q I TIHI'RSDAY, MAY 5, 1927 THE MICHIGAN °DAILY i a a aa._r ara: wra aa .. -.. ... .. marramwc!-,, r..-nrv- r r+sW! ...as . i .v a a a a_.e a R wAavaMV35YtR' Ixa. . _. T HE PRESS BOX 1 l fiC .V, d rf r; li )i ea y sl Although Iow a was ratedl as b vin; .. 1' k c arc a.1,40 m ~ e the most glowing chance of annexing I u- soul Vlr;'rh cs IueIIlep Conference indoor and outd(101r 1raclk ( Hdirg J<,)aa S rbi ndKir' honors two month., ago, the Hawk-- eyes will comieto Ann Arbor for the' Aflis(,in * 7) yard I i, a first dual meet of the season Satur- thQ 11Inos ,Iooj' carniliva] uand nmade day given only a fair chance to down ttl;: ar*,n ie of:152 itin h e pim- the Wolverines. ia : K a aron ,v.,lid( Ihak, buflt he! cc :lr n't Seem to leliver it the fainals. I And these same Wolverines Ilie ontly managed t f0 liiii< third at were scarcely conlsidleredI a strong Kansas after two m131(1 XDeere di -gquali-I outfit 01.0 months *-) o. :ow they tiel, lbut. he out;t to givei Coop are quite -gieeally favored ov-er great race in tlie]uh. tloc Ilair:ks, WilFe not mking -anly! - - cltims asit U'real chlamilonsh~ip' t'uhef>, IC 'i el U 'otente coiteiider the MIchtiran track c bli W~pon iil or~ ard low squad hasts coni along well with liurtIles last Y %':ur, iVili uudiir ld.)- sci eral of the new mein shoivIng ; ",.y try to (111 at~i )e th is racet Constatnt iro olenent alolig 'ith ;h-Ii'day, 1111t x1411l roj"., ly with.Ii thue 5&tisfacto "v plWrforutaulcCe4of 4(IflI . f iLOI fula;IFghis in i i ozof the few vicr us left fronm last a'iuJ)Ihuug the 2_10yard (l; '. t'{)oYirnI year~. hir jut eittioll of ;Ing i'uhlication. Notice of anov error umust be give'n in ttime for the second insertion. ;t t~i CASH IRATES -' --- ~Ten cents per reainilg line (on the basis of ye a ver age wornds to the line) for one ortwo t Nine tents per reading !ire for three or more assertions. Cash classifieds receiv'ed at the Daily office n The Press Hnilding on Maynard Street. 1. ~ I - 'ENTV CONTPACT RATES I.. Special stanidardized rates given on applica- tion. OUR TRUST f IS READY TO SE-RVEF YOU. LO~ST LOO,,' -A green gold Wald fountain S pen, Friday morning onl camputs. Call J1. E. Wendel, 3193. Reward.l . li 4 i TH E FIRST NATIONAL BANKI Lester Bell Third ha seman of the St. Louis Car-. dinials who fligured oprominently in the Cards' 8-3 victory over Pittsburgh yes- terday with a horn run. This St. Louis victory broke the Pirate-Cri Cardal tie for the league leadership and. lout the Cards ahead with 11 victories. antd 6Ilosses.j' I5bo e 6293 Ty ping C2111 le eftCA ANN ARBOR / OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN 'I I - REAL HOME COOKING -at- ELUNCH~ You may select your dinner or lunch from our long list of good things to eat. NOTICE-Stoddard Hair Shop. Try LOST-Watermnan pen with a clip, one of our permanent waves, which {Lost on South University or C ,urch. give a depth and softness to the 3831. Adel Ewell. 152-153-154 hair. 707 N. University. tues-thurs-slat LOST-A large envelope containing'- ^- -- psychiatry notes lost during the PAPERHANGI;NG - 35c :single roll past week. Finder kindly call N. and uip. Painting also. C. W. Gratton 4318. 1052 Baldwin. J iol mes, 418 N. State. Dial 3784 152-153-1541I after 4 'tu-th-sat LOST-Friday, April 22, silver van- NOTCE-Hats cleaned and blocked. ity case on a chaiq~, with two black AlI'klnds of shoes cleaned, dyred and enameled figures on front. Reward. repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. 7817 ANN ARBOR ShO0P, 62 5 E. Liberty.' LOST-A pair of tortoise riniled c-T'ues.-Thurs.-Sat. glasses west side of Martha Cook'NT Saturday evening. Finder please N C'llE--D~o not leave Michigan until return to Eleanor Phelps at Martha yo have preserved your' diploma Cook. 153-154 by the famous drum-hid mount p~rocess. Let's talk it over. J1. B. LOST-Glasses case containing glass- Saunders, exceptional framing. 306 es and fountain pen between Mar- South State St. to-th-sun tha Cook and Angell Hlall. Finder '~ __-___ '- __ pld s return to Martha Cutting at PRO(FITlABJLE SI3DERIWORIK 1Martha Cook. , 153-154 Witht opportunity of getting sound 18 feet 6 inchtes whiicb. is 'North- rop's best miark of the' yea~r. Boyles cleared 12' feet 9* Inches last Satuirday, which is within lualf anl finchi of the height at which lie and Northrop tied for first inothe Cont- ference outdoor mteet last year. If anyone has the idea that the pole vault is a closed contest between captains, he has another guess coin- ing. According to many of the dope- sters, Mullen of Iowa who tied with Prout for third in the Big Ten meet last year at 12 feet 6 inches, should give the captains plenty of competi~- tion. Another possibility is Prout who has been rounding into shape well of late. With a wrii day he may do bet- ter than 12 feet. 'WithSinun of Illinois already as victint of hIris n the broad jut h,1 Phil Northirop'is-ill attenupit to take thae nicasu a of aanotlier of his leading Conferenuce ri'vals in this event--E v e r4 gq. .Thie Iowai 's be"st iur ~is 12 >feet It 1-2 indi es considerably below that of North- rop, who haes made 23 feet 6 3-4 Incies, and consequently the W'tol- vernue is .a fai-orite. Of the new'maen on the squad, Don Cooper has been outstanding. The lanky hurdler on) the outdoor track that Coach Steve Farrell has had un- der his surveilance since the time or the versatile Carl Johnson. "Coop" is tall and lanky and has all the phy- sical qualifications anyone could ask for a hurdler. And he has delivered the goods in great style. ' Saturdaay's. neet is going' to I'Ve Cooper a uigif good chance to see ]low.,lie stack's up with the Big Ten Ahiurdlers outdoors. since Coacht Bresnaihan has what is con- idered qtuite a hurdling squad. First and foremost there is Cuhel,; thle versatile "Raaha", who as so many favorite events be scarcely knows which one to pick, 611t wilt r wili probaalbiy talke a taste of aurd- ling Satunrdauy. Thenci one can itnot i i , (1 , I 4 , 1 V #4 3t 3 Let Us Repair Your Typewriter Good Workmanship Reasonable Price Rider's Pen Shop M4A E RESERVATIONS NOW EUROPE, ORIENT am ANYWHERE - {LINE ANY ISTEAMSHIi" CIS TRAVELERS CHEQES, ETC. £. C. KEBLFR, Steamaship Agt ILicensed & Bonded. 601 J:,. Huron. #%no ,Arbor M, ."loll *1l T. I p . l it . t it Oh Baby - What a Man! Forty Inches of Pep and Joy! The New Sheik of Sheiks! The New Dictator of Laughter! Presenting the First Screen Appearance of the Famous "Vest Pocket" Comedian from Broadway! "~LITTLE, BILLY" Stage Star and "Pint Size" Funmaker ! What a Mlan!I Starting T. 0 D A Y. Anin Arbor WVill l'Jcome ri~able" F~in -Iiutte'ar 'st YI'811t 'I' 11 i1 dl Glut;ili y i--,ai. _ , ~i i///l~f a A .1 t l )I / WHit All Star C'ast MADGE KENNEDY CREIGHTON HALE DAVIT) BUTLER ETI-EL SHANNON And Many Others LOST-Shaeffer pen with name en- graved., W. Tisch. Phone 21417. 154 FOR SALE All makes of typewriters for sale or rent. Excellent machines at rea- sonable prices, for rent. Prompt repairing by experienced workmen. Courteous service. Aulta Brand Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State Street. sun-toes-thurs-tf FOR SALE-1923 Ford Touring. Good condition. Plenty, of extras. $95. Phone 9571. 152-153-154 FOR SALE -Most desirable large rooming house, furnished or unfur- nished. Best location. Easy terms. May rent. Dial 7733 (or 4454 evenings).' FOR SALE-The exclusive right to sell my specialty lines on the Cam- pus next year. $1,500, guaranteedl to a live wire. Gall 6217 and a~k for Jlrry. 154-155-156 FOR ,SALE-Old Tp wn canoe, 16-foot, newly painted. $30.00. Inquire 116 North State, Apt. 4. 154-155-156 FOR SALE-1926 Dodge Sedan. Loolkf like new. Price is right. Open Sundays and evenings. IR . .ALBER 514 East Washington tf FOR SALE-1921. Ford Touring. $40.1 Call 3283. tf TYPEDWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor- ona Typewriters, Inc. tf FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1923 touring. $40.00. Phone 9023 any "afternoon or evening and ask for McKee or' Gow., FOR SALE-Ford roadster 1924; five tires, starter, demountable, good condition. 1617 tWashtenaw. Phone 9117. Boyer or Farquhar. WANTED WANTED-Students who like good] hot BAjtBECUES to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. LOUGHGRAN IS NOW TITLE CONTENDER (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 4.-Tommy Lough-1 ran of Philadel'phia loomed today as the outstanding contender for the light heavyweight crown as a result of a decision victory over Young Stribling, pride of Georgia. Taking seven, of the ten rounds fought, the clever young Philadelphian atoned for two colorless defeats i previous meetings by winning the un- aninious decision, of three judges after a hitter battle at Ebbets =field Tues- day night.II Pinning their hopes :foll a title botE on the outcome, both fighters battledI furiously all thie>.way. With greater coolness Lou,-hran met the fierce l /Charges of the southerner with jarring xsmashes to the head and body. Again' and again lie hit inside the wvild swings; of his opponent with telling effect. Boring in constantly in the hope of. restoring himself to favor with the New York fais; 'tribbling carried the ligh.. ; to close range, but gained little or no advantage in the infighting. Many clinches marred the bout. In the first three rounds the south- ('(ncr's rushing offensive broke through Loughran's guard often, but after thiat the Philadelphian was mas-1 SUNDAY -THE ADDED EVENTS- MICHIGAN LOCALS,, Amlt 1,011.11~'u auth 'ii State TODAY'S NEWS gee It efore You Rfittd 1it . IM 4w dow Hal Roach p"esenis LARRY 7t 1y' k AIIU.XI)1ORCHESTRA RUDi iOLPH'hL IAIFTE N, 'nductila Here Comes the Famous "IT" Girl All Awhirl! WANTED-We can employ~ ten U. of cue.Tdrfu or,$5t I., men, freshmen,- sophomores and cueTor frdor,3 t juniors this summer vyho need $345. funds for next year's term. Salaryj and tuition. Communicate, at oncel with Mr. Croen, 514 Lafayette. Bldg., Detroit, 0ich. 153-154-155-156 The very one you want is, here. I WANTED-Assistant registered phar- m acist for full time. Call mornings, I118 North Fourth Ave. City Phar- I macy. 153-154 Talk to Mr. Gauss. Phone 4229. WVANTED-Theses to type. Reason-1 Iable prices. Dial 9387. M. V. I -I Hartsuff. 153-157-1591 IWANTED STUDENTS to know thatf Sam pays from $:y to $25 for old FORD SALES AND SERVICE suits and oyercoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 310-320 E. Huron St. i tf I r, , .......... ,.,, . 1 ;