_________ ~THE MICHIGAN DAILYWENSAMY4 1t"1?1) :l? I .11' MA .1, 1921 1 0 .......... Michigan AluniI Secretary' Is Chosen First President Of New National-1 Body scretazries in the United States. Iscuission of Alumni problems and -,cehes by some of the leading see- rkreiwere also liven. W. B. Shaw, general secretary of the Michigan at the ccn i aii, _iCa~l (AlEORI.-"are hitn Alumni Association and editor of the 11111l, N. C. Ioth lnade speeches be- l nn," en e. of the ratre I books fromal Alumnus was elected first president of fore t he d< lQ ttQ5 from rliure than uG 111 press of 13e:njamnin Franklin, wvas", th~e newly consolidated Amierican colleges. A-r. ~imaw d1iV; re 1 a psaper pr t sentcdl to the library by the junior Alumni council which met last week 011n the pir lshY rl>cba)a1lmi . s at the University of Nrt C llia.w ork is to be carried oni i the futu,,re. The new council combine:; the Also- Mr. Talpla~g spm1' 0 i 'Id ~~r- KANSAS.- P'romi tickets are sellingG ci~~onof A~m~n Serearis, m~tarie,' he b i. g one of. the "i";_ !J;>ll for $2. The affair is informal. Alumni Magazines Associated and the l-~- Association of Alumni Funds. Mr. Shaw and Hawley Tapping, Alumni feld_ secretary, rpresented F~- Ede orl RAE iI' j a S s wa h Today ~ ~~~wl ~ t TOM O'BIREIEN -rse This "Ad " ih W ,w ill w ear RAE SNO W_ _ __ __ __ _ For Health and Mr ucsflLf (Continued fromt Wage One) ; a man the small town is bet ter Banc' hie waits five yea's to Joinl a gol- he will live therte a liaiLpper, healthier elub and then when he (does find , ad more successful life;. t41ne to mfay he has to Wait an hott Do not g~et ouat of touch with- th' rn the first tee to start an(? is either i Uiversity which is what we Mlijig n c )wdiiig QIhe four-some al"head or lbe mien are too prone to (do, and w\ g d "1'n nht o from behind, anad as lose thereby. Kee'(p in touch with it err fi 'ing-well, that, is a rare treWa in every way yout can and be snare t( 'ar is summer vacation. For mny jcomel back to the reunions, In thIe in olilu ni andc try to knuow somrethaing of i ervais make conrtacts with loca' tI e _activ ities of the University.oco yo Qs wo rt 'J lw(n Itd!(i, g~onmg w Kdo? '1l ;Orlod ,oilay (tOes loge triim laa 01lud.P H Ie0-0 Pi W)1- I uties will M e rel10d1by liet'you a' MAlK11,E KESERMAT IONs VNO EUROPE, OR!E"4i a ANY WHIERE- ANY LIN S'FhAM~SH1P CL ASS ,o. TFAVEL.EiS CFILQUE:S. [1c E. C..IIER temp Art Lcensed &Sflt'odad3 01 JA. Hutron. AnniArbos r ,aD TH WANT ADS , i " (C oitillum l e l(111 ige i 'hr ") I I EL q1 :-- 1 . . r ! . 1 . ., i is ' ; s~ , .4 r _ _ , ,, f "' ,. - : i , , . - ,., x;;j e "i '' fti:s . y5*f1 i '. I. q i ° : = 7'., v ',nom ty(e 31 l' Jt~ y f { \ w'Za ,i., f j~t iP'G.: ... r' +. ...1' .: L A S FTETIES .TONIGHT CRi F I ED! t