UAY 3, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IPAUL E i DOUVR PA EiT LEAD IN CONFER EN CE BASEBALL M.PrT AM i DA fPC'-- A VV%'T*RVTTI I T~LT ''V A M~ I I I DLPIIINSTO IENTERTAIN SPORITS OF ITHE WEEKi; cJL ~N j A I 3 Ta 11,LJLIU ILn i UIniUi i XvI.ja nii tila 1) 1 1II~' Juc I J2Pik.yl'I __-911(1 11 VU~ tllI .ihi3t. y WIN I ' 1aela I Illinois went into the lead in the Conference leaders with four straight Wensa, May ,-Pbrdue at ; 1Dolphins, faculty swimming club,! 1Western Conference baseball race last victories to their credit, will invade, Lafayette. witll entrtat i1,Johhfly Weissmullei, schedule( contests with other Big Tenj hurler fortified with a week's rest, IAnnt]Abo. izum Bahrach, coach o the IllinoisI New York .hammered three Wash- schools while Ohio State, an early;Lundgren's men are expeted to make. Track \Caiate ems atlnho ington pitchers for a total of 17 hrits IA .autctas tlnho yeser ay to in re se th irle d n heleader, slumped badly when :Minnesota; a st rong bid to continue their nmarA- Saturday, May 7--Io a at 1nn w dncsd.y inoon at the Union . Aeia Legerc.rhefauJcaptured both gamnes of a doubleI head- red record. fArbor0. Weissnller is *scheduled to swim Aeia Legerc.Tefaue erat Columbus Saturday. Te ageswilinadIhiaoTehus a m:, game of the day wasa 10 inning battleI TheI defeswatinvae hiagoto ,: an exhibition a the Union pool betee1teyAhltiefndaostning ite )uckeCyesthe i ayCoach Criser's Maroons. 'Te ! sa: I~, ~ at Wednesday evening, in which he will;. beweIh tltc n otn ohrsjme noscn oiin ,College a#ntn Aso' t. 1 while> St. Louis staged .a rninthinning Gophers jumped hinto secbnd positSatadilMa -- Oiona 4 - (7eaev~r to lower his world's rec- rally to defeat. Cleveland, 7 to 6, with a perfect avernge for the tyro"Ciaota hihhshddffcly Str:y, May 7 OhoiCo;-(o, of .):15 2-5 in the 220 yard free Deri otteohrgm ntecontests playedl thus far, PuirduiC t 1 ideleft hndd ither i ueto;lubuflhS* sty if. A special exhibition for women Amrcnlau oCiao3t . to gme(uring the wektogain meet the best lport sulr in Confer- wl bGienb'\Asmulr Aeia lagetChcg,3 t td position in the stan dugs, wile; ene crcles, Catain Stoll. Purdue Thrsday, M4'ay 5- -Prdu" at "1 e -- y tisnal Lyons, Chicago's ?)itching ace, aided Iowa retaned fourth place. and Ohio State will tly IClmlu Lafayette. in winning the game by hitting a home I1yatGlmns; tau~ay a li.i ; run. he Nw Yok Giats fll ~ Eight lPig Ten contests are sched- i a the outcome of the battle may de-StraMy7-1lui t run.(he No Ytrkeians ermiint second position in the National League ld ae place this week whio 3 cv-I the occupant of the third pose-; rbana.<. - Bu ® y Pab ~mtadin. b losng ~o rookyn ceiy Conference, team will Swing into toiIi h ig Ten standings. Noth- _____ ______-___ _ orn oral the only gmeplyed in tesno action, and six schools, Iowa, Mich- western will engage Indiana at Bloom- -- at Rider's Pen Shop game ' Northwestern, Wisconsin, Chico- 1I ington with good prospects of pushing cirui ystrdy.go, andI Purdlue face togms IowaIth Hoosiers farther down into theldDM THE WANT ADS Es em and W \isconsin opened the week's 111s_ cellar position. Iowa will travel to American Leagule tilities yesterday at Madison, w~hen the Minnesota for a game which will teat 1_____ 1Z. H. E. lawkeyes Invaded the Badger (1a-1Iwhethe h oher eGpe's twin victores .1111111111111111111 11I11111311111111111111111II1111111i1- Chicago ........100 011 000-3 7 1 mondl in an attempt to gain their sec- over the Ohio State nine are accurate .- $etrot......000 000 100--i 5 1 ond victory of the season. Iowa de- indicaions of the Northmen's strength. feated Wisconsin a. week aigo at Iowa +=- R.I1 .City by a scone of 4 to 2 in a ten inn- j CLEVELAN I.- The. worl',,,cam-n - - Cleveland.......0122 100 0016 13 1 ing battle. nE ____adPudetoehetLaaete_ all-star Ohio eleven. Scarone and R. . wieNodrduwestetanhagLafaeteMazzoli of Uruguay were the individ- u.H .wieNrhetenadCiaome al stars._ New York ... ...221 001 012--9 17 2 on the latter 's 'field, lThe Purdue- ___________________ Washington .. .011 000 202-6 10 3 Michigan contest is the second of the --" erbetween the two teams, the Boil-' RAE R. H. E, erakert winning a 2 to 1 game from TOASTED S3ANDWICH- SHOP Boston ........012 001 100 0-5 13 2 the Wolverines at Ann Arbor. Chica-To -M nl - Philadelphia _ 104r000 000 1--6 9 '2 go and Northwestern will meet for the!I odyM a y = first time this season. onormeusm Nai~t onal LetgueOilSatur~day every one of the, Con- PYU Gobsfnd o ou men 1s e igla n ne1+~l s. E erence teams will see action. Illinois, 1 iiOfl -that others do not serve as wel asreua Brooklyn....... 500 310 010-10 13 2 1- short orders, which wve serve in a way that - Newmdis- Yok1.30-0_P-71 adds to the ntural attractiveness of [le ---TYPEWRITING 2CoI -- fodisef Philadelphia at Boston:-Rain. Cincin- R. 'V.R 0S5C5AIfSOONiBLARNE Hall at Chicago :-rain. No other game 1Phone (1293 SO NB AREI sch eduled) I Typing Can Be left at Our specia breakfasts are bth a e 1 SWIFT'S DRUG STORE IRAE Orseca ppe CHERLA1EJS RATIE ____________ _________________________- tizing and economical. Cheerleading practice will be ' '" A D 1 (~r held at Ferry field at 5:00 o'clock COLLEGE MENVANDVWOMEN today.,Whe~n in the vicinity of state and Packard, will find the - -to eat. Under new management, and everything else new. D dE on703 PACKARD =I1I THUR S DAY - - 1I11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111Ilil1 11li111111IllIl l iil111111111 -NIGHT AT 8:15 IWO If you arc a telephone solbscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, 1Dial 21214, and your want ad _____ will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves th i t classify all w.ants acts undr amc' at:hia- ' i0 ings and to revise or witihod( bctindlu Thscolumn cses at 3 l'.iM. dteie prced- 7- ing publication. ;notice of anv error nmist be - given in time for the scotnd insertion. J t!l (' CASH RATES o tTen cents per reacting line (On the basis of ; five average words to vie line) for one )r t1"' Nine .rents per reatding line for three or mrn insertions. Cash classifieds r-eceived at the Daily olfce 110 C in The Press Building on May nard street. - f ~ CONTRACT RATESt jSpecial standardized rates, given on applica tioni.+u NG - i 2 P.M i I Seats Now Selig at the Box Office First Timhe in, Ann , -rbor of the World's Most Famuos Revue - JOS. De MILT Inc. BING YOUR a l l l * Whoit college men do non-college men wvant to dress lilee nc they hwnt to dress life college men? You know-an4, I 1~how. 11 (OMJiANY 6f O III)RI Dist:inct Fer oimulitie4, Iiiclitdi ng RE TI JAW I )F DAVE SWOR FPOWERS CHASEN The Perfect Venue-Louise Brooks. The Earl Carroll Theatre Orche4ra - and - 50 LOVIAEST MIRLS 5 3IN A i FRICA $3.'30, $2.75, $2.20, $1.65, $1.10 If you ;can't comre to the box office or live out of town, send a mail order. THEATERM Now Showing' I I ., ' .- --.,.. --- rylI ' _ :::; :;:::: .:.::: . , ..:.:. .. _ -- --_ : . : A - : . ---- = r-"' EARL YE o IN CRAGGC. 1 f i 1 ## i F i l LOST-A green gold Wahl fountain a sa (all .B ee,39. Re.ard. Sop. tes--lour-sat LOST- Iateriman lpen with i clip. HEALTH Begins when you phone Lo~st on South t'niv emsit y or Church. 428. C.M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35 3881. Adel Ewell. 151-153-154 , Wueth Arcade. ttes-tlirs-sat-rP LOST--A large envelope containing NOTICE-Stoddard I-air Shop. Try psychiatry notes lost during thle oeC of our permanent waves, which piast week. Finder 'kindly call N. !,ive It. depthl arsl softness to the Gratton 4318. 1052 Baldwin. hair. 707' N University. 152-153-15-1 Jtes-thurs-sat LOST-A Boston bulldog. White face,I PA1'ERIANING- 35c single roll chest, co~at and feet ; rdfliainler anid Iu. Panting also. C. W. of body brindle. Brown spot on lolnes, 41 N State. Dial 3784 head. If found, call 4711 or 71,.I after 4 .t-th-sat Reward. 151-152-153 I- ______________________________NOTICE-IHats cleaned and bloeltwd. LOST -Friday, April 22, silver van-! All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and ity case on a chain, wvii two blackt repaired. Stisenction gimnrntci'.t. enameled figures on front. Reward. ANN AIdI~tli SIIQ, 62') E. Liberty. 78171 c-Tuies-Thurs-Sat LOST- Rider fountain pen some-! NOTICE-Do not leave Michigan until lwhere on campus. Name .. M.1 YOU haw preserved your diploma Felton on pen. Phone 9737. Fos-1 by tlie°fvnous dtrum-head mount ter's Art Store. 150-151-152 process. Let's talk it cover. J. B. --Saunders, exceptional framing. 30 WANTED South State St. t-th-sun WANTED-Students who like good The new Victor Portable Victrola hot BARBECUES to know we de- i' here. Come in and see it. Port- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. M. able phonographs as low as $15. BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. Easy terms. University Music House. c-Tues.-Thurs-Sat. -ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleanng kVANTED-Musicisans, for dance or- Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone chestra, who will attend Summer 6513. daly-tt School. Box 176 Daily _____________ Sun.-Tues.- '"e. TO SEE best of 50 lines clothing drop -____ Icard to 110 E. Washington. Phone jNOTICE-University instructor wants 665 evenings. $22 to $30. t {furnished house for academic year 1927-28.- Would care for large home T YPIEV tTlNG atid Mlinograph }during owner's absence or sabbati- ing promptly and- neatly done cal leave if rent is nominal. Harry by experienced operators at mod- .Sme,30EsWsigo t rt ae.Tei n olg ---SatSunTu 1 work a specialty for 19 years.. 0. D. Morril 17 Nickels Arcade. The WANTED-To exchange home in Typwriter and Stationery Stre. tf Cheboygan, Mich., for home in Ann TPWIE IBN N session. \Write Carl 'Titus, stI). 01fICARBONS schools, Cheboygan, for particulars. Our rapid turnover insures a fresh 150-151152 stock and you secure the best qua- ____-- - ---- --- Iity at a moderate price. . D. MOR- lWANTED STUDENTS~ to know that R ILL. 17 Nickels t Arcade, Phone Sam pays from y~ to $12 for 0141 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona suite and overcosats. Typewriters, Inc. ti 121 E. ANN DIAL 4300~ II __________________ N 1fICE-The new oyal Portables I are now on display at Rider's Pen FOR RENT Shop, 315 State St. 'A wonderful FOR RENT ---Two front rooms, single mcie o ilb neetd amid double, or as suite. Quiet Cl n e hm house. Plenty of hot water. Stu-V~ dents or bausiness people. PhonseNTC 8544. 422 East Washington. ______ OTC 152-153 -- tom- - -- FOR RENT---Washtenaw Apartments. Furnish~ed paartment in June. Dial 22219. 152-153-154 FOR RENT--Five soom apartnmet, in outheast section. NModernr and FRS-FRS-hOD can be seen by calling 5217, 102 URS-FRS-fQI) South Inggalls 't. - 151-152-153 FOR RE NT-Five roomr apartient in southeast section. AModern and - S can be seen by calling 52172. 102 Sou i IngaIM St. 151152-153 Our entire stock of used cars a 4 FORl SALE been put into first class running con FOR SALE--1923 Ford Touring. Good i diton and the prices asked are i condition. Plenty of extras 9. ayCns uhlwrta h Phone 9571. 1521534154 maycss uhloe tant ___________________________value given. A. ar for every purse FOR SALE-1926 Dodge Sedan. Look and every car worth the money. Come like new. Price is right. Open in, pick- out your ar and drive i Sundays and evenings, home. We hatea roadsters, touring coupes, Tudors, four doors, ;35 t R. H. ALBER I 514 East Washington tf All makes of typewriters for sale or rent. Excellent machines at rea- sonable prices, for rent. Prompt I S repairing by experienced workmen. The very one you want is here Courteous service. Auita Brand Ribbons and Carbons. Rider's Pen Talk to Mr. Gauss. Phone 4229. SShop, 315 State Street. sun-tu es-thu rs-tf i r Qw"'°0 0 Vaughn AIN'T LOVE FUNNY The Star You Want to Know The Authority on Men's Wear. I Satisfaction Guaranteed Trouer -, its A great change has come over "college life" since th'e days of high water pants, overstuffed shoulders, and purple socks. Nowadays the good taste of college men merits their recognized posi- tion as style leaders. Like my two trouser suits, there is a dash of the different about them, but always within the boundaries of discrimination. Another great change too, and also for the better. {Once only the fortunate few, could afford the expenditure of effort and money required to be well dressed. Now the pleasing price of my suits, forty dollars and no more and no less, has placed the world's supreme style al~ the command of every college man who wants it. My guarantee means exactly what it says. Your satisfaction must be absolute and enthusiastic-or come back and we'll take it back. ri'ff~it, ~ f~l~~7 Correctly, T 7he Authority on Mecn's Wear. I i i I I i I i I .F _. TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-- er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-' ona Typewriters, Inc. tf I FOR SALE-Chevrolet 1923 torig $40.00. Phone 9023 any afternoon or venngand ask for Mce or FUOR SALE-1921 Ford Touring. $40. Call 3583 tf I I d