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April 26, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-04-26

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Crintrel of Student Publications.
Members of Western Confereace Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered, at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
wiaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.1
Telephone 425
Editor....... ....W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor................ Irwin A. Olias
e is ........ Frederick Shillito
New Edtos..,.. ...... 1Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor......... .Marion Kukik
Sort Edtor....... ....Wilton A. Simpson
Telgrah ditor ........ ..Morris Zwerd3Rng
Musio and Drama......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
C harles Behymet Ellis Merry
arton Chamnpe Staford N. Phelps
J Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnais
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Milton Kirshbaun
Margaret Arthur Paol Kern
7.a 1'w~bASally Knox
Jessie Church Richard Kurviak.
.nester r.. Clark G. homas vcKean
Fdward C. Cummings YVneth Patrick
Margaret Clarke Mary Ptolemy
sa,)aM.uarU vv. Cleland Ivis Quinn
Clarence Edelson James Sheehan
William Emery Sylvia Stonean
Robert E. Finch Mary Louise Taylor
.Martin Frissel Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
iobert Gessner William Thurnau
Margaret Gross Marian Welles
Elaine Gruber Thaddeus Wasilewski
Coleman J. Glencer Sherwood Winslow
Harvey .Gunderson Herbert E. Vedder
Stewart hooker Milford Vanik
Morton B. Icove
Telephone 21214
Contracts................William C. Pusch
Copywriting ..........Thomas E. Sunderland
Local Advertising .. .George H. Annable, Jr.
Foreign Advertising ......Laurence Van Tuyl
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication..............John H. Bobrink
Accounts ... ........Francis A. Norquist
Beatrice Greenberg George Ahn, Jr.
Selma Jensen Florence Cooper
Marion L. Reeding A. M. Hinkley
Marion Kerr E. L. Hulse
Nance Solomon R. A. Meyer
Ralph L. Miller Harvey Talcott
Jahn Russwinkle Harold Utley
Douglas Fuller Ray Wachter
Virle C. Witham Esther Booze
Night Editoi-JAMES T. HERALD

the present regulations. It would citizens across the river to their daily
seem, then, that the class of people work. The measure only adds fur-
who should not have cars will be ther difficulties in the way of remedy-
pretty well included in the group that ing the situation in all its angles.
WILL NOT have cars if the present F
regulations are enforced. In his ad- THE REPLACING OF THE
dress Sunday, Dr. Little scoffed at BENChES
probation as a punishment, pointing More than a hundred students of
out that the girls injured last week the University, presumably of the en-I
were already on probation before the gineering college, last night removed
accident. It is queer that the Pres- the recently established "Clippy sta-
ident of the University should not be- dium" at the literary end of the
lieve probation efficacious as a punish- diagonal and used to replace the
ment when it is already used as a engineering benches, which were tak-
disciplinary measure in cases of poor en out by the University during
scholarship, of infractions of the pro- spring vacation.
hibition law, and in every other case The action of the students, althoughI
in which the University feels it neces- merely a childish prank carried out in
sary to punish an offender. a spirit of fun, comes at a time when
2. The abolition of all automobiles such evidences of the lack of any
will, assuredly, cure the ill, but it sense of responsibility can do nothing
will also punish hundreds of Michigan but harm the cause of the undergrad-
students who have the required uates. When students are attemptingI
scholastic average, the common sense to convince the University that they
and the good judgment required to have the good judgment and common
operate a car-and this group, the sense needed to operate their own
President says, constitutes the ma- automobiles, they furnish a very poorI
jority. If this is true, The Daily can- example of these virtues by tearing up
not see that the passage of such a the pedestrian entrance to the campus
law could be anything but unjust. in order to replace benches officially
Should Punish Law Breakers abolished.
It is true that the first suggestion The engineers have no grounds for
will be the more difficult to enforce. objecting to the ruling that resultedI
wil beth moe iffcut t efore.in the removal of the time-honored
It will probably not require a squad inhThea thensim-honst d
of campus policemen, plainclothes benches. The actions of the students
. who occupied them each afternoon
men and others, as the President ex- woocpe hmec feno
pects, but it will require hard work had gradually become more and more
on the part of the officials until indecent, and the "grading system" of
enough infractions have been punish- University women ,although carried
Inuhmrcin aebe uih on in a spirit of fun, became so insult..
ed to make the students realize that in a spi rites o nst-
I .,,,,.w .,-4, - fr +hir'ing that the authorities could not be


JJ !ti1IIIIEI!1 111l11ltlltlll11lltlIlllttitllllE1il l ll l illllH1111111lllIS Ill 11llll lill11ll ll tll lll 111 1111111lliit 111llttlllltt
Music and Drama . Snir
present three plays at 8 o'clock in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall. =
'IMOiNIGHT: The Students' Recital at
S:15 o'clock in the School of Music A H A M
At Both Ends of the Diagonal
The most brilliantly star-studded i9-j ________ ____________________________________________
cast of the year, and one of the most-
brilliant in the theater of the past de- RIDER SERVICE ~

these regulations, intended for their
own good, are to be taken seriously.
The student committee this year has
not dealt out punishment in a single
case more severe than to direct the
offender to stop using his car, and has
not even seen to it that this order was
obeyed. Naturally, the legislation has
not been lived up to by the minority
under such conditions. The change
in the committee advocated by The
Daily is one of personnel, and not a
mere change in number, as the Pres-
I ident so humorously pointed out in
his speech on Sunday. The present
regulations have never been enforced;
is it too much to ask for trial with
enforcement before the whole campus
is punished by being deprived of cars?
The President is a fighter-The Daily
hopes that he will fight to make the
present rulings successful, not to
bring about the abolition of cars,
which is the easiest way out.
To enforce the present restrictions
it will be necessary merely to take the
numbers of cars obviously belonging
to students; check these numbers
with the license lists which, the
Chamber of Commerce will glady
furnish for Michigan cars, and whichl
can be obtained easily by writing to
the state capitals of Ohio, Illinois and
other states; and call the offender
thus located before the suggested com-
mittee for an explanation. If this ex-

It is with regret that The Daily
fiids itself on the opposite side of the
fence from the President of theiUni-
versity. Dr. Little, during his two
years at Ann Arbor, has filled his


position with distinction, both to him-
self and to Michigan, and he has been
sincere in his efforts in behalf of his
stud'ents. For the first time, The
Daily opposes his' recommendations,
for his eloquent presentation of his
case at Hill auditorium Sunday failed
to convince the editors of The Daily
that they might have been mistaken
in placing the paper definitely on the
side of those who object to a general
ban on student, owned cars.
It is also regretted that "puerile"
editorials of The Daily make Dr.
Little's work more difficult. It is
true that the writers of The Daily's
editorials cannot bring to their work
the same experience that Dr. Little
brings to his. However, the President
is mistaken when he suggests that
these editorials are hurriedly written
by persons who have devoted no seri-
ous thought to the question. The
Managing Editor of The Daily has
been :a member of the present com-
mittee for enforcing the automobile
regulations during the entire year and
has studied the problem at first hand.-
The pointing out of flaws in The
Daily's argument is welcomed-the
charge that these editorials are not
advanced after careful consideration
in a sincere effort to reach the con-
elusion that will most benefit the
University of Michigan and its stu-
dents is unfounded.
Student Body Has Failed
The President and The Daily meet
on common ground when he condemns
a portion of the student body for its
failure to cooperate in making the
present regulations successful. It was!
a wonderful opportunity for students
to take the initiative in handling their
own problem aid was advanced in a
spirit of understanding that is found
in few of America's universities. How-

planation is unsatisfactory, place the
offender on probation, and for a sec-
ond offense, suspend him from the
University for a definite period. The
present committee could have done
this, but it didn't. The suggested
committee could do it, and must. It
would. be drastic action for those
guilty of infractions, but it would not
punish the innocent majority. It is
on this point that The Daily bases itsI
Question Involves 10,000
The Daily joins the President in
expressing deep regret over the loss
of the life of one student, and the in-
juring of others, last week. It ex-
tends its condolences to the family
and friends of the unfortunate stu-
dents who suffered. The loss of one
Michigan man is a great loss that the
University can ill afford, a sacrifice
that is deeply felt. However, accidents
do happen in modern life and The
Daily does not believe that the regret-
table misfortune of six students
should be considered in a question
involving 10,000. It provides an ef-!
F fective argument, for it is close to the
hearts of. us all, but it should not be
given undue weight in the settlement
of a question involving so many.
The Daily thanks Dr. Little for his
excellent and clear presentation of his
case at Hill auditorium, and has at-I
tempted in the story on page one of
this issue to carry his message as
fully as possible to students who did
not hear him deliver it in person.

expected to permit its continuance.
The students were warned and failed
to change their tactics. The removal
of the benches was the only solution
The students have been warned of
their failure to enforce the automobile
laws and are to be given one more
chance to enforce them through gen-
eral cooperation. The case is an exact
analogy to the history of the engineer-
ing benches. Cooperation in eliminat-
ing the abuses would have saved the
benches; cooperation in enforcing the.
auto rules will save the cars. De-
flance of the University ruling regard-
ing the benches will accompish noth-
ing; defiance of the present auto rules
will result in the total abolition of all
cars. The issue is clear.
The students who engaged in the
removal of the benches last night
should have decided what they were
trying to accomplish, before they
started on their work.
Rumors emanating from the mouths
of the sea-going collegians, passen-
gers on the "floating university" just
returned to port, have it that the trip,
while enjoyable and enlightening, has
not been altogether a success. It is
said that many of the voyagers ex-
pressed themselves as not being in
favor of repeating the tour. Others"
complained that the co-eds dist:acted
much of their attention f om their
studies, which of course, can be taken
lightly, knowing that such conditions'
would and do prevail to some ext.ert
in any such circumstances.
The thing of significance about the
sight-seeing orgy which carried a stu- F
dent body of 500 youths and 60 girls
to all parts of the world is that, as"
an experiment, it was not a failure.
In all probability, it will be attempted
again. Each attempt will undoubtedly
witness additional improvements and'
possibilities. There is no telling just
where the paths of trail and of pro-
gress may lead.
"Foreign Michigan -Student Explains
Chinese Situation." At Ieast, there is
one person who knows what the whole
trouble is all about.
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as t
confidential upon request.
To The Editor:-I
At this time when the Ameilcan
people earnestly desire a fair under-1
standing and true appreciation of China1
and the Chinese people, it seems unfor-
tunate that such -movies as "Tell Itt
to the Marines" and "Mr. Wu" are
being presented to the American pub-t
lie. It is to be hoped that not maiy

cade is George C. Tyler's revival of
Sir Arthur Pinero's "Trelawney of the
Wells," which will enter the New
Detroit Opera house for three per-
formances-Thursday and Friday,
May 5 and 6, with a Friday matinee.
The play is tremendously interest-
ing in the history of the theater, and
has been produced frequently by such
important ladies of the profession as
Ethel Barrymore, Laurette Taylor (in
the Player's Club production two
years ago), and even Mary Mannering
away back in the nebulous '90's. It is
rather unique in itself in that it has
no lead--which incidentally is the
chief reason for Mr. Tyler's all-star
cast. The characters were taken by
Pinero as portraits from the theater's
like in the '60's, even including a sur-
reptitious impersonation of Tom
Robertson in the role of Tom Wrench.
At presentthe list of characters re-
sembles a who's who in the trade,
since it includes such veterans and
celebrities as John Drew, Helen Gaha-
gan, Mrs. Thomas Whiffen, Effie Shan-
non, Otto Kruger, Wilton Lackaye,
Eric Dressler, J. M. Kerrigan, Peggy
Wood, Estelle Winwood, Henrietta
Crosman, O. P. Heggie, Rollo Peters,
John E. Kellerd, Lawrence D'Orsay
and Frieda Inescort.
As the last venture for the current
season, Play Production and Direction
will bend again to the light comedy
which has proven so popular on the
campus boards, the object of their In-
tentions being the three-year-old opus
of Lynn Starling, "Meet The Wife."
Three years is not such a long time
for a good play, and incidentally this
was produced in moving pictures but
a short time ago. Its theme and move-
ment are replete with embarrassing
and hilarious situations, and these
are supported by rather clever dia-
Maitr Boland, more recently of
"Cradle Snatchers" fame and still
carying on in that capacity now in
Detroit, was the star of the original
production, along with Clifton Webb.
The story is that of wife deserters,
first and foremost, and the antics of
two caught in the same domestic web.
The lady in question lost her spouse
in the San Francisco fire, but has
managed to raise her children to some
social position by dint of an extra-
ordinary personality and the acquisi-
tion of another husband. With the
pertinacity peculiar to dramatic hus-
bands, the first one returns and the
other attempts to migrate-and the
results are surprising.
The cast for the production has not
been announced as yet, but almost all
of the campus talent would seem to
be available the latter part of May
(when the play will be produced),
Mimes having closed its doors. Rich-
ard Woelhaf, who built the sets for
"He Who Gets Slapped" will again be
in charge of the technical end, while
David Owen will do the directing.
-K. G. P.
* * *
Three plays, "Las Aceitunas", by
Lope de Rueda, "Escrima y Amor" by
the QuInteros and "La Sorpresa de
Isidoro" by Yantes will' be given by
La Sociedad Hispanica at 8 o'clock to-
night in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
The casts are as follows:
"Las Aceitunas"
Agueda................Mary Whitney
Menciguela...............Leone Lee
Toruvio ...............Marshall Levy
Aloja .............Edward Kolwood
"Escrima y Amor"
Obduli .................Nina Slater

Prudencia .............Ruth Dussey
Don :Amadeo......Charles Staubach
Salvador .............. Hoyt Sherril
Fedinco........Douglas Whittemore
La Sorpresa de Isidoro"
Susana .........Maybelle Humphrey
Dona Remedios ......Geraldine Urist
Juanita ............ Jeanne Michaud
Isidoro............George Meader F
Dr. Cerebron..........Charles LeeI
All three plays are more or less
farcical in nature, and all are done in
the naive manner of continental
drama of this type. The first, "Las
Aceitunas" by Lope de Rueda, is a
sixteenth century slapstick, which is


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Dance to the tune of Jack Scott and his
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of the great

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However, in justice to those students films are deluded into thinking their
which it believes it represents, The knowledge of Chinese character, cus-
Daily does not feel it can endorse the toms, and landscape is being truly
abolition of all cars until enforcement augmented, or that they are getting
of the present rules has been tried. an accurate impression of the nature
and spirit of contacts of Westerners
HARD TO UNDERSTAND and Chinese. To refer to "Mr. Wu,"
The order of the commissioner of the American business is falsely typi-
immigration which prevents, through fled as being rude and utterly con-
its various provisions, Canadian res- temptuous of Chinese customs and
idents from going easily to and from people. The experience of the Amer-
Detroit is one the wisdom of which is ican youth is as improbable as unde-
hard to understand. Designed to re- sirable, laws and customs are attri-
duce labor difficulties throughout the butated to China, of which her own


ever, it failed; the question now is
whether some other means of enforc-
ing the present regulations shall beI
adopted, or whether all cars shall be

I ,,

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Chesterfield's natural to-
bacco taste accounts for its
steady rise to real prestige.

A Plan For Enforcement F

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