TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vt("1T TTMV#'Vi 1 11111111101111110 mllml owl SMI1TH TI LEAGUE[ HIGH .SC JLIGES 1,10 SLECTI N [O PRE"SIDE AT :HOOL DEBA TE EllAR FUTURIE i DE PINEDO VISITS COOLIJDGE BOOKSAND PAMPHLETS THREE CEN TURIES. OLD IN EXHIBIT OF EARLY' PRINTING AT CLEMENTS LIBRARY Oilgiiial copies and second editions boo0k being issued in 1585. It also is I (168O) andr "Cases of Conscience coni- I - ANYWHVERE EUROPPI ORIENT 'Any Steamship Line or S teamerl ENTERTAI NMENT PLANNED! 0; ors IN-lvitO, Universty Tours, Tallksl Awld(onfereiiees Arranged For Vihi Jae Tv %1. Arrangements for thec state cham- pionship high school debate are near- ing completion, aind Shirley W. Smith. secrectary of the 'University has been, ,,elected chairman of the debate it was anounced yesterday. The judges for the contest, which will probably I be picked from the University facul- ty, will be chosen shortly after G. E. t' Densmore of the public speaking de*- partment, and manager of the .Miech- igan High School Debating l igtie, returns from his tour of the Upper I Peninsula.J In a bulletin sent out to the high Schools throughout the state Secre-I tary Smith says, "Our welcome to the ! Hi'gh school teachg~s and 'students and to the students of the state who come to the final contest of the 1926- 1 1927 Michigan high school debatesi no merely formal salutation to strap- I 'gers and outsiders, but an exchange! of greetings within the great fain- ily of our State." The final debate will be held May 11.1 in Hill auditorium between thei win- ving teams in the semifinals contests w,