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May 03, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-03

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Sfitr iau



1 _ r


Tug-Of-War And Three Contests Sat-
urday Comprise Program For1
Annual Class Struggles

Oil And Liniment Feature Preparations
For Roller Skate Tourney, Reports H ay
By Timothy Hay parade are asked to call Anna Cope,
Skates are all oiled, liniment i -'28Ed., at 8913. Anything that goes
ing applied to stiff joints, and new is eligible, except autos.
"fans" are practicing their steps in Prizes for the races have not been,
dark streets-for the first roller announced yet, but the committee
skating tournament tomorrow night1 'promises that the contestants will
on South University avenue for the get something besides the laughs of
benefit of the League building , in the spectators.
which 4they will probably r ohibit The Reserve band opens the tourna-
roller skating. ment at 7 o'clock with some music
There will be fancy skating con- for the skaters, and then at 8 o'clock
tests, relay races, and perhaps a the wounded will be carried from the
"locomotive parade," to say nothing of field and races will be held. First of
the professors on skates. all comes a fancy skating contest, in
The Reserve band is to be on hand, which you can take a wicked spill and
trying to drown out the noise of the get away with it as a new "step."
skaters with some snappy tunes. .Be- Then they will have a relay race)





Final plans for the annual spring tween the mug
games between the sophomore and won't be muc
freshman classes to be held Friday and grantin "oor
Saturday of this week have been com- held followint
pleted, it was announced by James tournament, if
Boyer, '27, cliairran of the spring fy their desi
games committee of the Student coun- committee sa
cil yesterday. The tug-of-war, feature enter some
of the spring contests, will be held
Friday afternoon and the other con..
tests will take place Saturday morn- L

sic and the skates there
h study in the library,
it ever is done there.
notivevparade" willibe.
g the program in the
I enpugh persons signi-
ire to participate, the
ys. Those wishing to
unusual vehicle in the

for men and another for women.
Maybe if there are enough professors
around they will let them have a con-
test. Paul W. Endriss, '28, Varsity
cheerleader, will be at the megaphone
as announcer.
Admission of twenty-five cents will
be charged and refreshments will be

Large Force Of Men Coit inue' 4To Top
Dikes in Struggle To Defeat
Ittmptant Torrents. i
(uy Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, May 2-Whilel
flood and backwater from five rivers
was reaching out today in niro north-
eastern and east central Louisianal
parishes, the torrent flowing through
the huge artificial crevasse made in
the Mississippi levee south of here,
apparently has removed the danger
from New Orleans.
Serious situations to the northward}
were reported by engineers, weatherI
observers and others. Thousands are
already made homeless and many
others now in the path of the floodsl

Seniors To Canvas
For Subscriptions
To "The Alumnus"
A campaign for subscriptions to
the Michigan Alumnus, official pub-
lication of the Alumni of the rniver-
sity will be instituted today and to-
morrow by a special commitee of
seniors appointed for ,the purpose.
The campaign will attempt to reach
every senior on the campus, and 9
special price of $3.50 for a year's sub-
scription will be made to nenmber,
of the senior class during the Lam -
paign only. The regular nrice is
William B. Warrick, '27, is chair-
man of the committee in charge of
the c'ampaign, and has nlore thanj
40 men aiding him in the work. An
attempt will be made to complete the
canvass bceore tomorrow nighL. A
special committee of women has also
been secured to carry on the work
among the women seniors.
The Alumnus is a weekly publica-
tion urinted by the Alumni associa-j
tion and carrying a brief review of
the news of the week together with
a number of feature stori'es on cam-,
pus affairs. Alumni notes are record-
ed from all parts of the country and
special articles by prominent facul-
ty men and alumni are also publish-
ed from time to time.I
SgaDelta Chi, Thta Sigma, Spon. -
sor Journalism Conference Of
Secondary And High Schools ;

May 3-Freshman Class meet-
May 6--Freshman - Sophomore
May 6--Architects' May Party.
May 7-Spring -games--Ferry
May S-Mother's Day.
1\ay 10-Swing-out ceremonie.
I I May 11-All Campus elections.
May li-Senior Sing.
(May 13-Cap Night.,
May 14-Father's Day. Banquet
at the Union. I
May 18-Senior Mock elections
Natural Science
May 20-Senior ball.
May 24-Lantern night.
May 25-Senior Sing.
June 17-Class day.
June 18-S e n i o r ' reception;
Alumni day.
June C9-13 ccalaureate address.
IJune 20- Commencement. .


ing at South Ferry field.
Organization of the two classes for
the contest will, begin this afternoon
when the freshmen will meet at 4
o'clock in the assembly hall of the
Union. A captain for their class will
be elected at this time and the rulesi
governing the events will be explained
to the first year men.
Sophomores Will Meet
Tomorrow afternoon at the same
time, the sophomores will meet in
Natural Science auditorium for the
election of- their captain and the rules
of the contest will also be explained
to them.

Freshmen of all schools and
colleges of the University will
meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock
in the assembly hall of the
Union to elect their captain for
the annual Spring games. James
Boyer, '27, chairman of the
Spring games committee of the
Student council will also ex-
plain the program at this time.
Sophomores will meet tomor-
row at 4 o'clock in Natural
Science auditorium.


On Friday afternoon the classes
will assemble at their respective
posts on the campus; the -sophomores
at Waterman gymnasium and the
freshmen on the playground of the
University High School. At 3:30
o'clock the march to the river Will
begin and the tug-of-war will be held
at the usual spot beside the Fuller,
street bridge. Sides of the river will
be chosen by the respective captains'
by a toss of a coin immediately be-
fore the march to the river com-
mences. Officials of the Student coun-
cil hope to avoid certain unfair meth-
ods in this manner.
Three tugs will be ield across the
river, two with 50 men on each side
and third in which all the members
of both classes join. Two points will
be awarded to the class that wins
two out of the three pulls and a total
of five points will be awarded in the!
whole course of the games.E
The march to South Ferry field
will start at 9 o'clock Saturday morn-
ing, after both classes meet at their
respective places, and three more
events, counting one point each, will
be held.
Three Events Planned
The first event of the Sautrday
morning program will be the ob-
stacle relay race, with ten men on
each side. Two eight foot barriers
and barrels will constitute the ob-1
stacles and the ten men on each side I
will run in relay, with the first team#
to finish winning one point for itsI
The second event of the program!
will be the cane spree, with 11 men
on each side. This event will countI
one point and immediately following
it will be the only all-class contest
of the morning when the rope tie is
held. Each member of both classes
will be provided with two 18 inch
piece of rope and at the end of a
fixed period of time the side that
has succeeded in captring the most
men from the other side and tying
them will be awarded the final point
of the meet.
After the contest Saturday morn-
ing the two classes will march back
to the campus for their class pictures.
There will be a meeting of the art
staff of the Gargoyle this afternoon

11Dr. Albert Furstenburg Will.Be One
Of Features Of Final Michigan
Night Radio Program
Dr. Albert Furstenburg, professor
of otolaryngology in the Medical
schooland specialist in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose, and throat will
be one of the features of the final
Michigan night radio program to be
broadcast at 7 o'clock tomorrow night
from station WWJ, the Detroit News.
Dr. Russell 'W. Bunting, professor:
of dental histology and pathology in
the college of Dental Surgery and a
specialist in the treatment of cil-
dren's teeth, will be the other speak-1
er. Dr. Furstenburg's subject will be
"The Diseases of the Ear," and Dr.
Buntings's, "The Prevention, of the
Decay of the Teeth."
Nearly all of the musical numbers+
will be given by the Varsity band
under the direction of Norman Lar-
son. It will play the following num-
bers: "T'he Victors" by Elbel; "The
Bridal Rose Overture" by Lavalee:
"The Men of the Maize and Blu" by
Gornetcky; "Lustpiel Overture," by
Kere-Bela; "Varsity" by Moore; and
"The Yellow and the Blue" by Gay-
Three solo numbers will be pre-'
sented, two of them accompanid by
the band. Mr. Marshall Byrn, of the'
staff of the University high school,
will play "The Tyrolean Lovers" by
Clement, as a cornet solo, and Ken-
neth Midgley, '28L, will play "Mel-
ody" by Huerter on the marimba-
phone. Both of these will be accomn-
panied by the band. The final sola of
the program will be presented by B3.
Laoraine Norton, S of M. He will sing1
"The Song of Michigan," ccom-1
panied by Ronald Nissle, '291), o the
More than 1700 requests have been
received for the pamphlet which willl
contain all the talks given by mem-1
bers of the University faculty over'
the radio. These will be mailed free
of charge to all persons who ask for
copies by writing station WWJ, the
Detroit News. Only 2,000 copies of
the pamphlet are to be potd.
Appearing in the only home concert
of the sclool year, a chorus of 40
men, assisted by Mrs. Frerericka Hull,
soloist in the First Presbyterian
church of Detroit, and numerous nov-
elty soloists, will present the 68th
annual home program of the Vrsity P
glee club at 8:15 o'clock Thursday
in Hill auditorium. The concert will
be characterized by more chorus work
than ever attempted before and will
be of a classical and semi-classical
Mrs. Hull, who is one of the few
out of town singers to appear in a
glee club concert in Ann Arbor, will
sing "Omnipotence" with the chorus,
a number in which she appeared with
the Orpheus club of Detroit this win-
ter in their annual concert. Her solo
number will be "Ocean, Thou Mighty
Monster" from the opera "Oberon"
by von Weber. Mrs. Hull has a dra-
matic voice which is unusual in
every respect, according to Theodore
Harrison, director of the glee club.
A number of Michigan songs which
have been neglected in recent years
( will h nrsented in an attemnt to

"The Firebrand," a play by Edwin
J. Mayer, will be presented tonight by
the Rockford players in Saral CaswellI
Angell hall as the first of a series of

. . Ask 1$10,000,000
15 performances which this organiza- So A-( I Soe itenis Cut As Committee Acts
tion will give for the, benefit of thetS stupendous is the task ahead PLAN' TO ATTEND On .niversity Funds Measure
Women's league building fund. "The that Red Cross at Washington appeal- 3Tr Next Twd eare
. IlFor NettTwo 7Yers
Firebrand"' was presented by the same jecl to the -country to double th.: S5,--
Fcrmpand'"uwapri s y the wksa 000,000 already given for flood relief. The Michigan Interscholastic Press !
Rockford, Illinois, and was recognize This step was taken after Secretary! association will hold its fifth annual LOWER MILL TAX RATE
as one of the most complete successes Joover personally reported to Pres- meeting here, Thursday, Friday, and
of the Rockford season. ident Coolidge Saturday of this week. This meet (yI Associated ress)
Many actors well known to campus rWith the Mississini waters rush- nis sponsored by Sigma Delta Cli, May 2.-The senate com-
dramatics will appear with the Rock- 'n dow s in Ccord par i s fom l j fary ' m inittee on finance and appropriations,
ford organization here, since it is four breaks in the enbaknen south national journalistic fraternity, the following a meeting today attended by
composed largely of former studen, o fVidela, the Red river sm shed journalism department of the Univer-Gov. Fred Clarence
of the University. Robert Henderson, through its northern banks at Wicks, sity, and Theta Sigma, women's journ-
'26, Amy Loomis, '22, and Camille Mas- east of Alexandria, inundating a part alistic society. Cook Little, and Shirley W. Smith,
line, '26, are among the Michigan, of Avoyelles parish to the south oft More than 300 dl secretary, granted the university's re-
alumnae included in the cast of flhe ;Concordia. - Mor' quest fr0increasetof undsmfor main
n Meeting this rushing water is that schools and secondary schools ue for increase of funds for main-
production, and Franklin Wait and tenance and operation and for new
Reynolds Evans former New York ac- which is coming down from the Ar- throughout the state are expected to tunance s
ReynldsEvas, ormr Nw Yok a- *Al .~attnd.Ibuildings..
tors wil als appar.kansas river in Arkansas. aA special; attend.
tors, will also appear. kas;
The scene of the play is laid in weather bureau bulletin issued here Registration of the delegates will The committee voted to raise the
Florence, Italy, in the sixteenth ce- said Jones and Bonita in Miorehcuse take place on Thursday morning and limit on the mill tax by which the
tury and centers about the exploits parish were under water with Mer on Thursday afternoon the opening university receives its funds for main-
of one Benvenuto Cellini, philamderer Rouge and Oak Ridge threatened and meeting of the convention w.will be tenance, but decrease the percentage
and a great artist. The part of Cellin I 1000 refugees already in Bastop. held. Prof. John L. Brumm, head of from six-tenths of a mill to five and
will be played by Robert Henderson. Water Six Feet Deep the journalism department, will give one-halm tenths of . mill. The uni-
The costumes used in the pr ,duction Arkansas river waters also have the opening address and following versity now receives. a set amount of
will be the sit 'e as the ones used by ! reached into Texas parish inundating that, discussion groups will be or-{ $3,700,000 annually. The increase
the Rockford players when they pre- two miles of the Missouri-Pacific ganized. These discussion groups ! would return $4,240,000 to the uni-
sented the play in 11ockford, and were railway tracks above Newellton. In I will meet on the following day to versity.
designed by Leslie Young Correthers, Rickland parish, the water was re- discuss questions of mutual interest Requested amounts for a new ob-
prominent Chicago artist. ported six feet deer at Bardel with and will be addressed by students servatory building and for a biological
Scenery for the plays has also been Ravville threatened. and faculty members who are familiar station were refused. The committee
brought by the Rockford organizatIon with the various phases of journalism granted $250,000 for the biennial per-
and an elaborate platform setting has STEARNS SpE'AK with which the groups are dealing.-i iort for purchase of land for dormi-
S b After the opening address and the tories, $350,000 for land for the
brand." rTTOSTUDENTS ON organization of these groups the de- Michigan Women's League building,
Five different plays will be given in LIFE'S HAPPINESS gates will go on a tour of the cam- $1,100,000 for a model elementary
the series of 15 that are planned. O:i __pus. school and other items to bear tax
Whedsnresay night "The Latn . "di Friday morning a general meeting ! clauses. Requests for additional
Cheyney," by Teer Loa wMi "Happiness is a by-product and is! will be held at the Union. W. Calvin buildings including a new wing to
bey yk d won only as the result of a long and Patterson, '27, editor of the Daily, the James B. Angell hall will be drawn
resentedand-he Thursday, Pigs ,I ever-continuing struggle on the part will preside, and the main speech of without tax clauses.
will be given. "The Intimate-Strang- of people to achieve a constant and the meeting will be given by Mr. Gail President Little declared that if
ers bystBoothm nTlrki"ngtonhe willE.beengmr- o
en Saturday niglt for the first time a distant aim in life," was the key- E. Densmor of the public speaking the university is to carry on their
and "Thren . Goe by Wim1 note of Dr. Alfred Ernest Stearns' department. Following this meeting proposed work in providing personal
and "The Green Goddess' byWiham I address on the subject, "The Price of j the discussion groups will meet un- attention for the students in an.at-
Arer the last of the live plays, will >
Arseted faso th-e fir im, on Happiness," Sunday morning at the ( til noon, at which time they willi tempt "to humanize their education"
be presented for the firs* time on second student service of the third meet for luncheon at the Michigan additional funds will be necessary.
Wednesday, May 11. . convocation series in Hill auditorium. Union. Mr. Smith said the university
The same company wili also give "'There is in the present age, a per- The discussion groups will convene would run behind approximately
a seres of seven plays ths suimmer icious theory that is being glibly once again in the afternoon and will $300,000 if the tax limit was not
for the benefit of the League buildin propounded by its followers, and this be in session until 3 o'clock when raised and with additional costs ac-
Tict fis the ,theory that life and the best in, they will be addressed by President cruing from operation of the new
kesrayat thetae streetr~anI life is to be realized by taking the i Clarence Cook Little. university museum and architectural
are on sale at the State street book- easy things. Contrary to this belief Friday night the annual banquet building about $400,000 would be ava-
stores and at the hall, and olhicers the only rule that can find for the will be held at the Union. The main stable for the development of the
of the Alumnae council!report a large realization of the highest happiness speakers of the evening will be presidents theory of education.
advance sale. All seats are priced at is the fact that the greater resistance Coach Fielding H. Yost and Prof.
75 cents and course tickets for the of the things that we meet, the greater William A. Frayer, of the history de- ;NC*
entire series of five plays may be se- the reward when we are able to con- partment. Saturday morning the dele- LIT TLE ANNOUNCES
_________._.quer them. If we always take the j gates will meet in Natural Science EGREE AWARDED
I easy way, we are always going with auditorium. Cassam A. Wilson,'28,
BEGIN REGISTRATION FOR j the wind, as the vagabond's do." will preside and an illustrated lec- I1DECEASED JUDGE
Dr. Stearns then gave some fa- ture will be given by Palmer Boothby i
SPRING VOTE TOMORROW nmous examples of the great men in of the Jahn and Ollier Engraving Co., Judge Edgar W. Durfee, Detroit
'history who have made their doctrine Chicago., probate judge, who died last week,
Registration cards will be distri- the doctrine of work and sacrifice. Saturday morning, in addition to at- pate ju de a died at we-
buted by the Student council among His most outstanding example was ! tending the lecture, the delegates will had of Doctor of Laws to be on-
the committees in each school and "-- " T- r c..Wi 71rI!attend the annual spring games held Jee o econ-


Course Of 14 Plays For. Benefit .f are ready to evacuate to high ground
League Will Start In Sarah ac
Caswell Angell hall when the water approaches.
Some improvement in th ilood con-I
FORMER STUDENTS IN CAST ditions both in southea-tera Arkan-
d M a i i faicni i rnntc: d h it

sasI ana ssisspp was reporLea witI
the work apparently over mnd o i-
cials were turning their chief attention
to health and sanitation and to re-
habilitation after the flood waters re--

hunt And Brownell To Manage 'En-
sian; Reed To Be Business Manager
Of Humor Magazine
Appointments ofthe managing ed-
itor and business manager of The
' Daily, executives of the Michigan-
ensian, and business manager of Gar-
goyle for next year were made yester-
day afternoon by
the Board in Con-
trol of Student
publications, a s
well as the nomi-
nation of nine
candidates f o r
student offices of
the board
Jo H. Cham-
berlin, '28, was
selected manag-
ing editor of The
Daily and Wil-
-Photo by Rentschler liam C. Pusch,
JO 11. '28, was named
ChAMBERLIN business mana-
ger. The editorship of the Michigan-
ensian was awarded to Bryan Hunt,
'28, while Clarence W. Brownell, '28,
was picked' for business manager.
Philip C. Brooks, '28, was chosen
managing editor of The Summer
Daily. The board postponed the ap-
p~ointment of business manager of
The Summer Daily to its next meet
While choosing Ray M. Reed, '28,
for business man-
ager of Gargoyle,
the board decided
to revert back to
the former sys-
tem of having a
managing editor
for the magazine.
The board, how-
ever, did n o t
make its choice
of managing ed-
itor of Gargoyle,
postponiing that
s e 1e c t ion to
n e x t meeting Photo by Rentschler
which it is ex- PIUSAM C.
pected will be
held within the next few weeks. Last
year the board voted to abolish the
office of managing editor of the Gar-
goyle, substituting in its place a plan
providing for an arts editor and a
literary editor who were to be head
of their respective departments and
cooperate in managing the magazine.
This system was put in force this past
year but after the year's trial the
board decided that it was inferior to
the customary plan
The nine candidates chosen for the
student member-
ships of the board
are: Ellis B. Mer-
ry, '28; Court-
land C. Smith,
'28; Francis A.
Norquist, .'28E;
George H. Anna-
b 1 e, Jr., '28;
Thomas J. Dou-
gall, '28; George
;J sE. Monroe, '28;
r:-Matthea J. Hud-
son, Jr., '28; Cas-
sam A. Wilson,
'28; and Louis F.

Knoepp, '28.
-Photo by Three of these
men are to be
I chosen at the annual spring campus
elections on May 11.
The Michigan Weekly, which was
authorized by the board last week,
was not concerned in the appoint-
ments yesterday,as it will be publish-
ed under the supervision of The Daily.
The managing editor and business
manager of this publication will be
appointed by the directors of The
Daily, together with their other staff
selections. The Publications banquet,
which was abolished by the board last
spring, was not revived and the pres-
ent system of staff banquets will be
followed next year.
It is expected that the managing
editors and business managers will
announce their staffs for next year
within the next week.


JesusChist. -Jesus Christ sald r.
college of the University today for the Stearns, "never sought the easy wsy.
general registration tomorrow and He never left off stressing the need
Thursday of all students voting i for effort. When he and his dispicles
the annual Spring elections Wedn- met, there is no record that they
day, May 11. No student will be per- ever talked doctrines. They only talk-
mitted to vote in the elections unless ed of the obstacles that they had
he or she is registered. The registra- to meet in the world and Jesus said
tion booths will be open from 9 un- to them only 'Follow me!' by that
til 4 o'clock on the two days designa- he meant follow me into a life of
ted. I hardship and struggle and danger
Students will register as follows: the only rewards of which are peace
literary-in front of the Library and andl a great faith on eavth."
Angell "Hall; engineering-engineer-
ing arch: law-law building: archi- I .

between the sophomore and fresh-
man classes. In the afternoon they
will attend the Iowa-Michigan track
meet and the Illinois-Michigan base-
ball game as guests of the Athletic
Members of the classes of '27 who
failed to make application yesterdayl
fnr Senir hall tickets will be _iven a

ierred at 1e.Une
exercises, it was announced yester-
day by President Clarence Cook Lit-
tie. Judge Durfee was one of the old-j
est men on the Michigan bench.
The complete statement of President
Little follows: "On behalf of the
Regents, I desire to announce that
the University of Michigan planned
at the coming Commencement to con-
fer on the late Judge Edgar W. Dur-
fee the honorary degree of Doctor of
Laws. On recommendation of the
University Senate, the degree was
S-vtpr ioJ ud-eD urfee at the regular

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