THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIUr'SDAY, 'MAY 10, 1927 UNIVERSITY EXTESION DEPARTMENT LISTS COURSES !ENTRIES DESIRED TO B OFFERED OUTSIDERS DURING SCHOLAST1I YEAR B Y COMED Y CLUB, Extension courses for the first se- _ical theory of statistics, Professor Professor Holmes; educational so-! All those who wish to try out for mester of' the 1927-1918 school year Carver. ;clology, Profesor Angell; the family, memrbershiip in Comedy Club are re- haebe ettvl nona y Philosophy: ethics, Professor Sel-; Professor Wood; modern social ~uae orpr rm3t 'lc the University EXtensioln department, l ars; aesthetics, Professor Parker. problems, Professor Carr. W +e luesday afternoon in Newberryl ths hae f Political Science: nutnicipal and Engineering: advanced strength of! hall auditorium. All entrants are ex- which has charge of statehae f goenettrfso cuz materials, Professor Van den Brock; i preeted to have p~rep~ared something to scholastic work. *"fIij. Cxtccsion Pbici aiug ratceiipbaronautics, Professor Stalker; re- read or recite. clagsss are c:onduct. d il. centers that lic speaking, Professor Eir-h and Mdr. frigeration, Professor Fessenden; re-1 li wthn r~vna~e isane f eniore.ifced concrete, Professor James.I Patronize Daily Advertisers 1 sAnyone interested in the extansion I Ann Arbor. They meet onc^ a we-Tk Sc ince: organic evolution, Profes-core ma aplatth ofie f fo twor drn cm .,~or Ilussey; commercial geology, Dr. cussmyapya h fieo and all studlents WIi,) Kass i a 5Or. <' ;C ould ; commer ciliigeography, Mr. itheormtni.rsityextenuonidivisionefo tory eamninat:ion at the c Int of tixe Hail; regional geography, Processor ifrain O al1u~~t h cot s, egie vo Me so n- Ic4urry: principles of Psychology,; Type riters corses rei im twosshoFord.ILLINOIS-The list for the annual Elsewhere, but not; Follo ig n R", tPicpe is the: ten?:ativre Ii. cf Sociology: picpe of sociology. Gridiron banque't has been limited to eie's Srvie "++ ~ .; C _ r i l ?,' i n . '^, i ,e R r , , ., ,, ' ' 4r i? ..1 y A:y ) E .: . DON JAN IS COMIING SUNPA11Y FxcluivePogramsn Always! ;just Plan to Sep; Them All L 'NieberHer! 3: liar Hlalson1 N :i,.-mafl Prey or I'rank Lloyd 11rod uct iont FRAKO(LtOYD PRODUCTION a:ADOLPH ZUXQR~ JESSE LLASKY tihe course. Which W~ill be offcr- db y ' 99 the extension;9 depau;,iment, begivnior TTE ER, TETR in October, 97. ___ __ Educ;ation: phtlosool)'y of cduca- ___________ tion, ' rofessor Court is ; childlac- lh '-Cu lsi counting, Profersor NMoolilmn: ele-=TeigtCuClsc rnentary school curriculum, Pr ofe ;sor G RLICR I 0-NW Woody and Dr. Kyte; teaching of 11's {Q. ? i English, Professor Fries; junior high ;Wed af. Nt. f,{l-4i1. f school, Professor Davis; teaching ofr Sat. 0~~.5c42.%'~ secondlary Latin, Professor Carr; , teacingof secondary science, Po Prfssr MCurts. vocational guzidanzce, SHU ERT- LAFAYETTEI English: the drama, F.oesrRn Popular .Prkies kin; romantic poets, Professor Gin- I iti;fs tLt 10 gerich; short story writing, Prof'es- "RAIN sor Mallory; journalism, beginning; W. Somerset .3Iaug hanis irile story course, M11. Janes; journalism, adi- dOne into (Irl vatic form by Joanl vanced course, Professor Brumnm. (eClton £1itn Cleuiee Thndoiph, Economics and Business Adminis- i Iy TJi E NATIONAL PLAYERS tration : accounting, Professor Paton ;1 commercial law, Professor Wolaver; B onstelle Playhouse principles of economics, Mr. Devol i Nights 75c to U-50Q and Mr. Bigge. Il~itines Tues., 'Thurs., Sat Foreign Languages: 'French, Pro- 50~c . 75e fessor Talamon and Professor Parg.. AnIothjer IDelightful Theatrical ment; Greek, Professor Dunlap. l; ttertaitznzet History: modern European history, "HELLIS B LL5 Professor Hyma. I3 AR C1rYB Mathematics: history of mathemat- ( CONNOR icos, Professor Karpinski ; mathemat- TS A IO faculty Members.$ COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN When in the vicinity of State and Packard, w ill find the PACKARD RESTAURANT, American cooking, a good place to eat. Under new management, and everything else new. 703E PACKARD TrIS IS LAS-6T TIMES lTODAY s YSOUR/ LAST CHANCE THE LIF you folk s this fresh CamPI IS 03J. ,-and. buy theWY. did 99ol Qirkr too We use a& Bose 1in oOti 8l toplaI swith." COF 0-'1cifra ER l _. -- ---- Pa r I fimont PictureO I1 U -U~ 9 Stagce Feature Fraink Ry an Jr. presenfiting the llusicsll 1 nterpretiltioli ill 'fn' ''iI'I 1nais ndhSpar'ks! c& al ~' biad, h emtlingthe Fiery °1fa a-i ndts.dri ' TILE OTHER FE AT~IRE S wp V, f% _. ' cr. bJOAN CRAWFORD y ~CARMEL M YERS Rockliffe Fellowes Francis X. Bush man, Jr. \ Directed by JACK CON5WAY P,-I -r l:. Ihyne' Inanme Is a by- ( lv ri' for exetiflugtler. One o f ld. test lhas now lbeen brouta to th. oel- a st "' of tanl-n 4)cd.tlveehiia.w ith alk . M a r - 4 r e 1 1 1 l o l ' l t a i.ab o u t f i t , ! A1d pt tion anmd screena play Ly Ed w rd '. ]Lowe, Jr. A s ooRtnjoductio ncrR "Our Ikitng comedy YAL POACH Il/S RASCALS A U D R N P//RECTEQ $Y' -ROBERT McGOWANV Padi~comed "I'j' iC S - E:N EWS - ARCADE RXtEIW STARTING THURSDAY A F;reach Love Farce That Gets Faster, Farqier gind Funnier Ever~ Foot of the Whai} 1 i i We arc the only tailors in Ann Arbor in the read' -to.-wear Business. "5To buy a suit for the price of mnachin-made clothes. 20% Lct~ i $45 two-pant suits....................$3A6 $40 two-pant suits .......... ..........$.32 $35 two-pant suits.................... $28 Others reduced accordingly. Have you gotten in on my sale yet? Scores who bough~t clothes here last week were amazed to find such fine values for the price. Unlike other sales-N-lo goods bought for sale purposes. I design all my clothes and. Adler tailors them. I don't charge you for alterations as oth'ers do, because I want you to be well fitted. My reputa~tion is built on fine values. arm 'm Ar ENCE V Fk 1 110 { ADOLPH zuKOa r.{ 1 )F55E L. 41SKY r Q 11 Y '" 144 0 ' Boa an. . _ r - _CojmING-S NDAY- -MAY 15-C MING ALL. THE LOVES OF I i WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY I I Romance in the. Movies t .. 1' .. i . i I E 1l__________ .\ "si'v , . lJ, 1 1t I It a E I