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May 01, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-05-01

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SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1927

Published ever morning except Monday
during the University yea r by the Board in
Contrel of Student Publications.#
Members of Western Confereace Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively e-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise'
eredited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann ArborI
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rateI
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.71; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
piard Street.I
Phronest Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 45
E ditor.............W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor................. Irwin A. Olian
News Editors .......... S rPedei Bholst
Women's Editor............Marion Kubik
!Sports, Editor ............ Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor'.........Morris Zwerdling
usto and Drama......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry
Caton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
"Joseph Brunswick

quired to accept a vast amount of su-
pervision while an education is forced
on them.
The sudden, appearance Af many
papers and magazines, published in
various places and composed of con-
tributions of men from many collegesI
causes one to question the real func-
tion of such publications and to in-
quire whether these things are not
running under false colors, catering!
to those outside undergraduate cir-
cles, in the guise of being the hither-
to "suppressed" pleas of undergrad-.
Things like this do little good for
the cause of higher education in Amer-
ica. They give the people on the out-
side who have little touch with col-
lege life the idea that college is a
great supression, and they cater to
those poor individuals within a college
who are always bewailing the lack of
a means of expression and yet who
would not recognize or be able to use
a means of expression if it were given
'to them.
These magazines may have a defi-
nite function. It may be that their
good lies in the fact that they will
acquaint one campus with the activi-
ties and opinions on other campuses.
In doing that they may fill a need.
But the benefits that they thus confer
will be' far outweighed by the harm
that they will do if the continue
these campaigns of "freedom" and
all the other trash by-words that are
acquainted with the new radicalism.
Freedom is never found by blatant

)IFLISSMusic and Drama Seniors
President Little was incorrectly THE MORTALITY OF THE ROAD SHOULD ORDERED
quoted in a Detroit "newspaper" as PLAY
saying that the noise of the skates j (The following article is quoted
kept him awake nights. The fact is from an editorial in THEATER by
he never complained at all, but the George Arliss. Mr. Arliss, an Eng-
news got to a Chicago firm selling lishman, has been for over twentyG-
rubber-tired skates and they sent off years playing to the American prov- At Both Ends of the Diagonal
a letter right away offering our Pres- inces, and in view of this is an au-
ident a way to get some sleep. thority on the situation. His most = u DIII IlIhIIIIIII tIllItIItlII
* * * distinctive contributions have includ- - --
In part the letter sad: "We note ed "The Green Goddess" a famous Penmakers
your criticism on the present roller melodramatic success( which the
skating fad and wish to advise for Rockford Players will adapt in their
the past five years we have been try- present season of repertory) and his4ou w i l a to ef
ing to sell our story to the American current production of "Old English"
public." If they had only yelled a lit- which has been on the road for sev-
tle louder.. eral seasons. With Otis Skinner and Riasterp efla'
* * * Mrs. Fiske he ranks as one of the
Furthermore the company says it most vital forces in the companies
hopes to "replace all of the steel who do not rely on a New York run
wheels with this Rubber Tire Skate." and a later tour of the major cities.) for exams. Why not get the U se of it now?
Anytime they want to begin, they can "The 'Road' is by no means dead. It has 6 to 12 times more ink capacity, always works and will outwear
have the key to the town. But a murderous hand has been laid
* ,k * several pens of any oher mk.
upon it and it is screaming for help.
Probably the idea was that the It has been so often held up with the * rS 9 i le
President, being, as they understood, cry 'money or your life' that it now
opposed to roller skates, would be so purposes to give its life.
over-joyed at learning of the new "Audiences may have been easier 315 State Street
noiseless skates that he would put to get in the past, but in my experi-
up a stand in Clippy Stadium and sell ence there has never been a time on SERVICE
their product for them. the road when people were more eager - - - - --
' _ t> _t


Marion Anderson
Margaret Arthur
~eaa Campbell
eassie Church
Chester E. Clark
Edward C. Cummings
Margaret Clarke
Blanchard W. Cleland
Clarence Edelson
William Eimery
Robert E. inch
. Martin Frissel
obert Gessner
Margaret Gross
Elaine Gruber
Coleman Glencer
Harvey Gunderson
Stewart H.ooker
Moiton B. Icove

Milton Kirshbaum
Paul Kern
Sally Knox
Richiard Kurvink.
G. Thomas McKean
Kenneth Patrick
Mary Ptolemy
Morris Quinn
James Sheehan
Sylvia Stone
Mary Louise Taylor
Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
William Thurnau
Marian Welles
Thaddeus Wasielewski
Shetwbr od Winslow
Herbert V- Vedder
Milford Vanik

Telephone 21214
Contracts .................William C. Pusch
_ ~Copywriting ..........hoas E. SunerlandI
Local Advertising ....Georges H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation ..............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication ...............John 11. Bobrink
Accounts...............Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Cooper
'arion L. Reeding A. M. IIinkgy
Marion Kerr E. L. Hulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott
Jon Russwinkle Harold Utley
Douglas Fuller Ray Wachter
Vrle C. Witham Esther Booze
SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1927
A strict ban on automobiles..pos-
sible night hours for fraternities and
men's rooming houses.. an espionage
system fo'r the detection and the an-
alysis of the student during his leisure
time and during the summer vacation
,.courses in concentrated judgment
hend wisdom..in short, absolute pa-
ternalism in American colleges. All
these are the pictures painted by
President Little in his speeches of the
past week 'before the students and
organizations of educators in con-
vention here.
Even granting that the University
has the right to do all of these things
and that the moves might further the
cause of actual education, it would
seem that the natural obstacles to the
plan make it impractical and almost
impossible of realization. There is, in
the first place, the question of admin-
istration and expense. The force re-
quired and the expenses involved in
the enforcement and execution would
cost many thousands of dollars. And
it would be difficult to get away from
the reforrgatory side of life, the danger
of moralizing .and idealizing, and the
painting of fanciful castles in the air.
Once started there would forever be
wrangling about't the actual results
of the work being done because of its
intangible nature and because of the
impossibility of ascertaining its suc-
Also there is the question of its
adaptibility to the American tempera-
ment. That temperament is essential-
ly one that prefers to succeed by its
own efforts, surmounting the difficul-
ties that may come, unfettered by out-
side pressure. The conditioning and
the restraint that has come into Amer-
ican life has been mainly that forced
upon it by the changing conditions of
modern civilization. Such paternal-
ism., while it may be logical in the
ideals of education, would have to
cope at once with this very human
factor of nature and temperament.
It is doubtful whether the very nature
of a people can be changed to conform
with the ideals of education or any
other endeavor,
On the whole it seems that the cir-
cle of prohibitions that would be
drawn around education would, in the

Mr. C. W. Barron recently told
President Coolidge that the United
States was approaching a new era in
which cycles of financial depression
would be entirely eliminated. This
was probably very true. Mr. Barron'
at least took the first step, a very
large one, toward making such a thing
a reality.
Most of the cycles of financial de-
pression which have been experienced
in this or any other country were
caused principally by the fact that
people thought they were inevitable.
They believed in that antiquated idea
that good things cannot last, and so
they prepared for the worst and got
exactly what they prepared for.
If people would only learn the bene-
fits of good constructive thinking and
realize that they will usually get
what they prepare fT-, things of this
type would be greatly decreased, even
though they were not entirely elimi-
American labor is well paid and
contented. The financial condition of
the country as a whole has never
been better. We have prosperity, why
not keep it? The way to lose it is to
prepare. for a subnormal condition.
To go sailing blindly on, with no care
for the future would be foolish, but
why cross bridges before we come to
While one must occasionally gasp
at the stupendous sums being spent
for the benefit of humanity in a social
way and occasionally thrill at the gi-
gantic organizations existing for the
aid of people generally, none the less
vital, worthwhile, and important to
the world's well being are little acts
of courtesy exhibited by strangers
1and friends to each other in the hum-
drum routine of every day life.
We venture to say, that just as
much happiness is put into the world
through minor acts of courtesy and
kindness as are evolved through all
our gigantic social welfare organiza-
tions. The cheerful smile of the thea-
ter usher, the pleasant voice of the
telephone operator, the greeting of
the postman, the hello of the traffic
cop, and the friendly nod of the boss
mean more to millions of people than!
all the work of the social foundations,
religious organizations, and civic as-
I sociations combined.
Many of the metropolitan newspa-
pers have published in recent year
special features under the name of
"The Inquiring Reporter", "Minute
Interviews" and the like, in which the
opinions of people selected at random
are gained on some subject. The
opinions are invariably off the subject
or reveal a startling ignorance of
things generally. Perhaps that is why
the topics are so often confined to
trifles such as the pleasures of motor-
ing, the benefit of exercise, and simi-
lar rot.
But in one respect these features
are helpful. The ignorance, preyu-
dices, and pre-conceived notions about
things expressed in these "interviews"
shows how contented the average
citizen is to let the world go by him
without attempting to know or under-
stand anything about it. They are


to see Lne goot spo en urama ai
If some company has a patented i more willing to pay for it.
rubber coating for sidewalks, we move "But ill treatment has made them
that the University invest in a few suspicious and their confidence must
miles of it. be regained. This cannot be restored
*#* * by either the actor, or the manager,'
FIRST PhOTOGRAPh 0 FV1SIT or the theater-owner working alone.
OF SANDI AN TO DIAGONAL It is a matter for concerted effort.
"Managers must cease sending poor
Wv I -4plays on the road in a frantic effort
r _to retrieve thte money lost in such
plays in New York. Actors must be
chosen because they are good, not,
"Somebody with a lot of sand' has because they are cheap, and the thea- 1
dirty-trieled me," said the Frolicking ter owners must bring their playhous-
Freshman as lie tried to skate down es up to modern standards.
the diagonal yesterday. "The road is the backbone of the
* * ' country's intelligence, and if it is re-
AT LAST THE SENIORS CAN covered it must be treated with all the
FLASH THOSE FANCY CANES respect that is paid to New York-
and a little more."

We are closing out all Spring Hats
at special prices. Light shades,
snappy shapes. Quality equal to the
We Clean and Block Hats
No Odor-No Gloss
Correct Shapes-No Burned Sweats
Factory Hat Store
617 Packard St. Phone 74151


at Granger 's

H AVE you ever wished for some place to go


you can thoroughly enjoy yourself? Where there is
an atmosphere of carefree jollity 'and limitless pep and
You will find just such a place at GRANGER'S

Just as delegates to a convention
wear big badges, so do seniors swing
canes today. After all you have to
admit that a senior ought to be recog-
nized. He's lived through four years
at this place, and now nears the end.
And as often happens in life, his mind
begins to weaken, and he does things
like carry ing a cane.
rimot hy Hay.
s* s
This ruling banning autos will
never go Into effect, we are sure of
that,. The new mayor of Ann Arbor,
Staebler the Oil Station King, will,
see to it that he doesn't lose all his
Note: The following is Slip-Shod's
entry in the tryout race:
* * .
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, II1.-What is expected to
effect drastic reforms in all advertis-
ing circles occurred today when Mr.
Gobert Slendersum, of collegiate and
Roquefort fame, signed up with aj
prominent national advertising com-
pany with head offices here this after-!
* * *s
An investigation conducted by The!
Daily last night in cooperation with
the Disassociated Press showed that
of the Big Six in the advertising game
in the country, four had called special
meetings of the directors and had
unanimously decided to immediately
suspend operations.
* * *
"This decision is final and perma-
nent," the president of one of the New
York firms declared over long distance!
last night. "When Mr. Slendersum
was in college there was no danger;
he was successfully selling nothing to,
merely college students. But when,
he succeeded in drawing Illinois
citizens to his cheese show the danger
was imminent. Now we cannot hope
to compete with any concern which
has secured his services."
* * *
Fire! Fire! false alarm
Worry not ,there'll be no harm
Tis just the name of Robert's play
And let me tell you anyway
That should some unseen care arise
Or students do not act unwise
And act as "pirates" mean and bad
Or otherwise make teachers sad,
Right then and there with quick dis-

Mr. McIntyre is bringing Earl Car-
roll's "Vanities" to the Whitney thea-
ter for one performance Thursday
night. The company is of doubtful
origin, probably the Night Club edi-
tion of last season (since the current
edition with the team of Moran and
Mack, Julius Tannen, Johnny Dooley,
and Dorothy Knapp is still at the Earl
I Carroll theater in New York). How-
ever, this (barring the opera and
Girls' play) is the nearest approach to l
eye and ear entertainment that ven-
tures beyond Detroit.
Speaking of the road ,probably the
most outstanding acheivement of the {
season in this direction is George C.
Tyler's revivl of Pinero's "Trelaw-
ney of tl e Wells," which will enter
the New ]Detroit Opera house for three
performances this week-Thursday
night, a Friday matinee and Friday
The cast is probably the most bril-
liant ever to take the road, and is
without question all-star: John Drew,
Peggy Wood, Helen Gahagan, Rollo
Peters, Mrs. Thomas Whiffen, O. P.
! eggie,...... and a dozen others.
There is nothing like a sentimental
evening in the theater, and a revival
of one of the most popular plays of aI
decade ago, with a cast such as Mr.
Tyler's should pack the house. I
Above all, Mr. Tyler must be in
sympathy with Mr. Arilss' standpoint
in the above articles. His motives
must be altruistic, for the salaries
should run into an unbelievable fig-
ure. It is the outstanding argument
for good drama, in conjunction with
excellent casting.
"La Sonnette d'Alarme" will be
given by members of Le Cercle Fran-
cais on Wednesday evening in the
Mimes theater. The play is one of the
most interesting from the standpoint
of the theater that the organization
has ever given, one of the few this
column can recommend without reser-
vation and mental finger crossing.
The tone and action are modern,
and have a sophisticated touch that
is in conception typically Gallic-and
the entire production smacksx of the
boulevard. This is somewhat a vio-
lation of previous policy, which has!
confined dramatic pabulum to the
stupid farces of the sixteenth century
and modern plays that have about as I
much theater in them as a comic
cartoon. The result of adapting a
comedy that is within the scope off
students, and at the same time a
definite contribution to the season is
I nrrnnm .'e' ,lihe .ha. this inter


Its primary purpose is to give the students


a pleasant place to spend their hours of recreation.
The music is furnished by Jack Scott andl his Wolver-
ines, whose harmony and rhythm have made them so popu-
lar with the students who attend our dances.
Granger' sAcademy
Dancing Every
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday


I, 4


Nfights (:5
The 75, $l1lU, $ 1.65
apts. (2:r ) 40ce t'., $1.10
Prices Include Tax
For the World's Screen Triumph

* -k inpks ralcament



Any fun is more fun with a Brownie, for you
can enjoy it again and again from your pictures.
It's time you got a Brownie. Let us show
you these capable, easy-to-work, Eastman


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