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May 07, 1927 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-07

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May Party Over Sixteen


7' 1

FAIR lVE IN111FBPJPS Wilam Prestog ' A ATYHSOY Cevln ilI
Head Of Committee__ Guest Of Chairman
:u UOEBN AMN STD TSICotinuted fromn Column Two)j
13IG hxi x I the Egyptian art and arciteture.'
I n r % P A R T Y a~ a ry ,.. , r } " + l s w a s a l s o t h e f i r s t y e a i n , ' h .i c h "ja i . d *
fx The theory or the decorations this an attempt~ was ae to paint the
, l plants and bilgs an .r~a fdi".a y human I ;sucesfu. Butildinag pater was used . .


elt Putt; cstulits
Iiieed j Ire 1


!lo ,olve some real pr-actical andti(il- being °would look: like an elf. We
f .cull ,problelll'; du4'ilngthe process of didn't get that.et" NA picture hardly!
t*U~l ~at ,all, A pit maybe it was bveause
liesigsl E; At )Es i e
l;~~uingwit te rrtyci .122the^re weren't any ltiuman bacings pr'es-K
the;. :eirtv scheme hias been I o en't-they Were all ardliilcts
i dedr'thrug l a col; vtititin. il Wiich The iWear of the .1-H op always is to
;S:ty wmhb;~o the u'oiNlee is cligib~e make you feel se kig tthaving the
to comhi . 'Foe winnmgd<lgn i-iHonor of going, but, the ArchRitect,
'lohctd by a jtury comrpose d of' meal- planned the decorations in such a
hers l("-te ;Ic ulty andtl'Ii I:metill'?;;way as ko forge you to feel little.


for the hat'i and tis in turn was
rlicate thie decorations tllrough;I sonice
the p mok. Crcepe pmiper «was also
used in the extras and it wVas stated!
I'at the ,time of Lhe party th at to duI)-
Slicate the decor o ions th rough omne
3 Professional organizattion could not bn
dcue for less~ than $15,000. The llgy p-
tian party was also the subj ect of
Fintuch unsolicited publicity in the
Ipapers of te state and architectural
EPrevidous to the~ party of 19.24 it was,
the con~census of opinion on camp~us
f Fl an} - krnn n etfl zit I~aty ',~W d l


rmn iI i 1111
(Contlnuned, fpi~ Page C
for the frolicer. until 2 o'clo(
mor nintg.SmalleIr Wushroo
used as seats fir thi usici
The idea for the Scheme o'
tnist( rhOR.Bttnwho wopl the com'petetive (-or
Larne field. More than a.
specially nrepatVed ir~h(proof
per' w as used byth worker,
duce the 'sky effALit, while mt
1100 lights we el>ined in ti
arouind the sides of the, wal
Ch stt~rs of bite; sweet herg
taining brightly colored l.ig
alol~dt un,'tef it is tinue that "atge lend
nil y," Baiboir 111j asiuiis
dignified building on the can
in1 spite of its shortcominigs

By ulq 9I1I
in, te 16 years of, its nexistence, the
thtectet's May prty, which hs
come so firwly established on cam-
s as one of the .foremost social
gtions being srpassed only by the
inior "S op, haas,"ad a very interest-,
, ;evolution and It is worthy of time L
go .ack anid reviw its past in or-
rbtat we mgt have a clearer con-
iptionts, to its rapid growth. !
Apprt4mately 16 years ago the
embers of 'te ciole realized .the
084si0y-of sonie social function, 0~
agivren annaly, :which "wolserve
a" bond in ,an effrt to unite the
eibers of the collge more firmly,
ixe cogl ge at t~t time was yet in itsI
fancy and npothing very pretentious
Auld be panne so:Packard hall Was
ted a nthe ptty ws given amidst
iry "unpretentious decorations. The
tendance at-k this Arst dace wAs
ited to the atudents of the cllege
t it proved so succesful that a sim-
xrP party was given the following
.ar, and tickets .wer ;placed 'on aj-
M safe These {danfces which wereE
ml .formal, were known' a "T
tare Trots," smoncks being wore at
Mme of them. Two .paties were then
old at -the old ;Uin ln uilding rwih
now known <on campus a-th
mes Theater. Tie ecoratons at
Pth of these psties were very u-
In 1921 the lIlAy Paty entered a
w ,era, the affair being held fIor the
snt, tie in the present Union ;Iuid-
z. The work of, producing this
arty ways placed, in the hands of a'
iall group of five men who were able
s$tag'e the event largely ;through
feir own efforts, even being called
on to make personal fnanctal con-
iptions ill an effort to pay up a
fcit wwhich -wa incurred while pro-
iing the aty.' Decorations for
Is party were composed largey of
tndelabra and palns. which were ar-
nged along the walls of the ball
om. i'This party had the atmosphere
a very for al sport dance, dark
.ats and light trousers being worn,
r the ;pale guests.
G Sponselred b Society
For the last six years the 1Vay
aty has been given ;nder the direc-
an of The Architectural society, a
oup of men Who are elected'by the
irious classes to represent; them in
ie meetings of~ the society. The
ork on the party is'done under their
ipervision and the ,resls obtained
4ove that this was a 'ery good move.
bey have not only obtained better
;suts froi, the point of or aniation
t also from the point of iew of
;cutlon of design. The president
'the society 'automaticaly became
to general chairman of the j;party. He
slets his committee who, will asist
xxi on the work of the ,paty ad it
' natirely up td$ this group to yake
5e party the decided success ,whih it
[ways is.'
The committees in the past have
Wed their work largely onssiges-
ins offered by Prof, Emil Lorch, head
the archtectral college, with the.
isultant effect that 'the party very
uich represents the :Beaux Arts all
'Paris. Professor Lorh is a very
ithusiastic supporter of the party
are all the other members of the
culty of the college, who have been
vorably disposed toward the party
er since its first Inception' and who
kvp given much time and nany sug-
:stions to help make the parties as
ecessfu as they are. > or",the last
Syears the students have been al-
wed toi tmporarily nelect their'
)rk in the class room in order that
ey could work on the decorative
iheme The 'faculty maintain that
e time spent on the 4ork for the
tray is ot wasted In vjw of the
tt that the students are called, uon


of tbe Ariicht tturl ociety. Many,
very clev&r sceenej5 ar sbmitted
ever~y year 'and a prize is given to the
persona winning the com ettion.
TPhe (decorations for the party of
1,12 were based on a peacck motif
and were carried out largely through
the use of colored crepe paper as the'
decorative material Several novel
schemes_ in addition to the general
decorations were incorporatedl in the'
arrangement of .the party. Crsa es
were lowered in a larg basket frmn
the balcony of Barbour gymnasium,
which was the scene ot the pary for
that year.
Informnal s1mer dress was worn at
this party as at those preceeding and
t might e of interest to know that
this party, drew, state wide publicity
from the press and was classed as
the largest and most pretentious of
its kind to be given in the entire state
at that time.
JEgyltian fMaty 111 1924
The ,Egyptian party of 124 was a
real :innovation in the line of May
Parties, Never had there been such
a display of enthusiasm and interest
in the party and never before had such
an amabitious scheme for the decora-l
.tions been undertaken. The theme
chosen was very appropriate at the
time <due to the archeological dis-
coveries made at that time and the
w'tealth of publicity which was being
given to the popular King "Tut" and
Egyptian art and architecture.
From this rich ;store of ;Egyptian art
a decorative schme was evolved in
which some very novel ideas were in-
corporated. In order to lay out the
design on a very arge scale a ser-
eopeoptican machine was used in
much the same rianner in which the
design portraying the/epic of the Con-
federate soldier was recently thrown
on Stone Mountain, arge sheets of
paper were tacked on the walls to
receive the views fromn the machine
which was set at the proper distance
to give the correct scale an} when the
various slides were used te outlins
of the projections were skethed in
and in this way the desired .shapes
and forms were obtained in the eact
It was also possible to focus the
machines so pictures of all sizes could
be easily used. In the broad friezeI
which carried around the gymnasim
the various steps in the production o
brick were -portrayed including\ evry
proses?' up to its present use in the
bui'lding of our modern buildings.
Other Egyptian cjafts were also dis-
played in a very similar manner in the
various pantels. A. bt of humor was
~'also added to the setting by means
}of som~e Egyptian maps which were
O highly decorated and which looed
very faunny in their modern setting.
The tomb of Ti, the famous Egyptian.
arcitetwhnich stod near the pyra-
mid of his ruler also commanded muche
attention, in a very large pae,
Painted ?hixiraol: OnWalls
11n anther panel an Egyptian boat
was shown under tull sail, with the
temple of art as its cargo and on its
'sails were drawn, escutcheons, the
symbpil of hope. In th third panel
was the Pharaoh mounted in his char-
iot and directed the attack on a fort-
ress before which there were many
fallen warriors. A winged goddess
was also portayed pointing~ to an.
Egyptian incription The Sphinx and
pyramids also played an important
Ipart in the. design. Around, as well as
above the large free, there was dis-
played 4 veritable wealth of color
gathered from studies in the variou
The primary colors were the rin-
cipal colors ued in the decorations i
as they are so very, dominant in allj
(Contnued in Column Five)

, I


"To ellthe truth," remarked
the Frank Freshman last night
fas lie tried to kill a snake in
the decorations," the only rea--PoobDe
son I entered the Arc school =Poob e
was this party.",ilimP xoi,'7
SWho, as general chairman oit the
________________________Architects' May Partyr, has been in
_______charge of arrangements. '
ALL THE ELVES IVERE N'T J ' _____________
It just happened - that, this party ;,j' TActet'ay a~ s
wasnt sch n eclusve ffar ateri alway 'enjoyable. the decorative
w~snt sch n ecluive ffar ater Isetting for it is sel~cted by corn-
all. They called it the "Elves' .Gar-' I petition open to every memiber.
den Party ," but there was a 'group. of the school. The Architectura~l -
of the dear little creatures that Sceyte iie h tdn
wasn't present at all. ni'to ;groups whio make and place-

very dles'lrable. The men in charge

of the party for that year therefore'
decided to surpass anythi hg tha.t had
ever been done before from the staud-
point of elaboration of designitig and
color and to make it a costumne ball,
which woald add much to the color
of the affair and make it very informal
the end toward which they were work-
-In -.1924 the Latin quarter ;bf Paris


Bobby Henderson and his Rloque-
fort players wyere pla'ying around' in
the. Sarah Caswell Angell hall up-
stairs. It seems they got mad because
they weren't invited to the party, andI
decided to .have their own in the same i
building just for spite.
"The .Firebranid" apparently tried
to spoil the May party, but the effi-
cient fire department happened to
get t her e on time. A little thing like
an extra fot Roquefort show can't
stop the, Architects when they plan
a party, , 2:urn on, Roquefort, we
don't mind.
Entrance to the dance floor was.e
Imade rthrough a huge tree trunk.. Iff
this were: California the state im-
provements committee or something
would be advertising the fact all over
the world.
They would run stories in all the
best newspapers describing this for-
est monarch which is so large that
300 college students .could dance in-
side its trunk, and still not shake the
thing down.
The cob-web effect of the ceiling

the diecoraticns and fixtures,
working und'er the general direc-
- tion of the successful competitor
(who this year is Mr. Ross Bittin-
(From a decorative standpoint
Iit' is the most serious effort 'of
'the year and in some ways the
most elaborate, this bein~g pos-
sible since the students .do, all
(of the work. It is a fine piece
of cooperative ,wark," an excel-
lenit exercise in design.
--Dean Emil Lorch.


j Students and faculty men olfj
(the College of Enginieering are
proud of their fellow students
Ifand colleaguies of the College of.
Architecture. T1h'e Architects'
May Party hais achieved rare cis-
(tinction among the many heau-
tiful and gi~4ceftul events of oir
'campus life. I wish that All those
who are privileged to be present
at this party might know the
labor of love for the artistic that
1has welded the Architects into a
unit in conceiv ng, planning and
(bringing into B~inug such a har-
mony of design alnd color as is-
*difplayed in this their great tri-
iuhnph of the yer,
-b~ean M., E. Cooley.

;. arlistic rafters; i't niakes up 'for the
' ; ~harmi t hasds le- eyes throughout
'the year wheir the arc'hitects take
charge of it for,'Olle night.
of various forms aand creatures. 1t%e
-Phot by yaasniall shaipes to be found in the by-.
*ways of the streets of Paris wore used
Virginia Pat'aricia Jenrsen to form the walls for the scheme of
Of Cleveland, Ohio, who is attending Idecorations. Interesting posters and
the Architects' May Party as a guest' signs added miuchl to the 'local color
of William Preston, ' 7 A, general ; and bril1lance of the entire setting.
chalian or th'e affair. 1vrost of the lighting was obtained
from a large central lamp' which was.
was chosen for the setting, which -is 1 suspended from the center of the
the mecca of the men studying at th'ie 'ceiling. Awnings done fin lue and yet-
L'Recole _des -Beaux Arts in Paris.A low suipported by bamboo poles wore
pir-ie was offered for the best cos- used to shield the openings; in tho
tumec which brought forth much origi- windlows. Sml trees placed in tubs
ialit~y in design and clever portrayal ( Continued on Page Four)
May Pert. at IDeIPete 's
Aidler Clothes


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duaperie isn't so- unusual.

Most of


INo charges for afterafi~cans.

tuie ol'iei* uuitaings .rave plernty of
- ;iracr all the time.
Mayhe you .have seen the B. and G.
boys wom k:ing on campus lawns the
past few eta They were just get-{
ting- in practice for this party to-
night. They thought maybe the, com-
mittee. would errant some real garden
atmosphere and would invite .them to
be part of the scenery.
We- were thipking of- going- to the
party in a policeman's uniform, but
we were afraid we would be mobbed
at the door. And besides, all1 the
cops we saw were such light' sleepers
on their, beats 'that we couldn't swipe
a uniform.
When intervewed at a late hour
during the party, Samuel Snail, a dec-
Sorative- wall-flower, said that he felt
rather out of place. "Except w'hen
they played a real slow waltz," he
One student went into Detroit and
got enough,clothes from his kid
brxother in high school to fit himself
out as a 'cllege- man."
Timothy iHay.

Watch repairing with giuarahicted


scat ion.

An honest effort to ploise.

There's not a single garrnent that was bought specially

for this .sale.

'Everythin~g is tailored to the exact specifica-

tioms of M.. Del Prete, actual tailor twenty-wo years.
This assures you the very best~ qualiy clothes that no other
merchant inx the city can e::uai=.-


2 13 East Liberty St.,

North the Walk



4".'-,.'- jEl________________








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