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April 27, 1927 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-27

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.Oiitt tl





Michigan Reveals Some Of Potential'
Hitting Power And Scores Rive
Runs In First t
Although the Wolverines still prac-
ticed some of the pranks that caused,
them to bow in defeat in the first
two Conference games, they suddenly
realizedi their power with the bat and
defeated the high-scoring MichiganI
State baseball team by a score of 6
to 4 on the Ferry field diamond yes-I
terday afternoon.
The victory over the State nine
was as welcome as a warm spring
day, being the only game that the
Wolverines have won in the North.
Coach Fisher is elated over the show-
ing of his men at bat, but still ex-
presses disappointment in the field-
West Virginia will play the
Michigan baseball team in the
last home game of the week at
4:05 o'clock this afternoon on
the Ferry field diamond.
which resembled the one staged with
Northwestern Saturday. However,
the three errors counted against i
Michigan were offset by the 12 hitsI
earned off Tolles, the star pitcher of
the Michigan State team.I
Neblung, who hurled for the Wol-I
verines, was largely responsible for
the Maize and Blue victory, andI
judging from his showing yesterday,
he will be the outstanding man on
the Michigan pitching staff. The]
State team was held to five hits, two
of which were made in the first inn-]
ing, and the other three in the fifth.,
Neblung's pitching was particulaly
pleasing in that he struck out 11f
State batsme.
Michigan State went into the lead
in the first inning, scoring two runs
on two hits. Rowley singled to left
field and advanced to second when
Loos fell in fielding Zimmerman's
grounder. Towley cored when
Baynes singled far out into right
For the first time this season,1
Michigan revealed some of the poten-
tial hitting power which had been?
dormant in the first two Conference'
games, and scored five runs in the
last half of the first inning by hitting
three singles, a double, and two trp-
Not content with a four run lead,
the Wolverines continued the hitting
ing of several of the players. In two
of the nine innings the Michigan team
lapsed into a coma and put on a show
bee in the second inning and scored
another run. Loos hit a high fly in
back of third base for a single, going
to second when Barrett had consid-
erable trouble in picking up the ball.
Weintraub advanced the runner by'
placing a safe bunt down the first
base line. Loos scored on Oosterbaan's
long sacrifice fly to centerfield,
bringing the Michigan total to six

Cities On Mississippi Plan Emergency
Measure To Save Lands From Floods
(By Associated Press) well as from the business interests of
VICKSBURG, Miss., April 26-The )Natchez, who demanded a cut at Mor-
Mississippi river commission tonigllt ganza so as to protect that city as well
approved the request of the state of as New Orleans. To that Baton Rouge
Louisiana and the city of New Orleans objected on the ground that it would
to make an artificial crevasse at j flood 3,000 square miles of rich coun-
Poydras, below New Orleans, in case try including Louisiana's sugar cane


(( tx

Whirr From Skates
Of Merry Students
Fills Air Of Campus
By Timothy hay
The whirr of roller skates filled the
usually staid and deathly silent cam-
pus atmosphere last night as hund-
reds of students turned out to test
their newly acquired eight-wheeled
speed marvels. You couldn't even hear
the whispers in the library the noise
was so loud.
An added attraction in the early
-vening w-s-an exposition.of..iIer


the flood warranted the emergency.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., April 26-Des-,
perate measures to protect New Or-
leans from the force of the floods
that daily are laying waste new areas
in Arkansas and Mississippi, were 1
agreed today by the federal govern-1
ment, and approved by the army en-
gineers and the Mississippi river com-
The plan to remove the menace
from the South's largest city, put
forward by Governor Simpson of)
Louisiana and Mayor O'Keefe of New
Orleans, is for the blasting of a wide
breach in the east levee of the Missis-
sippi, ten miles below the city.
This brought an immediate protest
from the inhabitants of the 13 square4
miles that thus would be flooded, as

growing section.
The whole question was then put
up to the river commission and the
army engineers at Vicksburg, who ap-
proved the cut.
While the danger to New Orleans
is notthought to be imminent, en-
gineers all along have been apprehen-
sive for the safety of the port when
the crest of the flood, located off Iel-
ena, Ark., passed Vicksburg to join
with the Red river from Arkansas and
the Yazoo river from Mississippi.
NEW ORLEANS, April 26-The en-
tire ILouisiana National guard was or-
!dered out tonight by Adjutant-General
L, A. Toombs. The order, General
Toombs said, was a precautionary
4measure to meet any possible develop-
ments in the flood situation.




Rockford Players Will Appear inder
Auspices of Alumnae Council
And Women's League
Under the auspices of the Alumnae
council of the University, and for the
benefit of the Women's League build-
ing fund, the Rockford players will
give 15 performances May 3 to 17
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The
Rockford players are a group made up
largely of former University students
who have recently completed a sea-
son of seven months in Rockford,
Illinois. T'hey are under the direction
of Robert Henderson, '26, and the
plays given here will be the outstnd-
ing successes of the Rockford season.
The members of the company, in
addition to Robert Henderson, include
Amy Loomis, '23, for several years
director of the Tunior, Girls' Play;
Frances Horine, .25, and Camille Mas-'
line, '28A.
Reynold Evans, for the past five
years one of the leading actors in
Walter Hainpden's company, is lead-
ing man, and other New York players
in the cast include Frances Bavier,
from Elliott Nugent's "The Poor Nut"
and Franklin Wait from Anne Nich-
ol's "Howdy King."
The company is the same that play-
ed a six weeks run of plays last
summer in the same hall for the ben-
efit of the Women's League, and fol-
lowing the presentations in May the
group will again return for a summer
series of plays. The season this spring
will open with a presentation of "The
Firebrand," by Justin Mayer, and the
other plays to be given in rotation
with a different play every night, in-
clude "The Last Of Mrs. Cheyney,"
by Frederick Lonsdale, "The Intimate
Strangers," by Booth Tarkington,
"Pigs", by Patterson McNutt, and "The
Green Goddess," by William Archer.
Sarah Caswell Angell hall is being
redecorated for the presentations of
the plays, and new chairs, a new drop
curtain, and several other features
have been installed.
Seats for all of the performances
went on sale at the State street book-
stores yesterday morning, and tickets
for individual plays are priced at 75
cents while course tickets, including
admissions for all five of the plays
are priced at $3.00. Members of the
Wom:emfs League are handling the
ticket sales and all profits over the
hare expenses of poducing the plays
will be given to that organization.
Suspicions that the fire which de-
stroyed the University hospital on
February 1 was of incendiary origin
were confirmed yesterday with the ar-
rest in Detroit of James H. Keith, a
former porter at the hospital, who is
said to have confessed starting the
fire. Warrants have been requested,
charging Keith with arson following
his confession of starting the fire
here and 16 other fires in Detroit.
Keith was arrested in Detroit Satur-
day when he was seen loitering
around several fires which were sus-
pected of being of incendiary origin.
He is said to have told officials in
Detroit that he fired the hospital and
a - -: - n ic a n io r,.- - ofm, a

Selections Based Upon Service, Highb
Scholarship, And Achievements
In Campus Activities
Elections to Phi Kappa Phi, national
honor society, a chapter of which was
installed at the University last No-
vember, were announced yesterday.
The society, which is all-campus in
its nature, elected 107 students from
among the senior classes of the vari-
ous colleges, basing their selection
upon superior scholarship, achieve-
ment in campus activities, and service
to the University.
.The banquet, for the newly elected
members will be held May 26 at the
Union, and will be addressed by Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little. President
Little was a member at Maine, being
'taken into the chapter here when it
was installed last fall.
Those chosen from the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts were:
Guy H. Amerman, Florence C. Ander-
son, Anna B. Arnold, Lloyd W. Bart-
lett, Rachael J. Bell, Sue G. Bonner,
Madeline Bowers, Norman C. Bower-
sox, Smith H. Cady, Everett M. Claspy,
Ledlie A. DeBow, Stanley E. Dimond,
Philip Dow, Helen L. Edwards, Ce-
celia L. Fine, Russell A. Fisher.
Frederick S. Glover, Julian N. Gold-
man, Catherine E. Grindley, John H.
Hanley, Clarence C. Hostrp, Lloyd
Huston, Robert V. Jaros, Stephen E.
Jones, Lydia R. Kahn, Marion M.
Kiely, Thomas V. Koykka, Harold D.
Larson, Marshall H. Levy, George H.
Likert, Samuel J. Lukens, Grace N.
McDonald, Miles W. Marks, Josephine
Megaro, Herbert G. Mekeel, Glen W.
Elsie R. Nicholson, Herbert, Obedin,
Lawrence Pruss, Edgar G. Shumm,
Dorothy A. Seeber, Helen K. Shaw,
Margaret L. Sherman, Frederick H.
Shillito, Dorothy A. Shulze, Walter E.
Simmons, Clarence Q. Slocum, Cyn-
thia B. Smith, Jmes A. Sprowl, Char-
lotte B. Stephens, Charles R. Swine-
hart, Dorothy B. Tisch, Willis E. Top-
per, Abraham M. Torgow, Mary C.
Van Tuyl, Theodore A. Veenstra, Rob-
ert C. Walton, Cahrles F. Warren,
Charles Weber, Alexander W. Winkler,
Mary F. Woolfitt.
The elections from the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture were:
Leonard Boddy, Clarke E. Center,
Ralph B. Ehlers, John E. Goodrich,
Elmer A. Hilburger, Clifford R. His-
ler, Benjamin F. King, Louis R.
Kirschman, Herbert Kuenzel, George
A. Lamb, Waldemar J. Poch, William
E. Renner, Joseph D. Ryan, Charles
T. Schiemen, Robert J. Smith, Howard
R. Stevenson, Harvey A. Wagner,
George F. Wyllie, Charles 1I. Young.
From the Medical school the follow-
ing were elected: Alf Alving, Christe
Hiss, Gordon J. McCurdy, Walter
Maddock, James Maxwell, Carl G. Mil-
ler, Gordon l\yers, Hazel Prentice,
Alvin Price, and Reed Teed.
Selections from the School of Dent-
istry include: John Bielawski Elmer
E.Ettinger, Lawrence Kimbrell, Ren-
nells C. Owens, and Victor F. Ross.
Helen R. Young was chosen from
the College of Pharmacy.
Nine were selected from the School
of Education: Ulysses S. Beach, Theo-
dore Bystrom, Wesley C. Darling,
Ernest Hildner, Theodore Hornberger,
Clifton E. Lutes, Henry L. Selmeer,
Arthur P. Sweet, and Gerald G. Woods.
George L. Hull was the single mem-

Univervity Professor Will Address b
First Session On Advances
In Philosophy Field
President Kenyon L. Butterfield of
Michigan State college and Prof. Royt
W. Sellars of the philosophy depart-s
ment will address the o euing meet-S
ing of the 32nd annual &nvention of
the Michigan Academy of Science,e
Arts, and Letters which will be held
at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in Nat-
ural Science auditorium.F
President Butterfield will address:
the meeting on "Some Social Trendsa
in Agriculture" and Professor Sellars
will speak on "Recent Developments 1
in Philosophy and Their Influencen
Upon Science." Both of the men have I
had wide experience in their fields,1 i
and have spoken at nieetings of the
Academy before. President Butter-b
field is a graduate of Michigan State
college of the class of 1891, and didh
graduate work for three years at thel
University here. In the school yearv
1.902-03 he taught rural sociology at i
the University, and was president and
nrofessor of political economy at
Rhode Island College of Agriculture
and Mechanical Arts from 1903 to
1906. In the latter year he was made
president of Massachusetts Agricul-
tural college and held that position
until 1924, when he was appointed
head of Michigan State college, whichj
position he has since held.
Professor Sellars, who will address
the same meeting, is a graduate of the
University, and has occupied a posi-
tion on the faculty here since his
graduation. He was appointed pro-
fessor of philosophy in 1923 and has
written several books, the best knownt
of which, is his "Essentials of Logic." I
At the evening sessions, which will
be held at 8:00 o'clock tonight inx
Natural Science auditorium, Prof. L.
A. Chase of. Northern State Normal
college will deliver the presidentialc
address. His subject will be "Mich-E
igan as a Field for Research." Pro-f
fessor Chase filled the position off
Prof. Ulrich B. Phillips of the history'
department while the latter was on
leave of absence during the last se-
mester of last year. The speaker is
considered an authority on the history
of the Northwest territory, of whichc
the state of Michigan is a part. Pro-
fessor Chase is president of the Acad-
emy for the year.7
The first session of the convention1
will be held this afternoon in Room
G 436 of the Nautral Science buildingc
when the council of the.Academy willt
meet. Meetings will continue through
Friday of this week, and the head-i
quarters of the Academy will be in
room 1209 Angell hall. More thant
550 members are expected to attendi
the sessions by those in charge, and thet
lectures held in Natural Science audi-
torium will be open to the public. The
principal speaker tomorrow will be1
Prof. Charles Merriam, head of the
department of political science at the
University of Chicago.c
Concurrently with the meetings of
1 the Michigan Academy the Michigan1
Schoolmasters' club, with more than,
1500 delegates from all parts of the
state will meet here Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday of this week. The teach-
who come will be largely from the
secondary schools of the state and the
first program will be held at 1:30
o'clock Thursday afternoon in room
C of the Law building. '
The meetings of this group will be
largely taken up with visiting Uiver-
sity classes and discussing education-
al problems, although President Clar-
ence Cook Little will address the club
at 7:30 o'clock Friday night in Hill
auditorium. The conference will
close Saturday morning.I
Giving the final talk of the Orator-
ical association lecture series, Sen.

Frank B. Willis, Republican, Ohio,
enumerated four principles of action
which he advised in the life of anyI
individaul and which, he said, couldl
control his political actions. These
were: to think clearly, love his fel-
lowman, act honestly, and retain theI
faith of his forefathers, taking these
points from a poem by Henry Van
Senator Willis vigorously oppos-I
ed the remarks of Pres. Nicholas
Mlir .nv nlo o :loi -hi. niv ._-


blancing by a student on an o1d fish-
oned bicycle, the kind with a big
wheel in front and [he mere sugges-
tion of one behind.
During the afternoon there was a
sandem bicycle running loose on the
streets but at night the boys were
kating in series of fifteen and twenty.
"Roller skating is an art," remark-
ed President Little in regard to the I
present fad which is sweeping the
campus," and it is healthful exercise."
But, he pointed out further, there is
;rsat danger of accidents, especially
where students skate down the streets.
To date at least one objection has
been made to police concerning the I
noise created om thecity sidewalks by
the skaters, but no action is to be
taken, as tear eas is scarce.
What this campus needs now is a I
big parade of the various kinds of
locomotion so suddenly discovered |
here in our midst. It would be start-
ling to learn that cars aren't the only f
way to move around. We might even
find an advocate of walking.
"Eagerness Will Supplant Information
As Future Educational Goal,"
Says Educator
"Eagerness will supplant informa-
tion as the goal in education of the k
colleges of the future," declared I
Henry T. Moore, president of Skid-
more college, Saratoga Springs, New
York, in discussing "Changing Ten-
dencies in College Education yester-
day afternoon in the University high
school. In the era which must result
from the revolutionary trend now
fighting for recognition in education, }
"I do not know" will be replaced by I
"I am not interested," he stated.
Mass production in education, the
giving of facts to students in large
assemblies, has resulted in neglect
of the power to judge on the part of
students, and the country is seeking
a new kind of learning, declared
President Moore. The model which
America has been trying to stand-fj
ardize is ancient, as the four yearE
curriculum was first introduced in
the University of Paris in 1252.
Forced to find a new type of learn-
ing, colleges have responded with
such as the orientation course at
Columbia, the course in evolution at
Dartmouth, Yale and Williams, in-
tended to give the students the widest
possible pattern of knowledge, leav-
ing discrimination and sifting of facts
to the scholar, he continued.
The college must face the problem
of enlivening the professor, to his
creative work, and for this President
Moore, suggested a plan whereby one-
third of each class may be chosen ini
competition and assigned to the pro-
fessor for training in creative hues. I
This higher third would have the di-
rection and instruction of- the lower
two-thirds, 'and competition would
keep in the highest group only those
proved to be the best scholars. In
conclusion, President Moore declared
that two tendencies of the changes
stand out today, first, the demand that
scholarship shall concern itself with
meaning, rather than the "nonsense"
of today, and second, that education
shall be something that shall be char-
acteristic of a person throughout the
entire life.

tinue until
ident then
ment to be
be banned.
If those
an isolated

TLie work of enforcing the pres-
ent automobile regulations by the
student-faculty committee charg+
ed with this duty has begun. At
the first meeting three students
were placed on probation and
one, who was eligible to drive
but had neglected to register his
car, was denied permission. Oth-
er cases, considered as rapidly
as the students can be inter-
viewed, will be handled today.
Complete enforcements will con-

Body Will. Probably Deny Requests
For Pernission To Drive Cars;
Are Three Months Overdue
Rigid enforcement of the present
automobile regulations, undertaken in
an effort to test whether or not com-
plete abolition of cars is necessary,
was begun yesterday by the student-
faculty committee in charge, and will
be continued for the rest of the se-
mester. Three students who have fail-
ed to live un to the rules of the Re-
gents were placed on probation, and a
fourth denied permission to use his
Students who have been fined for
traffic violations and failed to show
university permits to operate cars, to-
gether with students whose licensq

June. If the Pres-
believes the experi-
a success, it will be
if not, all cars will
students who were
yesterday constituted
group, selected at

random and punished as a mere
gesture that the rules will be en-
forced, they would have grounds
for objection. But since the rules
will be enforced in every case
brought before the committee,
and the committee is endeavoring
to reach every unregistered car
in the city, they received only
what they deserved. All admitted
that they had failed to obey the
rules, either through careless-
ness or belief that to obey was
unnecessary as the rules would
not be enforced.
Enforcement of the present
rules at this late date is handi-
capped by the brief period of time
remaining in this semester and
by the additional problem of a
large group of students who, al-
though eligible to drive, failed to
register their cars, in the belief
that the rules would not be en-
forced. However, since the time
granted to the students to make
up for their failure to cooperate
thus far by enforcing the present
rules extends only to the end of
this semester, drastic action at
once, despite any difficulty, is
Students can "beat the game"
if they work hard enough to keep.
their cars from being detected.
That is granted. The success of
the present experiment depends
on students being more interested
in aiding in enforcement and
thus escaping the general ban
than in. obstructing the effort by
attempting to avoid the rules.
The Daily, in opposing the com-
plete abolition, has been actuated
by the belief that students will
cooperate with the committee;
hot fight it. To cooperate means
the same partial restrictions
next year; to fight means no
cars at all.
The committee, still composed
largely of students, is making an
honest effort to do its part. The
students who have been and will
be disciplined must realize that
they are guilty of breaking a Uni-
versity rule, and join their fel-
lows in the campaign to save
cars for the majority in the fu-
ture. The President has granted
the students another chance;
The Daily appeals to the com-
mittee, and more especially to
the student body, to expend every
effort to prove to the administra-
tion that Michigan men and wo-
men are willing to do their part.
The co-operation of the campus
is essential.


The meeting of the Student
council which was scheduled for
tonight has been postponed until
7:30 o'clock tomorrow night.
numbers, selected at random from cars
on the streets, failed to check with
the permits issued thus far, will be
called before the committee as rapid-
ly as possible, and disciplinary meas-
ures will result. Students who fail
to cooperate and continue to drive
will be suspended from the University.
More than 100 applications to oper-
ate automobiles wire filed at the
office of the dean of students yester-
(day. What will be done with these
requests is not known. It was this
lack of cooperation on' the part of
these and other students heretofore
that led to the threatened ban on cars;
the willingness of the students to aid
by registering their cars now may lead
the President to decide a complete ban
is not necessary.
Every effort is being made to clean-
up the unregistered cars as thoroughly
as possible, bbth because punishment
in isolated cases would not be fair,
and because the present regulations
must be enforced rigidly through the
cooperation of the committee and the
student body if Michigan is not to have
complete abolition of cars by 'action
of the Regents.
The work of interviewing students
who have been operating cars with-
out permits will be continued by the
committee at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Giving the last of the series of two
lectures arranged by Coif, honorary
legal society, Prof. Alexander 'Pierce
Higgins, Whewell professor of Inter-
national law at Cambridge university,
delivered an address on "The Locarno
Sottlement" yesterday aft:noon in
Room C of the Law building.
As an introductory statement Pro-
fessor Higgins outlined the stages
that led up to the Locarno settle-
ent, tracing back the situation to the
Franco-Prussian war. One of the
promising circumstances of the Lo-
carno settlement, he declared was the
fact that for the first time since 1914
Germany voluntarly met with the
allied nations to discuss the mainten-
ance of peace in Europe. Germany's
action in taking the initiative in the
matter is commendable, Professor
Higgins stated, and shows an attempt
to bring about a moral relaxation of
the tension previously existing be-
tween the nations of Europe.
After outlining the eight docu-
ments making up the Locarno settle-
ment, Professor Higgins pointed out
I that all of the agreements provided
for a supervision of the League of
1 Nations and that the whole matter
was arranged under the Covenant of
the League.
Orders for senior announcements,
f invitations, and programs will be re-
s ceived today for the last time at a
d table in University hall. No further
e In n rn iv l re mirrora . Vhmli .

Loos, ss................4
Puckelwartz cf.........4
Oosterbaan, 3b..........3
Kubicek 2b.............4
Corriden, If............4
Gilbert, rf..............3
Davis, c................4
Neblung, p.............3


*McCoy batted for Gilbert
31chagin State

Fleser,, cf...............4
Davis* ...................1
Rowley, 3b ..............3
Zimmerman, rf..........4
Barrett, If...............1
Reinhart, if..............3
Baynes, 2b ...............3
Hoisington, lb ............3
Witter, e .................2
Caruso, c ,........2
Eggert, ss . ...............3
Snider* ..................1
Tolles, p...............


3 I-3

3 2 2
1 1 31
1 0 0
2 6 0
1 2 2
2 1 0
0 1 01
2 12 1
0 2 01
2 27 9
in the
0 2 0
0 0 0
1 0
0 2 0
1 1 1
2 1 2
0 10 0
0 4 0
0 3 0
0 3 2
0 0 0
1 0 3
5 24 11

WILL DISTRIBUTE , "The Raw Materials of History"
,ENSIAN IN WEEK will be the subject of a University lec-
ture by Worthington Ford to be given
Friday afternoon in the University
Although not definitely announced, high school auditorium. A lecture will
the distribution of the 1927 Michigan- also be given dealing withthe unique
ensian will take place within a week in historical elections by Mr. Ford on
according to a statement of officials insdal elecins bM Ford n
I Wednesday evening at the Clements~
yesterday. library. This lecture will be open only
It was urged that any students who by invitation.
have placed their recipts for the year- Mr. Ford has lectured here annuall
book call at the 'Ensian office in the sr. ot 1as2,ether en
Press building any afternoon this since about 1922, the series being
week or before the distribution takes broken last year. The lecture Friday
place. will be given in cooperation with th
State Teacher's association.
Mr. Ford is at present the editor o
BIG TEN STANDIINGS Ithe publications of the Massachusetts
Historical society. He lhas written and
( Ohio State .......2 0 1.000 I edited numerous books, including the



Tatls. ........

*Snider batted for Eggert in the
Three base hits - Puckelwartz,
Corriden, Davis Tolles. Two base
r- -t-rh'n on


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