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February 15, 1927 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-02-15

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-- -- ..* -

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive nlotice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.

pm pls fl.I iim i U2 diat . nsb~u I 1 iven to (on;lett _ ra S' iCords.
> .i~H< 1 1 ~ 2 wii ll aeet :is followxs:
V 12. 1 N.
3.1'1'.1'ij 11 N.S
)11d eavl s of 5(1 QOee xwill meet, hereafter In Room
C',. ptiy j4delt.



fi t lns.91

Action of the Adminhistratie Bord:
By action of the Adm'inist rat ive Board of the College of Lte;atua
Science, and the Arts, Mr. Louis oltz has ben suspend~ed for the sec
semester of the year 1926-27, and has been recorded 1±: in I'syhlogy
for dishonesty in the final examination in that course.
By ation of the same Board Mr. Casimir John Bochowski was expel.
for dishonesty in the written work in Rhtoric 2.
The Board also votedl to place Mr. Carlyle albermas on poba ioni
dishonesty in the written work in Rhetoric 2.
W.IL Hiinprey, Chairn.
Am Arbor Art Associtio:
The Exhibition of Lithograpps by Jos(ph Pennel, Lithogra ph; a
'Wodblocks by ~irger Sandzen, Colored W\oodblock., by Ernest W. V~as
and Alan F. Thomas, and Caricatu res by James House, Jr., wil be -op
through the week, closing on Sunday aternloon, Februay 20. l ie,
Daily, 1: 30-5: 00; Sunday, 2 :00-5:00.
Bruce VV. 1Doaldson, Preiden.
Rthetoric I.
My section at 10 M. W. F., annunitced for 437 N. S., wil meet, in 217 X.
L. L Ilantwalt.
English 162. Middle . English Lit erature. Organiation meeting 4:
Tuesday, February 15, in Library 301.
Economics 424:
All students enrolled in this course will be0 expected to attend so:
one of the sections meeting on Tuesday or Wdnesday o this week. S
tions will meet Tuesday at 8 and 9 in Roomn 207 Ee., and Wednesday
8 and 9 in Room 101 Ee
CI 1 averly.
Economics 236, Seminary in Pblic Conrol of Industry:
The first meeting of this seminary, for the purpose of pre'liminhary d
cession and arrangement of hours, will be held Thrsday afternoon, Fe
ruary 17, in Room 208 Economics Building.
I. L. Sarfmn.
Philosophy 11:
Philosophy 110 (Problems o lhiman Conduct) will meet in Ro
2003 Angel Hall on Monday and Friday at 11:00 o'clock.
A. 11. Lloyd.
Economics 155-Essentials of Ecoomic Teory:
For students continuing in Economics who have not had Courses
and 52. This course will be given this semester provided a tsflici
number make the election. Those desiring to register should see r
Tuesday afternoon 4 to 6 in Room 8 Economics Buildng.
I. S. Ellis.
Greek 164:
Greek 164 (The Greek Drama in English Traslation) will meet
Room 2003 Angell IHal on Wednesday, February 16, arnd in Room 2
Angell Hall on February 18 and threafter.
Campbel Boner
Aerontlcal Engineering:
1. All students taking Aero 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7, and 11 xwill meet Tuesd:
February 15, t 4:00 P. M. in Room No. 306 Eant ng~uir c g inidiun?
arrange the hours.
2. All Aero 1 students who received an "incomplete" will meet Tin
day February 15, at: 5:00 P. M. sharp in oom No. 2049 1:ast Enincri
Building to make arrangements for clearing up the record.
3. Students taking Aero l, 12, 1, raid 14 will arrange their xwokL x
the respective instructors within the first week of t he nxwv5sa.7esi e.
F. W. Pawlowski.
Will meet Tuesday at 4'P. M., Room 20 East Hal, to arrange hours.
Mathematics 222. Advanced Mechaiuis :
Will meet Wednesday at 5 P. M. Room 310O Wst Eng':neering Bd
to arrange hours.
Lous A.IHopkins.
lfathematis 1.10)..PariaiidIiiferenhil Iblinthmis of phIysis:
Will meet Wednesday, 7 :15 P. M., Room 319 West Engineerting BIld
to arrange hours.
4V. . Dtont~.
Frenh 16. The 7orel of UHanisn vfrithSecal bphasi on alrac :
I will confer with those who have eectedI this course on1 Tuesda~
Febuary 15, In Room 205 South Wing, at 5:00 o,'clock, to arrane ho
of meeting of the class.
A.(G. C'afie l.
French 116t:
French 116, Advanced Conversation~ ,will he ofered the second samest
Tuesday and TJhrsday at 3:00 o'clock, Room 305 South Wing, Dr. Clop
R. . I' Tleie.
Teaelwrs' Course in French .nd tSpnishi:
The Teachers' Course in French andi Spausl , which i lclCtCl
Education D15 or D145 o Spanishx 55wxill meet xwih Professor Pargne
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11:00 o'clock, Room 401 South Wim.
H. P. 'Ihlene.
Psychology 42:
Abnormal Psychology will meet this semester in Newberry Aditori
in place of Room 1025 Angel11all.
Sociology 51 and 251: -~-

The .lectures will be given in 231 Angell hll insteatd of' in the Roo
previously announed~.
Sociology 51:
The quiz sections will have their first j ecl.ing5 onl Wednesdlay vi
ti Thursday of this week. Assignment : Coolev's "Human 'Nature and t:
Social Order," the Introduction. Mr. Carlson's section nmeeting Mondi
and Wednesday as 8 is scheduled for 1301 Ec. instead of the room previous
I. hlas
1 con. 1 -4lonsiun~ltitl s .
First meeting, to arrange hours, inl Room 11;8 ionoiics 1Bldg. tI-
(Tuesday) afternoon at 4 P. M.
Z. C. Dickinson.
Geology 31:
There will be no recitation or lablorat ory sections held tile prese
week. The first exercise of the course will be the lecture on Friday
Science Auditorium.
11.W. Hobbs11).
illosopiny 175:
Philosophy 175 (Metaphysics of Symnbolism') xwiii meet IIIl. W. F. at
in Room 407 Lib.

'1'] si. a .1 2 ' h f : n ' lal of all 1. 0. 'T . C . ei or i n tl Iho lii ~ l'a t'y
hi nco''~v oa ''' ~i a _r (,";hobs Building. on l V,desday at
42 m I 1 ; ; ! ntIta co nc.eirned lbe present.
nil1 '' . lanogb~.~ 2 ii xil be payed Itonighct at. WatermI~anI
on ;(I':S : tI ' IS]
i'':ia 2 (. -v Its. a 'S ; Polk) rc l.
Will.am V.,ieffrles
Jo i:-i a2 V 1 , ''io for101ton(ight at 7 :30 o'clock. Mr.
A B an's gino 11,, ..LAm A' IA bbol's vs. Mr. Br'andt's ; Mr.TBui'sley's
: 5 v :s . . r . tc_ .' ; . t-:ii v . M r ID o w 's . I . A l e l
:15 ~ c. Angell
a :'da s~ la ofbaset0al gaines will be played at 9:15 tonight.
Thle ft o1111,, 9 ae ai' atd: Mr. Abbott's group 's. Mr. Attwood's
groupt r.A i.- 'l Mr : at.s,1d. Bursley's vs. 1Mr. Morris', Mr.
(c 'lark'srvs. '.0 ;s a'.
at Alt ('1 li o , Aa< ote ing of the Intramural Department that a
l'yori ug d op oii but one team ; a freshman can not belong to
0131; f 1] 01':'cd;,]!; ,t 1 1 :105 al nd to one of the teams in this series,
.at the 4aila' 1] n.
Carl G~. Brandt.
eI)- -,,
ThI 1aox a .Ii of thei Research Club will be held promptly at
3 .1 . n t~i;~ e eia Building, on Wednesday, February 16.
IT1e-(, l'-in p -Isxi! be r'ea~i : 1. Mr. A. Franklin Shull, ''Effect of
Ligh onVI ig- amd 1 rmodit ion in Ophids.'' 2. M\r. E. C. Case, "On a
Sj-illi0a(cinaa'a Dinosaur from the Upper Triassic of Texas."
! The couliilxiime at 1:30 in Room 101, Pharmacology Building.
Loiils1. Bred void, Secretairy.
51 'IThere, will be a reheicarsal 'Ituesday, -February 15, at 7:00 P. M. New
mnjiuo ,'otritg; nd all ot her fnusicians are urged to coie andi try out
N. C. 'Falcone, Direct or.
LngL. er~gide l ~+'eV 5, Au cD Iynamnics (2 htrs.)
A i i - m da'ec.2' sda, ebruatry 15i, 5 P. M., Room 435'. Eng.
I 'ill hei'' a: to gyroscopic phenomena, balancing andi
('1a '' ijz'ai.-. 4')sa t?' ''ora'toi'y work.
f L. II. lDonnell.

foulr!]l 1oor of Angell 1-1,l1 at 7 :130 1. 'Xl. willrmp.1~~' ill 1b0 ill
order'.Vii n' will be cordiallyxv'.nd
1t termLiterarmy Society:'
Athlena will hold a 11rtbuinssmet ig i ' 2 Ie-d,' P it.s,5
1birt a Literary S'>4et:
Tiher'e wil1beilli mot an r t, ~ii,.'esi , ei;a y15 a
11. M. Electioii of olli ('el's iwiltake liLc ,,C
'where awill 1)'!>amtsI lag Or he 'Romlan(' Clid '; ' ' -20 o i'ioc.l ,
tRlo)m 304 Z11 ihi aaml I lion. (Iiadutate 5110 eT , SV 'I ' r11 (T':<1 ,ill
A Imneet Lin ges-the huartcrd. vlmb edi ~~~ T fh i i
at 7:830, Touesoat' nighlt, Felruary 15.
There xxwille b etiO]ng of itle socie'ty Ttisd;!y X1Uox,".dray,,
at eight O'clock, inl 106 M. 11. lProfessor Vi!"Toe ;!' a i d'a'u;s cgo'
Trheoiry of Mott~r.
ICandidaies fer I'tilversily of Ilichigan Band :
1 Tryouts will be held Wednesday tit 4 11. M. i Morris Ii all.
T'an Beta Ill:
There will be a meeting of the Michigan G'ammnia Chaphter or T1all Beta
Pi at six o'clock tonight ini the Michigan Unlion.
Joseph D1. L'rm 'erv
Alpha tNu: ________ _.,
Meeting tonight at 7:34. Visitors welcome ttall ;1:.::,
13' he E. E d; s.«ta3, l''aidlf~nt.
ICli Delta 1i11i:
k There will lbe a mneeting' Tuesday at 7 :34 P. W n21 . V
Mary Elizabeh ihe1,Prsieni
French 162:
This course announced for Tuesdwla and Thu rday ;at. 11 ('lAo(k in lRoom
204 South Wying has been transferred to Room 2191Ange ll 1 iil.

' h Y Al;,,,IlnI1urshiol,
jci. giS mar oitime Permia.)eilt 0Court(of
I.'rational Justice; Prof. F. Blythe
Staoof the Law school and Prof.
('1t.arles f'. ('la~rk, of the Yale Univer-
s:i v :,w.s.hool, head the list Of' coil-
:mits of the Februari-y issue of the
MiHchigan Law Review which will be
led r ion sale cduring the next- few
days. Ii a(ld ition to thes , three lead-
;ng (opoitions there are four ot-her
deplartmn>ts of the publication.
Miany of the articles in- the "Note
<.:(I Commelntc" and "Recent Important
l):'isionl" sections were written by
student members of the Law Review
,board, while various others were pre-
pared by memb~ers, of the Lawy school
1Six book reviews appear unxder the
sectiomi of that name t wo of which
a re by Prof. Arthur Lyon1 Cross, of the
l Dierry college. Prof. Edson H1. Sun-
i.IEm'all, of the Law school, A. Gleorge
l~o:earlWashington, 1). C'.. attor-
Iie ll, anld Prof. V. I1I. Lane, of the Latw
sch':ool are the authors of the other
tolur reviews. The books reviewed
have- a direct relationship to questionis
of law.
Male students entering time niver-
sity for the first time may secure
Union membership cards at the booth
in thme Uion lobby any afternoon this
week from 2 until 5 o'clock.
All men enrolled in the Universi ty
automatically become nmembers of the
Union, hut must register and secure
cards permitting them to use all de-
partnemts of the building.

,,,.,r,, ,,r ,,




C. i'.F 431' 7
FO ' I r

a °e'r'gtari'1D( ting of

Adeiphi Tuesday evening on time

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r f I

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Final and Still Lower P ice,~

i r*;,-
Admial ~ ~uiYui'.
' Ah wcoti '' ;th Brtis n va
~oiiiii~litxx nch x'a l'('e~tly aidtor
I11 rI2e: , f ' ays ben (1 I
pace rotlLra'dfrte xei
- A Y N'aisI
Who com ai t_ , t.. S Q!JESll ETC.l
F ..~L. Va~n~bp Ag
CIcensed;:& ,,i!. 01c l 'hmrt ~ ih ntm M o }j

Because many students have, hepstwek w bn dc

~~vivfrom A'ni Arbor
w~ co ":itinuve for one week,-


a " 77 e psF' k 3

ram s ALE


Sle Positively Close Sa. Feb. 12, Yo'Jr:Last Chance
Any $10.00 or $11.00 Florshieims $8
(This includes several new Spring Styles)
Any $8.50 or $9.00 Packard Oxfords one week............. $7.45
About fifty pairs men's $6.50 and' $7.50 Oxfordls, one week........ $4.95
Eight new Spring Styles to sell at $10.00 thiis week.
New Snappy Dress and Street Pumps and Oxfords that wvill.
sell after this sale at $8.00 to $9.00-This week only at $5.90
to $6.90.
Over 100 pairs Fine Pumps ,and Oxfords-Choice this week
All Tan, Grey and Black Automatic Galoshes, at a. big Re-S

IP ' Le~t -i"tc ;'i i h:Ecorse, p'ra-
Y '~il .1 . j.' 11. - ie ex i'i






So.State St..



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