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February 16, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-16

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Iw/ ww s 1_ 1 11®IIi

Premier Urges Naval Construction
Although Representatives Will
Attend Conference
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Feb. 15.-The French gov-
ernment has politely declined Presi-
dent Coolidge's proposal for a new
naval disarmament conference.
The French reply, made public this
evening, says that the government is
convinced that following the Amer-
ican proposal would risk compromis-
ing the success of the work which
the League of Nations has already un-
The reply, which was written by
Foreign Minister Briand, and approv-
ed by the entire cabinet, takes the po-
sition that the circumstances of today
are different from those of 1921, when
the Washington conference was re-
stricted to the limitation effort of a
few powers.
Today, the note said, disarmament
limitation can be considered only as a
Believe All Nations Involved
The note says that in the eyes of
the League of Nations there is a prin-
ciple that all states, small and large,
alike, are on an equality. For France
to enter a limitation agreement of a
selected few powers would not be true
to this principle, the note contends.
To limit efforts to holding down
armaments to a few powers and a few
types of fighting machines would, it
is added, exceed the authority of the
League and at the same time violate
the principle of equality of all na-
"It is to the interest of all the
navies of the world," the note asserts,
"to be associated in the deliberations
on such an important problem."
M. Briand takes several occasions
to hamier home the point that the
League is the place to talk disarma-
ment and put such words into action.
He concludes by expressing the hope
that the United States would continue
to associate itself with the prepara-
tory commission of the League in
making a study of armaments.
TOKIO, Feb. 15.-Premier Kakat-
suki told the House of Peers today
that naval construction should pro-
ceed in Japan notwithstanding the
government's decision to participate in
the naval disarmament conference
proposed by President Coolidge. The
premier urged the peers to pass the
naval construction bill because, he
said, it was impossible to foretell the
result of the conference of world
The cabinet discussed the wording
of its acceptance of President Cool-
idge's invitation to the conference, buti
decided that further discussion wasl
necessary to frame its reply. Thel
memorandum is expected to be for-'
warded either this week or early next
Japan Drafts Reply
The reply, it is generally under-
stood, will contain no reservations,
the cabinet having so insisted.
Although it is known that the navy
staff desired a clause in the accept-
tance stating Japan's attitude con-
cerning the 5-5-3 ration of capital
ships tonnage, Minister of the Navy
Takarabe is said to have voted with
the others of the cabint. He insisted,
however, that the navy's present con-
struction program was necessary for

defensive purposes.
Takarabe, interrogated later in the
upper house of the Diet, asserted that
the present strength of the navy was
at its lowest possible level, and there-
fore there could be no further reduc-
Will Not Ask For New Ratio
The minister regarded the Coolidge
proposal as an extension of the Wash-
ington conference of 1922, but he did1
not believe it possible under changed
conditions to fix a ratio of 5-5-3 or1
even 5-5-4 for auxiliary naval
strength, because some countries
needed more auxiliaries than others
for purposes of defense.
Baron Sakatani suggested to For-
eigni Minister Shidehara in the HouseI
ofiPeers that world disarmament
could be best solved by America join-
ing the League of Nations instead of
promoting a conference of disarma-
MEXICO CITY.-Official announce-
ment is made that the Mexican gov-
ernment has paid the last installment
on the foreign debt service for 1926.

Wolverine Prowess In Minor Sports
Equals Skill In Major Competition

HIGS, PHILLIPS TAL( Fiske Company Will
Give Ibsen's 'Ghosts'
TP OAD ENGINEERS Tonight At Whitney
n n urn u .nrai

Michigan has always been a leader i National at Iowa.

It appears very


in the Conference in major sport com-
petition but only recently has the
minor sports of the Wolverines climb-
ed to an even par with football, bas-
ketball, and track.
It was only in 1923, four years ago,
that wrestling hockey, swimming and
golf became Varsity sports. Since that
time these new sports have been suc-
cessful in Big Ten competition and
thus has given Michigan a better bal-
anced record.
In wrestling the Varsity has not lost
an important contest this season, hav-
ing only been defeated in a prelim-
inary game with Cornell College of
,I~pwa. The victories over Northwes-
tern, Purdue, and Michigan State col-
lege were procured with decisive
scores. The remainder of the season
looks bright, according to the coaches,
and at any rate the wrestling team
will finish this year in a better posi-
tion than ever before.
The swimming team has been unde
feated, having been victorious over
Chicago, Iowa, Indiana, and Wiscon-
sin in dual meets. Michigan State Col-
lege, Northwestern, Minnesota, and a
Grand Rapids swimming club rmain
on the schedule. The Conference
i meet will be held at Urbana, and the
Continues To Make Career Appoint-
nients By Naming Leland Harrison,
J. B. Wright and II. R. Wilson
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.--Presidentl
Coolidge further disclosed today his
increasing dependence upon trained
diplomats in the foreign service when
the White House announced the se-
lection of three new American min-
isters, all of long service in the state
They are: Leland Harrison, now an
Assistant Secretary of State to be
-minister at Stockholm; J. Butler
Wright, also an Assistant Secretary
of State to be minister at Budapest;
Hugh R. Wilson, now chief of the Di-
vision of Foreign Information, State
department, to be minister at Berne.
These selections brought to a total,
of 15 the career diplomatic appoint-,
ments President Coolidge has made,
as compared to 10 political ones. His
proportion of career appointments far
exceeds that of any other president.
The desire of Theodore Brentano of
Chicago, now American minister to
Hungary, to retire from active service
because of age was disclosed with the
selection of Assistant Sceretary
Wright to succeed him.
Mr. Harrison has been intimately
connected during and since the Paris
peace conference with all matters re-
lating to debt funding agreements,
German reparations and similar in-
volved questions. At Stockholm he
will succeed Robert Wood Bliss, who
has been transferredtosBuenos Aires.
SMr. Wright .also has had a wide
diplomatic training and was a member
of the technical group at the Wash-
ington Arms conference, while Mr.
Wilson has served as councillor of
embassy in Peking, Tokio, Berlin and
Paris. He will succeed at Berne Hugh
S. Gibson, who has been transferred to
At 4 o'clock this afternoon in Mor-
ris Hall, tryouts for membership in
the Varsity band will be held, under
the direction of Norman J. Larson,
director. Vacancies in all sections

will be filled at this time by second
semester freshmen and upperclass-
men who are eligible, with members;
of the present Reserve band having
preference over men of lesser exper-
ience. Today's trials are the firstl
I mid-year tryouts the band has at-
Increased spring activities have
necessitated a larger band, and as a
result the Varsity band of the second
semester will exceed in membership
the band that played for football andI
basketball games last semester. Twoj
spring concerts head the program of
the band, rehearsals for which will
begin immediately. On March 5, the
band will make a trip to Windsor,
Canada, where they will play for the
Michigan-Wisconsin hockey meets.
This trip has been arranged by the
athletic association, and includes an
entertainment in Detroit.
Ofar -ivtic nvnr, 1" -P nr

probable, in the viewsof the athletic
department, that the swimming team
will win the Conference and the na-
tional honors. Last year the Varsity
ended in second place for the dual
Although the hockey team has not
yet had Conference competition they
have won all but one of their gamesy
with state coleges. In a trip to be
made soon, the hockey team will meet
Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Tennis has been more or less con-
sidered a major sport because of its
long establishment. Michigan has al-
ways stood well in tennis and ended
last year's season in second place in
dual competition.
Golf has also been successful in
Big Ten competition. In 1925 golf
ended in second place and last year


Henderson Sees Dianger In Industrial
Age; Johnson Gives Main Speech
In Afternoon Session
Outhining the source of the Universi-
ty's transportation library, Prof.
Henry E. Riggs, head of the civil en-
gineering department of the engineer-
ing college, told delegates to the 13th
annual hizhwa vn Lineerinz nfer-I


Ibsen's drama, "Ghosts", with Mrs.
Fiske in the leading role will be pre-
sented at the Whitney theater tonight.
Theodore St. John who has had sev-
eral years of experience on foreign
stages, and Walter Ringham will have
the two leading male parts, while Jar-
vis Kerr, a graduate of Vassar college
in the cars of 1925 will play the other;
feiale character.
The play deals with the transforma-
tion of the character of a woman who
finds that she is married to a disso-
lute and loathsome man. She leaves
him and goes to the man with whom
she is in love, and he in turn sends
her back to her husband. She faces
her new existence with courage and
not until her husband is dead does she
find that her son has inherited his evil

Second semester freshmen and
sophomores wishing to try out
for campus publications are re-
quested to meet at the following
Daily Editorial staff-Tomor-
row at 4 o'clock.
Daily Editorial Women's staff
-Friday at 4 o'clock.

in fourth place in the conference tour-I -blWy g.-x g
nament, after close contests with Pur- ence how the library rose from noth- Tickets for the performance are Daily Business staff-Today
due, Northwestern and Wisconsin. ing to its present reputation of being' now on sale at the box office of the at 4 o'clock.
The rapid rise of minor sports in, one of the best in the world, in the I Whitney theater. "The Green Hat," a Gargoyle Editorial and Art
Conference competition has been principal address of the evening at a play by Michael Arlen will be given staff-Any afternoon this week at
largely due to the' efforts of Coach smoker held for the visitors last night JSaturday night at the same theater. 5 o'clock.j
Elton "Tad" Wieman, who has devotel in the Union. Margaret Cornell will not appear in Gargoyle Business staff-To-
The library was started at the inti- this performance it has been an- morrow at 3 o'clock.
With the building of the new minorsgation of Prof. John S. Worley, visit- nounced Ensian Editorial staff--Any
sports building within a year. these ing lecturer, who donated his first j{afternoon this week at 4 o'clock.
sports will be given better facilities year's salary to start the collection. Ensian Business staff-Today
for further development. I Upon finding that the University had IU1ILE Hti TltYILY at 4 o'clock.
no books of this nature, Alex Dow,C
president of the Detroit Edison com-
pany, was interested in the idea, and RUII\
he donated $25,000 to the fund. A
prominent automobile man was then D
nnhuNGIrOEnhEIapproached, but Professor Riggs told Lecture By Commander Of "lIorris-
of how Mr. Dow was disinterested in sey" Will Be Illustrated By Filns
the proposition until shown several Taken During Expedition Till
pictures of old automobile models. He --
Naval Hill In Bloemfontein, Orange then donated $4,000 for the library. nS
Free State, Seleeled As Site For1 Twenty other men, each of whom do- A VARIE X PA IE C Indiana Dean Will Dever Popular
Astronomnica Survey nated $4,000, were then found, and Lecture On Factors In Productio
the transportation library of the Uni- Speaking at 8 o'clock tonight in Of Organic Pathological States
CONVSTRUCT>!/I N STARTEDi verst was startd on its career. ) Natural Science auditorium on the t
Talks on Pioneer Transportation cruise of the Morrissey and the Gree- HAS STUDIED ABROAD
In the other addresses of the even- land expedition of the American Mu-
After over eight years of prelimi- ing, Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips, of the! seum of Natural History, Captain -
nary expeditionary work by the late f American history department spoke on Robert A. Bartlett, noted Arctic ex- As the third of the series ot publh
Professor William J. Hussey, fifth "Pioneer American Transportation" plorer and comander of the Morris- Omega Alh, honorary medical so-
director of the astronomical o-and Prof. W. D. Henderson, director of sey, will give the sixth lecture in a ciety
the extension division, addressed the series being presented under the aus- Uhim
servatory of the University of Michi- meeting on "Keeping Up With the' pices of the geology department. de o t ica slof e ti-
gan and professor of astronomy, Times." In illustrating his lecture, Captain click tonight in University eall au-
the plans for the construction of an Professor Henderson in his talk, Bartlett will present a selection of ditorium. His topic, as announced
observatory and the installation of the deplored the harm which the "iron motion pictures which were taken by by Frederick R. Harper, '27M, pres-
man," or the industrial age, has forc- Pathe Corporation representatives who ident of the society will be "The Emo-
trm y r ar ed upon the world. "Men, women, accompanied the three combined expe- tional and Psychological Factors in
primarilyfor the continuation of a children, and institutions, are steadily ditions to Greenland last summer. The the Production of Organi, Patholog-
double star survey of the southern marching along with the 'iron man,' " f pictures will include views of the ex- ical States."c
skies, are rapidly nearing completion! he said. I pedition arranged in travelogue form Dr. Emerson is a graduate of Am-
accor5in to word received byPof. Tells Of First Steamboat ( and will show pictorially the unusual- herst and has studied abroad at the
alph< n. Ct wof heed aystromy . Preceding the talk on pioneer ly stormy weather and rough seas en- universities of Strassbourg, Basel and
Ralph gl. Curtiss of the astronomy transport, Horatio S. Earle, first state countered by the Morrissey during her Paris. Before coming to Indiana he
department from Prof. Richard A.1 highway commissioner of Michigan perilous return voyage from Holsten- I had held faculty positions at both
Rossiter who is now abroad and in told the meeting of the first steamboat ( borg in which she narrowly escaped Johns-Hopkins and Cornell university
charge of the expedition. Iever built, which was done by a man destruction after running aground on At that time in 1911 there were several
Much care was given to the selection of the name of Morley, and took place an unchartered reef off the north- medical schools in Indiana but since
of the site for the observatory of the years before the event of Fulton and western coast of Greenland. that time, due to his work that at the
University of Michigan in the south- his famous ship. "Morley was so dis- Captain Bartlett will be entertained University of Indiana has developed
ern hemisphere which it was finally appointed when Fulton used his in- at luncheon tomorrow by the combin- into undoubted leaderhip.
decided to locate on Naval hill in vention in making a bid for fame that ed staffs of the geology and geography It is Dr. Emerson's theory that no
Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, 1 he sank his first steamboat in Morley's departments. He began his explora- I thorough study of disease can be made
South Africa. "This particular hill I lake. tions wintering with Robert E. Peary I without going into the background
was chosen," Professor Curtiss said, In the first session of the confer- at Cape D'Urberville, Kane Basin, and and conditions surrounding the case,
"because of its favorable 7,000 foot ence which opened this afternoon for commanded the "Roosevelt" from 1905 according to Dean Hugh Cabot, of the
elevation. The observatory building a four day period, Dean A. N. John- to 1909 taking an active part in reach- medical school, and it is thought that
will. be erected on Naval hill which son, head of the College of Engineer- ing the 88 parallel with Peary's expe- the lecture will deal with some phase
rises 350 feet above a small plain.' ing at the University of Maryland, dition. As captain of the "Karluk" he of that viewpoint. He is intereted in
The elevation of the observatory will discussed the question of research in was in command of the Canadian gov- general sociological development in
insure protection from the radiation connection with highway engineering. ernment Arctic Expedition in 1913 and addition, and is the author of several
and convection of ground currents of "Research," said Dean Johnson, "is 1914. It was on this expedition that works, principally "Pneumothorax",
heated air, which was one of the chief responsible for most of the improve- the Karluk was crushed in the ice "Clinical Diagnosis," "Hospitals for
difficulties to be overcome in the selec-I ments made in highway construction forcing the party of 17 to establish a Children" and "Essentials of Med-
tion of a telescope site for the study of conditions in the past few years." base camp on Wrangel Island, later (icine."
the southern sky about the south celes- i President Clarence Cook Little will crossing the ice to Siberia and finally Dr. Emerson will probably be given
tial pole, which is not visible from the be the 'principal speaker of today's reaching Nome, Alaska, in Sept., 1915, a chance to inspect the new Thomas
northern hemisphere." As a result of sessions when he will address the del- with 13 survivors. Captain Bartlett Henry Simpson Memorial for Medical
this inability to study the southern egates at the annual banquet whichiwas given the command of the third Research during the afternoon and
skies from the northern hemisphere, will be held at 6:30 o'clock tonight !Crocker land relief expedition to will be the guest of Alpha Omega Al-
that section of the sky has been great- in the Union. nothern Greenland in 1916, and on his pha at dinner at the Union at night.
ly neglected, and for that reason the! return was made marine superintend- I As was the case with the other lee-
South African site was selected. G dk t r ant of the Army Tranport system of I tures sponsored by the society, this
C oIldk eO etra (.. 'J~1j~,1~II one will be of .a non-professional type
Construction of the observatory has I C New York. In 1925 he was sent by foe ibes as nplaes th
already been started, Professor Ros- T Pla At Lawyers' the National Geographical society to for the series has been planned with
siter declared. On his arrival in l 'ocate bases for aircraft in northwes the idea of stimulating general public
si O hisin II " interest concerning the problems o1
Bloemfontein he found that the La- elr Formal Fridav en Alaska and on the shores of the"g
a- lu F r a F i y modern medicine, to which end speak-
mont telescope and the valuable 27 - Arctic ocean. He has also done con-
inch lens had been received in perfect 1siderable work in the recording of ers of prominence in the medical
condition after its long journey. "As Jack McGay's Country Club orches- Arctic tide and current movements, world have been vited
drawings of the 56 foot dome of the tra, of Detroit, a Goldkette band, will and in the dredging and collecting of Aeaker
observatory arrived in Ann Aibor last furnish the music at the annual winter arin te redng and secing will be made in the near future and
Monday, it is expected that the actual formal dance of the Lawyer's club, Captain Bartlett Is the author of a th date w be one after sprng vaca-
construction of the dome will be com- which will be held Friday, n the Cvolumen aled "The Last Voyage of aion-
pleted early in March," Professor lounge room of the Lawyer's club, it lthe Karluk," in which he describes
"d f was announced yesterday by John M.. . 1 he descibesiSt.1

'Wheeler And Wilcox Star For Victors,
While Harrigan Garners 15
Points For Varsity
By Robert M. Wagner
The Purdue Exponent
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 15.-After
trailing 16-22 at the half the diminua-
tive Boilermaker five came through
with a beautiful offensive and defen-
sive rally in the second period to top-
ple Michigan from its throne of undis-
puted leadership into triple tie in the
Western Conference by virtue of a
37-32 victory here tonight.
Although the score was not partic-
ularly close over any period of time,
the game was a thriller from start to
finish and throughout the game the
capacity crowd of 4,000 people (was
kept on edge. Throughout the first
half, the Wolverines were never head-
ed, starting the scoring and keeping
at least a two point lead until the gun.
At one time Michigan led 22 to 10 and
it was at this point that Purdue start-
ed its rally, sinking three successive
baskets before the half ended. As the
second stanza started the Boilermak-
ers forged into the lead by virtue of a
deadly bombardment of the basket by
Wheeler and Wilson, Purdue forwards,
and Michigan never again got the
Harrigan and Oosterbaan were
easily the stars of the Wolverine ag-
gregation, the former sinking five field
goals and a like number of free
throws, while "Benny" was next in
scoring with four field goals and one
charity point, and scintillated partic-
ularly in his floor work. Wheeler and
Wilson starred for Purdue with ten
points each, with both Wilson and
Wilcox shining with beautiful iof
During the last half of the game
the Wolverines suffered a lapse and
were unable to connect ith the
basket, largely due to the stiffened
Lineup And Summary
Wheeler, If............. 4 2 3
Wilson, rf.............. 4 2 3
Hodges, lf-c ...........3 1 2
Cummins, c............. 1 2 0
Wilcox, lg ..............2 0 3
Kemmer, rg........... 1 0 0
Totals ...............15 7 11
Oosterbaan, If..........4 1 2
Chambers rf........... 2 0 1
McCoy, c .............:.1 0 3
Harrigan, lg............ 5 5 1
Petrie, rg .... ......1 0 4
Rasnick, rg............. 0 0 0
Totals ...............13 6 it
Referee-Feezle (Jndiana Poly).
Umpire-Moloney (Ntre Dame).
Mimes To Present;
Extra Performance
Of PlaysSaturday
An extra performance of the two
plays that Mimes are presenting in
the Mimes theater this week has been
announced for Saturday night, due to
I the large advance sale of tikets for
each of the regularly scheduleli pera
formances. The plays, "Annajanska,
the Bolshevik Empress" and "The
Man of Destiny," both by George
Bernard Shaw played to a capacity
audience last night. The shorter and
less serious play, "Annajanska, the

are being made as fast as the detailed Bennett, '27L, chairman of the com-
drawings will permit." mittee in charge of the affair.
Professor Hussey's choice of Bloem- The interior of the lounge room will
roontein as the most logical site for the be dressed for the affair with palms
observatory has met with the approval uand colored fountains besides the re-
of Harvard university astronomers who duced colored lighting system that
have also decided upon this location will be used. The main dining hall
for their southern station. Harvard um- wile uedaivaefrmntlroom
versity will erect an observatory while the private dining room will be
near Bloemfontein that is to be used as a parlor and will be outfitted
nea Blemfnten tat s t b with bridge tables for whosoever
equipped with a 60 inch reflector. . wish them. Davenports and chairs
'This will be the largest telescope in ) will
I the southern hemisphere suitable for and the main entrance of the build-
observations, while the telescope of ing will be locked in order to convert
the University of Michigan will have that space into another lounge room.
the largest refractor," said Professor t he chaperons will be, Regent and
Curtiss. I Mrs. Julius M. Beal, Prof. and Mrs.
The entire observatory project has ! E. Blythe Stason, and Prof. and Mrs.
been sponsored by Robert Patterson Paul A. Leidy.
Lamont, '91, of Chicago, a classmate A limited supply of tickets for out-
of Dr. Hussey's who recently donated , s
C( t students has been set aside and


his ill-tated expedition. "1L. I -
Bolshevik Empress," is given as a
To Enroll At Union preface to the other.
Realty Men M eet In _Charles Livingstone, '28L, who play-
ed the leading role in "The Last
'Annual Convention All male students of the University Warning" portrays the leading part
n who have not yet registered as mem- in the first play while Earl B.Fleisch-
A bers of the Union are requested to do man takes the part of Napoleon, the
Attendance at the second annua so at once, whether they have entered man of destiny, in "The Man of Des-
real estate within the last few days or have tn.
Union last Thursday and Friday tot- merely neglected to obtain their cardsItiny.
aled 168, a slight increase over that at an earlier date, according to Walter Annajanska, the Bolshevik Em-
of last year's convention. These = A. Kuenzel, '27E, recording secretary. merica before alhbeen i sented i
meetings were held under the auspices Failure to comply with this regulation satire on Shaw's impression of Bol-
of the Michigan Real Estate associa- ( causes a student to become ineligible shevism. The more serious play,
tion and the School of Business Ad- I to use the various departments of the "The Man of Destiny," is a favorite of
ministration.,Union, although he has automatically
Among the speakers were Mayor become a member upon entering the
Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University. There is a booth open ini Areview of the Mimes plays
University, who gave the address of the main lobby from 3 until 5 o'clock as presented last night will be
welcome, Prof. E. M. Fisher, of the every afternoon this week for those found in the Music and Drama
School of Business Administration, who have not yet registered. I column on page four.
who acted as toastmaster at the ban-
4 n st T hr i oeht Prnf. Aubrev ,7TI V T T T D!D ! T'T'rV


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