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May 01, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-01

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r'ublicaiion In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
'he University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
V{DLL" 11k;VI St.,-DAY, MAY 1, LY27 ,N IT BER 41Ii


- __________ .1

Automobile Rulings:
The following action has been taken by the committee-,
Mr. R. A. Llyons, '27, has been placed on probation for the remainder
of the semester for driving without a permit, but has been granted special
permission to drive for his family only.
Mr. H. Bryce Pore, '27Ed; Mr. R. E. Reynolds, '28; and dir. Leslie J.
Wessing'er, '27, have been denied permission to drive.
Tice Aut miobile Committee.
Tfo the Deans :
There will be no Conference of the Deans on Wednseday, May 4, 1927.
F. E. Rtobbins.
Vaculty, College of Literature, Science and tihe 'Arts:
The 'adjourned meeting of the Faculty will be 'held on Tuesday,,May 3rd,
at 4:10 P. M. sharp, in Room 25, Angell Hall. President Little will continue
his discussion of the proposed University College. Room 25 is being used
again on account of its large seating capacity.
John IR.Efifinger.
Students, College] of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Dean El. El. Day will lecture to students expecting to enroll in Business
Administration, and others interested, on "Business as a Career for College
Men." The lecture will be given on Monday afternoon, May 2, at 4:10 P. M.
in the Auditoriumn of the Natural Science Building.
John R. Effinger.
Faculty,*School of Education:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education on
Mond~ay, May 2, 4:15 P. M., -Room 109 Tappan Hall.
A. S. Whitney.
Medical ,Faculty:
The Faculty Meeting will be held on Friday, May 6th; at 4:10 P. M., in
th~e Faculty Room, West Medical Building.
Hugh Cabot, Dean..
L14o-d's Register Scholarship:
A. Scholarship of $500.00 per ann. for three years is offered by Lloyd's
Register of Shipping to students who will have completed the first year's
work~ in the College of Engineering in June, and who intend to follow the
cpurse. of Marine Engineering. Applications should. be filed with Professor
Bragg or Professor Sadler, Room 326 W. Engineering Bldg., before May 31st.
Hlerbert C. Sadler.
Business Administration and Literary College Seniors:
A representative of the Oldsmobile Company of Lansing, Michigan,
will be in Room 205 Tappan 'Hall all day Tuesday, May 3, to interview
seniors from these SchoolA and senior Engineers interested in automobile
distribution problems.
C. S. Yoakumn.
Spanish Lecture:,
The last lecture of the Sociedad Hispanica series will be given by F.
Sancliez on "Cudillero:. por tierras Austrias" in Room 25 Angell 'Hall,
Thursday, May 6, at 4: 15. The lecture will be illustrated withi Midea.
Charles T. Lests, "Pres.
Worley Lectures:
Professor John S. Worley will deliver the third of this semester series
of lectures on Transportation Monday and Tuesday, May 2nd and 3rd, at
10:00 A. M. in Room 411, West Engineering Building. The subject, "History
of the American Railway", is of general interest. Students in Civil En-
gineering courses will be excused from classes to attend these lectures.
Others who wish to attend should arrange for absences from regular. classes
with their instructors. L. 31. Gram.
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The New York Society of Painters Exhibition in the WVest Gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall will remain open through Sunday, May first.
Brucei3l. IDonaldsoni.
Public 1Lecure:
There will be a lecture by Mrs. Eleanor Rowland Wembridge, Ph.D.,

I Psychologist in Juvenile Court, Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday, Mlay 2nd,1 at
4:15 P. M., in Room C, Law Building. The subject is to' be "Diagniosing
[the Flapper." The lecture is in connection with the :seminar of the AMich-
igan School of Religion on "The Moral Issues of Modern Life."
The public is cordially invited.
Anigelyni St ieiA.
Jlunior Rcsearvc ('1111:
The last regular meeting, of t he year will be held on Tuesday, Mlay 3,
at 7:20 1P. M. Election of officers will take place. TIwo papers are to b:;
presented, one of which will be
":Mycosis in B~ees" by C. 1?. JBurnside.
(3 c;;"e f *(rclitieeture: ('q'rse in Shade:: and 511,11 M's:
Class in Si~ades anid Shadows (Architecture 2) wiU hbegin on Mond~3,
May 2, at 1;:00 o'clo :k in, Room 411. West IEnginee,,igf Building
Chorail Union:
I There will be a full chef .:s rehearsal at the School of1 Music at 2:30
P. M. Sunday. May 1 -A Important.
I Eirl V. Mloore.
F]Eaculty 'Women's Clubh:
The Annual Luncheon will be held at the Michigan Union on Thursday,
1May 5, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. IWilliaui1!Fsayer.
Draina Section:
The Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold a business
meeting and book auction at the club house, May 2nd, at 7 :30 o'clIock.
Pauline F. Hall.
MIichiigani Daires:
There will be the regular meeting of the Michigan D~ames in the Fac-
itlty Women's Club rooms, 22G N. Ingalls, Tuesday, May 3, at 8 o'clock. The
deferred talk by Mr. Hlackley'IBte will b~e delivered at this time. Every-
Ibody is cordially invited to be present.
Mrs. Carl Wlfitchiurcli President.
Quarterdeck :
There will be a meeting of Quarterdeck Tuesday, May 3, at 7:30 P. M.,
at the Union.
L. 1). 1Westoji, Steward.
Kappa Kapha Psi:
Regular meeting, Sunday, May 1, at 5:15 P. M., Room11 308 Michigan
Union. C. C. Hlostrup.


COAT-SUIT HEAD President Little Endorses New WeekId
_________Publication As "Sensible and E1,f f icien"
1Expressig a hope for the success of here in a very sensible and tiflih'n

4 I
't }-

t the recently authorized Michigan ' l d.I hIW iflilL1~LL I
Weekly, President Clarence Cook Lit- ~ae1tso ihgnsuet a
ma 1iiy aluni iwho wold ppecat
tie has endorsed the idea of the new, 1appra h tdnshv
publication as a "very sensible and ef- lt ulsL
?ti;I ficient" means of k-,epingx the parents
~~~ ~of Michigan students, aiumini, and oth.- Toitdueh ekltohepr
er inerstd nth Uivrst acets of students andi other s iutEreshd~
~- j ers ntersted n theUnivrsityacin the University, one isu wilb
quainted with events on the campus. ;prepa red. and dlistribuited beforet~he
. The statement of the President to
The Daily follows: "I think the idlea edo h rsn eise' eua
ofthe proose Michigan W eekly IS aiublicat ion w ill begin next fall, w hen
very good one and hope that it may, anissu _______apearever________
meet with success. It seems to me cal-
Sculated to keep those who have an in- TEXAS.--The dean of the College;
terest in the University, but do not live' of :Arts and Sciences placed 184 stu-
in Ann Arbor, in touch with affairs dents on probation.
I 11:311 to:31
professor at ;AZfternii U
been appoint- 3:00 Ito 5:31
coat and suit

Dr. Lindsay Rogers,
Columbia university, has
ed head of thewomen's

industry in New York City.


Rent a Good
at Rider's Pen Shop
315 State St.

3Iaula a~iQtffrvr~pip


In the fourth of a series of six lec-!
tures given in connection with the
course on Moral Issues of Modern
Life in the School of Religion, Dr.
Eleanor Rowland Wembridge, exam-1
ining psychologist at the Cleveland
juvenile court, will speak at 4:M!
o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Room
C of the Law school on "Diagnosing
the Flapper."
Mrs. Wembridge has received her

doctor's degree in psychology at H'or-
ryard. She was dean of women for l
five years, 1912 to 1917 at Reed col-j
1)Dr. Wembridge is also the author;
of several books among which are!
"Principles of Aesthetics" and "The,
Right to blieve." HeIr latest book
tentitled "Other People's Daughters"
is mostly an outgrowth of her ease,
studies in juvenile court, according to
Dr. Arthur E. Wood, associate profes-
sor of sociology and conductor of the
course in connection with which this
lecture is being given.C

fPlate and 100 Cards, $2.75 and Up.
Plate printing, $1.75 per One Hundred.


Decide Now
Areyou on the wrong trjack? Arc you helping your
landlord build another home? If you are and- live 'in this
city of homes, the time has now arrived when you owe itj
to yourself and to) your family, that you mnake a chbingfe.
Let us present to you our plans of owning a home with a
small cash advancement.
1250 North Main St: Phone 7408

When you think of your typewriter need; Think of Rider's Pene Shop
where you have always had{ service.
Corona, Royal, and Remington Portables.
Underwood, Royal, Remington, Smith and other excellent Machines for rent.
Carbons and Ribbons (The Aulta Brand).

/~Wy# ' l .. ". pt r '-.r "
-\' Why the League?
arepreentngtheir season of FIVE
SPRING PLAYS, which opens Tues-
day night in the new Sarah Caswell
- An ;ell Hall with
The Fi reb. r an2d"
'1 ,o)r the benefit of the Woman's Build-
ing. The company is completely a
Michigan company--and the League
p ~Bui'.ding such a splendid project-that
isepcalyftigtheprftshud ,
. go to their million dollar fund ! All
v sects reserved, at 75 cents. Course ,
0Tickets-5 plays for the price of 4-atr
$3. On sale at the State Street book-


A Spectacular Musical Revue owith a "Night Club" Atmosphere;
which, Established Earl Carroll as a Pioneer with~ a Brand New
" < <vStyle of Entertainment.
JOS. DE MILT, Inc., Brings You
..I[.l.:L.P ?irolilAHFI7R '
F :"v- : ti : : i ::' ;' t

Mail Orders Now! 'Mail Orders Now !

Prices, Including Tax, $3.30, $2.75, $2.20, $1-65.

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