ESTABLISHED 1890 r t ~AuiI MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 96 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, FEBURARY 17, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS WITHDRAWALOrF9ORDE BY BRITISH IS ASKE BY CHINESE IN NOTI DELEGATION .ENlS DEMAND T LEAGUE OF NATIONS SECRETARY ARTICLE X IS CITED Claims Order To Troops Is Violaioi Of vashington Agreement As Well As Ruling Of Covenant (y AAssociated Press) Geneva, .Feb. 16-The Chinese dele gation announced tonight that it ha sent a note to Sir Eric Drummond secretary-general of the League of Na. tions, oninstructions from the Peking foreign office, demanding the with- drawal of the British order to send troops to China. The note included a copy of .Peking's earlier protests to Great Britai against the dispatch of the British de- fense force as a violation of the Wash- ington agreement and of Article X of the covenant of the League, binding members of the League to protect the territoriality and political independ- ence of fellow members. The note insisted that the Chinese forces were capable of maintaining or- der in Shanghai, asserted that the presence of troops would lead to com- plications and demanded the with- drawal of the order to send troops. The Chinese spokesman said that Chu-Chao-Hsin, the Chinese delegate to the League, left for Rome after forwarding the note and that he still is awaiting instructions whether to preciptatea discussion over the,Brit- ish dispatch of troops at the League council session on March 7. (By Associated Press) Shanghai, Feb. 16-This city again became menaced today with an invas- ion of Cantonese (Nationalists) forces, as a result of .a severe defeat suffered by the defending troops of Marshal Sun Chuan Feng, in Chekiang province. Sun's army was forced back almost to Hangchow, 113 miles from Shanghai, by reinforced Cantonese troops. Far to the northwestern interior, in Honan province, alignments are tak. Ing places for a big battle between the forces of the Peking and Nationalist government, with the armies of Mar- shal Wu Pi Fu and General Seng Yu- Hsiang, independent militarists, await- ing opportunities to hurl themselves into the conflict on one side or the other. These were the major developments today in civil war-ridden China. The chief stake has been stated to be con- trol of a united China by either the Peking or Nationalist government, but lesser prizes are sought by the war lords composing the chief forces oper- ating independently. The fall of Hangchow, capitol and chief city of Chekiang province, is imminent. Na- tionalist troops, reinforced from Fu- kien province, suddenly cut the line of communications of Sun Chuan Feng's army betwen Yenchow and Hangehow and penetrated within 18 miles of that great city of 800,000 inhabitants. JUDGE CODD '91, SUCCUMBS AFTER SERIOUS ILLNESS Will Debate Hobbs'LITTLE SHOWS NEED OF CONSERVATISM IN ROAD BUILDING PLAN TRYOUTS FOR I'VTBHCATIONS ASKED TO REPORT Second semester freshmen and sophomores wishing to try out jfor campus publications are re- quested to meet at the following times: I Daily Editorial staff--Today 'at 4 o'clock. Daily Editorial Women's staff POLAR VETERAN OIVES AwaitsReplyFrom ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON ARCTIC EXPEDITION REPEAL ,0F LIMlTING MILL TAX Sherwood Eddy ARRANGE PLANS FORI H OBBS-EDDY DEBATE1 World Pacifist To Hold Open Forunm Discussion Sunday Afternoon At Lane Hall PROPOSITION ALTERED Plans are nearly complete for the debate between Sherwood Eddy and Prof. William H1. Hobbs and Prof. Thomas H. Reed to be held at 10:30 o'clock, Tuesday, in Hill auditorium. lit was announced yesterday. The de- bate will conclude Mr. Eddy's discus- sions. Sunday afternoon Mr. Eddy is to meet members of church guilds and others who are interested in an open forum discussion in Lane hall audi- torium. That night he will address a meeting in Hill auditorium on some phase of the world situation. He will speak Monday afternoon in Natural j Science auditorium, using for his topic "Dare We Think?" There has been only one change in the plans for the debate. The ques- tion which Professor Hobbs origin- ally favored was: "Resolved, that un- der the existing conditions, the United States maintain a system of national defense."! This has been slightly changed to : "Resolved, that, under the existing conditions, the United States maintain the present system of national defense." Professor Hobbs is to open the debate with a 25 minute talk for the affirmative. I-I will be followed by Mr. Eddy in a 25 minute talk on the negative side of the ques- tion. Rebuttals of 15 minutes each will then be given, the first by Profes- sor Reed on the affirmative and the second by Mr. Eddy. ' The world pacifist has recently re- turned from his seminar of American writers and speakers who met to study conditions in Europe. It is ex- pected that in his talks he will use matrial from his recent trip to Russia where, with the rest of his party, he interviewed some 30 outstanding leaders including Stalin, Lenin's suc- cessor, and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. He is coming under the auspices of the Student Christian as- sociatio"m FORA1)PAT S1S -Tomorrow at 4 o'clock. ADVOCATED I Daily Eusiness staff-Today at 4 o'clock. FAVORS FORMER SYSTEM I Gargoyle Editorial and ArtI staff-Any afternoon this week at Michigan Must Have Woods, Water. 5 o'clock. And Wild Life To Attract Tourists, Gargoyle Business staff-To-J President Believes day at 3 o'clock. 'Ensian Editorial staff-Any Stressing the need of conservationl afternoon this week at 4 o'clock. asn g othchief the su- 'Ensian Business staff-Today as one of thec factors int sue- at 4 o'clock. cess of Michigan's road building pro 1gram, President Clarence Cook Little, - delivered the principal address of the conference ofdelegates of the 13th an- ER i SELECTED nual convention at the yearly banquet - of the Michigan association of road s TOlA IiRU N ' commissioners and engineers, which was held last night at the Union. "Michigan must have woods, waterTs and wild life, in order to attract tour- SThree Day Conference Of Id-Wes SSchools Will Open Today ists, or the best road building program At Champagn that the Michigan commission can con- ceive of, will be a failure. The tour- ists will travel right through on our CONVOCATION DATES SE , improved roads, and will not even hes- I -- itate in our state, thus offering no James Boyer, '27, was elected Mich- return for the money which the state I igan's delegate to the Mid-West Stu- spent for their benefit," declared Pres- s.t ident Little. dent. Conference of Colleges and Uni- In this connection, President Little f versities, which will be held at Chain- advocated the repeal of the limiting paign, Ill., today, tomorrow and Sat- mill tax, by which the University now urday, at the regular meeting of the is grafted its appropriation, and urged ua that delegates of the highway confer- Student council last night. Boyer ence support the revival of the former left Ann Arbor, following the meeting, type of taxation or their own benefit, with Dr. Fred Wahr, assistant dean in their road building programs, 1 of students, who will represent the "This," explained the President, "is 1 University's office of the dean of stu- so that the University may go through dents at the conference. with its present plans for establishing The Champaign meetings will be I the finest school of forestry' in the ld at the University of Ilnois as country, and produce leaders in the the annual convention of the Mid- field of natural resource conservation, West conference. The purpose of the which he state of Michigan so badly organization is for the interchangeI nes.n tlhof ideas and opinions regarding vari-I President Little then cited some spe- ous campus problems and student cific examples jn the state, which, he socamp polMems and student, believes, the state will have to pur- government. Memeris of sde n chase and restock with natural re- councilstof the various colleges and sources in order that they cease to be nWest wil be delegates at the sessions. liabilities to the tax payers of Mich-s Michigan is a member of the confer- igan as they now are. nce. Frank F. Rogers, state highway ssell Baker, '7E treasurer of commissioner of Michigan, spoke at , the banquet, giving a report on the the council, again announced next road conditions and expenditures dur- Wednesday and Thursday as Class i ing the fiscal year. Dues days for this year. During tis Prof. Roger Morrison, who is in time dues of all classes in thetUni- charge of the program has been in- versity will be payable to the treas- formed that T. H. McDonald, of the ures who will be stationed at booths United States bureau of public roads, I the difierent buildings of each who was to be the principal speaker school and college. Uniform receipt at tomorrow's session, will be unable books may now be obtained by all to attend the meeting (lue to urgent class treasurers at the business man-1 business. The other speakers andI ager's office of the Union. their topics which are scheduled for The dates for the third series of today are: "Materials Performance," Sunday convocations which will be held under the auspices of thecun by Professor Morrison; "Relation ofn hscoun- County Drains to the Highway" cil, the Women's league, and the H. A. Miles, assessment engineer School of Religion were announced and "Contract Performance" by Mar- last nght as April 24, May 1, 8, and tin DeGlopper, of the state depart- 15. The program of speakers is now ment; "Maintenance of Gravel Roads" being arranged by the committee in by J. T. Sharpensteen, of the state high- charge. way department; "Organization Effi-W ciency" by A. L. Burridge, division FRESHMEN WILL. engineer; and "Maintenance Account- CONTiNUE ing" by B. C. Tiney, maintenance en- GROUP gineer . The first three addresses will MEETINGS SOON be given at the morning session start- iug at 9:30 o'clock, and the rest will All freshman groups under the di- be given at 1:30 o'clock. Both ses- rection of the Union underclass de- sions will be held in room 348 of the pte will again meet individually West Engineering building. withinthe next two weeks, William. ! Jeffies, '27,- chairman of the under- HYMA SPEAKS AT class department, stated yesterday. CALVINCOLLEGE Each of these groups, ten of whih were organized last fall, met several times last semester, at which time Speaking on the subject of "Cal- elections were held and entertainment vinism," Dr. Albert IHyma of the his- and upperclass and faculty speakers tory department, gave an address at were provided. Plans for this semes- Calvin college, Grand Rapids, yester-- ter include a banquet for all first year day. Dr. Ilyma attended Calvin col- men, which will be given in the Union I lege for a year before entering the ballroom. Student leaders and mem- University faculty. bers of the faculty, as well as various' forms of entertainment, will be in- DETROIT.-The Republican state eluded on the program. convention will be held at Grand Rap- Notice of the time and location of ids Tuesday, March 1. the group meetings will be mailed t - the members within a short time. CAPTAIN ROBERT A. BA RITLETT USES MOTION PiCTUIRES OF LATEST TRIP HAS MADE 16 VOYAGES Prosess Employed In Mining Alaskan Gold And Rescue Of Ship From j Reef Included In Description Using motion pictures taken by rep- resentatives of the Pathe corporation to illustrate his lecture, Captain Rob- ert A. Bartlett, veteran of 16 Arctic explorations, described his recent trip on the Morrissey sent out by the American Museum of Natural History,. last night in Natural Science audito- rium. The lecture was the sixth of a series being presented by the geology department. Among the varied subjects treated' by the motion pictures and Captain Bartlett's lecture were the running aground of the Morrissey on an un- chartered reef off the northwestern coast of Greenland, dredging for gold in Alaska, the capture of the various animals which the Eskimos and Danish inhabitants of Greenland used for food, the curious kayaks or canoes in which the inhabitants travel in the, water, the sledge dogs, and divers re- pairing a leak in the boat off Green- land. I While on the coast of Greenland, the Morrissey ran aground and was carried onto a reef out of the water by the beating of the waves and an on-shore breeze. When the tide rose the day after the ship went aground, it was found that it was two feet too low for the vessel to float. The second! day, empty oil kegs were placed on the keel in another attempt to float it, but this also proved unsuccessful. The third day, the mainsail was hoisted in the hope that the wind which was coming off-shore would drive the boat1 off the reef. When the breeze sud- denly shifted, the boat rolled over into the water and was once more safely afloat. All provisions had to be re- moved, and the crew had been busy in other ways for all three days so that none of them obtained any sleep, ac- cording to Captain Bartlett. The loosening of the soil by a pow- erful stream of water, dredging the rocks and muck up, and the casting out of the material from which the gold had been extracted was hown in the pictures. Many thousands of dol-1 lars worth of gold is recovered by this process, Captain Bartlett said as he described it. Captain Bartlett himself explored the botto mof the ocean in a diver's uniform while off Greenland. He used a cost guard's uniform and the mo- tion pictures showed him' going down and coming up. Union Will Send Tuition Refunds To Life Members Refunds from the tuition of fully- paid life members of the Union, as provided in the amendments to the constitution adopted last fall, have been arranged for, and will be mailed to those entitled to them by the first of next week, it was announced yes- terday by LesterwF. Johnson, '27L, president of ,the Union, in reply to numerous requests concerning the date of payment. The Union can not make these re- funds, Johnson explained, until after the University has refunded to any students, withdrawing from the Uni- versity, the 40 per cent of their tuition to which they are entitled, and which includes .the Union portion. In order to facilitate the process, as 'well as to prevent a double refund of the Union element of the tuition, the Union can not make any refunds until it is certain that similar action has not been nor will be made by the University. EMERSON ENDORSE PROPOSAL FOR COOLIDGE'S COURSE IN NAVAL ARMAMENT REMAINS. UNSETTLED FAILIRE OF ITALY TO REPLY HANDICAPS SPECULATION ON POLICY JAPANESEFAVOR PLANS Premier Wakatsuki Promises Support In Any "Fair and Equitable" Disarmament Scheme (By Associated Press) Washington, Feb. 16.-Speculation as to what course President Coolidge may follow in seeking further naval armament limitations, in view of the rejection by France of the Geneva con- ference plan, was handicapped tonight by failure of the Italian reply, forecast in Rome as also a rejection, to put in an official appearance. Secretary Kellogg would not expand on his formal statement last night as ,to the'French answer and presumably was awaiting an official expression of Italy's attitude before taking up with the President whatever further step the Washington government may deem it expedient to take. The indicated Italian rejection serv- ed to put tentative consideration of the possibilities of a four power sub- stitute plan out of the picture for the present at least. Such a program was based on intimations that Italy was inclind to look favorably on the American proposals. Unofficially, speculation turned again to the old three power plan, first put forward at Geneva, before the pre- President Coolidge :N 1N DEN S EK1TO MEDICAL SOClETY1 People In Anterica Are Tired and Need Stronger Stimuli To Promote . Action, Emerson Says S!TRUEC tE E lTIlNS ZI IXL JI.) LUIVI 1IU I I Zi paratory commission on disarmament -met, and contemplating an auxiliary "In America every one is tired and craft limitation agreement between requires stronger stimuli to promote Great Britain, the United States and action. Beautiful music was devolv- Japan. In some official quarters, how- ed in quiet places, but here it has given tear, there was an inclination de-ou way to jazz, cubist art and strongttionyammproae drink," said Dr. Charles Emerson, in n was probable. his lecture last night in University (By Associated Press) Hall auditorium. "There are new models of automo- i Tokio, Feb. 16-T'he Japanese gov- biles every year but not of the nervous ernmen is strongly inm favor of Pres- system, and therefore conservation of nervous energy should be the doctirne preached by modern doctors" Dr. Emerson, who is dean of the medical school of the University of Indiana, delivered the third in a se- ries of non-technical lectures being sponsored by Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary medical society, choosing as his topic "The Emotional and Psycho- logical Factors In The Development. of Pathological States." He has long been interested in the social and envir- onmental background of the medical case, and has been instrumental in de-; veloping at Indiana a department of medical sociology which trains men especially for that work. "Physical concomitants. are import- antly affected by emotions," Dr. Em- erson told his audience, "and even as pleasure expands ability, fear stifles it. Nervous dyspepsia has become" emotional dyspepsia. A hospital is a poor place to distinguish between symptoms, for heart and lungs may be1 important in diagnosis but more so1 are wife and neighbors. "There is greater danger done by the American Society for the Preven- 1 tion of Cancer," he continued, "be- cause so little is known that can be said concerning the disease, without frightening the patient. Unless a pa- tient has considerable medical knowl- edge, he should not be, taken into the confidence of the practitioner." Band To Adopt New' Plan Here Saturdayl In an endeavor to have the student body become better acquainted with college songs, and to create a greater school spirit during athletic contests,f the Varsity band will follow a new{ E policy in regard to the students sing- ing the "Yellow and Blue" at the In-1 diana-Michigan basketball game Sat- urday night. Formerly the band has played all three verses, and the ac- companying singing of the students{ has not received the attention it should have. S DEAN CABOOT'SR SEX TENSION WORK Judge George P. Codd, '91, former Dr. Onderdonk XWill repof Detroit, died yesterday at his home Give Lecture Today in Detroit. His death followed a pro-, longed illness. During his undergraduate days at Choosing as his subject "The Rise Duringiversunderadua887tdaysatof the Fine Art" Dr. F. S. Onderdonk Jude Uoddstykprtimany887 mps18' of the architectural college will speak ctivitiesdd tkproinytamong at a public lecture to be given at 4:15 which were his three years service on this afternoon in room 21, Angell the Varsity baseball team, being cap- . tam during his senior year, and his D1. O, tc rdon lived in Europe for work as manager of the football team. 4;n extendeld period and spent several wor asmangerofthefoobal tem.mouths last summer in Italy and will He was also one of the organizers ofsI the Michigan Athletic association give first-hand impressions of the fine which co-ordinated all of the athletic j arts of the Old World. He will ac- continued company his lecture by illustrative units of the University. IH ontinu des to participate actively in athleticsEslides' after his graduation, playing and i pitching for the famous old Detroit I PIERROT CITES BA( Athletic club team which won nationalIBASIS OR 4S championships in 1890 and 1892. U In 1909 he was elected a Regent of; the University. In 1911 he was elect- "Before you can write it is necessary ed to the circuit court bench follow- ta o aeo cqiebcgon, ing which election he resigned his that you have or acquire background,"' regency. Judge Codd was elected for is the opinion of George E. Pierrot,; a second term in 1917 but resigned in managing editor of the American Boy 1920 to accept the nomination for Magazine who addressed the Students' representative in Congress. Press club last night. "That is one of the most important things you are at college for, and which, from the asketballScare European point of view, is too often lacking in the finished product of the Illinois 46, Northwestern 32. 1,American colleges. ' _"Trade journals are good things for beginners to aim at because they offer 1 nrn -nczira fiald and flp+hnn n rpn_ naval armaments of world powers and will do everything in its power to aid in the work. Premier Wakatsuki made this state- ment in an exclusive interview given to an Associated Press representative, in which he frankly and informally discussed Japan's position in regard to President Coolidge's proposal for a conference of world powers to bring about a reduction of naval armaments. The Japanese cabinet, the premier said, was not hesitating in the slight- est about accepting the invitation of President Coolidge to participate in. the conference, but was simply study- ing the American memorandum for the purpose of forwarding to Washington a properly worded reply. This, he in- timated, would be cabled within a few days. "Our attitude in this matter of dis- armament is not ambiguous, nor is it cloaked in diplomatic technicalities," continued Premier Wakatsuki, "The day of closet diplomacy and secret treaties is past and the plan is not one of the last nations to discard anti- quated methods of dealing with inter- national agreements. As you Amer- icans say, our cards are on the table. We are ready to discuss disarmament in any fair and equitable conference at any place in the world." (By Associated Press.) Rome, Feb. 16--Italy's refusal to ac-, cept President Coolidge's proposal for a conference on supplementary naval disarmament is clearly foreshadowed in a semi-official communique issued tonight. In this Italy it taking the same path folowed by France, and for practicaly the same reason-self pro- tection. The reply itself, dealing directly with the American memorandum, has not yet been made public, but this is I a matter probably of a few hours. The attitude of the Italian govern- ment is explained in authoritative quarters in Rome as having been tak-- en on the ground that Italy could not accept any limitation of her small ships which are absolutely necessary ! for her own defense, in view of her economic position as the length of her coastline and the need to protect her traffic and communications with her colonies. Mimes To Continue Play Performances Three performances of the two 1 Mimes plays, "Annajanska, the Bol- shevik Empress" and "The Man of Destiny" by Shaw will be given to- night, tomorrow, and Saturday nights in the Mimes theater. Though the seat sale has been rapid for all of the per- formances there is still a number of CKGROUN1D AS 'CCESSFUL WRITING I on the staff of any particular maga- i Strong Is Appointed' For Cancer Research zine, Mr. Pierrot explained, is to study I Under the arrangement by which the magazine carefully and then to $225,000 is given to the University write "stuff" so definitely in its line for cancer research, Dr. L. C. Strong, that the editor is consistently forced of Bussy Institution of Biological Re- to buy it. Isearch, Harvard University, has been1 "Newspaper training is good train- = appointed to do research in this field1 ngforwtoseaplaimngsuondtrin-as a member of the research staff, ac- ing for those planning upon a writ- cording to announcement of Dr. Clar- ing career," said the Detroit editor. enic C. Little, president of the Uni-I "In the first place it teaches one to versity.L write under pressure; and secondly, Dr. Strong, who is a graduate of that writing is not so much inspira- Allegheny college, received his doc- tion as it is good hard work." tor of science degree at Columbia Uni- Tr Pi D,,,rn1 ,,,rpprl hnrcr nn , -AI I - degree,__--.' Dr. Charles Phillips Emerson, dean! It is the opinion of Dr. Emerson, of the medical school of the Univer- that such a return to the direct meth- sity of Indiana, yesterday heartily en- i od of teaching medicine would be an dorsed the plan of Dean Hugh Cabot' for the extension method in schooling advantage but that the introduction ofj medical students, but expressed an such a method would be very difficult! opinion that although such measures j under the existing complicated con-. were commendable they would require ditions. considerable working-out before they Dr. Emerson viewed the newly ded- could be put into practice. icated Simpson Memorial Institute for The plan suggested by Dean Cabot Medical Research in the field of perni-