SATURtDAY, MAY -7, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PFIVR ( I ILTAVA ................ . .......... REPORT SUBSTANTIALE Letters Show Tour Of Women Approved tHU P AI Enthusiastic letter; written last1 year are remnants of the enjoyment{ - ana l ,ofIt wlh:cli colleg;e women re- I)Pff:.tli .Sea on P'a~r es Sicessf.1'ci(1veil from the N. S. F. A. tours D ue 14) La rge Audilences And shiiilir to the Michigan tour which C'arefui l anaigement:I5 inf; l i x 'igored1 by the Women's leariue for 1927. LARGE HOUSES CONTINUE fo)Owea excerpt from per- The larger hou,,es that the Rock- {oiiiso h esenE oeOe ford Players are attracting night af- Road 1tur 1,,01n example (fit'Ihat en- 1ev igh inicats asulStanialpro t1huirais for 01'tlan' N. S. 1'. A. method t~ernigt inicaes asubtantal ro- of travel: fit in view for the Women's league building, for whose benefit the entire iJ.une 29th: This morning when we season is being presented in Sarah came on deck there were sea gulls Caswell Angell hall. swarmuing about the shrip. This meant Many patrons were (doubtfli when lahnd-and surely enough, it we look. the long andI difficult season of plays edlhard, there in the morning fog we was announced whether there would couJl see Land's End(. England at le any returns left for the league lasts Blefore we knew it we were hur- building. H-owever,. many factors, in Tied through Engl ish immigration of- addition to the large audiences have feces and had the uniformed English entered into the. enterprise that seem medical officer stare into our eyes to to assure a large total for the build- det ermine whether we looked healthy ing. enough to allow our entrance. Down The rental of the theater 'is reason- the gangplank we went and into a able, although the series is being pre- small harbor boat, waiting to take stinted in Sarah Caswell Angell hall us to shore. H-ow goodl it seemed 1-o mainly because it is the coolest step on land again, where English theater on campius. In addition all of studlents were awaiting us5. They had the costumes and settings were im- come down from London to meet us,' ported intact from Rockford with noJ and were tagged "National Union of expense save the excess baggage' Students." Tfhey at once tagged us transportation, so that we couldn't get lost or sep-{ The royalties on the five plays are crated from the family. These Eng- also considerably reduced because all lirsh undergraduates were very simple of the plays have been presented be-} sincere, and yet ungushingly cordial. fore by the company and the initial The train ride (incidentally on one fee was paid before during the of the best railway lines of the world)l Rockford season. The ushers are all from Plymouth to London was through University girls and much of the of- lovely rolling English country-side fice expenses are handled without -theC kind one had always imagined.I charge through the alumnae council only that it was more delightful. W~e office. were ravenously hungry, and the food "If our houses continue "in their served in the diner was delicious, es- p~resent size," Robert Henderson, di- pecially an interesting combination rector of the company, said, "there of gordonzola cheese with water cressI is no reason why the season should and crackers served us after dessert not net the league a very large sum. As wve sped by several towns we Last summer in 18 performances we noticed that they were labelled "Bov- earnedl some $700 for the project and eril." It seemed silly to us to have sr with the present 15 performances wE many towns of the same name anO should be able to equal this figure." we wondered how the residents ever SAYS THERE IS GREAT OPPORTUNITY M axrRcev Degree1EETWHT FOR WOMEN IN ADVERTISING FIELD For Study At Home g --G -A Cli joDRSate "Women now play~ a very b)ig PI1V The work is naturally pleasant to fi'engaduiat es t't tt in adlvertising," accordIing to Philip P~CI .en fasilpCIesov lan bs have been1 worked out by the have decidedlon. a twuo nie ' white C. Pack, '17, of the Ann Arbor Ad- I nlatunre and very interestiug offering ;Presidlent of the State Federation of dress as the regulation dress for the vertising Agency, "in the future, they a great deal of variety says Mr'. Pack. Indiana Women's Club whereby wo- ' lass. When the :seniorOti,,(10 It ~id('d will play a still bigger one. The (le- IIn adtoityilsgo pay. heto standar~hdize the dress Aten inood's;t er'Ik n thrsch dito, yilsgo~ hemnmay receive university credit on ! ?l ion ifrn ~ ~( iC mand for them is very great. P in - surroundings are likely to b le ha (ere fr a ifas-t i' c mp e re xi~se n l from Hi l nt o re(0,1,mg zi e n, sn e m s f t e p ope hIfciiss T eI 'i w w r tilCno- t lon ofread~ing cuss.Tework wtijiPomterene FallTeywre titc} are full of advertisements of self-! go in for advertising are y'our.- col- a ,lso entitle' club women i e memnbei'- e~fil n xtduo h styled top-notch mnen, but you rarelyi lege people. ca1;flyaOsae pnadt, see wo an' ad ertieme t. his is ____________;ship in the proposed honorary tedera- popular two piece won. All pr,reo awd becus al wme wh ae ittdAorERE H ENtin society, Epsilon Sigmia Onuici'on. store tags were r-mlot erl befor'e tho' thae work havengoodhobsanfitd nevr ITAESHMEClub women may' undertake these dresses were put on dir~:oia 1and it is Edp CI' IOPTE courss idiau in their o fl = a coincidence that one of th~e lots- st; have to look for any." Mr. Pack then4. l t.E3 homes, for they will receive dirc- rc- ressws eetd toldprce severalwomenafhislaquaint tol svealwomn f isacqaitt- ons by mail. By this system Indiana_______ ance who have had decided success! Freshmen women at Illinois arewoe arginan potntyo in this line. given a chance to show their know]-.cniu hi dcto ne a'-MS ETITLSO June Kiekenvelt, who was. graduiat- edge of campus activties and tradli-fugidne Women need not be col- D ipaT tAR A ed from the University of Michigan tions when they write their final le- ,r~utst neraetee____ tn 1917, is now woman's editor ofainto i reha euato hi \eiicati Library Association courses, Pitnlk ayohrknso Me'C C.als, and writes fashion notes for week. (and the coopieration. of interested edl- are is not all sheer enoymnt.Miss the Mathewson Syndicate. In these two Freshman education has existed inmke th aw'dgo(I- *.Jii..i5 capacities, she earns $1,000 a month. one form or another for some time psil.Llin(et h a utrtre ~Xhi h i~ if nlg. s~ sr-jat Illinois. The material to be co-'green s sil.o e from li GtSahara h desert re rs na y a when she first lefeoleege, sheisesee1wa e~ng Miss Go-eth sp~ent several weeks un- ravelling red tale at Tunis and Al- gers. After this her troubles began, of whlich playing hide anid seek with the Rtiftarit roops was not the least. A ft er a great deal of difficulty Miss (Genthi slipped thbrough the Spanish lines only to find that the p~oli ,e would not allow her to paint. lThe birthplace of Nancy Hanks is to be restored. ed on the editorial staff of Tle JDetrolt Hews, and later, was advertising man- ager of the J. L. Hudson Company. Estelle Callopy, a Northwestern University graduate, started out work- ing as a stenographer in a Chicago eredt up in outlines which are sent to the house chairman of freshman edu- cation and are distributed by her to the freshman. The seven subjects ' which make up the test are: Women's League, W. A. A. Mortar Board and Torch, Y. W. C. A., the Illini Publish-! ing Company, campus traditions and campus landmarks. COLORADO.-Confined to a sorority for a week when a quarantine in scarlet fever was declared was the fate of a freshman who happened to be visiting at the time. Women choose food for color har- moniy says Dr. Gertrude Peabody. i "local color." writing in which she v of success, bringing increase in the sales I she was advertising. western woman work~ ing till midnight on fashion models, and that time. won a great deal about a decided of the product Another North- :ed from morn- ne day drawing earned $590 in i ------- ---- ' ' t Onice more an opportunity to express our love for "thre only one mother the wide world over." THE MARY LOUISE SHOP Has~ an attractive assortment of dainty things to please the most discerning of mothers-colo~rful mesh bags-lovely china--snappy leather-scarfs- pictures, etc., etc. Also a new and complete line of MOTHER'S DAY CARDS I. i ' 1 3 i 'I _ , at. Upon inquiry, amid much laughter our English student friends told up that Boveril was a sort of beef tee drink, and that we had been observ- ing advertising signs. Faux pas num- ber one.", Miss Beatrice Johnson, adviser to w Omen will be the leader of the Mich- igan tour. Miss Johnson was a mem- ber of one of these tours last sum- mer so is particularly fitted to direct the same type of thing again. Any women wishing to be enrolled in the Michigan group are asked to see Miss Johnson or a member of the travel committee of the Women's league. For Mother's Day, Deliciously Fresh I S. 11 w' rwrrrrr++rr rrrr. .r n r. r rr wrrri I CANDIES and Two-Pound Boxes Assorted just Honey Chips, Maple Walnuts and Glorias. One Also EDUCATION CLASS remembered which station to get off' ti TAKES' TEST FOR r1 MUSICAL ABILITY Some of the prospective teachers of Education have recently had their musical ability tested by the Seashore Musical test. Records were played on the victrola that consisted of series of notes of two " each. In one case, to test pitch, notes--were played that differed from each other in tone. The first few cases were very sin- ple but they gradually became harder until only, those having a very fine l discrimination in tone could distin- guish between th'e notes. Intensity tine intervals, memory of tones, an(' I harmony were also tested. t The- harmony test was the most interesting as well as the most amus- igf. Series of chords were plnayeCi' Oalit sounded much like the traidition.) cat and (log fightfs or some of the jazz orchestras tha~t hold swag ^t It1r modern dlances. Tt was very dif'ficuilt. tc distinguish which were the mo'st han' monious anxd was a. real test 'of mu -', s-teal ability. Mrs. Coolidge's new pet Is a ra- coon. - Softness and Prifnt The ideal qualities of a goodj marcel are combined in onej which you will receive after a careful shampoo in our shop on Tuesdays. 1+urthermoi e, the special price of the two 0ser'- vices is 1$1.25 for Tu~esdlay of evelry weekt. THE BERTIE BEAUTY SHPPE ! Souith Uiiversity Ave, (Ov-er' Studen's 4cllply Store) The -. Polly Little fe Te hoppe 225 S. Thfayer t Sunday Dinner at 10 O'cloclc lake Re-ser'vations Early - for' Suniy IDinner. Dial 3941 - - IL ',/,/~~.W ~J1. Y"/""I "~d~./././, ~~.i1,/.f~~1~~,/~~./l/~~~./l~.I"1.I"" /~~~./1 rld r r.. : S , _ ,. . l ..- r:: _.._ ,.. PT ^fL Electric Heaters are most conven- ien't athsseason No occasion for furnace fires, but the rooms are in need of just enough heat to dispell the chill and damp- Mess5 of evening and morning. Smaller size, priced'.................... $4.75 T1wo large sizes.............. $6.95 and $7.50 TeDeroit 1all tV * (The Pound) ti at Goodyear'sI E 124 South Main St. II~ CO NVENIE"NCE AND INS ECONOMY Ell These two factors alone are enough to con-_ Vince you that you should have your Dry Cleaning and Pressing done here. But these r are not the only reasons. Quick service and Igood work a-e itecms not to be overlooked. N1 - I _ Dial 4287 or 4 - 21816 I' - 1 /i A2 / f-. a5 I We areo feat tiring tie leveYr Spring; coats that are in SIIcf popular (eianiiI right now-satin, tweedl, twill, imsh.-0 and (:hDrineen. Many display scarf, collars, others ,,how tier.,, bows and tucking, revere collars and con- trasting trims in smart designs. All ai'e distinctively tailored with a perfection not usually associated'.- with siicii a modlerate pr'ice. E dison Company