___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___THE MICHIGAN .DAILY YALE~ DODOMOIFE R 'egents Select McMurry To Aid Pill FBOfP flIRfl In Taking Land Survey Of Northern, State Area i e f ULLV I 1Vig [UiIIUU1U II x i neot~lg 01the Uoara 01 {e~entAin response to the Sug- NEW HAEN, Conn., Fe b. 15 fc ll of the state departmnent of Modifications inl the regulations gcv- c_ Profl Jl~. K. C. MVcMurry, ('2n71711adml'ission to Yale un1yciII "ctanhy departmntn, was haive b)een m Ade 1)y the board of *tI>'I~ O rP with the state in mliSRoIn, it b('ei1ca mkown ihere.,r!' jv''l= 14t he tehnlique of the Land cenltly, when flterepolrt of Prof. Robf - k'''il( irvoy, whosw' purpose is' ert N. Corwin, chairmnan of the boad, tl(y surve(I y il V I iurthierr to Pe.James 11. Angell, and t i .it iff o( ctlI ; 1)y tilis Sui- corporation was made public. Icy, Ii ureUP soil,-, l;? .o the,' landi, { t ; ~,I'll. is of imm~ens;e due: 1Onecl chl;An, tie "scholastI, ap ] il f 3t, ttCI S of((lii-O'vatlil. tUl(le tes," has gi(,oneciO ef[fi ,and will be reqi ei ,O eah t. in'.cn-Acworil has been dour lE',by the didlate for :admission to tihe freshma:lli''api ine yi~ars of i L& exist- class. h 211at-ly th' why le area "It1 Inot irtendedO," Profe ssor Cor-' ,t;n 1(-1."ha ti tslshall sit- I, c: (I anyOf elleet eu of jugingprepa rdness for college wr.I ts us e' will be tenltative at fii t, util xperencehas ,shown iits 0i !h " T b a d ( o pt 1 (i n o f t h is r". i r ' ~ I ( ~ i I l n 2 0 p r e t i I. LS ot ignfyas is sometiale.-(as- ---- n'P2V1k \'eland, N. Y. Telegram. IiTId htno applicant will be ad- L N mited t o tle llndlrr anete schools, L N whD'ea ItiODn, g i (10ll alnyllrcls: Vi,) r F),/* o igE'subj)et is uti 'tsfactor. "YOUN n,;orth;er1n Michigan will he mapped. Now a rapidl, reconnaissance' survoy hlas been proposed, whIose work would W: to blhck in the condlitions over the whole northern section of the s.ate ini a relatively short time, classifying lands and furnishing data which will accelerate the work: of the land Ecolnmic: Survey. It is this probliem, nCeer before attempted byI any .; >iate, with which Professor Mck- Mulvrry iiill deal. luriug; the corning summner Profes-1 sor1 IVIi,.II c, with assistants from : the geography department, will work on this survey, the department of THEATRE conservation taking care of all field Sulch a field course would be carried e lp)()4.-s. If the plan works out asx on as lpart of the Summer session ant icipated, it is hoped that it may ; curricula, a nd unique in character, l'~ rcrriedi further through the geo- should a tTact advanced students grpydepartment as a summer field, fromntere universities as well as' course inl which graduate~ students; from llichiga1l. Tihe works of the would make uIp at least part of the coming F mimer will determine justl field party, how far this plan may be carried. r 4g ~' \ EErobl:wthmot haesistht3h 'b ad. sno om ltlysftnd.Ti dot Popularity, It Isis r is: o s e to Hold Oler-Vl. hi i Pos.itively HI N, Awl blu'. Last, Opportim ity to See IU. You'll Say So To T fEi-AUTIUL NAHAIL AWHRN' LAST - TIMES -- TO--NITS A1 A EUTTI ' ' A TR IMM~tORTAL. CLASIC F r!d ey, Fe b. 2 . -Seats, Fob. 12 stands just this s:, o du radse. at east Ai 0, $2.00. $250 plutalx Y OOD3LEY" a rad s e. ,Al !Sf jFP oo'IFlU .m t RZ JFg-all I*Yml£S. i A LETE mneans half-cut hairs, "Pulling" razors. I Williams Shaving Cream corrects this state of affairs by producing a lather simply satu- rated with moisture. This moisture drenches U the beard bristles soft for easy cutting. all dealers, 35c and Soc. At willolams Shaving Cream ____ .. ' '" 7."- c3 '°W.: 4' 5 :: ¢: s ;Y:' 1 3 ' f " a' ' . 5 'J ' "ray i f " fi . '.'"+t{ '" { t' : d ADOLP+j' f ZU OR /': ;: Tr } "r ,. , fy " ,,"'.: .; , : q' z ti, 't {. .,p" 1r~ 4M".L.S J t, v.: ::.{.: } id i.r Y " ._;y } ,M ".;4:L:$;}?:". :}4 JACK ' , "' HORL2,T:' s.RGA AL + ;, ,."''"".ELBREND; .'is.T 1 7ul No more haunting, taunting hot-pipe Blues! 7ioe ..0 fe'7 Aetrqq-b1dwYnp yr PICT URE .,.t 1 74 \'N I -'I'4 Ii f r ---.,._ r ., ",-" ./ .__ l 1 4 Member I'-ie Th'iis Comes ~ Y r It's "eli 01l I atioi ite' ETOMORROWI NIGHT ONLY NON-PROFESSIONAL TRYOUTS' ISCbO VERY NIG T I Tomorrow Night only, stage attraction at 8:30 between the first and second shows O) N ' ilE $CJIEE N TOMORRtOW 1MGHT AD) ALANCE OF THE !W14K t "THE HOT-PIPE BLUES" is now a back-numnv ber ... a dirge of day's gone by. Pipes no longer moan, "What'll I do?" They've changed their tune to "Sweet and cool," and "Th lis is my lucky da y!" ' Sio, if your pipe still gets red-hot, it's ten- to-one you're still smoking tobacco that's cut too ine. Finely cut tobacco burns fast and naturally smokes hot... PIPE tobacco should be cut in large flakes ... slow- burning .., cool-smoking! Try this on your pipe: First ream it clean, then fill it ftull of Granger Rough Cut ... It's the latest pipe-hit, a perfecot classic, never gets hot. Notice howe slow Granger 's rough flakes burn... how cool it smokes. Like a sea-bree :e from morning till night. Granger ends all your pipe discord. For it's neither sharp nor flat-but smooth and "mellowdious"... Just keep your old pipe packed with Granger and life'll, be one long sweet song ! DAN And you know site ill bring more la fs tlian bag of moitkeys as Jr T' f, , '" :< a,. .j > is .,,..,.. I A A k - I 1 1 If you get a thrill out & SPEED and F£MI'INv'IM r> F I F4 BEAUTY-you h ave a wonderful -'KICK' com to you when you see Pr; F cilila Dean in thisSZlir , e., .. ;, fltcomedy-rjomance. j J It's thrills and laughs-PlInJ s s IN rrt to 4CTO*T aouti An all -~~..a d I cents, the foil-pouch packcage, sealed in r J gla Sitec, is ten cents. 4.1r 3 - i _ - . I hR;l i