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May 05, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-05

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TPTTsnAY, MAY . 1927

i t

Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Contrel of Student ublications.-
Members of Western Conference Editorial1
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-E
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-j
anaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.25; by mail,t
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ptard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4926
Edltor..................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor................Irwin A. Oliaa
NewsEditrs.......... Frederick Shillito
News Editors............-" Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor.........t... Marion Kubik
Sports Editor........... Wilton A. Simpson]
elegraph Editor..........Morris Zwer in
Musio and Drama........Vincent C. Wall. Jr.
Night Editors1
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford . Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burgei Henry Thurnaw
Joseph Brunswick

Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
Jean Campbell
Jessie Church
Chester E.hClark
Edward C. Cummings
Margaret Clarke
biancnard W. Cleland
Clarence Edelson
William Emery
Robert E.Kinch-
. Martin Frissel
obert Gessner
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber
Colema# J. Glencer
Barvey Gunderson
Steuart hooker.,
Morton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaum
Pal Kern
Sally Knox
Richard Kurvink.
G. Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
Morris uinn
Jaynes Sheehan
Sylvia Stone,
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
William Thurnau
N arian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Sherwood Winslow
Herbert E. Vedder
Milford Vanik

Telephone 21214
Contracts .................William C. Pusch
Copywriting .........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising ....George H. Annable, Jr.-
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation ...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication................John H. Bobrink
Accounts ................Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Cooper
s arion L. Reeding A. M. Hinklev
Marion Kerr -. E. L. Hulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talctt
John Russwinkle Harold Utley
Douglas Fuler Ray Wachter
Virle C. Witham Esther Booze
Night Editor-JO I1. CHAMBERLIN
To the delegates of the Michigan
Interscholastic Press asociation we ex-
tend the glad hand of fraternity and
cordiality. Each year it is our pleas-
ure to welcome you on behalf of the
University of Michigan and The Michi-
gan Daily and each year it is our hope
that we have helped to give you an
understanding of th. motives and the
spirit that animates this great univer-
sity, and its organ, The Daily.
Such an \organization as yours has
a 'unique advantage in being able to
come here and see the things that are
being done in the next layer above.
And ours is the pleasure of helping
you and trying to give to you some
of the vision that we have so that you
may follow when we have gone.
May this year be the best year of
your career as an organization and
may your stay here be pleasant and
helpful. Our side of the program will
be carried out to the best of our abil-
ity and we only hope that it pleases
you as we have intended. Good luck
and a pleasant time!
About a score of years ago an emi-
nent historian,ILea, wrote a book that
was considered the final chapter in a
story of humanity's shortcomings. He
called his book "Superstition and
Force," and it was written as a his-
tory; a history of a black epoch in
the annals of mankind that was pre-
sumbaly closed-the history of sup-
erstition and force.
Two days ago on one of the principal
streetof New York a fifteen year old
girl mounted a box and began ex-
horting the populace to better living
and kindred things. There is noth-
ing' unusual about this girl, except
that she began evangelizing at a very
early age; yet within ten minutes, in
sophisticated New York, there was a
riot from people attempting to touch*
the hems of her garments and press
her hands.
The great historian Lea would be
immensely shocked if he could return'
today and see another chapter in the
failing of humanity that he deemed
closed years ago; and his observations,
if any, would probably be far from
complimentary to 20th century Ame-

roads than to make travel on them
easy. Three states now have laws
against slow travel and two others
are now con' idering bills whereby
slow moving vehicles would be pena-
lized for allowing their speed to fall
below a certain minimum.
It is wise that this thing be done.
The automobile has played, and will
continue to play, too important a part I
in the development of our country to
allow slow drivers to discourage in-
creased use of motor vehicles for
travel, pleasure, and shipping. Every-
thing should be done to encourage the
use of motor vehicles and the conven-
ience of using them should be increas-
ed and not allowed to decrease.
To some nations wars seem to be
the joy of existence, and though the
whining pleas of devastated Europe
still ring in the ears of pitying human-
ity, France has decided to erect a wall!
of iron around her country; aug-
menting their already vast land de-
fense with even more extensive and
mightier fortress.
The policy will cost billions of francs,
and the franc is not one fourth re-
covered from its Worldwardeflation;
but the parliament cheered madly'
when the policy was announced; in
the same address of Premier Poin-
tare a thinly veiled threat was cast
at Russia, and the United States and
other great powers were affronted for
their attempt to reduce navies. The
French parliament cheered.
In the next budget of France no
mention is made of the war debts ac-
crued in the last war. France is plain-
ly insolvent. Americans reconstruct-
ed the Cathedral at Rheims, and Ame-
ricans succored French widows and
orphans in the dark days of 1918.
Americans do not regret this humani-
tarian accomplishment, and America
is not the least bit sorry for what she
did; but America must not, and can
not, tolerate a continued militaristic
policy on the part of the nations re-
sponsible for that last great cataclysm.
Germany, bound by the rigorous
treaty of Versailles, has turned to the
prusuits of peace, and is fast gaining
back the commercial supremacy that
she lost in the war. While France is
dissipating its resources in a vain
effort to arm, with armaments that
will be obsolete in the next ten years,
the far-sighted nations of Europe are
building up resources that will be in-
vincible in another conflict. Beneath
the soil of France lie 40,000 American
dead, who gave their lives that that
nation might continue to enjoy the
fruits of peace and democracy. That
40,000 is the tribute we paid to mili-
tarism once before; yet forty miles
from those American graves, in the
great metropolis of Paris, a chain of
iron is forged in anticipation of war-
and parliament cheers!
Treasury officials who are consider-
ing a new move that will abolish all
of the war taxes now existent and
throw the burden for the support of
the government on the income, cor-
poration, customs and tobacco taxes,
are making a move that should have
been made last year, and a move that
cannot be delayed much longer if our
tax system is to stand and be a com-
prehensive and sytematic whole.
For the war has been over for nine
years and still a large tax has been
placed on many things, classed as
luxuries, but which are integral parts
of contemporary American life. In
the last three years the treasury sur-
plus has been increasing until at the
end of this fiscal year it will be well
over $9,000,000.

The "government should appreciate
that a large treasury surplus does
nothing for the prqsperity of the coun-
try and does nothing for our national
reputation. The thing that counts
is not the amount of money that is in
the United States treasury, but the
sum total of the national resources,
the drawing power of the government.
These so-called war taxes which have
been carried over from the days of
the war should be removed as soon
as possible and the dependence for
funds thrown on the regular avenues
of taxation instead of emergency

OA A TF0101
Politics is the whole thing now.I
Everybody's talking it, and, although
we haven't received a single cigar yet,
we still have hopes that some of the
boys get back to the old fashioned )o-
litical methods soon.

Music and Drama

* .* *
We aren't handing out anything but
wind in our campaign for the office of!
Dean of Professors, because we firmly
believe that we have the entire cam-
pus back of us in our efforts to cor-
rect the leisure time activities of our
faculty members.
As Dean of Professors we plan to go
Dean Bursley one better in his regu-
lation of student conduct. We will put
into commission immediately Presi-
dent Little's proposal that educators
should have complete control over the
leisure of the students. Every pro-
fessor must submit a daily report of
his conduct outside the classroom.
* * *
Signing out slips wil be provided in
every faculty home, and only one show
a week will be allowed. If there are
any who disobey, we'll-well, we were
going to say reduce their salaries, but
we couldn't put them much lower.
. * * *
Incidently, we will be glad to start
a bureau in our office. where the nro-

TWNlGHT: The Earl Carroll "Vail-
ties" at 8:15 o'clock in the Whitney

* * *
A review, by Vincent Wall
It is quite as Lady Frinton remark-
ed: "The only nice women are the
tnes who never have any opportuni-
ties." Mrs. Cheyney was a good girl
(it said as much in the program note)
but she had opportunities-and avail-
ed herself * * * of some of them. If
you know what I mean.
Wound around somewhere in this
atmosphere of the English drawingl
room there are opportunities for both
kings of women-especially in a,
drawing room like that of the bril-
liant and beautiful Mrs. Cheyney. Of
course she was a professional lady
crook, but ,she was at least made anI
honest wpinan at the final curtain-
and was charmingly played by Amy
As for the rest of the cast, it was
excellent. Robert Henderson as the
remarkable butler contributed a finish-1

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TONIGHT: The Glee Club concert
at S o'clock in Hill auditorium.
TONIGHT: The Rockford Players
present "Pigs", a comedy by Anna
Morrison and tPatterson iMcNutt, at
8:15 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell


ti uacuu iiu~i u~i c w~t tt ro Ied-and epigrammatic performance;
fessors can get board jobs to help
mae santtle oney toaruppjemstheit is perhaps his best, barring Patiom-
make a little money to supplement the ki. Renl vn rsne h
Unvriyspyce .kin. Reynold Evans presented the
University's pay checks, amusing sophistries of Lord Dilling
in a most finished manner. Lady Joan
Bolting will be taken care of care- inaH otfnishedcanner. LadJa
fully. Any professor who doesn't bolt Hantned waspade, and means it," was
more than a class a week will be fired.
* * * played in a roundled and well-con-
ceived manner by Camille Masline;
TILE BIG TWO and the Lady Frinton of Frances
Commodore Clover for B. and G. Bavier managed somehow to get
Timothy Presy r laughs out the occasional-but not of-
ten-sterile lines which proves her
* * *
merit as versatile character women.
THE MAY party of the Architects The play itself is probably the best
ought to hire another orchestra to sit of the Players' spring season-Lons-
out in- the corridor tomorrow night ,dale's parlor chatter is probably the
and play so loud that the Roquefort most witty in the English theatre-
Players will have to stop. If they even without apologies to G. B. S. In
want to run in competition with the fact, the only fault to find in the en-y
dance, we think they ought to get tire production is the shabby sets and'
some real loud competition--it'll have the general inconvenience of Sarah
to be loud to beat the Players' noise. Caswell Angell hall, which suffers
e S ** much in comparison with the opalence
Be Sure to register today! of Mimes' sensational activities.
-I ** * *
D'OWN 'll E DIAGOTNAL A review, by David Scheyer
The French profs laughed heartily,
( "You can't tell me," said the so it must have been funny, the cast!
Cynical Senio' yesterday, "that gestured effusively, so it must have
a diploma is ever going to be been very Parisian, the audience was
worth ten dollars to me." somewhat entertained; and that was
I ( _ _"La Sonnette d'Alarme" the annual
* * * French play, presented last night at
This being our last issue, we have a The story is of a gay boulecardier,
lot of things to confess. We won't Boby Masselin, who is reformed by- a
tell everything, because it wouldn't do combination of an attack of gout, a
to tell all the trickslof this trade. And solicitous mistress and a pretty young
besides we might get hung. niece. After the usual series of farce-
* comedy tribulations, the final curtain
It really has been a lot of fun writ- falls on a happy family scene.
ing this stuff. There's so much around Profuse pantomiming helped out
this University that is so funny that the gaps in the audiences knowledge
it is easy finding material. And if of French, and put across the comedy
you can't think of anything else, the scenes quite successfully.
B. and G. boys are always present- Samuel Bonnel in the leading role
and always doing nothing, and doing it of Boby was rather unconvincing, but
in a funny way. the rest of the cast, with two minor
* * * exceptions, took their parts very well
Harry Tillotson will get back at us indeed. Worthy of special mention
next year. As an alumnus we will try were Gertrude Crampton as Madame
to get seats at a football game or so. Toulouzel and Russel Reed as Paginot.
He'll enclose with our rejection slip Also, may we say that Marie-Louise
a clipping from Rolls, panning the Burt and Dorothy Tisch furnished
alum/ii who came back to football the pleasantest eye entertainment that
games, and urging that none of the has been seen at Mimes theatre in
graduates be given tickets. many a month.
We expect our viewpoint on the mat- THE STUDENTS' RECITAL
flo il wn cnunge ueuluAiyesecil A warv',Ivr i2y ianJ+ /!necn

Collegiate Prices.
State St. (over lerrill APratt)

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Seats Now Selling at the Box Office
First Time in Ann Arbor of the
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Distinct Personalities, Including
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The Earl Carroll Theatre Orchestra
5 - and-
$3.30, $2.75, '$2.20, $1.65, $1.10
If 'you can't pdme to the box office
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rf IV. . IML,


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Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

ter will cliange decidedly, especially
since we won't be a big manufacturer
or politician. If we should get backE
to a game, we'll probably find our-
selves sitting next to a freshman-out-
side the gates of the stadium.
By the way, we don't see why the
University charges us ten dollars for
our diploma. We ought to get cut
rates, because we never really used,
the University's resources fully. We'd
be willing to take half a diploma if
they'd give it to us for five dollars.
* * *
Getting back to the confessions, we
might as well admit right here that
it wasn't the B. and G. boys who put
up Clippy stadium. It was a gang of
architects-in no way connected with
this University, or any other intellec-
tual center-who have charge of the
landscape gardening on campus.
* * *"
It looked like the work of the B.
and G. boys at the time, but we found
out the truth later, after the damage
to their reputation had been done. It
was too bad that they got the blame

A review, by Rtobert txessner
The University Symphony orchestra
E possesses a pure technical spirit, but
he true spirit of orchestration was not
present--the living, subtle warmth
was absent. But it served the purpose
of producing the necessary accom-
paniment to the individual artists.
Fern Schott played the piano with
a technique that is nearly faultless
but the total effect is hindered by an
exaggeration of style that tends to ap-
pear too elegant. Pauline Kaiser dis-
played exceedingly poor judgment by
attempting Bleyle's Concerto in C
major. Bleyle never did write music
that anybody could sanely enjoy. A
more intelligent theme could have
been selected without much difficulty
that would have better suited Miss
Kaiser's talent. Miss Kaiser evidenced
much physical energy that over
steps nornal bounds to the extent of
ruining her posture on the platform.
Pearle Reimann has a well rounded
talent that arises in abundance
throughout her entire rendition. Lu-
cile Graham and Pauline Kaiser pro-
duced a pleasing Concerto for two

To The Editor:-
The headline "President . Considers
Legislation to Check Future Great
Floods" shows the faith of this nation
in the power of legislation. Knut on
the seashore has nothing on us.
About a year ago, and by that much
nearer to the Scopes incident, a group
of several thousand educators in con-j
vention at Washim gton adopted after
prolonged discussion and with consid-
enh1 enthusiasm a resolution to the

WHEN Greek or calculus gets you into a tight
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P. A. i ,sold everywhere in
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Pound tin hum"dor"s,,and
pound crystal-ghass humidors
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And always with every bit
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willllii w'IMuu ii

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