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April 29, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-29

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Sir i1au




VOL. XXXVII. No. 149






State Oflkis 'Confer With lioover
Concerning Dynamiting Of Crev-
vasse In. Levee
(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, April 28--Thin
picturesque city of half a million
people turned hopefully tonight for
salvation from the floods which have
already laid waste more than 11,000
square -miles of the richest areas in
the three lov er 'Misssippi ?va)lley
This hope was staked on the break-
ing of the levees at Poydras, twelve
miles south, at noon tomorrow, as a
means of lowering the level of the.
raging torrent, which already at
places lashes at the very summit of*
the protecting dikes along the famous
Crescent bend where the water every-,
where tops the city itself.
Will Make Crevasse
Louisiana state officials pointed out ;
to Secretary Hoover today the spot
where dynamite charges are to be set
off to make the first artificial crev-
asse In the hundreds of miles of le-
vees ever found necessary in all the'
history of Mississippi "river floods.
This spot is opposite the celebrated
old Poydras plantation, the original
grant of which dates back to the days I
of French control of the MississippiE
valley. Plans of state engineers re-
garding the exact methods to be
used and . the extent of the break
to be made, still were carefully guard-
ed secrets.
Those versed in river engineering
lore, however, said there would be
little o fthe dramatic about the ac-
tual break itself; that probably small .
charges of dynamite would be used
so as not to weaken too great a
stretch of the levee with the mighty
rush of the flood current left to com-
plete the break thus begun.
This would mean that the inunda-
tion of the parishes of St. Bernard
and Plaquemino would be very grad-
ual with time still left for the hun-
dreds of residents who have refused
to join the caravans of refugees to
make their way to safety.

BY '0111flhyHay
There are more than 3,000 pairs of
roller skates in actual use on Ann
Arbor's sidewalks, a poll in hardwarej
stores yesterday, by The Daily, show-
ed. If the same number of boiler
factories were set side by side, the
noise wouldn't be half as bad as that
the skaters make.
These 3,000 skaters are expected to
he joined by at least a thousand more
before the premier event of. Ann Ar-
bor's rolling circles, next Wednesday,
when Martha Cook dormitory is to
hold a skating meet on South Uni-
versity, for the the benefit of the
Women's league, as usual.
"There has been more life on the
campus in the past few days," said
President Clarence Cook Little yes-
terday, "than at any time formerly,
and I am glad of it. This roller skat-
ing instills a better spirit in the Uni-
Denying emphatically reports print-
ed in a Detroit morning paper, that
skaters had kept him awake nights,
President Little said it "hadn't bother-
ed him in the least." We don't ima-
gine he has any too much spare time
for sleeping anyway.
As far as disturbing classes is con-
cerned, the skaters haven't caused
much trouble as yet, because the mainj
excitement is at night, the President'
believes, but if the students in the
Library continue to be bothered by
the racket, he said, something, such

as roping off a quiet zone around the
building, may have to be tried.
"But the students would be the ones
that would be anxious to bring that
about," he added, "for they are the
ones that would be hurt by the noise."
"I wonder," mused the President,
"if the decrease in the number of
skaters on the campus today was due
to sore muscles." With visions of
President Little skating down the
diagonal on his way to one of those
often-postponed meetings of the
deans, we asked him if he were in
"No," he replied, "I have never
skated in my life, and I don't intend
to take it up now. There's too much
President Little strongly favors the
skating meet planned by the Martha
Cook girls. Permission was granted
by city officials yesterday to rope
off about two blocks of South Univer-
sity Wednesday evening from 7 until
10 o'clock. Admission will be charged
at so much a skate, with no cheap
skates allowed. Music will be pro-
vided, and various races and fancy
skating contests will" be held. And
they're going to have refreshments.
The League fund holds the hat.
No detours have been reported by
the B. and G. department,, and side-
walks, though visibly wearing down,
are still standing up well under the f
strain. What we need, is either rub-
ber-tired skates or rubber sidewalks.



Students Whose Applications Have!
Not Been Acted Upon Are
Not To Drive
With students continuing to apply
for permission to drive cars at the
rate of almost one hundred a day, the
committee in charge of enforcement
and the clerical force of the office of
the dean of students were swamped?
with applications yesterday. The
immense number of requests to con-
sider, which is much larger than was
anticipated, has resulted in delay in
some cases, but the committee, meet-
ing daily, is progressing as rapidly
as possible.
No cases calling for suspension from
the University have been reached as
yet, but the probation list is growing
daily. Numbers taken at random on
streets near the campus reveal that
fewer and fewer unregistered cars
remain in operation. Most of these
are operated by students who have ap-
plications in, and are under the im-'
pression that they can drive until
o dered not to. The committee point-
ed out that no student is authorized
to drive until he has with him the
Univer.y p mit, signed by Dean
IBursley. Delay in some cases is in-
evitable, due to the number of re-.
quests now pending, but since these
students are to blame for not regis- t
tering sooner, the committee does notj
believe it to be asevere hardship for
them to leave their cars parked until
their requests are acted upon.
No statement on the automobile
situation, except that registering ap-
proval of student roller skating, has
been issued by the President since
his address at Hill auditorium last
Sunday. Whether the efforts of the
student-faculty committee to enforce
the present rules and the rush of.
students to register their cars have al-
tered the situation that led the Re-
gents to recommend a complete ban,
on student cars is not known.v

SY}v .. ' .

Tie Vegetation Of Africa" Is Subject
Given By Professor Shantz In
Illustrated Talk

More Than 1500 Delegales Registered
Here For Schoolmasters' Club
Convention Meetings

Aina Arnold, '27
Who will lead the grand march of
-the seventh nnual Military Ball to-
night with John Lovette, '27E, chair-
man of the committee.
Seventh Annual Military Ball To BeI
held In Union Ballroom Fro I
9:30 To 2 O'clock
Culminating months of preparatory
planning the seventh annual Military
ball will be held tonight in the ball-i
room of the Union. Dancing will be

Prof. Charles E. Merriam, head of 1 President Clarence Cook Little,

the department of political science at
the University of Chicago, and Prof.t
H. L. Shantz, of tne University of Il-
linois, gave the principle addresses at
the second day's sessions of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,
and Letters yesterday. Professorl
Shantz spoke at the afternoon ses-
sion on "The Vegetation of Africa"
and Professor Merriam addressed the
evening meeting on "The Role of Tra-
dition in Civic Training."
"Too much significance is placed on
uncritical tradition, and too little on
originality and invention in the realms
of politics and government, "declared
Professor Merriam. "We do not reject
new machinery in our industries be-3
cause it is new; why should we do it
l in politics? The spirit of change and
I unrest is. typical of our age-but not
! in politics. We have allowed ourselves
to fall into an attitude of frowning
upon any change in our governmental
Criticizes Existing Laws
Professor Merriam sverely crit-
icized the laws existent in many
states which practically forbid any

speaking at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
Hill auditorium on "The High School
from the Point of View of the Uni-
versity," will give the principal ad-
dress of the day before the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club. The Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts, and Let-
ters, meeting here also th's week, will
hold its rlast sessions this afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium, when
a general business will be held, in-
cluding an address by O. J. Murie on
the "Alaskan Brown Bear."
. More than 1,500 delegates had reg-
istered for the 62nd meeting of the
Schoolmasters' club last night, and
over 500 members of the Michigan
Academy are attending the meetings
of that group which opened Wednes-
day afternoon. The sessions of the
Schoolmasters' club thus far have
been largely occupied with, group
meetings and discussions, while the
delegates to the Michigan Academy,
in addition to the address by Prof.
Charles Merriam of the University of
Chicago, held 11 sectional meetings
yesterday during the morning and

'Tsuneo- Matsudalra Will Speak At
Convocation In Hill Auditorium
At 11 O'clcok
His Excellency, Tsuneo Matsudaira,
Japanese ambassador to the United
States, will deliver an address at 11
o'clock this morning in Hill audito-
rium in a University convocation for
students, ifaculty, and jnemibe rs of
visiting educational groups convening
in the city. '
The convocation will be the second
all-student convocation of the year,
and 11 o'clock classes in all colleges
and schools of the University will be
suspended to permit students to at-
The speaker has had a long and

Select iPlace For Break distinguished career in the Japanese
Selection of the place for the break diplomatic service. For a number of
was made today by Colonel Marcel years he was an attache of the Japan-
Garsaud, general 'nanager of the New ese embassy in London, England; in
Orleans stock board, who cruised 1914 he was appointed consul-gene-
down the river with Secretary Hoover, 1 ral at Tientsin; in 1921 he was a
personal representative of president member of the Japanese delegation
Coolidge in the flood area; Major to the Disarmament conference held
General Jadwin, chief of army engi- in Washington; and le was appointed
neers, and James L. Seifer, acting Japanese ambassador to the United
chairman of the Red Cross. States in March 1925.
As the party was returning up- Ambassador Matsudaira arrived in
steam on a government craft, three Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon, ac-
rifle shots rang out from the west companied by Mrs. iMatsudaira and by
bank, across the river from where Tejiro Tamura, Japanese consul at
the crevasse is to be made. Whether Chicago. The party arrived from De-
the shots came from civilian guards troit following a busy day with De-
on the levee or from trappers beyond troit officials and friends including
was not determined, but if they were Charles B. Warren, former American!
directed at the launch, they "went l ambassador to Japan. A number of
wide their mark. diplomatic calls were made during
- I the day, and automobile plants in-
STUDENT COUNCIL satlmer Christian, University or-
APPROVES SINGS ganist, will give a selection on the
organ. Ambassador Matsudaira's sub-
Senior Sings, arranged by a com- ject has not yet been announced. The
mittee of the senior literary class for l convocation will begin promptly at
Wednesday, May 11, and Wednesday, 11 o'clock.
May 25, were approved by the Stu-
dent council at its meeting last night. FORD W ILL GIVE
The council also endorsed the plan;
of a course in the history and tradi- HISTORY LECTURE
tions of the University, to be given I
during the first semester of each year. "The Raw Materials of History" Will
The course, to be compulsory for Be Subject This Afternfon.
freshmen and open to all others, will
consist of lectures every two weeks. Taking as his subject "The Raw
It is probable that President Little Materials of History," Dr. Worthing-
will deliver the speeches. ton C. Ford, secretary of the Massa-
The council took no action on the chusetts Historical society, will de-
automobile question. liver a University lecture at 4:15
o'clock today in the University High
DEAN DAY WILL DISCUSS I School auditorium. The lecture will
BUSINESS AS A CAREER be open to the public.
UAAA reception was held for Dr. Ford
Wednesday evening at the William
Dean Edmund E. Day, of the School L. Clements library. He spoke on
of Business Administration, will give the subject "The Unique in Collec-
a lecures a4:10strlockona i i ntions of History," at that time. He
Natural Science auditorium on "Busi-1 also spoke yesterday noon at the. his-
ness as a career for college men," it tory department luncheon.
was announced yesterday by Dean Dr. Ford is regarded as one of the
John R. Effinger, of the literary col- foremost historical editors of the
lege. There are many freshman and I United States. At present he is the
sophomore students who have not as! editor of the publications of the Mas-
yet (etermined upon their vocation !sachusetts Iistorical society. It
yndeit is for the benefit of these stu- addition to writing several books, o1

Prospects For Mimes Choruses Should
Register Any Afternoon
Of Next Week
Tryouts for next year's Union Opera i
choruses should register at the Mimes
theater between 2 and 4 o'clock any!
afternoon next week it was announc-
ed yesterday by E. Mortimer Shuter,
Opera director.
Contrary to previous custom, no
personal letters will be mailed to in-
dividuals this year, and as a conse-
quence all those wishing to try for
places in the production must reg-
ister at the Mimes theater on one of
the days fixed. As soon as all the reg-
istrations are made, rehearsals will
begin and new men will be given an
opportunity to learn some of the steps
before college starts next fall.
More than 40 men will be used in
the chorus of next year's production
again, Mr. Shuter explained. No pre-
vious experience is required and an
especial effort will be made to bring
out men in groups from fraternities
and rooming houses.
Last year, in both the spring and
Ifall registrations4 more, than 1,100
men reported. Those who report in
the spring have the added" advantage
of two months training over the men
who come out in the fall, it is pointed
The Opera next year will take
practically the same tour as it has in
the past, touching 12 cities including ,
the East.
Although all applications for -nom-
ination to the elective offices of the
Union must be filed by 9 o'clock to-
morrow morning members desiring to
have their name placed on the ballot
by means of petition circulation will
have until May 7.
The recently appointed nominating
committee will consider - all written
applications, and place upon the bal-
lot for voting at the campus Spring
elections May 11 the names of sev-
eral which it considers most eligible.
All students presenting petitions prop-
erly signed by 200 members will auto-
matically have their names placed on
the ballot.
Applications and petitions for these
offices of president, vice president, of
which there are five, and recording
secretary, may be left at the main
desk in the lobby of the Union or with
the present president or recording1

The committee will meet again at',
3 o'clock this 'afternoon in the office
of the dean of students. Meetings are 1
scheduled daily until the requests on
hand have all been considered and un-1
registered cars eliminated. I
Choice Of Band For'
Senior Ball Is Made



Jack Crawford and his orchestra,'--
of Chicago, have been selected by the
Senior Ball committee as the musicj
makers for this year's senior class {
social function which will be held
May 20 in the Union ballroom, Stuart
H. Sinclair, '27, chairman, announced;
The orchestra, a ten-piece organi-
zation, first came into promimence in
Chicago, being featured over the radio
and in various night clubs. Recent
engagements including the Senior
Proms of Wisconsin, Illinois, and
Notre Dame universities have con-
tributed to their mid-western popu-
larity, and their appearance here will
presentaa new type of specialty
dance orchestra to this campus.
Applications for tickets to the1
Senior Ball will be ready for distri-
bution from 1 to 5:30 o'clock 'on Mon-
day and Tuesday at the side desk in
the lobby' of the Union, it was an-!
nounced yesterday.
non -y -
Nominations for offices of the Ora-
torical association have been comin-
pleted by the organization's nominat-
ing committee, according to announce-
ment by J. B.. Mikesell, '27L, presi-
dent. The committee's nonminationsl
For president--Robert S. Miller,
Spec.; Robert E. Minnich, '28; Nor-
man C. Bowersox, '27; for vice-presi-I
dent-Lyle E. Eiserman, '28; Stephenl
E. Jones, '27; James T. Herald, '28;
for secretary-Laura Soule, '28; Hilda
Mary Evans, '29; for treasurer-Pauly
J. Kern, '29; Walter North, '28.
Any others who desire to be-
! come candidates for offices are auto-
matically eligible to run for the of-
fice upon the presentation of a peti-
tion signed by 200 members of the as-
sociation. Such petitions must be in
I the hands of Mikesell by Tuesday.

I ;

anes of the stated sort, adding, Guthe Presides
continuous from 9:30 until 2 o'clock however, that they are harmless since Carl E. Guthe, associate director of
to the music of Guy Lombardo's Royal they could never be enforced. The anthropology at the University nxu-
Canadian orchestra of Cleveland. state of mind he considered to be seum, presided at the sectional meet-
The grand march will be led by I more dangerous. He expressed the ing on anthropology, held in the Nat-
Anna Arnold, '27, and John Lovette, opinion that perfect trust might be ural Science building yesterday morn-
'27E, chairman of the affair. placed in a group of well-balanced ing.
Favors and programs will be dis- citizens, but laid emphasis on the The botany section, with Miss Mary
tributed at the entrance to the ball- ! fact that the basis of civic training A. Goddard as chairman, also met
room. The committee has requested lies in more invention, adaptation, yesterday morning and five papers
that women refrain from ~Wearing i and adjustment. were read. At a continuation of the
corsages. Both tuxedos and military "The teachings of tradition are cap- meeting held yesterday atternoon, six
uniforms will be considered appro- italized by the 'group itself," con- 'additional papers were presented.
priate dress for the affair. All the tinned the speaker. "They serve as t The section on economics and soci-
tickets for the ball have long been camouflage for sinister activity. Exag- ology, with 'Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson
sold out, and it was necessary to re- geration of loyalty may become intol- i of the economics department as chair-
fuse many applications. erance, and here the demagogue man, will also meet this morning in
The Royal Canadians will come thrives most freely. Discrimination the Economics building. Prof. L. J.
here from Detroit, where they have I and justice should be the highest vir- Carr of the department of sociology
been playing special engagements. tues of citizenship, but they are not will preside at a round table discus-
This will mark their third appearance taught in her worship. Evidently sion on county studies, while three
in Ann Arbor, as they have played at Washington was applauded every step papers will be given on economic sub-
the past two J-Hop parties. of the way-evidently. This is a long jects.
The list of patrons and patronesses step from the average state election. The geography section met yester-
is as follows: Regent T. 0. Murfin, "The worship of tradition involves day morning and afternoon under the
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Clements, inflexibility, hate, and propaganda, chairmanship of L. R. Schoenmann.
Prof. and Mrs. H. W. Miller, Prof and and it requires very skillful opera- Eight papers were presented at these
Mrs A. W. White, Major and Mrs. Rey- tion to overcome these. More often1 meetings, which were held in Angell
nold Melburg, Dean and Mrs Mortimer they are not. Social energy has to be hall.
E. Cooley, Coach and Mrs. Fielding H. consumed on a large scale."' The longest session of the confer-
Yost. The chaperons will be: Presi- The speaker described ,the studies ence is being held by the section of
dent and Mrs. Clarence Cook Little, which had been undertaken by a geology and minerology under the
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, group, revolving ab it the traits of chairmanship of Walter A. Ver Wiebe
Prof. and Mrs. J. R. Hayden, and Col. political leaders, the traits of citi- of the geology department. In the
and Mrs. J. H. Lovell. zens, and the methods of civic train- sessions held yesterday morning and
'ing, and told of the various groups afternoon the program was started
which he had observed to that end last and the remainder of the 21 papers
Gessner Is First in year in Russia, where vast sums are to be presented will be given thir
-"- being spent to analyze a situation not morning in the Natural Science build-
Oratonical Contest yet understood. In conclusion, he de- ing.
clared that "democracy is approach-- Four papers will be given this
' ing its supreme test in history, with morning in the section on history and
Robert J. Gessne, '29, carried off the rise of the present government in political science which meets under
first honors last night in the Thomas Russiaad Iy v onerough the chairmanship of Prof. Preston
E. I-1. Black New Testament contestRsianItl.EeyothugI
eld inH Ange BhalklN w ithsiam oront leisure, is becoming a citizen. There Slosson of the history department,
heldn Angell hall, with his oratn is a new world in view. Universal and three were given in the section
entitled: "The Brotherhood of Man.s ducation is the basis of this new on language and literature which was
By virtue of his victory Gessner was .educdtyosterdayembasing.fPrhi. Cewrpos
By vmcory Ilitical system, evolved through an era' held yesterday mornzing. Prof. Charles
awarded $100 and a gold medal. r E. Whitmore of the rhetoric depart-
Second place was won by Carl An- of adjustment. Traditions have never ment presided at this meeting. Four
deer, '29, with his oration, "Faith, The { been weaker than they are now. Their memrt pres at this eetin Four
Indipenabl," nd as wared 50.glory and utility will linger, while more papers in this section were given
Indispensabe," and was awarded 50. r ntii will w yesterday afternoon and the meeting
Ledlie DeBow, '27, won third place their constrictions will pass awa of the group will he concluded this
with the award of a special bound Professor Shant meaks morning when the final three papers
Bible. Showing the relationship .of topo- onf the program will be presented.
Thomas E. H. Black, 'i4, of Detroit graphy and climatic conditions to the The section on mathematics, with
inaugurated the contest last night, development of vegetation in progres-I A. L. Nelson as chairman, met yester-
which will become an annual affair. sive cycles, Professor Shantz, spoke day and heard six papers, and the
The themes of the orations were based before the geography section at the psychology section, under Prof. John
upon some inspiration of the New afternoon meeting. F. Shepard of the psychology depart-
Testament, with religious prejudices In pointing out that characteristic I ment, will meet this morning. Prof.
avoided. types of vegetation found in each of!M.H Soule of the Medical school
Last fall Gessner placed in the ex- the distinctly classified altitude lev- presided at the section on sanitary
temporaneous contest and while in els, he illustrated his lecture with, and medical science which was held
high school won the Upper Peninsula ! colored slides which he took during yesterday in the Medical building, and
oratorical honors. his two field reeearch trips from eight papers were read there. The
Cape Town to Cairo, and upon which meetings were continued yesterday
OHIO STATE-The Lantern is run- he wrote a book entitled "The Soils afternoon and the remaining 16 works
ning a series of articles by prominent and Vegetation of Africa," in collab- were given, most of them by members
alumni telling what they would do if l oration with Dr. C. F. Marbut f te of the University faculty.
they were allowed to take their uni- I United States Bureau of Soils. Miller Will Speak
versity work over again. "The continent of Africa, which is The section of zoqlogy, with Charles
_- over four times as large as the Unit- W. Creaser as chairman, held meet-
ed States, offers excellent opportunity ings yesterday morning and afternoon
FIRST ACCIDENTS FROM for the study of vegetation under and will complete its program of 25
ROLLER SKATING OCCUR 1 natural geographical conditions," he 1 papers this morning in the Natural
(! declared, "as it still remains in a Science building.
First casualties due to the comparatively undeveloped and un-i In addition to the spech of Pres-
roller skating fad were reported disturbed state, although it is as old ident Little at the session of the Mich-


j' Senior men of all schools and
colleges will appear on the
campus Sunday carrying their

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