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April 30, 1927 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-30

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................. ..........

"Enthusiasm For Work Of Teaching PLAY CAST GIVES1 Plans Mature For FACULTY WO
PRLYRIs lNecessary, Says Superintendent Malson Francaise
FoR UGH LAYI S !"Members of the Junior Girls' play The annal luncheon 'of the
LIDynamic, energetic personalities isportant, however there are sone cast sang for someone else's supper Plans for next year's new French ty Women's club will be held
are sought after in selecting prospec- who know the subject matter well last night at the Schoolmaster's club League House of "Alaison Francaise", day, May 5 at the Michigan
et itle With Mrs. Le And tive slhool teachers, according to sev- and do not teach very effectively. It banquet which was held in the ball- as it is tob e called, are slow ly ma-'Following the luncheon, there
Mie s Jessie Pistelle iead eral superintendents who have beenjis a splendid thing to have fine sch- room of the Union. Lois Porter, Jo- terializing. It is the desire of the of- a business meeting which ill
interviewing future instructors, dur- olarshipand I would not minimize its sephine Mitts and Margaret Cole re- ficials in charge of this project, that the annual report of all con
ing the Schoolmaster's convention. importance, often it is the inspira- peated the song and dance co "My all those women who are interested and the election of officers.
STO SE I In discussing the qualities which tion which lies between success and True Love is False" and "You Only communicate with Miss Alice Lloyd, The nominating committeesb
CH IE W REN TO dUSHER etermine the choice of an applicant disaster. The teacher with mediocre You," for which entertainment, the who is compiling a list and wishes to pared the following list of
for a position, Mr. Frederick A. Jef- scholarship who has qualities to fit Schoolmaster's club has promised to have all women interested in the ar- tions for next year's officers
Patrons for. the opening perform- fers, president of State Board of Ed- the teaching profession might be bet- give $25 to the Women's league fund. rangement come to her office as soon ident, Mrs. Henry M. Bates
ance of the spring plays which will ucation and superintendent ofter than the one having high scholar- Other numbers from the Junior as possible. president, Mrs. Walter Badge
be presented next week by the Rock- schools °n Paines, Michigan, said "I ship and lacks these qualities." Girls' play were given at the Physical T'he entrance requirements at first retary, Mrs. Floyd Bartell; tr
ford Players were announced yester- like th- dynamic, the energetic teach- "There are strong workers in both Education meeting in Barbour gym- will be only an "elementary knowl- Mirs. Preston James. Nominati
day. The list og sponsors for the first er. I lika those who are enthusiastic, sexes and we are glad to have both nasium yesterday afternoon. The edge of the French language," as stat-I the standing committees are:
production which will be a gala in- who take pride and Joy in the bus- in our schools. As for . the married Thug dance, the Butter-and-Egg men ed before in The Daily. Professor Mrs. A. B. Peck; refreshmen
terpretation of Justus Mayer's cos- mess, and are cooperative in spirit. woman in our schools, if she is qual- and the Tuxedo Kids performed. Talamon and Miss Lloyd ,who are su-
tume farce ;'The Firebrand" is headed They should be attractive and able ified, eager to teach and can do so Dancing by members of the physical pervising this project together, have
by President Clarence Cook Little to (ance and-now skate well. Ear- conveniently, she ought to do it. education classes including a series I in mind a definite house and hope to
and Mrs. Little and Miss Jessie Bon- nestn'ss is an important quality. Schools exist for the training of boys of Danish gymnastics was included, carry out their plans soon.
stelle, director -of the Bonstelle Play- "Thle applicant should have inter-.and girls not to furnish someone a
house in Detroit. Miss Bonstelle, has ests in extra-curricular activities. The b. Sex and marriage do not enter -

I Reports from the Leagu bridge
e Facul-parties held Saturday, April 23, are
Tcurs- due today
1Union.1 There will be a meeting of the
will be board of directors, both old and new,
include at 9:30 o'clock this morning in room
nuittees 110 Library. It is important that every-
one be present
has pre-1
sugges- Carl Coe; hospitality, Mrs. A. H.
: pres- White; programs, Mrs. Earl W. Dow.
vice- There will be a musical program.
er; see-
easurer, MOUNT HOLYOKE -Women stu-
ons for I dents will have to get permission from
house, ' the dean when they wish to accept
ts, Mrs. auto rides from men.


through her advice, assisted the corn- extent to which she engages in work IIIdHY
pany during its Rockford season and outside of her teaching duties should "I do not expect teachers to be per-
plans to attend several .of the Ann Ibe determined by own ability, not f when engaged. I think the super-
Arbor performances on her roturn doin; enough "to harm her school intoendents of school systems have
from New York. work, or to fatigue her. She shouldsemeris o ty inthep ow-
Other patrons for the opening per- have enough vitality to be joyous in teacher in a growth into greater pow-
formance include: Dean Humphreys; her larger contacts and free to er and effectiveness."
Secretary Shirley W. Smith and Mrs. choose her own outside contacts.
Smith; Miss Alice Lloyd; Prof. 0. J. "The nersonal appearance of the ap- TO DEDICATE BUILDING
Campbell and Mrs. Campbell; Prof. 1 plicant is an impor'tant factor in the
George W. Patterson and Mrs. Patter- choice of teachers. It is hard to define This year the program for the An-
son; Miss Grace Richards; Prof. what we mean by a good personal nual Oregon Agricultural College
Louis I. Bredvold and Mrs..Bredvold; appearance, neatness enters in but Women's day will be enriched by the l
Prof. F. N. Scott and Mrs. Scott; Prof. there is more than that, a clear, dedication of the new women's build-
John H. Muyskens and Mrs. Muy- straightforward look when the appli- ing. F rmal exercises will begin Sat-
skens; Pr'8f. S. F. Gingerich and Mrs. cant looks at you might be consider-' urday morning, May 7, with open
Gingerich; Miss Edith Thomas; Prof. ed an aspect of this favorable appear- douse at the women's building. A
John R. Brumm and Mrs. Brumm; ance." number of functions will be held the
Piof. David Owen and Mrs. Owen; Mr. "Grades in college work to quite an Iday before, centering around Dr. Jes-
and Mrs. Robert Mansfield; Prof.. extent are an indication of what the se F. Williams, professor of physical
Bruce Donaldson; Paul Buckley; Prof. applicants can do in the teaching education at Columbia University
Max Winkler and Mrs. Winkler; Mrs. field. Knowledge of the subject matter Teachers' College, New York, who will
Louis oy.ton and 'Dr. P. 0. Okkel- and professional training are both also give the dedicatory address.
berg andm y, hsrs. Okkelberg.
The company, which is hreaded bylaEuaettn..u ...................

tom"- ''-= ti J
/y r

Don't forget your Mother on May 8. After all,
candy makes the best gift that you can give her.
Prekete offers for your approval a variety of deli-
cious assortments, made in our own kitchen. The
attractive wrappings give oniy a hint of the good-
ness within.




_..._... _.__...r...r


-WA; - -



Robert Henderson, Amy Loomis and
other former Michigan graduates, ar-
rives- in Ann Arbor tomorrow after-
noon and goes into rehearsal of "The j
Firebrand" tomorrow evening. Special
matinees of this play have been pre-
sented during the past week in Rock-
ford in order that the performapce
Tuesday night may be absolutely fin-
ish ed.
The Players are bringing their en-
tire scenic equipment for the five
productions and sold-out houses are
anticipated. Last summer they netted
some $700 for tlh League fund and
with the additional cooperation of the
undergraduate campaign committee, a
large contribution from the present
se, ion is e~ et
Tle .. performance Tuesday night
starts promptly at 8:15 o'clock and
undergraduate women selected by Ev-
elyn Murray, '27, will act as ushers.

April Clearance Sale Today,\.\
Saturday. to make room for_
the arrival of Midsummer Hats.
Two groups of fine hats.
$3.50 and $7,50
ttt##t###t# t##C(tO Nt#ttIltS#U i#II #I#I#





109 South Main St.


Roller Skaters, Attention!

Just at a time when lingerie wardrobes need renewing
most, cones this offering of pongee garments! We
stress the importance of this event by advising you to
lay in a summer's supply.
Step-in sets, embroidered, hemstitched and edged with a
net footing-teddies in hemstitched tailored style, or
prettily net-trimmed style-Slips tailored with bodice top
and double hem-Gowns with V-neck piped in green, or
in bodice top style, embroidered and henistitched-
bloomers, tailored on well-fitting lines.

Chi Omega sorority announces
,pledging of Dorothy Carter,
Washington, D. C.; Jean Gilman,
Ann Arbor; and jaura Soule, '28,
bion, N. Y.


Why not roll down town today and find the
perfect meals at the perfect prices? Out of the
ten thousand students here half of you don't know
THE WOLVERINE CAFE serves real home
cooking that you are all used to and are looking
for in Ann Arbor.


Co-ed smoking has been approved
by men but not by women at Cincin-
nati University.

The simple coiffure demands
that the hair be in perfect
will insure this perfect condi-
tion of the scalp and will add
a delightful lustre- to the chic
S. Univ. (Over Student's Supply)
Phone 3839


11 11

: : _
. ..

. . ,.

Luncheon, 11:30---2:00


Dinners, 5:30-8:00 - - - - 65c

329 South Main St.

Across from the Wuerth Theatre



t 'a


Few of the outstanding features
of these sm'lpassing stockings.
No run that starts above can pass
the gold stripe.
The silk is 100% pure.
Free dye service. In addition to 38
regular colors, new stockings can
be dyed to match your sample.
DY .Accidental runs reknitted, pulled
threads restored, new toes and
heels inserted at cost.
Wear- Gotham Gold Stripe Silk
Stockings wear better,.no matter
what the occasion.
.1 6
" 'Price. Outstanding value at their
moderate prices.

o the La
You will find
eat satisfaction in making
your breakfast coffee right at
the table and serving it fresh,
hot and fragrant from a
handsome electric percolator.
Most modern homes use the elec-
trc percolator in preference to
the old-fashioned, and not always
very satisfactory, coffee pot.
If you are thinking of having
a percolator, a good time to
buy one is during theypresent
month. We are selling them
at special reduced prices
in April.
VAd Thek46f 4% DetoAOkA'%.dit ft

101-105 S. MAIN STREET



Have You a Savings Account?S
It is a Thrift ProducerS
It doesn't take a great deal of sacrifice to save a small
per cent of your income every month and it makes an enormous
budget at the end of the year. If you have not tried it and do
not know this to be the truth, let us assure you that it is.
Every good citizen has a savings account, and let us say to
the young man that if he wishes to be successful, this is the time

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