_______THE MICHIGAN DAILY NO1 YA .lt19iL~.O ' ~i''r f 10,arCte1Llritr relIE WILL, BARISTONVRRNGESNBuilding Of AnellpHalaObsevatoryi dn 19o8,and te )funit, th ru~~~~rn~ iiw lhTA AI OVNIN sLatest Astronomical Dc'velo pent pf~l. Aditions tthe qipment , in1- - 1 d I_ I I F 1 4 f!/ , .11/ I I I I I I i I+ - elude a thir ty-soven and one-half inch Comnplction of the tfirst unit of the 'der with Ienry~ Fitz, of : ew York, refle'cting telescope, a fh)Ur-ifl c(onl(t- Anelhall observation laboratory for an equiatoriaxlly -j mounted refract- seek r, a n ber of cl~c , and chrron- ink; tCIECS(Ope of not. less than twelive onmeters, an din thc Students olmerya- mark anoher tep n th prore1 inches aperture. This inst rument was' tory, a. six-inch equa toria Mly mounted of the astronomy department of the !1tohe sxplic'ed at. a cost, of 4;.()00, m $Univerisity. rcfi aetoz c itlr -n h tr sti- s ~ and at the time, of its installation YThe first building, still an actixve tleewielr w eecpso htstininent. A c:emmea his been azttache~d Qmunit of the department, was erected to the six-nhteso.Anaeue I-, 73years ago on what is now Gliser- t oflagt';e't1(.ses1ilot;icael laborat~ory hlas alsobei f~s < . vatory hill. The funds for this obxser-' Many additions have been made to equipped sinrce the founding of thle oh - vatory and its eqipment; were, in the. the original buildling andc to the deC- servatory. and a library andc a mnet e :- xo n~ qimn.aemain, donated lby. Detroit citizens, 1aielts rgi} eup'it A dli- ological statiou ar now incxiudl in .:: land in honor of the men who made r trsrwec, ur ' o e the depar.tmnxzt. r to~lfclassar:-, it bev- Te.-:i: ......its est ablishment possible, the Inew tcooialass:n a n bera ielates.t za ddition I to the (leaT- observatory was named "Detroit Ohl- ;tory \Vor k-shop),and 0 tudens' oh- went i's the ent lw comii ed first sec' /atory". The success of the f-Sex x atcl'Y are amoang the mxany addli-1 'unit of the astronomical1 labor atory 4nancia~l end of itq fonlnding is ( Ii tios. to the buildings of th'e depart - ;on Angell hall. During the past year largely- to Henry N. Walker,, cit- meit. lii addition to these, what i ; the fifth floor of t,,, building has izenx of IDet roit Who was very maclh now thle principal b~uildling was erect- be ie vrt h srnm o r'inter~stecd in aiding the UTniversi t. el_adjoining the original observatorypaiet Undcer his able leadership the $15,000 funld fromx the Detroit. citizens was raised) acd the B~oard of Regents fur-YP I A T ' M LCOER nished an adiina .7.0'00 in order to Y SL N IN R A O C R meet the inxitial cost of $22,000 for the COURSE Ioriginal building and equipment. G~:Pti'hI;i:iREI VS lc in In the beginning it was intended to , Flute~~lor Fnital au ran eemtrs 104' the ,Aunxer- buy a large telescope only and pro- ican Legion convention to be hel next; vide a building for it, but W~ie liberal- w epnhe inIasarben maeity of the cifizenis of Detroit soon! Basch. Soniatat - Beethioven Serenade abodbMae ~ ~itintoa fade it evident that the plan coul Old English 11 aurpsic cordi Piees aadtan Jfates FLeg tnaio.nany le-be enlarged to include what was then TNIHT APRKIL 28 - 8:00 1..31" SINGL1E SEAT S9 $4. bens 'are expected to make the tip to regardede as the equtipmnent of a coin- ___________ _____________________________ __________ Whoen athe runs.wreassre D Eurpe peztobevatory easurdDr Henry Y. Tappan ,President of the Patronize Daily Advertisers University at the time, placed an or- HAVE YOU1 V- e/1 r 7/ I SAL E SMAN WANTED. AT ONCE Permanent work all year round. We have an opening for one or. two ambitious STUDENTS with real sales ability to work part time during schoo) year and full time during vacation. The right men can average $50.00 a week during their school career and still keep up in school work. I Roler Skates? We I I We have plenty for the State Street H For both men and yTOu at ardware. women. a 11 lDon't miss this \$5.00 to 10.00 I I Apply at once. in person ondy. TOFFLE'T'S 616 East Liberty St. tate Street Hardware Masten & Chase 211 S. i 310 Soun'i STATE ST- DIAL 5015 "Where You May L PHONOGRAPHS REFRIGERATORS FIN RON e k ,'t;). .r ,. womv= o _ _. -q i .. . .. ._ : .. ._ _ _.. ., ;._. i F rLWNTIVAL CIVIC BUREAU OF MUSIC AND ART ANGELES 684 Chamber of Commerce Building Telephone Westmore 8058 0 February 15, 1927. We believe that the art traditions of Ann Arbor have been invaluab.ly and that the University School of Music has helped to make history for ;Ann Arbor, giving it a dominant position in the annals of great institutions. Each year, I, person- ally, look forward to seeing the press comments and believe that this year you have even excelled your high stand of well-rounded programs. Very cordially, 11 If 11