriately chosen
numbers, Etude and Berceuse by
Chopin, and Brahms' Rhapsody, Miss
Fern Schott created a charming musi-
cal atmosphere in the auditorium of
the School of Music last evening. With
poise and ease she opened the ex-
cellent program presented by the
pupils of Guy and Lois Maier. But
when Dorothy Simmons played the
lovely Papallons of Schumann, I be-
came so engrossed in the captivating
butterfly movements of her head that
I failed to listen very closely to the.
I find myself incapable of making
any such asinine remarks as might
do the other artists on the program
justice. Elizabeth Davies has such
really remarkable technique, and plays I
with such a beautiful touch, interpret-
ing her numbers with a sympathetic
understanding, that nothing I might
say could give the real impressiveness
of her performance.
Dalies Frantz played up to his repu-
tation, which is about as much as one
dazes say of him without becoming
trite. His stacatto technique is excel-
lent, and his vivacious rendition of
the intricate measures of Kreisler-
iana by Schumann so far surpassed
the -usual professional performance
that the audience sat spellbound. Miss
Houser played Chopin with a delight-
ful vigor, and while one feels that
perhaps her touch is not the best
Chopin, her music was really very
The music lovers of Ann Arbor are
awaiting with pleasure the professional
appearances of Miss Davies , Mr.
Frantz, and Miss Hauser, in the now
very near May Festival, and at that
time those who failed to hear them j
last evening will marvel at their abili-


Two members of the British labor
party were ejected from Parliament

we can u gUGIIU11 UG oiivu
being ship-wrecked, and the rescued
by a bunch of pacifists, on a "peace
mission" to the North Pole. Hobbs

in fha nnnaidarcs tinn of a atrit-n hill

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