NY, , ANT'AI Y 28, 1927 THE'fVITCT-41CAN D, %YLY AGPI THREN ~,y ANI RY 8, 127 HE MCHIGN DILY B._ NJ HLL ADREISADLER AND 'HOAD "JN ).SIY O BERLIN HWL I~~ U flfl~~~~~ Prof. Herbert C. Sadlerl head ofM f 1 Tfl~~ IliiAUII1INdepartment of marine £;.oi wiie 'DI'. 1L'E NEX ThURo'SDAY 'of1K2- iiui iurii, AUT p~ B~e1~ (IerrynaAndflyer Will Af-? o Sp k At Conveniton In Vrand Rapids : 1 f THEE INAPRIL and Prof. William C. He ad, of thle 1 municipal and 'sanitaryg enugineerin departmnent, have left to attend the Great Lakes Tidewater conference, as representative~s of the University. 'Tuiel conference held its opening sessionr, yesterofay at Muskegon. ..''Tho eanfcrcmec has'rbee'n orfranrted orgaie '.CheImitry t ishe IUn:iv Z of Berlin, will speak upon "The 'tTSe of Radlio Eleirnemts as Indic 0--os' aot 8 o'clock Pt "CI Thursdlay 111i C(nn~ cal) amp:ihe tr. tho chemistry dop- Ili ed 'aithol-iy C.n a r I; Prof Thomas E. Rlankin of the rhe-"t tietcvu tonc epi ~mttent is to be the pri- who ame ecgiz d eipal speakr at a state convention this ~ranch of er in.:;e of the ^ 4$i gunt Author's asscainai( Offer r ("nedy to th to be'l c1~, ight in the Pantlind hotel' frontig th o plofc in .., 4 'apids, professor Rankin, irn regard to le When who is, known to Michigan authors for water quetion. Both hlia oticl-evaluatiofls of ontenpor- j lr and Professor H~ ply ltd tie, has chosen as his topic,?konithsdvin "The 13acl ground of the Novel of To-'koni hsdvso and have bee} connc (lay." investigation for some The Assoiation', which was organiz- rd in 1910, ;has until this year almost i V~l MHa exclusively a Detroit body. A few out- state jsidents were on the member-#1 ship jt011 i with allmeetigs conftin- .0.'A;. ed to Detr~gt and most of its members!t . resideT,. t1s Asso iation was regard-f^Y°r' ed as puare ka Detroit affair. Reorgan- t< ization 'aBear ago brought about thet decisliqu to hold a mieeting in western "f MVichigan. l{ tllwn ;the Grand Rapids ineeti g, t net convention will be Ial iAd ..n Arbor on April 28, and a sainmVI l -*m on Mackinac Island T.. ew!Asocition aims to pro -__________ mote the interests of authorship in the . state, and to that end enrolls both au-' thors and those who give auhors moral support, according to Lawrence H.T n" Conra d, of' th rhetoric department s; w ho was Actively 'identified with the reorgvnq z ti0P plans. The really pi- oneering, rovements in literature, Mr.'t Conrad, le yiees, always will begin in th e Middle'West.The state of Michigan "." has a large number o£ important liter- ary figures, 1air. Conrad declared, but tns faridsra'itrss eu. : have not Inownl who they are, nor Ef have wwc Vkn their work the atten- tion it reserves. He mentioned espe-__________ cially the. works of Arnold Mulder,' whose novels: are studies of the sturdy No more needs Dutch stckl of western Michigan; Lee who has thm on h Smits, cC 'D1etroit, whose novel "TIhe best. Call us for a S3pring Flit" has a Michigan back- ~ Jm s B a grud .Ivan Swift, poet and painter, t of Har or Springs; and Arthur J. Mui- 417 EAl~T JITiON lenberg, author of "Prairie" a distinc- .lGLI . ~.~ / tive Middle-Western novel by a man who is at present teaching at Michigan State College. At the Grand Rapids 'meeting, in ad- dition to Pr, fessor Rankin's address, Mr. Nathan . Bowen, vice-president of.the Detroit Saturday Night and a lit- a erary critic., will spreak an "Book Re- viewing;" Mrs. Myrtle Keen Cherry- iman and Mrs. Helen V. Blyer, both of Grand Rapids, will entertain with readings. The present offcers of the Associa- t66n are Michigan graduates. Arnold Mulder, '00, president, author of "The' Outbounc.YWd," and "The Sand Dc;- tqrr" aad-,other novels, is at present } tor ,c The H1olland Sentinel. Law- t acew'P r ad, '23, vice-president,I author cf the novel "Temper," and aI ajlumoe f essays called "Thre Author's (find, i a member of the rhetoric epartmmt of the University. Dr.I eorge 14,Fuller, '05, secretary-treas- " rer, is also of the Michigan Historical ~mmiss'on, located at Lansing. / T THE D!B TOT THEATERS'C S - !Wgt$.0t . 75 o$14) The One and Only Inimitable. I POOR OLD p MITZI Tr a "1r _1,1st t "a! P " y to the do SGREEN FRIT pick of hu .' ~~selected... R C K " e d. and Sat never had cTIE EARL. CARROLL Presnts "LAFF' THAT OFF" neglected Direct Erm 1n ro iths at Walack a£ fhealrc N Y wih Strange rignal C . e 0c250 Mat 50c$1 50plus war tx r a 01' 1}, mII:,.n .l , authlorities3 In tod are ithwell. of ngneein BEN~ ATE. in~no3Aie.an ~ec~ ~t heohe o~er rg ijeciis r time swlting n n n Cto .atwv I. George C. Smith, general manager o;' time Canton company, rBaltimnore, Ad., and lecturer in real estate at Jo hn,, liopkiis university, will tali a, ~1:3~0 oclcok M,',; day, in room 200 hpanial. The subject of his talk L, b "induvstrial iSurveys and Log- - rl (omnity IDevelopnient.' ~Xf. Sithha., made industrial sur- .: mrecoral nait es Ithan any otuei~irPC'30 1i thi'(country1, ac cord- tg o Pr 'of. i". Id. I,"-,hr, of the School fr5 lie "' ?T .' l !I y under survel and thca dc es UC5 h'',-lstr'al cnfle r which the community is best s;" d, to locate theore. The Canton company is the oldest and largest industrial real estate firm in the United States. They handle 25 per cent more transportation of freight than any other firm. Mr. 'Smith is also executive vice-president of the I ,altimore association of commerce, an spc cia l assistant to the presidents toe Pal tore and Ohic, and the Pennsylvan 1ia railroads. Formerly lie was instr'uctor of economics at Cor- nell university. Following the speech there will be a dinner at the Union open to the pub- lic. Mr. Smith will speak on financial problems in industrial location. This zne-ting will close in time for those 'attending to reach the Kreisler con- cert. TOOAY1AND) SATURDAY _.._ Fl-, , , . . 3. _ tation was launched "against the at- ROME.-Hon. .ic Abina Gibson,, titudle of violence adopted by the who attempted to assasinate Premier United States in Nicaragua," and the Mussolini last April, has been remove, students club has sent a message to from Jaitl to a pyhraii ln v a professors' 'onvention asking the the outskirts of "Lorn' 'llv i iIi professors to join in the nmovement. quiry. S UDNTS SEND PROTEST NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-.Organizations' of students in Brazil and- Chili have protester against the sending of r United States marines into Nicaragnia to bolster up the conservative iDia:z reginme. In. Santiago a-public manifes- ., 17 rii' G I NJ e !4 P R i '- --'° ..'Lwraur . # -'-n -- _a i ~LL i i 1 Na 9 - ;-' d DAC -AT FRIDAY A,5ND SATURDAY NICHTS LUNDQUIST'S WOLVERINE ORCHESTRA , ;- ,1 , , i . i Are Tows DAY- YOU -CAN-SEE WI-P aWAPWCiV$ A k WA IlTs" $1.00 per Couple ARMORY UNDER NEW '4ANAGEM ENT 7U be said of Rusco Brake Lining . Ask the man his car. Our Laundry Service ranks us with the ippointments. SService and Auto Laundry ST. 1)AL 9262 STONE M.h A 'N' AL tio, ana] ('H 'ST R CONKLIN JohL~n. t i s- ------_--_-_+ -- -::-z -, ~ooc~~oc~ liT a dog's life some pipes lead! 1^ 1 s.b "x . ;r a h i:.' or ! n, t of the world '~v~e , mu:;ibtiug ind figting over ii. rn~ sa:l.XI nineloop-tIhe.loop love. iii: 1~hm, , :,atd their matrimonial p Zau- enr;' cr1s:norftnu- Ave into the g omrnnes Mcorick i~c 35 r:00 -8:40 Adults, 50c Children, 25c 1 ;';l Y ' ADDED LAUGH iATTRACT)O%, SUflE FIC RI: _ INIGHITS ont Fe lie ,c to 21.~w MATIINEES fePLAYHOUSE x Tutes., Thunrs., Sat. 5Ocand75c ~Ys} ,' c..... .a Ight for 10 Monthis ~ 'e~York Shook with Laughter G:"fALT.AS- THE DEACON" minlute's t. tobacco is ruins ca.pil A gooC Deserves other toba best that's sweetens Being r burn slow~ ... mild .. Cut bring It brings p life of any 3PIPE! Looks as though he's gone gs! He was a good pipe, too. Thc .Lndreds. Carefully, cerem oniously But like many another, he'si I a chance. He's been aboused... .. treated like a dog!. ~isn't it, how a man will. spend -ting a pipe and yet, never give a thought to his 'tobacco-when s really the thing that makes or ipe? d pipe deserves good tobacco. Granger Rough Cut ! For no acco is so certain to bring out the ' in a pipe. No other tobacco so a pipe or keeps. it so sweet... rough cut, too, its large flakes vand smoke cool. Cool... spicy ..;and mellow ! Granger Rough gs joy into the life of any pipe. perfect pipe satisfaction into the y pipe smoker. Michigan Locals ~U COMING SUNDAY As Fascinating -.,As - The ; City _ - ITSELF! I Matt-Jeff Cartoon I Today's News n' a jJe Yj^ ;c,. >. r,' ' -_ I s.a.g ii ra;':' I 1' .s I + b ,x , :; ryes. _' '> p: , ;_ ;:~,: t P:-- -I AI pack~ag~e, se'alediin -i +s F.' "A / 'i\ ih Z'm I(; ~.Zi ~ &M I