ITHE MICHIGAN~ DAILY _PA(IF TMIKS Im ai [riit is? ±Ii oiiin *'aff li Last Two I Years Are Cradiiates Of.3 rIi hersii les OBTAIN 26 A.B3. DEGREES {GIVESFUDFOR. HISTORY WORKS Major Thomas MV. Spaulding, '02, of Baltimore, has donated a fund to the General library wvhich is to .be ex- pendled for books in the field of his- tory. The fund, ,,which is to be known as the Stephen Spauldling Memorial fund Chas been given b}* AMajor Spaul&d- ing in memory of his son Stepheni who (lied in November, 1925. Spaulding, who would have r'ad-. uated in June with the class of 1927,1 was an all "A" student, but an in- jury to his leg forced him to the hos- pital where he died. There is placed I sor of geology in the University ofhere. Profesorbu lar received -both on display in one of the exhibit cases Texas, will take advantage of a leave the bhachelor and m~aster of 'science )n the main lobby of the Library an of absence to spend a year at this degrees from the University of Gkla- artist's proof of a bookplate. Tfhe: plate is a picture of Stephen Spldc-I University, compietinzg the. work: o011jboma,. He will return to the Univef- ingandis nscibe wi h is mehis dloctor's degree. H-le has also acsi Icity of Texas -for the summer session and (late of his biz th and death. Thee ?e(pted a part time teaching position of 1928. plates, are to be placed in all the_________________________________________________ books purchased by the fund and also to theliry by Major Spauling. > iI. 11 wt. ,.. "WIa i U g. Recruits from all corners of the country have joiie4 the University faculty in the past two years, during the administration of Pres nt Clar- eonce Cook Little, t is revealed in fig- ores released yesterday at the office P of the registrar. i; In. the 0 individuals who have £joined the faculty in these two aca- demic years, 33 universities are rep- resented by alumni and 26 bachelors idegrees and 30 higher degrees have been obtained. The remainder are Cw I. scattered throughout the country, one for CAMP DOC'TORI A Faho'U~ Stuidenit for NATUftE STUDY DIRETOR f A QulalS a uent for CAMP' MEC HANIC TEXAS PROFESSOR WILL TEACH HERE; Fred M. Blullard, associate pr ofos-j M('R ' AMothers are always remembering other people but every mother likes to be remembered, too. Don't forget your mother on May 8. i 1 a y. y" YL 'f. ' 1. , . 7; a . 'cr '1A . ' _ {; i ' r Y / * Ir r ti;]] Y'.-.2ri 2 . a l\ - ai', a .l ,* 1} , .7 ,; r Ea ftEQ. +._ 4-PERFORMANCES DAIL\I --4 L ; ? i (, 4 i. , I I ' . ' I '.X 1 i d~t - .N , " The RIookford Ope thirFIVE SPRING PLAYS Tuesday, May 3, in the new Sarah Cas- wenell Hall with Joseph Schild-A k raut's comedy hitt { "The Frerad It is a costume farce back in Italy of 1535, when everyone was so modern that it takes your breath away! The Last of Mrs. CheyWney " - comes the next night, and is Ina Claire's comedy success 'of a good little girl who goes just a little wrong. I Take -Vrn A iIi i iii _ ., =i1(1 ( i t E sc a e4 Think of a gift that will please her. Fine candies have always been considered a graceful gift for" a lovely lady. The candy or the Norris' Variety Box is fine enough to please the loveliest of all I I 1 -, lo : " ladies-Mother. Wecarry a complete line of NORRIS' and GILBERT'S choicest varieties and' assortments. CRIPPEN 3 STORE / i cm rib.Policy ," 2:04) .t a 8:40 s ry~Aduliits ev: q 'odre "A Store in Every Shopping Center." 217 N., Main 2 19 S. 723 4) N. Univ. .Main Ph one 9797' Phone 8511 Phone 6811 fi m ';E PETIT IMOTEUR EST TREiS E CONOMIQI4E' - LE TIPMPS, PARIS -ITI r~ ',,~ - r~~, .A7f :. . " ::.Y . tr . A d .f ..-,__._ _,. .J or : r s, . f . , K -.4q.( " . * . - -- Aid Our Second Feature ILA Ma velou's Picturization i . ._,. . _.___ 1 1-16w Abcu -Tak Your Vacation Now- Why Wait Until July or Axgu st E t 9 i i 4 F S 3. i 7 1. i . S t 3 i e 4 1 i pa fa 7 i / -4" r .L p "One gallon, Dad, and lift anchor. We gotta make Newport by dark." "~Only one?": "~Sure! Whered'ya think we're goin'-Shanghai? Read the nameplate-it's an1 Erskine Coupe!" f r ,:a ;. _. F INALS (ugh)... then Commencement (ah) ... and sum- mer just ahead ! Vacation days... soaking up sunshine at the beach.., evenings spent with that chic blonde you met at the homecoming game ...:k smart car.. you~r own personal car-an Erskine Six Custom' Coupe. Undereraduate America's new car-theiErskine Six- miles out in front of the rest. Dietrich, without a' peer among custom body carrossiers, designed it~; moulded its lines, endowed it with Continental sophistication. Trim as a silken ankle... inside, room no end for two!. rumble, seat behind built just for a double date. High hat in every- thing but price. And can it do its stuff? Yes, sir, and how... slips through jumbled traffic with the ease of an inspired eel ... hangs onto the road at "sixty like a co-ed at her first prom . climbs up a ski slide in high.. handles, wheels aroun d and pulls up like a poio pony. Summer is beckoning -so. is "The Little Aristocrat""--- a real companion for vacation days. The Erskine Six Custom Coupe, as illustrated, sellsr -fOr$995f o. b" factory, complete with front and rear bumpers and self-energizing 4-wheel brakes. rIA E C I YORGUD t, -^ 4 .,-t --A .. ' Capt -Art VOUNG Wendl't~us ~owand Arrow _ ;i ien, Ux l cr~dAi n r CJDi .... ,-r . , _ n r ss ..,r... -