ARY 16, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILYS . Aeronautical Department Will Offer New Two Hour Course To All Students hn order to satisfy the request of ir. i, c rsa \.1 i7 I n Ur- mnerous studIents who wish to take versit.y (!cT rngw1l ot'i9'.. :ly ,aeronautical courses without entering conncthm vt the Naval Asir re- into the aeronautical engineering cur- sere. riculum, the University has arrang- T' whh will be taught ed to offer a course on aviation, the in the Uil; (,l Use include ;st rue- 'hours of which will be arranged ture n ign,'-hory o01 f:'h, use Thursday, Fe'b. 17, in room 348 of; of ak l'a i istrumaents-. aero- the West Engineering building. The )ogy,, aiaioncenines, and sea naya-' course will offer two hours credit :,xc. ~cursi these various and wjll be open to any student in; sul).c ct. h::fll b2 ie by p~rofessorsl the University. lo1'chiff t r ~tent s the geo-! The Univemity recently sponsored a le gy di rets vi11 Cake care of Series of lectures on practical fly- the aerl'Oiy phast, the me7Chan2 ical£ ilug' which started last November enginernglp 1:t 'uesna and were given by Naval Reserve of- tives wKill talk onl "aviation enigineS," licers whlo came here from Detroit; while an astronomy -professor will ev-ery week for that purpose. Due; lecture on "sea navigation." SMITH ELECTED BOARD' MEMBER Shirley N4. Saiithi, secretary of Gte a 'onday night. Secretary Smith stood' cit f 29 candidates, from which avnc ere elected. I ; YORK.-Conde Guell, the x ler y For d of Spain, visiting here, ryay stad in the presence of King Aifo-n-o without removing his hat. j nerlli:lY, her of the Ann Arbor the annual was chosen as a lca board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce at election which endled MIH +-IGA~N BELL r I F-L " 1: k, 1-1 %J IN 0 k, V" to dIelays which the plan has en-1 countered, the series of lectures were startedl late after the beginning of 'fhe semester and will not be con- VOudedl for three weeks. It is at a reg- ular r,.eeting of this course at 7:15z o'clock Thur'sday, that the hours for the course on aviation will be ar- TOKIO.-Plans are being consid (r-f edI for the rebuildling of the l oya S