TABLISHED 1890 Y fri. It at i XXXXVII. No. 155 TEN PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1927 TEN PAGES PRICE FIVE REGISTRATION CLOSESi;acco-Vanzetti Case AT MOnM fl hJIII Briings First. Threat 1i1 IUUU lull U1 IiiUM ALL-CAMPUS ELECTION FINAL OPPF4R1TUNITI'Y IS GIVEN FOR STUDENTS WJZO hAVE NOT SIGNED CARDS ANNOUNCE WITHDRAWALS Election For All Principal Student Offices On 4'a fils Will Be Held Wednesday, May 11 In order to give all students on the campus an opportunity to regster for the annual spring elections, iegistra- tion has been extended a half day andj the booths on the campus will be opena from 9 o'clock this morning until 12 o'clock this noon in order to register those students who failed to do so earlier in the week. It i's aboslutely necessary that stu- dents be registered before hand in order to vote, it is pointed out by officials of the Student council. Each student should register for the school WHERE TO REGISTER Lits: In front of the Library and Angell hall. Engineers: Engineers arch. . Laws: Law building. Architects: Engineers arch. Dents: Dental building. Eds: In front of Library.x Pharmics: In front of Library. Medics: In laboratory sec- Bus. Ads.: In front of Library. tions. TIME: 9 to 12 o'clock today. i .! or college in which he is enrolled, and the names will be checeked by the election committee of the Student council before next Wednesday, the day of the elections. The last nominations -for the offices to be regularly made were announced by the nominating committee of the Student Christian association last night, when Charles Behymer, '28, Wil-' liam Brumbaugh, '28, and Kenneth Haven, '28, were chosen as candidates for the presidency of that organiza- tion. , A number of withdrawals from nom- inrtions were also announced yester- I way, when Norman Bowersox, '27, announced his withdrawal from the race for presidency of the Oratorical association. Stephen Jones, '27, and James Herald, '28, also withdrew from the contest for vice president of this organization. Emmanuel Harris, '28, has been nominated by, petition for' president of the Oratorical associa- tion. Russel Sanderson, '29, withdrewE from the contest for junior represen- tative on the Student council .and Carlton Champe, '28, withdrew from the race for- senior councilman. Ellis Merry, '28, and courtland C. Smith, '28, have withdrawn, their nomina- tions for membership on tne Board in Control of Student Publications. Liberals Willing To Cease Fight Against Diaz If U.S. enands (Iy Associated Press) MANAGUA, May 5-Though no def-f inite peace settlement has been reach- ed by Henry 1. Sim son, President. Coolidge's renresentative as mediator between the warring Liberals an (' Conservatives, General .Joc Maria Moncada, conmmander of the liberal armies, announced in effect that on the insistence of the United States he was ready to lay down arms. After an interview today with Mr Simpson, General Moncada said toi vorres pondenlt of the Associate Pr es: s se i eran th t ii "Th views seem certain that the ulnited States is p pared to tako the field against us if fighting co. tilnues andl I )Il prepared to order my troolis to liy down their arw- tuirning them over to the United States troops. "As continuation of Diaz (as pros- ident) is essential to the United State- program we are unable to resist, but we are not signing any peace agree- ment hearing such a provision. "We are forced by a superior powf"i to cease our fight, but as peace wil' be the result, I shall devote my of. forts to help in restoring order, sr that the liberals may gain legitimate acid honest control in the 1928 elec- tions, which will be supervised by thr United States." General Moncada is proceeding tr (By Associated Press) BOSTON, Mass., May 5--The first threat against the person of Gov. A- -Van T. Fuller in connection with pro- tests against thesentencing to death of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Van- [zetti for murder reached the governor today. It was laid on his desk as he was preparing to study the appeal for "justice" sent to his office by Vazet- ti last night with several affadavits J alleging prejudice on the part of SJudge Webster Tflayer, who conduct- ed the trial' f the two men and re- fused their pleas for a new trial. Governor Fuller made public the threateninig letter without comment and said he would have no statement to make about Vanzetti's appeal un- til he had read it carefully.i PUBLICTIONS APPOINT~ NEW SAFF MEMBERS Daily Namies Business And Editorial Staffs For Next Year; 'Ensian Makes Appontments GARGOYLE NOT NAMED, Appointments for the upper staffs of the editorial and business depart- ments of the 1927-1928 Daily and for the editorial department of the 1928 Michiganensian were announced yes-i terday by the managing editors and business manager of those publica- tions'. Appointments for the 1927-28 Gargoyle have not been announced as yet, while the upper business staff appointments of. the Michiganensian will probably be made next week. Jo H. Chamberlin, '28, announced the following editorial appointments for the 1927-28 Daily: editorial di- rector, Ellis B. Merry, '28; manag- ing editor of the Michigan Weekly, Charles E. Behymer, '28; staff editor, Phillip C. Brooks, '28; sports editor, PFerbert Vedder, '28; women's editor, Marian Welles, '28; telegraph editor, R. W. Ross, '27; assistant city editor, Richard Kuryink, '29; assistant staff editor, Sherwood Winslow, '29; night editors, Milton Kirshbaum, '28, Ken- neth S. Patrick, '29, Robert Finch, '29, Paul J. Kern, '29; Stuart Hooker, '29, Thomas McKean, '29, N. .J Smith, Jr., '29. The position of editor of The Mich- igan Weekly is a new one and the appointee will have charge of the weekly, the newest publication on the campus. It has been established with the aim of giving a resume of the news of the week on the campus to the parents of the students. The first issue of the Weekly, a four-page paper carrying reprints of articles in The Daily, will appear as a supplement to The Daily of Friday, May 13. (Continued on Page Two) BRITISH ARE FIRM ON CONTROVERSY OVER WAR DEBTS (By Assocat Bress) LONDON, May 5-The Anglo-AAmer- ican war debt controversy, which flared up with Great Britain's surprise note to the United States and Secre- tary Kellogg's brief answer, has reached a high pitch of acrimony, says the British press. Short of technical language, the British stands on "the rebuke," ad- ministered to Andrew W. Mellon, sec- retary of the United States treasury. for his letter to President Hibben of Princeton. Whether another official reoinder will be forthcoming from Downing street, depends on the treass- ry officials, who are studying Mr Me'lon's statement. Winston Churchill, chancellor of the exchequer, at present has a last word. In the house of Commons today he said, "We have placed our views on these transactions upon record,. and I am quite sure that there is no step within our power to take." Downing- street officials backed the chancellor's views, but they regret that Great Britain has again been arawn into a controversy. British of- ficials agree that the Mellon-Hibben controversy started as a domestic . af- fair and that Great Britain would have been willing to allow the Amer- ican college group championing Great Britain to handle the British case be- fore the American public..But when Mr. Mellon's letter received wide- Ispread publication throughout Europe and threatened seriously to dist11rb |Great Britain's prospect of recovering nn hnr =n nlnn- war --, -- +h a R RESCUE FORCES WORK RAPIOLY FOR SAFETY OF SOUTHERN VICTIMS. MOVE J-IUNDREDS TO REFUGEE VAMPS NEAR NATCIIEZ AND VICKSBURG- - SCOUT AIRPANES USED No Inmmediate Threatened Levee Breaks Enable Relief Work To Devote Attention To Rescue (By Associated Press) NEW ORLEANS, May 5.-Through the air a'nd across raging streams and newly made lakes, rescue forces moved swiftly today in a race with flood waters for the safety of many thous- ands of persons in northeastern Louis- iana. Hundreds who had sought safety on the Mississippi river levee nearSt. Joseph, between Vicksburg and Nat- chez, were moved to refugee camps at those places. National Guard officers, however, reported, after airplane flights along the widening course of the rushing river, that between 5,000 and 8,000 were at other points on the protective embankments. Further in- land, small surfboats launched from rescue craft on the river plowed through flood and backwaters, battling stiff currents at times, seeking out those who had been unable to reach high ground and thus had no more secure a haven than a bobbing roof- top of a tree. Many Refuse To Leave At many points where the water had risen to only six or eight -feet, the rescurers frequently met with flat re- fusal of the inhabitants to leave. This was particularly true in Concordia parish, practically all of which is un- der water. Explaining this, H. B. Cnner of Vidalia, a member of the state leg- islature, said probably three fourths of the 12,500 remaining in the parish. preferred to remain by their homes and farms so as to be able to start planting crops immediately after the water recedes. The inhabitants are living in the upper stories of their homes and barns or on scaffolds built above the roof, or on large rafts. With no more immediate breaks in the levees threatened, the state relief machinery was able to give its full attention to rescue work althouh there was no relaxing of vigilance and efforts in probable danger areas such as those along the old river, the Red I and the Ouchita. Aviators starting from Baton Rouge reported to John M. Parker, flood dictator of the state, that the waters from Arkansas still were moving swiftly southward and that a current to the south had developed over prac- tically all of the inundated area. This was forcing huge volumes of water into the Old river and on into the Mississippi. Engineers were straining their efforts to keep this flow in that direction, so as to pre- vent inundation bf vast stretches to the . South which would devastate millions of acres of rich farm lands and many more towns. Relief Fund Passes $7,009,009 Far to the .northwestward in the state, new trouble points arose. a pro- tecting dike at Rayville, near Monroe, lbreaking, and threatening inundation of that .town. A report' also come of the overflow of the Ouchita not far from Monroe with a backwash over a ten mile' stretch to Macon Ridge. News that brought hope for ihe future in the valley came from Wash- 1 ington both with the announcement that the Red Cross relief fund had passed the $7,000,000, and the an- nouncement that the Mississippi river] commission had been asked by the war denartment for a revised report on the subject of flood control on the river and its tributaries to be -sub- umtted by October 1 and to provide for "a reasonable factor of safety for any nrobable flood." HAVE WORKED IN SHIFTS Gymnasinm Will Be Open Froni 3:30 Until 8 O'clock For Benefit Of The Public With huge plants, wierd flowers, and monstrous garden bugs towering on each side of them, 275 couples clad in every conceivable fancy dress costume, will type of celebrate CLEVELANDER IS GUEST OF LEADER ARCHITECTS' ANNUAL MAY PARTY TONIGHT HAS UNIQUE SETTING Virginia Patricia Jensen Who will attend the Architects' May Party tonight as the guest of William Preston, '27A, general affair. Miss Jensen is Ohio. chairman of the from Cleveland SHOWERMAN DELIVERS ADDR'ESS AT BANQUET: Phi Beta Kappa Initiates hear Talkj On "Freedon1-1927" Given By Wisconsin Professor IOBBS OPENS PROGRAM+ Stating that the striving for liberty of 1927 is in the direction of freedom of self, toward self-indulgence, Prof.- Grant showerman, of the language de- partment of the University of Wiscon- sin, spoke before the annual initiation' banquet of Phi Beta Kappa held last night in the assembly hall of the; Union. Professor Showerman's sub- ject was "Freedom-1927." The era of today, Professor Shower- man believes, is an era of the mouth rather than of the mind. The frequ-° ently heard shouts for greater free-i dom, from the law, from religion, freedom of speech and of women are more shouted about than acted. It is to be hoped that the remnant that re- mains of the ideals of former times may be kept and brought back to life in the near future before it dies out completely. Those who apologize for the moral and physical short-comings of the younger generation are merely ad- mitting the fact that these short-com- ings are serious, Professor Shower- man said. The fact that so many have the conviction that everything. will change of itself and the profits which are being reaped from the im- morality of 1927 are two big factors in helping the growth of this immor- ality along. All the attempts for further free- dom, Professor Showerman averred, are striving toward the fulfillment of the physical desires of many indivi- duals. They seek complete moral liberty and for that reason help as much as they can the immorality of books, magazines, speeches, plays, and motion pictures to the point where the producers of these think they must at least advertise them as immoral to make them a success. In closing, Professor Showerman summed up his beliefs and outlined his hopes for the I future freedom. , Prof. William II. Hobbs, of the geo- logy department, and president of the local chapter, opened the program with a short outline of the record of[ Phi Beta Kappa and acted as toast-! master throughout. Sue Grundy Bon-f ner, '27, gave a short poem in behalf of the women initiates and Clarence C. Hostrup, '27, spoke for 'the men initiates. the 16th annual Architect's MayI party in an "Elves Garden Revel," tonight in Barbour gymnasium. When the dancing begins at 9 o'clock tonight, it will mark the culmination of seven weeks work of more than 300 architects who have labored- day and night in shifts to comlplete the plan of decorations for the affair. For the benefit of those who are not able to attend the party, the committee has decided to leave the gymnasium open for inspection from 3:30 to 8 o'clock today so that per- sons who wish may see the decora- tions. Although a large demand for tickets was made only 275 were dis- tributed so that the affair would be of an exclusive nature. The quota o tickets which were placed on sale forE the general public were sold out in 15 minutes, according to the. commit- tee in charge. Is Costume Ball The Architects' May party is the only fancy dress costume ball given under the auspices of the University throughout the school year, and is re- garded by many who are acquainted with the affair as having one of thr most elaborate decorative schemeso' any other party of a similar naturre given in the entire state because ofj the talent available in the architec- aural school.1 Through the means of a competitive1 contest which closed early in Marc the design of an "Elves Garden Revel" was won by R. T. Bittinger, '27A. The design called for a scene consisting of elves and gnomes playing in fairy garden, grossly exaggerated in scale, with huge flower pots and sun- dry and wierd, brightly colored flow- ers covering the walls. Students first painted the wall panel designs in small scale and then transferred the designs to the walls of the gymna- sium. Beetles Are In Design Huge beetles and spiders will lurk in the tall grasses of the painted der: signs while a golden spider web willl float over the floor. A small patch of- blue has been arranged on the ceil- ing of the gymnasium and will be dec- orated to resemble a patch of blue sky In which golden stars are twink- ling. The orchestra will play on a huge HUGE PLANTS, FLOWERS GARDEN RUGS WILL PREDOMINATE AND Starrett, Is Elected As Opera Chairman John E. Starrett, '28E, was chosen general chairman of next year's Un- i~n Opera, a-nd James H. Yant. '28. was elected stage manager at a spe-' cial meeting of Mimes, men's drama- ic organization, held yesterday, ac- cording to an announcement by Frank Strachan, '27, president of the so- ciety. Following his choice for general chairman of the Opera, Starrett' an- nounced his withdrawal from the race For president of the Student council to which hie had' been xominated by the council nominating committee, Wednesday night. Assistants and chairmen of the minor Opera committees will be chus- en next fall, as in the past it was announced. 'NIEBUHR WILL SPEAK' AT- NEXT CONVOCATION Last Serviee Of Present Spring Series WYill Be Held Sunday With Mother's Diy Progr-mu IS PROMINENT THINKER Reinhold Niebuhr, pastor of the De- troit Bethel Christian church, will be the speaker at the student Convoca- tion to be held at 11 o'clock Sunday morning in Hill auditorium. His sub- ject will be "The Art of Living To- {gether." This is the last convocation of the present spring series, and as It will be held on Mother's day, a special service suitable for the occasion has been arranged. The sei'ies of convo- ' it ( Q a Y C a c t' v t t r 'i f 3 1 ;a t t t t x BRUMM OPENS S1 ANNUAL MEETING HIGH SCHOOL EDIT "QUEST FOR QUALITY" CIT KEYNOTE OF THIS coNoVENT1'ON OVER 300 ARE PRESI Relates Facts That Must Be 1 Outside Of Books Befor( 'O1e Is Educated cations for students this spring is the third group of such meetings, given under the auspices of the Stu dent council, the Woman's league, and the School of Religion. Rev. Niehuhr is among the group of well-known progressive thinkers. He was born in Wright City, Mo., in 1892. After attending Elmhurst col- lege, he went to the Eden Theolog- ical seminary at St. Louis, where he 1916 h rlceivod hisaoia t8aoin.28 received the degree of B. D. In 1915 he received his master's degree from the Yale divinity school, and in the same year was ordained into the min- istry of the Evangelical church. At the present time he is secretary of the Fellowship for the Christian So- cial order, and cont ,ibuting editor of the Christian Century. He also con- tributes to the Atlantic Monthly' World Tomorrow, and similar publi- cations. Rev. Niebuhr is familiar to a con- siderable group of Michigan students having. appeared in Ann Arbor on several previous occasions. He was one of the speakers at the student conference held in Milwaukee last De- cember. PUlRDUE GOLFERS DEFEAT MICHIGAN IN FIRSTCONTEST (Special to The Daily) LAFAYETTE, May 5.-Purdue de- feated Michigan's golf team in the opening match of the Big Ten season over the Lafayette Country club course by the close'scre of 13-11 here today. The Wolverines carried the Purdue team to the last green, when Capt. Fridlin and Lehman won from Connor and Bergelin on the eighteenth hole of the afternoon four- some. Lehman, ace of the Boilermakers's squad was largely responsible for his team's victory through his brilliant shooting. He provided a thrill in his morning match with Connor when he sank a 30 foot putt on the long seven- teenth hole for a birdie three. Connor led the Michigan golfers when he turned in excellent scores for troth the morning and afternoon rounds. He was opposed to Lehrman, Purdue's star player. Glover and Vyse were both returned winners in their individual matches during the morn- ing. Michigan held an 11-7 lead over their opponents at the conclusion of the morning's play, but were com- pelled to bow to the superior play of the Boilermakers during the afternoon foursomes. "Quest for quality should be the motto of this meeting" said Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the journal- ism department in welcoming the delegates to the 6th annual convention of the Michigan Interscholastic Press association, at their opening session yesterday afternoon at the Union. Over 300 delegates were In attendance at this meeting. "We have here," Professor Brumm continued, "a group that represents the' upper tenth of the high schools which they attend. In the very fact that you have engaged in the publica- tion work of your various schools you have shown that you are Interested in thinking and finding the truth. And for that reason we hope that while you the here you will attempt to learn some of the things that -we have and to take away some of the spirit that moves us. You are the people that we want wi us." Quotes Huxley Professor Brumm then went on t outline some of the 'things that cone stituted education and some of the things that were necessary aside from book learning before a pan could be educated. He quoted Aldous Huxley's definition of the educated man, thai "The eduftted man is the man,whc can do the thing that must be done at the time that it ought to be done whether he likes it or not." Froi this he took the fact that educatio is a process of learning to choose and di'fferentiate between things. "We must," he said, "learn to choos wisely and select always the superio things. It Is by this choos ing thal man finds the things that are to mak him good compahions and it is thi ability that makes him a good' con- panion to himself, who can enjoy good pictures and good books, and art, an who can develop himself more an more with each day that he lives. '; . Professor Brumm ended with a ple that the delegates make this conven tion an effort to develop themselves and get the viewpoints of others, nd the limited view that they brough with them. He urged contacts an discussion as the best way to thi goal. Wilson Speaks . Cassam A. Wilson, '28, then ad dressed the delegates and outlined fo them the program that had been ar ranged. The program for today be gins with a general session at th Union at 9:30. This- meeting will b addressed by Gail E. Derisinore of th public speaking department. Follow ing this the delegates will assembl in their different discussion group for the consideration of qtiesons per tinent to their interests. These group wi1l be conducted by. members of th faculty and by undergraduates wh are skilled in the work that thes groups are to handle. At noon there will be a luncheon a the Union and at 3 o'clock Preside Clarence Cook Little will address th general assembled body. After thi meeting the delegates will attend th spring games. At 6 o'clock the anun banquet will be held in the main ball room of the Union. The speakers wi: be Coach Fielding I. Yost and Pro William A. Frayer of the history d I partment. The evening will contaI no program, the delegates being le ,to their own devices to see the cit and the University. 300 SIGN UP FOR CHORUS TRYOUT More 'than 300 men had registere for 'chorus tryouts for next year Union opera by last night, it was r ported by officers of -Mimes. The re istration will continuc from 2 to o'clock every afteirnoon this week a mushroom with smaler mushrooms for seats. An old - tree stump will house the cha-peronis and the reception committee. Seats for the dancers will- consist of huge garden snakes, flow- er hots, snails, and other garden an. imals. Lights will be contained in clusters of bittersweet berries and fruits, in addition to the bank of lights which' will be arranged so as to re- flect wa-Il nanels. Tle colors :will be harmonious, and consisting mainly of yellow and green. Winstead's colored orchestra whicl' will furnish the music for the lane- ing, has arranged several specialty numbers. IOWA.-Several questions are pub- lished daily concerning news that had appeared in the Daily Iowan, student publication. The object is to determ- ine how much is read.F s . FRESHMAN - SOPHOMORE STRUGGLE OPENS TODAY WITHI TRADITIONAL CLASS TUG-OF-WAR ACROSS H U RON RIV ER! Grease and paint-smeared warriors of the freshman and sophomore classes, girded for their annual spring struggle, meet this afternoon at their respective camps in preparation foi the annual tug-of-war.I A toss of the coin between the op- posing captains, for choice of sides o' the river, will be held on the cam- pus at 3:30 o'clock and immediately following the red painted men of '29 will march from their meetin place at Waterman gymnasium tol sth i nnafah r o ,,tllor ,,oa hrs,- _ winner of two out of the three con- tests will receive two points toward a' total of five that may be-gained in th, Spring games. Saturday morning at 9 o'clock the members of the competing classes will again meet at their respective places, II All M men and members of I Ithe hn~ r scieties are reauested from where they will iarch to South 'Ferry field and hold the last threc events on the program, the obstacle race, the cane spree and the rope tying contest. One point each will b given for these three events. Each pull in the tug-of-war wil' last ten minutes and the side which Isucceeds in moving the handkerchie' tied in the center towards its own side will be declared the winner. M men and members of the honor societie will officiate at the contest, James Rover; '27, is chairman of the Suring the' Mimes theater and officials ieve that the total may surpass I TIE OF PERFORMANCE I year's mark of 1,100. I CHANGED FOR TONIGHT1 All students who will be eligible campus activities next fall are e Due to the conflict in time I ible to try out this spring, and with the Architects' May party, I actual rehearsals will begin : I the nerformance of "The Fire- i week. Roy Hoyer. urincipal da ne on)1r6U ~ Sat tltOc to report at the Student activi- ties rooms of the Union at 3 o'clock this afternoon to assist I I