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April 29, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-29

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Af, APIL29, 1927 ___THE MICHIGAN- D~AILY PO ~~!1


Iducational (*I-gin7iiz J11I1itii i u-i leg~es are ipointed out.i
ate Eight Active euijes t1're-I booklet preparedl and j
ceding Reunioni Ba~nquet by Jefferson D. Burrus,
_______on the U niversity of W i;
K~i E EADS PAKS all tearm for three year,
KYTE HEA SSPEAKE s o ct''aptain of the un:,
and as recently elec

A THLE TE CI TES FIVE PRINCIPAL DEFECTS f intercollegiate competition either to
OF ATIHILETIC ORGANIZATION NOW IN VOGUE J y un ;)iniand;snos or psooot-
- - - a N pracWt ices- and lIniflaion of thej
>in the cur- I present system has unfortunately led 1 Secondly, he believes " the majorily length of practice for all branches of
esgandzatol-n h high school student to enter the lacks opportunity for athletic parti-,i athletics.I
:es an co0-paeUi~'ywt h imcnito cipation." Further, he states that! Burrus declares also that students#
jus reeasd!that athletic supremacy is the height varsity athletics are too much in the' should be limited to one sport a year.
jus rleaedlimelight with a. corresponding de-1
Jr., star end; of a college student's ambition. crease in the importance of' other!_____________________
isconsin foot-I The first of the five faults he finds activities, and that "cut-throat con-'
s. Burrus is in the present athletic system is in petition is forced on the coaches by AM ERICAN RUG
iversity crew the fact that "athletics are too in- the football public, and the general CLEANING
scted Rhodes; tense for a few; several hundred men attitude of alumni tends to accentu-
at most bear the athletic burden of atWh vl ftesiuto. ia-~ORNK
'as issued by the entire university, enjoying its T Y ectstelako oto frhere ar e nix' a fexxin the
Cwhich Bur- benefits and suffering its in urious thlletics by stuidenits an~d fauly.United States like this high
ims that the effects." graide orkoi\s and nione other
As remedies for the above situation, near you.
the Wisconsin athlete Ihas listed six Oriental Ru s wxashied
changes in the athletic administra- . b Experts.
tion which he believes should bel Oiinal color s aie restored.
made. They include replacement of 1 Pure Soaps - Rugs Repaired
freshman and sophomore gyminasium, Refereonce:
work by two yeairs of compulsory Ann iArbo)0r'Sav~ings Bank
t~ SS ETsports making this a training ground or your nmghbor.
for varsity athletes; linmitation of Da 15 1l-#?Ge2 f


Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary,
educational society, will hold a ire-
union and 'initiation banquet at 6t
o'clock tonight, at the Union, eight'
active and one associate members be- -
ing admitted to the organization at f
that time. The ceremonies of initia-
tion will take place at 4 o'clock, to
be followed by the dinner, during
which new officers, forthe coming year
will be installed }
Prgf. J. B. Edmonson, of the School
of Education, will act as toastmaster1"
at the banquet, and Prof. G. C. Kyte,
School of Education, heads the speak-
ers on the program. More than 100
active and associate,, members .haveI
signified their intention of attendingI
the reunion of 'Omega chapter.
Reginald. D,: acNitt, former corres-,
ponding secretary of the society, will
become presiet, and other officers
to be installed are Lewis W. Keeler,
vice-presidnt;_Hlenry H. Fuller, re-
cording secretary; Lynn M. Bartlett,
of the Schol of- Education, corres-
ponding secretary; William W. Ar-
nold, historian; and Paul J. Misner,
Dr. Gerald W. Fox, head of the
pyhsics and chemistry department of
the university high school,a will be-1
come-an associate member of the so-
ciety.; The active members, profes-
sors or principals of the high schools
of Michigan,"that, vill be initiated in-{
clude;C. T.-Anderson, U. S. Beach, E.
W. Doty," W. A. Goudy, J. 0. Grimes,
I. A. ,Hyamnes, C.1I Roosenroad, andI
W. F ; Wilcox.
At 'the Saturday noon luncheon o I
the brganization tomorrow at the'
Union, Milo H. Stuairt, principal of the
Arsenal Technical- high school of In-
dianapolis, one of the mhost outstand-
ing high school principals of the Mid-
dle West, will talk to the members of
Phi Delta Kappa.,
OREGON-Two silver loving cups
are to be awarded to the winning
houses in the annual song contest.

sch olar from his stateC.
'i he booklet, which xv:
the Wisconsin Union, of
rus is vice-pre'sident, clai





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So great has been the praise of our Double Feature 'Program that we could
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Here He Is-
With a Smile
h a Mile Wide!
You don't have to be a baseball fan1
Ito laugh at this sparkling comedy-
It's Beery at his funniest, and with him
a team of ball players that are funnier
than a circus of clowns.
Presenting our second feature
on this Program.





.q Aicu v

... ..:.




Tell Dad or Mom-Then Be Here

Words Fail Utterly to Describe
This Marvelous Picturization
Art Young
The World's Champion Bow
and Arrow Hunter, Adventurer
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Special Extra
Children's Matinee Party
Saturday-2 :00 and 3:40
Fr'ee-All Parties of Four
Children,, One Will Be
Admitted Free.



lu~t.u - I airL iDArX
ThisOne IOIC f~ ~ Ut~iPetite

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