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April 26, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-26

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.

To the Members of the Faculty:
At the suggestion of the Executive Committee of the Michigan School-
masters' Club and after consultation with the Deans, a letter has been sent
to the high schools of the State inviting the principals And teachers who may
be in attendance at the meetings of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club to
visit University Classes, particularly in freshman subjects, during the days
of the sessions of the Schoolmasters' Club and especially on Wednesday and
Thursday, April 27 and April 28. It was felt that such visitation Would
be of advantage both to the University and the secondary schools and
should be encouraged for that reason. The intention is to permit the high
school teachers to see for themselves the sort of work that their graduates
are called upon to do in the first year of the University, with an ilea to
helping as much as possible the freshman students in making thv transi-
tion from high school to college. Visitors will carry a card of introduction
and it is hoped that the instructors in freshman courses will give their co-
operation toward achieving the purposes sought.
C. C. Little
To the Deans:
There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, April 27, in the
President's office, at ten o'clock.
F. E. Robbins
Public Lecture:
Professor A. Pearce Higgins, C. B. E., K. C., Whewell Professor of In-
ternational Law at Cambridge University, will lecture on "The Locarno Set-
tlement" Tuesday, April 26th, at 4:15 P. M. in Room C in the Law Building.
Professor Higgins was an expert adviser to the British Government dur-
ing the World War and at the Peace Conference. He is an Editor of the
British Year Book of International Law and a member of the Institut de
Droit International. The public is cordially invited.
11. 31. Bates.
Public Lecturer on Forestry:
Dean M. E. Cooley will give a t~,lk on "Forestry from an Engineering
Viewpoint," Tuesday, April 26, at 4.15 P.M., in .the Natural Science Audi-
torium. Following the talk a film, "Wood Wisdom," will be shown. The
public is invited.
R. Craig, Jr.
School of Education: -
There will be a lecture by President Henry T. Moore, Skidmore Col-
lege, next Tuesday, April 26, at 4:15 P. M. in the Auditorium of University
High School. The subject of the lecture is "Changing tendencies in college
education." Students in Education are particularly urged to be present.
A. S. Whitney.
Education C-160:
Education C-160 will not have a class meeting April 26.
C. L. Carke.
- .
Religion 14:
Both sections will meet at usual hours this week. Assignment-through
Chapter 10 of text. A. E. Wood.
Political Science 124: f
The mid-semester examination in Political Science 124 will be held in
Room 1025 Angell Hall. Paul M. Cuncannon.
Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University Organist, will give a very interesting pro-
gram in the Twilight Organ Recital Series on Wednesday afternoon at 4:15
o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is cor-
dially invited to attend.
The program, which is from the works of Richard Wagner, is as fol-

lows:-Dance of Apprentices and Procession of Mastersingers--Die Meister-
singer; Walthers "Prize Song"-Die Meistersinger; Good Friday Music--
Parsifal; Magic Fire Music-Die Walkuere; Dreams-written as a study for
Tristan and Isolde; Overture-Tannhauser.
Charles A. Sink, Secretary.
Cercle Francais Lecture:
Professor Rene Talamon will lecture Wednesday, April 27th, at 4:15
o'clock in Room 1025 Angell Hall on: "Le Theatre Francais Contemporain."
H. P. Th'lieme,
French Play:
The Annual French Play, "La Sonnette d'Alarme," by Romain Coolus
and Maurice Hennequin, will be presented by members of the Cercle at the
Mimes Theater, Wednesday, May 4. Rene Talamonu.
Le Ccrele Fraztca'ls:
The meeting of the Cercle Francais, scheduled for Tuesday evening,
April 26, at 7:30, is postponed.
Dorothy B. Tiscl, President.
Uniersiy Girls' Glee Club:
There will be no regular rehearsal of the club in the School of Music,
today. All members are expected to attend the annual Freshman Glee Club
Party to be held in the parlors of Betsy Barbour. Absence will be counted
as absence from rehearsal unless previously excused. From 3:30 to 5:30.
Mary Kent-Miller, President.
Employment For Vacation:
College students who are interested in securing summer employment
may meet Miss H. A. Howe of the Educators Association at the Michigan
Union, fourth floor parlor, on Tuesday and Thursday, April 26th and 28th,
l at 5:00 P. M. and on through evening. J. A. Bursley.
7th Annual Spanish Play:
Tuesday, April 26, at 8:00 o'clock there will be given in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall the 7th Annual Dramatic Representation of the Sociedad His-
panica. This year three one-act plays will be given: "Las Aceitunas" by
Lope de Rueda; "Escrima y Amor" by J. y S. Quintero; "La Sorpresa de
Isidor" by F. J. Yanes. Tickets may be secured from members of the
Spanish faculty or 104 South Wing of University Hall.
Charles T. Lee.
Cheer Leader Tryouts:
All Freshmen and Sophomore tryouts for cheer leader report to Union,
Room 306 at 5 o'clock today. Paul Endriss.
Mr. R. F.'Field and Mr. George O. Leonard, both of the Campbell-Ewald
Company, Detroit, will speak at a meeting to be held under the auspices of
the School of Business Administration in 1025 Angell Hall at 4:15 on Tues-
day, April 26.
Mr. Field, a son of the late Eugene Field, will describe the preparation
of the advertising campaign of the Krieder-Rotzel Company, Youngstown,
Ohio, which received one of the Harvard Advertising Awards for 1926. Mr.
Field was in charge of the copy for the campaign.
Mr. Leonard, who is Director of Media and Research, will explain how a
large advertising agency achieves division of labor, through the work of its
specialized departments.
The meeting will be open to all who are interested in advertising. It
offers an unusual opportunity to learn of the practical problems of agency
work from men especially qualified to talk.
Carl N. Schmalz
Real Estate:
Mr. R. F. Field of the Campbell-Ewald Company of Detroit, will
describe the preparation of the advertising campaign prepared under his
direction for the Krieder-Rotzel Company, Subdividers of Youngstown, Ohio,
in an address under the auspices of the school of Business Administration,
1025 Angell Hall, at 4:15 on Tuesday, April 26.
This company received one of the Harvard Advertising awards for 1926.
The meeting will be open to all who are interested in Real Estate.
Ernest M. Fisher
Joint :Meeting, A. S. S. T. and A. . Ch. E.:
Mr.A. H. d'Arcambal, '12E, will address a joint meeting of the A. S. S.T.

and A. I. Ch. E. at 8:00 P. M. Thursday, April 28,, in Room 1042, E. En-
gineering Bldg. Mr. d'Arcambal, Consulting Metallurgist and Sales Manager
1 for Pratt and Whitney Co., Hartford, Conn., will speak on "Metallurgical
Control in a Plant Manufacutring Machine Tools, Small Tools, Gages And
Aircraft Motors." Louis R. Kirsheman.
Senior Clieuiceal and Mechanical Engineers:
I The Illionis Steel Company are sending a representative Wednesday,t
April 27, to interview men whose education, personality and temperament
indicate their qualifications for service in their sales division. The men
chosen will begin in the plants in the Chicago territory in order to have
first-hand knowledge of steel manufacturing process before coming in to
the Sales Department. Mr. William Pore will be in Room 2028 East En-
gineering Building. Alfred R. White.
The annual Alpha Nu-Adelphi freshman debate will be held in the Alpha
Nu rooms, beginning promptly at 7:45. All members are asked to 'report on
time. The question to be discussed is as follows: Resolved, that this house
favors the abolition of the direct primary system in the United States.
The debate will be open to the public.
J. 31. Schrade, Speaker.
Oratorical Association Patrons:
United States Senator Frank B. Willis, of Ohio; will speak in Hill
Auditorium on Tuesday evening, April 26, at 8:00 P.M. Senator Willis will
replace Senator Pat Harrison who was unable to appear on the Oratorical
Association Lecture Course. Season ticket coupon number eight will admit.
Carl G. Brandt, Financial Manager
Physics Colloquium :
The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:14 P.M., Tuesday, April 24, in
Room 1041, New Physics Building. Mr. Aaron Levin will speak on "The
I Infra-Red Absorption Bands of Acetylene, Ethylene and Ethane." All inter-

Alpha Nu:
The Society will meet tonight at
7:30 in its room on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall. The annual Freshmnen
Debate between Adelphi and Alpha Nu
will take place in the Alpha Nu room.
Visitors are cordially invited and all
members are urged to be present to
support the team.
Lyle I. Elsernian, Pres.
Web and Flange :
The regular monthly banquet meet-
ing will be held Tuesday, April 26, at
the Union. Prof. T. HF. Reed will
R. A. Davidson, Pres.
Play Production Tryouts:
The following are to reuort at 4:00


P. M. Wednesday afternoon at Uni-
versity Hall Auditorium:
George Lindemulder, Kenneth King,
Robert Wetzel, Edward Deane, Jose-
phine Collins, Dorothy Long, Anne
Miller, Elizabeth McCurdy, Dorothy
Ingalls, Eleanor Horsey.
'David Owen.


ested are cordially invited to attend. Profs. Raymond L. Wilder and
W. F. Colby George Y. Rainich, of the mathematics
________________ department, and Prof. James A. Sho-
Portia Literary Society: hat, of the mathematics department
There will be a meeting Tuesday, April 26th, at 7:15 P. M. All members of the engineering college, presented
will please be there. Miriam L. Olden, President. 1 papers at the annual meeting of the
jWestern section of the American
Athena Literary Society: I Mathematical society held in Chicago
Tryouts for the upperclass debate will be held at the next regular meet- on April 15 and, 16. Prof. John W.
ing. All members except freshmen and Varsity debaters are expected to Bradshaw, of the mathematics depart-
tryout. Speeches are to be three minutes in length, and on the affirmative ment, and Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, of
side of the question Resolved: That the United States should renounce all the mathematics department of the
claims in China immediately. engineering college, also attended the
Florence A. Pollock, President. meeting.
Professor Wilder presented two
Faculty Women's Club: I Senior Literary Notice: papers on "Theory of Point Sets".
The Music Section of the Faculty Seniors who have not ordered their The spring meeting of the western
Women's Club will meet at 8 o'clock commencement programs and invita- section of the American Mathematical
tions, will have a final opportunity to do society, held annually at the Univer-
on Wednesday, April 27, with Mrs.sity of Chicago, brought together not
Louis A. Hopkins, 1517 South Univer- so Tuesday afternoon, and Wednesday only mathematicians of the west but
sity Ave. L morning in University Hall. also many prominent men in the field
Marion Fisk, Secretary. P. N. Pfaffmann, Jr., Chm. Prgms. from eastern univeisities.

April 24-30
A prize of FIVE DOLLARS is offered by the Forestry Club for
the best guess at the age of the big White pine cross-section included in the
special exhibit illustrating Michigan forestry conditions.



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