~inA~l INVITED~ 'OflfINh) IU tflltfl Architectural students of the Uni- voircity of Mlichigan wvill be represent- ; ed by illustrations of their wrt:in an exhibition of architectural drawings to be shown in the Corc~oran Art Gal-' lery, Washington, ID. C., during the convention of the American Institute of Architects next week~. The wrork comprises arch~itectural design, construction, free hand draw- ing, and] water color painting. ILLtL-tIATOk iiHAS EXH BITIO N #-E other's* Sunday, .N is 'a, lint of guests to the arty: who, 16th Gov. ident jttle, Wear AC Shir Benl chet Mrs, and and and and kr' E. Cooley and Mrs.; Joseph A. Bursley and Dean Alfred U-. Lloyd Yd, Dean George W. Pat- r-. Patterson, Secretary 'an'I(I' Is. Smith, Regent ,ndlhet' and Mrs. Han- ,Lucius Hubbard and 1Regent Walter Sawyer, yer Regent Victor Gore re, .Regent Ralph Stone! oe, Regent Junius Beal 1, Regnt William Clem- Clemnents, and RegentI Hon. Charles E. Sink. the faculty of the archi- ve are: Prof. Emil Lorch, h, Prof. A. J. Rousseau seau, Pro4 Earnest Wilbyl y, Prof. Welles Bennett nnett, Prof. G. ILMc- irs. McConkey,. Mr. and 'ell, Mr. and, Mrs. Walter Franciis Onderdonk and ik, Mr. and4 JMrs. Myron .,<1 RT-... 7 --. T .1>,1n l --Photo by Speddi;ng Ge71eral (C0nm1lttee For Architects' May P arty TIhis grow) is making the arras gemenits for' the architects' 16th annual fancy costume ball. Top row, left to right: IXenneth, Michel, '27; Ross T. Bittinger, Spec.; Stanley C. Podlbielniak, '28; Ronald K. Sholz, '27, and Otto F. Wenzler, '28. Middle row, Herbert P. Watts, '27; Dole F. Thompson, '27 A; Phillip West, '27; Irussell Radford, '27; Harold Philpott, Spec.; and Earl Meyer, '27. Bottom Row: left to righ t. Alves O'Keffe,.'27; Willard Wendt, '28; William Preston, '27, (general chairman'; Walter Thulin, '27; and Louis Jordan, '28. Those absent when the picture was taken are Percy 0. Danforth, '27A; Edward D. Rich, Jr., '27A, James E. ells, '28A, and Samg Wetzel, '28A. -- FROYM -- Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the Col-b, lege of Architecture, A~nounces a exhibition of 12 pencil an water col-j or sketches by Otto F. Langmjann, which is now being shown in the i corridor case of the, College of Arch-' tecture, WVest Engineering building.. I Mr. Langmann is a New York archi-'' tect, and is also a well~known illus-! trator of architectural subjects. He klu rfsa ihuusa artistic feeling, according to instruc-{. tors in architectural school. {More than a mile and a halt f o FLOWERI 9Nickels Arcade I to 5 r and Mirs. Frayer,. Prof. William H Mrs. Francis J. Plym!, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hobbs, P'rof. A. Teald'i and Mrs. Tealdi, 1W. Frowe, Mr.* and Mrs. ,A. E. Dickin- Prof. Bruc~eDonaldson and Mrs. Don- #on, Mr. and Mrs. Eliel Saarinen. ]Miss Alice Lloyd, Mr. A. Champion, aldson, Prof. G. MNarotti and M1 rs. ~.7 .TTI. -= If~ Five hundred copies of this supple-f -ment were# distributed at. the May Party. crepe paper Was used in the decora- Read. TheDaily "Classified" CJ tions. Austi; Aldrii Nle, IV Mrs. Victxa Mr. a Maria Pro < Thien ~Mrs. 11 V 1: Lu 1..tA V MS* tAlk* Fower, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and 1MrIs. FredrichJl Jr. and Mrs. Harry Gain- I Mrs. Charles R. Barnum, Johnson, Mr. and Air. n, Mr. Harold M. Young,, Herbert Rooven, Mrs. Mr. Jean Paul Slusser. P. Thieme hand Mrs. MoriseP.'Tiey andJ Prof. Wili~am A. Frayer I" s } i' t i ';] t ; ,, 't Marotti, Prof. Louis Hopkins and Mrs. Hopkins, Prof. Peter V'ield and Mrs.' Field, Prof. John C. Winter and Mrs. Winter, Prof. Alfred V~. White, and Mrs. White, .Dr. Harry B. Hlutch- ins and Mrs. Hutchins, Dr. George Slocum, and Mrs. Slocum, Dr. Johll Sundwall and Mrs. Sundwall, Dr. George -A. May and Mrs. May, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo M. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph G. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Booth, Miss Alice Lloyd, Mr. Albert Lockwood, Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Holmes, Ml~r. and 19rs. Walter E. Lentz, Mr and Mrs. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. James Inglis,. Mr. and !GUESTS REPRESENTATIVE More than" 150 invitations to attend the annual party were extended to representative out-qf-town guests, such as Gov. Fred Green and, Mrs. Green, 'University regents, U'nivversity ( nyofficials, and faculty, of which group maysignifiled intentions to be pres- ent. 4 Included in the list were several fdceans of colleges of the "University. myr. 1i.. tU.' v' Jin, ivir. amt Ilvrs. T. Wibtehead, Mr. and M~rs. Kaides, ;Miss Florence Davies. N l amen~ W.R. At the Party GK4HAAIS, SUPPLIES FOR IT "II Both Ends of the Diagonal x. Such important occasions. Ar chitects' May Party demand the as the. 4 abest of. laundry service -- because, excellent laundry service means en-i jOYment and& comfort under close 'A IU -IIFi scrutiny. A ragged edge, a sharp collar, or even a shrunkeni undergarment spells C H H 0 U B S B E disaster. Varsity Service guarantees whether it, comfort for any -occasion, ISHE$ TO ANNOUNCE THAT ON SU(NDAYS FROM iTO 5 P. M. THEY WILL, SERVE Chicken and Steak Dinners, 85C HERE YOU WILL FIND is a dress or sport affair. 111 tj Phone 4219 1 ! -, '%X THE BEST FOODS AND , "QUICKEST, SERVICE OB. TAINA'BLE'. ONE MEAL WILL CONVINCE YOU v 4""~- TH'.. l) "'.?Q . 7 CHUBB HOU SE State Two Hundred and Nine South I s flF