AWIIM ESD4Y, MAY 4, 192'7 ,THE MTC~NiC. AN Tl A I I _Y .:.-. ; .1-1L'A VlI..-.L '2t'1 L.'r1J- 2. r£ A t R n U W tkins Believes Small Town Is Best Ithat confront society>. I amy not urgItx .1you all to becowe social wvorkers- For Hlealth and MN/ore Successful t I-Heaven forbid-blut I a111 urging yoa ' i t~~o remlember always that youwil 1 (Continuedl froin Page Two) 1 solution and it is the college grad- icitizens of a country and of01acon arena. The da mnger is, however, that uates who, in a large, measure, trust m 1unity and that as suchi and ns C~A f !leg gradluates you have ecert'ain eo" they v iillt Looottei use these oppor- i furnish these requisites. Yet how often gations and duties which too fr: tunlitics> selfish .forgetting -the Iwe see the trained mnen and wotner uentlyaesdsepe.Teepo 61,1a deb they owve society. Most ofj devoting all their energies to theirl lerms are on aill lhand1s aad I tho eo- I he serus problems of -our social own "elfish pursuits and refusing t( ple willing to .give timge to their soin. lfe to-dafy need traine~d minds and assist in any way in the solutiel - li;,nl work and enth~lusiasmi for their- of the thousand and one question" ~ I tion are all too few. They must co I urge you to give of your time University training is a failure. however, he met and solved