ESTABLISHED 1890 LY fr 3 & n 4* MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIL No. 153 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS REGISTRATION BOOTHSI FOR> STUDENT VOTERS WILL BE OPEN TODAY1 APPLICATIONS MAY BE FILED THIS AFTERNOON AND TOMORROW MUST REGISTER TO VOTE1 THEME OF CURRENT GARGOYLE ISSUE EVOLVES FROM GREAT OPEN SPACES With its mosquitoes, sunburn, and canoe paddles ,the great out-of-doors forms the theme of the May Gargoyle which will appear on the camnpus this morning, with a cover typical of the name, the work of Wolfgang Goetze, '30. Inside there are the us- ual art embellishments, going this time to fill up the wide-open spaces, and among them a portrait of a mem- ber of.the faculty accompanied by an authoritative appointment from thie editors of the Gargoyle as the royal director to the afore-said spaces, ac- cess to which may be gained through various misdemeanors. Other cartoons by Al Vyse, '28, and Louis Spaulding, '28, feature the issue.1 A modern versian of the hard-work-I ed "Mammy" song ,the "Cruise of the: Good Ship Cat Gut", and the "New Chronicles of Adam" are the longer pieces of that sort of thing whicn is tures of Dan Ruff at Barber College", entitled "A Beautiful Spring Evening. e tte "A B a tf l S rn EvnMarcelle, and the Nurse". Actual it-- lustrations feature the promulgation of this serial during May. Editorially, spring seems to be in the air and the editor takes to poet- ry to express his sentiments concern-I ing the staff. Seriously there is a pro- testing observation on the action taken by the University of Chicago in suspending the humor publication at that institution, and an addendum on the tearing out of the senior benches. Under its heading of book reviews. Gargoyle recommends Schnitzler s "Traumnovelle," in the English trans- lation, and "Children of Divorce," byl Owen Johnson. There are also reviews of "Doomsday", by Warwick Deewing. and "Black April," by Julia Peterk> n. The May issue includes contribu- tions from former editors and staffI ANNUAL MAY FESTIVi WILL FEATURE LARGI CLASSICAL SELECTIOI ER ~I L "lIIiC 1E(AT", "If SS IN AND "CAIIM EN" CREATE MUCH INTEREST DEAN COOLEY EMPHATICALLY DENIES' CHARGES AIMED AGAINST ENGINEERS Emphatic denial of the charges that "I doubt if any colleg =students student engineers were responsible would so far forget tim:"selves as to for the numerous conipaints rc.v~ insult passers-b~y." "It must be undlerst ood, that I did by University officials in regard to not order the benches to be removed the recent controversy over the dis- explained the Dean. "I simply gave respectful attitude towards women my full approval to the plan with passers-by which was displayed by however, the sugges ioa that they be men occupying the senior engineer- stored temporarily, and after consul- ing benches, was made yesterday by tation with the studwnts, reset them in Mortimer E. Coole, (ean of the col- the engineering court in places select- lege of Engineering and Architec- ed by the students. The benches be- ture, who had just returned from a long to the students and they should three week vacation in Georgia. be consulted before they are reset. "Engineering students are positive- With the presidents of the classes ly not responsible for the uisults, to and several alumni representatives of, which, it is claimed, women pedes- the donating classee, I hoped to set- trians were subjectcd " 'hemently tle this question. TlThut is as far as declared Dean Cooley "Engineers the situation has progresseI at pres- have altogether too high a regard l ent. The benches are a ,present care- for themselves to be connected with fully stored in th fullest expecta- such escapades. Also, it must not be tion of being reset. forgotten that the engineers have an Dean Cooley wishes to express no honor system which, embr4 es just definite opinion reagardingz the recent PRESIDENT CONSIDERS LEGISLATION TO CHECK FUTURE GREAT FLOODS MEASURES CONTEMPLATED TO PREVENT REOCCURRENCE OF . SOUTHERN DISASTER NEW RELIEF EXPECTED Typh1d Fever Spreads In Arkansas; New Orleans Wages Battle To Save Louisiana Areas (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 3.-Having thrown all government agencies into the work of relieving sufferers in the Mississippi valley, President Coolidge Women Will Be Allowed Ballots In Cases Except For Council, S. C. A., And Union All Booths for registration of all stu- dents in the University will be open on the campus from 9 o'clock this morning until 4 o'clock this afternoon, and during the same hours tomorrow, it was announced by officers of thej Student council election committee yesterday. All students must fill out registration cards in their respective booths in order to vote in the regular all-campus elections next Wednesday, WhERE TO UEGISTER Lits: In front of the Library and Angell hall. h Engineers: Engineers arch. Laws: Law building.: 1 Architects: Engineers arch. Dents: Dental building. Eds: In front of Library: Pharmics: In front of Library. 1 j Medics: In laboratory sec- 1 tions. TIME: 9 to 4 o'clock todayI tomorrow. when the officers of the Student coun- cil, Union, the Student Christian asso-} ciation, the Oratorical association, the members of the Board in Control of Student Publications, and the mem- leers of the Board in Control of Ath- letics. Student members only will be; elected to these groups. The lists of the names registeredI will be checked with the official class roles and any student not legally reg- istered will not be allowed to vote inE the election's. The check is necessary I in order to avoid all chances of fraud, in the elections, members of the Stu- dent council committee believe. Both women and men students may register during the two days. At least, two women will run for offices in the G Oratorical association, it is expected by those in charge. The committee has simplified the cards so that only a short time is re-j quired in filling them out, and a big turn out is'urged by officers of the Student council, who believe that if the students are to take advantage of the privilege to elect their own officers itnder a studept governing system every one of them should signify this desire by registering and voting. "The success of the campus elections de- I not quite literature, the sixth installment+ augmented by members and from outsiders who are of the "Adven- prospective staff members. BY UNION COMMITTEE1 Selects Candidates For Positions Of Presfdent, Rlecording Se mvetary, Aud Vice-Presiden ts PETITIONS MAY BE USED Nominees for the presidency of the! Union, announced last night by theI recently appointed nominating com- mittee of the Union are William Roger! Greene, '28, Henry S. Grinnell, '28, and William V. Jeffries. '27. Nominees for the recording secretaryship and for' the five vice-presidencies were also an- nouced by the committee. Petitions for these elective offices, may still be circulated, Lester F.1 Johnson, '27L, president of the Union, stated, but must be handed in before Saturday morning, !May 7, to John- son or at the main desk in the lobby. Members presenting petitions bearing the names of 200 students properly' signed will automatically have their: nmes plar.ed on. the, ballot, , For the office of recording secretary, the committee nominated Robert L. Halsted, '28E, Henry M. Kline, '28, and! Herbert E. Vedder, '28. Combined vice-1 president nominees are Harold A. , Greene, '28D, Philip M. Northrop, '28D,, and Robert D. Orcutt, '28D. Rowan Fasguelle, '28, and Paul W.- Bruske, '28, were nominated for the office of vice-president from the LaW school. Engineering vice-presidentF nominations were given Roscoe A. Davidson, '27, James G. McKillen, Jr., '28, and Francis A. Norquist, '28. r ' LAST RADIO PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN TONIGHT Varsity Band, Soloists, And Faculty Talks Will Feature Final Night On Air CANFIELD WILL SPEAK With a program varied with con- cert numbers by the Varsity band, cornet, marimbaphone and vocal solos, and talks by members of the faculty, the series of Michigan Night Radio programs will be concluded with the broadcasting of the :14th program at 7 o'clock tonight thrPugh station WWJ.! Most of the program will be devot- ed to the band which will be directed by Norman Larson. They will in-1 clude in their selections both' college and classical numbers: "The Victors," "The Bridal Rose Overture," "The Men of the Maize and the Blue," "Lustpiel Overture," "Varsity", and] "The Yellow and the Blue." The talks will- be given by Dr. H.1 Bishop Canfield, professor of otolary- ngology, and Dr. Russell W. Bunting, professor of dental histology and pathology. Dr. Canfield, who is also a' specialist in the diseases of the eye ear, nose, and throat, will speak on "Diseases of the Ear". Dr. Bunt-I ing's address will treat of "The Pre-I vention of the Decay of the Teeth." "The Tyrolean Lovers" will be the selection played by Marshall Bryn of the staff of the University high school, as a cornet solo. Kenneth Midgley, '28L, another musical enter- THREE GROUPS ASSIST University Choral Union, Children's Festival Chorus, And Chicago Symphony Support Artists Much of the interest in the thirty- fourth annual May Festival, which will be held in Hill auditorium May 18, 19, 20, and 21, will lie in the larger productions instead of being confined to the performances of in- dividual artists, according to advance comments which have been received by the festival authorities from critics and musical directors all over the country. Of especial signifi- cance along this line is the selection 'of the local celebration by the nation- al committee for the Convention of the Beethoven Centenary as the me- dium for the world premiere of the "Heroic Elegy," written by Howard Hanson at the express request of the committee. Dr. Hanson will act as guest conductor of the Chicago Sm- phony orchestra on Wednesday night, when the work will receive its rendi- lion. Dr. Hanson is musical director of the Eastman School of Music. in Ro- chester, N. Y., and is known as a com- poser and musical educator. The "La- ment For Beowulf" was given at the Festival last year, also a premiere. Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heink '11 also take part in the Wednes-1 day night program. She is now in her 50th year of public concert work. Chicago Symphony To Assit Other group works which have re- ceived especial comment at this stage are Beethoven's "Mass in D," which will be sung Thursday night in honor of the composer's centenary, and Bizet's "Carmen", whic will he given Saturday night. Solist in "Carmen" are Sophie Braslau, contralto, Lois Johnson, soprano, Armand Tokatyan, tenor, Lawrence Tibbett, baritone, and James Wolfe, bass. The Univer- sity Choral Union and the Chicago Symphony orchestra will support these stars. Of, the supporting organizations there are three, the University Choral Union, the Children's Festival Chorus, and the Chicago Symphony orchestra. The Choral Union organized in :879, and developed mostly through the efforts of Dr. Albert A. Stanley from 1888 to 1921, has performed at all May Festivals and since its organization has played most of the greater choral works. There are more than 300 voices. The Chicago Symphony orchestra, which has been conducted by Fred- erick Stock since 1904 is the third oldest orchestra of its kind in the country. It has been an adjunct of the Festival since 1905. Mr. Stock, a grad- uate of Cologne Conservatory, is a specialist in theory and composition, and in the first capacity in particular has a considerable reutation. For ten years the children's chors has been a regular feature of the Festival. It is made up of public school children trained by Joseph E. l Maddy, supervisor of music, who has attained distinction also as an au-~ thor, editor, and conductor. The chil- dren's chorus will present the can- tata "Voyage of Aron", written by Earl V. Moore, director of the Fes- tival, on the Friday afternoon pro- gram. Moore Congratulated Mr. Moore has been the recipient of innumerable letters of congratula- tion concerning the features of this year's program. Among others who have written, Walter Damrosch, con- ductor of the New York Symphony orchestra, has stated that the "annual May Festival stands in the front rank of such events and its influence o the community cannot be overestimat- ed. I am especially interested in the two principal works to be performed this May, the Beethoven "Mass in D", and the Choral Symphony by Helst. William Wade Hinshaw, New York impresario, stated his intentions of coming to the programs and compli- mented the authorities on the artists which they have obtained, describing the Festival as the finest musical event of the whole American season. SELECT GOLFERS TO MEET PURDUE i i t - ...t ~. *''**.'s "!'- i'~ turned his attention today to the pos- s'xch things. moving of the pedestrian benches to "In fact," continued Dean Cooley, the engineering ena of the diagonal, sibility of legislation to prevent future 1disasters such as that which has de- scended upon such a large area in the- South and Middle West. PUAs the first step, he ordered Sege- tary Davis, of the war department, to If'hE~~flaccompany Secretary Hoover when AN U L SA E MEET uumiNu CL S 6M SMr. Hoover returns to the South to- NNU4L STATE ~~~morrow, a noto put the army oeainWt engineers ---- to work,;in cooperation with the Mis- 300 Delegates Will Gather For Fifth Freshmen Hear Jantes Boyer, Chair-I sissippi river commission, in making Michigan Interscholastie Press Ima, Wive Detailed Explanatioi I(a survey. The report, which is drawn Conven ion At Meeting In Union up, Mr. Coolidge believes, will be'bf ___ great value to Congress when flood BRUMM,TO GIVE TALK WILL COMMENCE FRIDAY It"wasreiteratede today atthe White Ilouse that President Coolidge does Registration of the more than 300 Outlining in detail th'e program of not believe an extra session wil be delegates expected to attend the fifth I events, and explaining the rules of the necessary to meet the flood emergen- annual Michigan Interschlastic Press annual spring clash between the c e alo feelat a pn al rip association convention will get under I freshman. and sophomore classes, ditons. way tomorrow morning. Following James F. Boyer, '27, chairman of the The Red Cross fund, for which the the registration, the delegates will Spring games committee, addressed j President has issued two appeals, has hear Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the ; the semi-avnal meeting of the first passed the $5,000,000 mark, and the journalism department in thepnig year men yesterday in the 'Tnio ball-President is hopeful that money con- opening tributed by the people at large will address tomorrow afternoon. The or- room. meet the immediate requirement. ganization of discussion groups will Freshmen will assemble at the Reports to Red Cross headquarters occupy the rest of the afternoon. playground adjoining University high i today showed a wide response to the The convention is being sponsored school, East University and South requests for the $10,000,000 relief fund. by Sigma Delta Chi, national honor- I University avenues, and will be ready A scrub woman at Burlington, Ia.,ent ary journalistic fraternity, Theta Sig- to march to the river at 3:30 o'clock, ifmuch more than usual in one day ma, women's journalistic society, and Friday afternoon. The march to south The co-eds of a Dallas, Tex:, college, the journalism department of the Uni-~ Ferry field on Saturday morning will volunteered to wait at table in down- versity. start at tso'clockfrom the same place, town hotels and cafes to raise funds, On Friday the discussion groups will Boyer stated. There will be two 50 while 16 radip stations in the Mid- meet to discuss general newspaper men tugs of ten minutes each and one die weste volunteered to broadcast ap- questions and during the course of the ! peals for contributions at regular in- afternoon will hear addresses by stu- tervals. dents and faculty members familiar I SOPhOMORES ilU.ET TODAY with the various phases of newspaper;I MEMPHIS, Tenn., May 3-Out bieak work. i Sophomores of all schools and of typhoid fever in Arkansas and the A general session will be held Fri- colleges on the campus will meet giving away of a levee near Vicks- (lay morning in the Union, at which at 4 o'clock today in Natural I burg, Miss., augmented the need for W. Calvin Patterson, '27, editor of The Science auditorium to elect their Red Cross relief among flood victims Daily, will preside. The main ad- captain for the annual spring today. dress will be given by Gail E. Dens- games. A representative of the I The break of Milliken's Bend, just more, of the public speaking depart- Student council will also explain f north of Vicksburg, unloosed a flood ment. A luncheon is planned for Fri- the program of events and rules 'of water that was expected to over- day noon in the Union. the contests at this time. spread from 2,000 to 3,000 miles of Discussion goups will again con- IIthe lowlands of a dozen northeastern vene until 3 o'clock, Friday afternoon -ILouisiana parishes, and affect 25,000 Medical vice-president nominees are tainer who has Edward K. Isbey, '28, and Everett Gif- Michigan Night ford Upjohn, '28. 'a marimbaphone broadcast on other programs, will give solo, "Melody". These The committee selected the follow- ing men to run for the office of liter- ary vice-president: DeLeslie L. Al- ., ., ~endson te wa in hich the stu- '" rugr.Aia.JtdkU . ien, G:eorge H. Annable, Carlton G.T dends on thd waTh airer the vote iChampe, Thomas J. Dougall, Charles the more representative is the op in- B. Gilbert, and T. Kenneth Haven, all the more represfn1te R iota, officers of the council declared. PHI BETA KAPPA TO INITIATE TODAY' New members of the local chapter{ of Phi Beta Kappa will be initiated1 into the organization at 4:15 o'clockI this afternoon in, room 1035 Angell hall. During the course of the cere- monies the initiates will be presented with thefir certificates of mnem ber- ship by Dr. P. F. Weatherill of the chenistry department, sicretar'y ci the Michigan chapter. After the initiation is completed, Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- tory department, will address a few remarks to the newly elected mem- hers. The initiation banquet will be held at 6:15 o'clock Thursday in the ot the class of i=58. CAPS AND GOWNS MA Y BE SECURED Caps and :gowns for the members of the senior literary class have been received at the Van Boven store on State street, it was announced last night by Henry S. Maentz, '27. two nufnbers will be accompanied by the band. B. Loraine Norton, S. of M., accompanied by Ronald Nissle, '29D, will sing "'The Song of Michigan" for the final musical number of the pro- gram. Copies of the pamphlet containing all of the talks given during the year on the Michigan Night programs, andI which will be published after the broadcasting tonight, may still be ob- tained by writing to the Detroit News station WWJ. The address to be given by Dr. Can- field has been substituted for the one scheduled for Dr. Albert Fursten- burg, professor of ototaryngology. ..~~ .I_ at which time the main address of the class tug of ten minutes. The winner day will be given by President Clar- of two of the three tugs will be award-, ence Cook Little. In the e ning the ed two points. As in the past, the annual banquet will take p ace in the winner of the games will be that class Union. Coach Fielding H. Yost and which gains three out of the possible Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- five points.I tory department, will be the main The program for Saturday morn- speakers. ing consists of two picked team Cassam A. Wilson, '28, will preside ,events, a 10 man team obstacle race over the Saturday morning meeting and an 11 man cane spree. A 15 min- in Natural Science auditorium. At ute rope tying contest in which the this time an illustrated lecture will entire class will participate completes be given by Palmer Boothby of the he schedule, and one point will be Jahn and Oilier Engraving Company, awarded the class winning each event. Chicago. Under no conditions will anyone be al- Various outside features are be- lowed to participate who does not ing planned to entertain the visiting wear gym shoes, Boyer pointed out delegates. Tomorrow afternoon at (Walter B. Crego, was elected cap- 4:30 o'clock, a general tour of the tam and has appointed the follow- to 30,000 persons. Preparations were made at once to aid the new flood victims and twelve additional navy seaplanes had been [rdered before the new break came to proceed from Pensacola to Baton Rouge for duty,in the lower Miksis- sippi. Fifteen seaplanes had ben pre- viously ordered to Baton Rouge. Conditions in southeastern Arkan- sas were reported improved and Dr. William R. Redden, medical director of the Red Cross, said that as a whole conditions were ;good in all of the refugee camps. His Ireport today in- dicated, however, that two refugees in Arkansas were dying of typhoid, and that 35 others were seriously Sill.- WORK AFTER COLLEGE OUGHT TO BE STARTED IN SMALL TOWNS - WATKINS This is the sixth of a series of articles written especially for "Thle IDaily by leaders of various professions and industries on the general problems faced by the grad- uae in different lines of endeavor. Mfr. James K. Watkins of Detroit is one of tlhe foremost attorneys of that city. lie has maintained in the Lniversity and its undergraduates a permanent interest since Union. he was graduated in i909. Mr. Wat- 1ECLs has wiattenon the subject "After By James K. Watkins TO PRESENT PLA Y After college-what? This question is now on the lips of thousands of "La Sonnette D'Alarme," the twen- young men and women all over the ty-first annual production of the Cer- country. Eager as they are to go cle Francais, wlil be presented to- forth into active life and try out in night at the Mimes theater. This a practical way the theories they play is the last feature in the pro- have been more or less earnestly ;gram of the Cercle this year. The I learning, and confident as they feel play, written by Maurice Hennequin that they hold the key to success In and Roman Coulus, is to be acted by the great world, yet very often each French students of the Unversity. of them must ask himself this ques- Tickets will be on sale at Slater's tion. book store until 7 o'clock tonight And no one else can give him the when they may be purchased at the answer. It will depend on many ap- box office of the Mimes theater. All parently fortuitous circumstances and tickets are 75 cents. Cercle Fran- on each individual's character, ability nais membership cards may be re- and energy so that no other person work to hard, and fail to play enoughI If you get into a lucrative businessI and work at it all the time you may become rich but probably you will not- be here for your thirty-fifth class reunion. Not many of us can work steadily all day and many nights. It does not pay, so get a hobby and play at it and if it is at all possible let it involve physical exercise in the open air. This may sound trite but one sees so many people growingI prematurely old chiefly because they have stuck too closely at the job and not played enough.E And again do not feel that you have to go to the big city. For some thisE may be almost a necessity and it is no doubt true that in many lines of work, particularly for the profes- sional man, the great opportunities, for big money are for the most part in the great cities. But there life is harder, competition keener, the cost of living higlzer And opportunitiet; for outdoor activities less accessible. I have a theory that many a man jVcampus wil lDe ma e. ~aUr tay ; 1 morning the delegates will attend thet Iannual spring games between the freshmen and sophomore classes.! Saturday afternoon the Iowa-Michigan, track meet and the Illionis-MichiganI baseball game will be attended asI guests of the Athletic association. ' ROLLER SKATING T( PROVIDE FIRST-A By Timothy Hay An oiling and repair station, and a first-aid booth will be features of America's first roller skating tourna- ment, to be held from 7 until 10 o'clock tonight on South University, the committee from Martha Cook dor- mitory announced yesterday. No pro- i vision has been made to provide noiseless skates. Refreshments are to be served, and' the League fund gets the cash, in ad- dition to the admission price of twen- ty-five cents which will be charged.f The Reserve band will provide mu- sic for the skaters for the first hour, 1 1 1 I. : i i ' I ing lieutenants to assist in directing the attack of the freshman class NEW ORLEANS, May 3-Prompt against the sopohomores: George B. and just compensation for the losses Dolliver, Theodore F. Bovard, Irving and sacrifices made by the thousands I. Feldwon, Donald H. McGill, Charles expelled from St. Barnard and Pla- P., Moyer, Bruce W. Hulbert, Edward quemine parishes to the South, so that I. Robare, Scott F. Ward, and LaVerne flood spread to New Orleans might be Taylor. lessened by opening the levees there, was pledged today by members of the )URNAMENT WILL Louisiana-NewsOrleanszreparation j commission at its organization -meet- ID BOO TH T ONIGHT T ing- Earnest L. Jahncke, who was elect- ed chairman, announced that the sort of contraption they want to drive, commission would meet three times a push'or pull, this event will be added week and stated that the body was to the program. organized to accelerate the work of Prizes for the various events are fixing reparations which would have being kept secret, in order to surprise been a. slow process had the state the winners. Probably the greatest and legal machinery taken charge. surprise of all will be to find that you can win the thing. No professional NEW ORLEANS, May 3-As a de- skaters will be allowed to compete, termined fight to protect the vast and "Cash and Carry" Pyle has no areas in central and southern Louis- connection with the affair. iana went steadily forward today, There will be no award for the I flood waters from the raging Missis- noisiest skater, although we think the ( sippi and its tributaries claimed new audience ought to give. an "appre- towns and fields in northeastern ciation" prize to the one that comes Louisiana. with the quietest wheels. Serious problems of rescue and