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VOL. XXXVII. No. 146
Daily To Issue Special Section Before
Elections Wflti Pictures And
Histories Of Candidates
Detailed instructions regarding
nominations, publicity, petitions and
registration in connection with the
annual spring elections, Wednesday'
May 11, were outlined yesterday .by
Thomas Cavanaugh, 127L, president of
the Student council. With the excep-
tion of the publicity which will be
given candidates this year in a special
section of The Daily, the day preced-
ing the elections, there will be no
changes from palt years in connec-
tion with the preliminary arrange-
In the niatter of nominations the
names of all candidates for offices In
the following organizations must be
submitted to the Student council of-
fices in the Union by Wednesday, May
4, in order to be placed on the official
ballot: Union, Student council, Stu-
dent Christian association, Oratorical
association, Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications and Board in Con-
trol of Athletics.
The names, photographs, and lists
of activities of the nominees for the
presidency of the Union, Student
council, Student Christian associa-
tion, and Oratorical association will
be published in the special section
of The Daily, together with the names
and activities of the nominees for
3 ecording secretary, and vice-presi-
dents of the Union; the senior and
junior representatives of the Student i
council; and remaining offices of the
Student Christian association and Ora-
torical association. It is imperative
that presidential candidates submit
"glossy print" photographs and activ-
ity lists, and other candidates hand in
acttvityJLisbeyWed Y May 4,
at the council offices in the Union.
Those not submitted by that date will
not be published.
Petitions for nomination to offices,
of the Union must be submitted to the
Union nominating committee on or
before 9 o'clock Saturday smorning'
May 7. Every petition must contain
at least 200 signatures of members of
the Union in accordance with that
organization's constitution. Petitions
for nomination to offices of senior and
junior representatives of the Student
council must be submitted to the
council's nominating committee, at the ,
Union, on or before 2 o'clock Satur-
day, May 7, in accordance with the
council's constitution.
Registration will be held Wednes-
day and Thursday, May 4 and 5.
Booths for registration of all students
in the University will be open on the
campus from 9 until 4 o'clock on the
days designated. All students must
fill out registration cards at their re-
spective school or college booth in
order to vote at the Spring elections
the following Wednesday.
The complete list of registered
names will be checked with the offi-
cial class records by the election
committee of the council. Women stu-'
dents will be permitted to vote for all.
offices except those of the Union, Stu-
dept council and Student Christian
association, if registered.
Henry T. Moore, president of Skid-'
more college, Saratoga Springs, New
York, will lecture on "Changing Ten-
dencies In College Education" at 4:15
o'clock today in the auditorium of
University thigh school, appearing in
Ann Arbor as the guest of the School
of Education. President Moore is well
known at the University, having ac-
cepted a professorship in psychology
here just prior to his appointment
' to the presidency of Skidmore college
President Moore has had a varied
career in educational work, graduat-
ing from the University of Missouri,
where he received his M. A. degree in
1904. He received the same degree at
Yale three years later, and his Ph.D.
from Harvard in 1914. One of the first
faculty positions held by President
Moore, was at Harvard, where he as-
sisted in the psychology departmcnt.
He was assistant professor of psy-
chology at Dartmouth during the
years 1915 to 1917 and held the same
Friedman Refutes
Newspaper Claims
Benny Friedman
Star Michigan athlete, who last
night flatly denied reports printed in
a New York newspaper claiming tuat
he had signed with a Detroit profes-
sional football club. A,,cording, to
the reports which were printed last
night, Friedman had 'signed for a
large salary at a meeting in Cleve-
land last Saturday.
Senator From Ohio Will Conclude
Annual Series Sponsored By
Oratorical Association
Sen. Frank B. Willis, Republican,
Ohio, will speak tonight in Hill au-
ditorium as the last number on the
annual Oratorical association lecture
series. Senator Willis replaces Sen.
Pat Harrison, Democrat, Mississippi,l
who was unable to fulfill his engage-
ment on the lecture series due to the
pressure of senatorial committee
work in Washington.
The lecture will be the eighth on
the series this year, and will start
at 8:15, according to officers of the'
Association. As yet no definite subject
has been announced for the speaker.
Senator Willis was born at Lewis
Center, Ohio, in 1871 and attended-
Ohio Northern University from which
he graduated in 1893. He received his
Master of Arts degree from the same
school in 1904 and then attended Ohio
Wesleyan, Miami, and Ohio Univer-
sity in the next two years, receiving
an L. L. B. degree from the latter
school in 1906.
From 1894 to 1906 he held the po-I
sition of professor of history and eco-1
President Expresses Feeling That
Both Countries Will Reach Ami-
cable Adjustment In Future
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, April 25.;- The
Mexican ambassador has assured the
American government that Mexico
does not intend to confiscate Ameri-
can property, but it remains for the
future to disclose in what measure
the assurance will ease the diplomatic,
controversy over the Mexican oil and
land regulations.
There is still apprehension in
Washington that Mexican authorities
are threAtening steps which, from the
American viewpoint, will amount to
a violation of American rights, even
though those steps may not be regard-
ed by Mexico herself as constituting
President Coolidge, disclosing in his
New York speech tonight, the assur-
ing message delivered to him by the
Mexican ambassador, added that he
was convinced an amicable adjust-
ment would be possible. This decla-
ration, however, followed a state-
ment by the President that the
American government feels that
Mexico is "threatening" to disregard
the cardinal principle that privatel
property must not be taken withoutI
fair compensation.
Officials here declined to add any-:
thing to the words of the President,
or to say what significance they at-
tached to the ambassador's assurance.
It was recalled, however, that the
Mexican foreign office had contended
all along that the policies adopted by
President Calles toward American
property owners in Mexico did not
involve "confiscation," and that it was
upon this very question of the true)
meaning of the term that Washing-1
ton and Mexico City came to an im-
It was, after that impasse had been
reached that Ambassador Pellez made
a hurried trip to Mexico City and
talked over the whole situation at
length with those in charge of the for-
eign policies of his country.
Mortiuer E. Cooley
Dean of the College of Engineering
and Architecture, who will deliver a
lecture on "Forestry From The En-
gineer's Viewpoint" at 4:15 this af-
ternoon in Natural Science auditorium
as part of the observation of National
Forest Week. The lecture is under
the auspices of the Forestry Club
pnd will be followed by a movie deal-
ing with the use and methods of rais-
ing timber. The public is invited.
Wiuslad's Orchestra Froutm L lois lie!
To Play At 16th Annual
Architects' Ball.
Due to the large demand of archi-
tectural students for tickets for the
16th annual Architects' May Party
which will be given Friday, May 6, in1
Barbour gymnasium, only 100 ticketsj
will be put on sale for the generali
public, according to members of thes
committee in charge of ticket distribu-
tion. The general sale will be held
from 1 to 5 o'clock today, at the
ticket booth in the Union. The price
of tickets is $5.50. ,
Announcement that Winstead's
colored orchestra from Louisville, will
play for the affair has also just been
made by the committee. This is the
same band which furnished music forI
the lawyers' Crease dance this year.
The May Party, which is given au-
nually and sponsored by the students'
of the architectural college, is the
only costume party held (luring the
year under the auspices of the Uni-
versity. All the design work for the
event is (lone by the students of thej
architectural college.I
All persons attending the party must
wear a costume, for no one wearingj
formal or street clothes will be ad-
mitted. In contrast to past May Par-
ties, prizes will be awarded to the
man and woman having the best cos-
I tume.
Inean effort to find the best pos-
sible scheme of decoration, a con-
petition was held among the students
which was won by R. T. Bittingef,
27A. The plans of the winning design
call for the setting to be laid in a
very elaborate garden which will be
executed on such a large scale as to
make the dancers seem small.
"Student Resiomsibility" Is J ibject
Oj Address Of Little At e
Student cars and the possibility of
their abolition here were taken up by
President Clarence Cook Little Sun-
day morning in his convocation ad-
dress in Hill auditorium. "It will be
necessary to do away entirely with
student automobiles until they can be
permitted upon a different basis," the
president asserted, though he addenm
that "I do not believe in a permanent
rule against cars."
The address was given by President
Little due to the absence of Prof. Alex-
ander Meiklejohn of the University of
Wisconsin who was unable to come,
and had as its subject "Student Re-
sponsibility." The speaker declared
that students in attendance at Amer-
ican colleges and universities should
not be as free from restriction as
those not offered the opportunity of
securing an education.
"I do not believe in a permanent
rule against cars," President Little
declared, "And the restrictions will
not be final. But we must find those
students who can assume responsibil-
ity. We must reach rock bottom and
begin to build from there.
"You can not realize the terrible
consequences of an accident like that
last week because you did not go to
the hosnital with me to see the stu-
dents who were victips of it. A boy's
life was snuffed out; a girl was dis-
figured for life, if her life is not lost
also. Another boy received a nervous
shock from which he will not reeper
for a long time. But try to imagine
the feelings of their parents," Pres-
ident Little continued.
The only purpose which the speaker
recognized in the University's policies
is to save the students from failure of
some sort or another. "We will al-
ways forgive failure but we can not
forget it," the president declared.
"Have opportunities been given
here for student responsibility?" the
speaker asked. "Yes," he said, "In the
liquor situation and in the automobile
ruling they were given responsibmty
and authority. A great many stu-
dens have responded, and I still be.
lieve that student authority is pos-
sible, but a large residue of inert stu-
dents remains."
The President then continued to
say that he knew of no method of in-
creasing cooperation under present
rules without student help, and that
the student help is not forthcoming.
Too many students say "It is the
bunk," President Little said, and too
many students haveperfect records ot
bolts from the class on obligations.
Changes are probable, because not
enough students have been willing to
assume responsibility, he asserted.
Of the three great problems con-
fronting American universities today
President Little placed student re-
sponsibility as 6ne of the first. The
other two problems are the establish-
ment of a closer contact between the
faculty and students, and the struggle
of the University before the state and
the public eye for recognition as a
constructive body.
The speaker" reiterated that in a
publicly supported institutiop the
student is obligated to accept those
1 opportunities by assuming certain
responsibilities, and has not the right
to spend the public funds and waste
f his own time and the time of others as
has the student attending the private-
ly endowed institution. He has a
definite obligation that must be real-
In answer to the question "Should
restrictions be arbitrarily enforced, or
should they be adhered to by a sense
of cooperative participation?" Presi-
dent Little said that the students'
should be allowed to exercise their
own wills on the continuity of efforts
obtained by cooperation for the com-'
mon goal of both the faculty and the
students-that of student welfare.
The solution of similar problems leads
to the accomplishing of progressively
more difficult problems."
I Due to a change in plans, the meet-
The President of the Univer-
sity, after a conference with the
editors of The Daily, has con-
sented to give students of Mich-
igan another chance to prove
their ability to handle the auto-
mobile situation without the
necessity of a ban on all studentj
owned cars. The final decision
in the case, after three days of
debate, now rests squarely with
the student body.
If the present regulations are
rigidly enforced until the close ofj
j school in June, there will be no
general abolition. If the stu-
dents, with all the facts clearly
before them, prefer to continue
to disregard the reasonable laws
now in effect, there can be no
excuse whatever for any opposi-
tion to the more drastic rules.
Complete abolition will then be,
obviously, the only possible re-
maining procedure.
The punishment meted out toj
students who continue to drive,
without permits will be severe.
An effective effort to bring such
students before the committee
will be made. The Daily believes
that men and women who prefer
not to cooperate, but rather to
force a general ban of all cars
on their fellow students in order
to enjoy themselves in defiance
of the present rules, forfeit any
I right they might have to lenien-
cy. The drastic punishment of
offenders is to be preferred to
I laxity that can lead only to the
I prohibition of cars to the hun-
j dreds of students who use them
I sensibly and appreciate them as
one of the greatest of modern
r conveniences.
The Daily has opposed the
general ban because of the con-
viction of its editors that stu-
I dents, when they appreciate the j
situation, will aid wholeheartedly |
in the enforcement of the pres-
ent laws. The President has
j generously offered the student
body another chance despite the
I total failure of the regulations
[ up to this time. Coopera-
I tion will mean the contin-
. uance of the restrictions; non- |
cooperation will mean the com- I
plete ban on all cars at the close I
of this semester . The decision
rests with the campus.,j
rrs etIrJt eqet!'n ill
nomics and was later professor of
law at Ohio Northern University. In
1906 he was admitted to the Ohio
bar, and had served two terms pre-
viously in the House of Representa-
tives of the state of Ohio, from 1900
to 1904. In 1911 he was elected to the
United States House of Representa-
tives and served two terms there from I
1911 to 1915 as representative from I
the eighth Ohio district. In 1915 he
was elected governor of Ohio, and he
held this position for two years. In
1921 he was chosen senator from Ohio
and has served for the past six years 1
in the United States Senate.
Senator Willis is recognized as one
of the best speakers in therSenate,
according to officers of the Oratorical
association, and has served on a large1
number of important committees of
that body. His visit here will be the
first time that he has ever spoken
to a local audience under the aus-
pices of the Oratorical association.
SLloyd W. Bartlett, '29L, was award-
Jed first place in the local New York
Times Current Events contest accord-
ing to an announcement made by Prof.
Everett S. Brown of the political
science department, chairman of the
local committee, yesterday. Bartlett
will be awarded the prize }of $250 and
a bronze medal and will compete in
the national contest with winners of
local contests which were given in 201
universities. The winner of this contest'
which will be held May 14, will be
awarded $500.
Bartlett was the second place win-
ner in last year's contest. He was re-
cently elected to Phi Beta Kappa. El-
liot F. Moyer, '28, was winner of sec-
ond honors and was the third place
winner in last years' contest. Leroy
Hurlburt, '27, won third place.
Citing the convocations sponsored
by th! Student council as unfair tot
the work of local ministers, Rev. Her-I
bert A. Jump, pastor of the First Con-,
gregational church, presented his
resignation to the congreation Sun-I
day morning. The resig ation is tos!
take effect at" the conclusion of his
summer vacation this year.
Reverend Jump's objections to the
convocations were summarized in a
statement given to the press follow-
ing his resignation. He stressed the
fact that when the convocations were'
inaugurated the ministers of the town
were assured that the townspeople
would be denied admittance. But, he
said, this has not been clone and the
people of the town are flocking to the
Imeetings. It is foolish, he continued I
to expect the preachers to compete
with famous visiting speakers who re-
ceive $200 for a single lecture.
(eIna statement issued yesterday, H.
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, president of
the Student council, said the Rev-I
erend Jump, with several local min-
isters, had been against the plan of
convocations since thei' inception.
President Grants Request Of The Daily
In New Plan; Failure Means Ban
Of All Student Autos
Rigid enforcement of the present
automobile regulations, backed finan-
cially by the University and resulting
in drastic punishment for offenders
convicted, will be tried in Ann Arbor
the remainder of this semester. This
action, decided upon by President
Clarence Cook Little after a confer-
ence with the editors of The Daily yes-
terday afternoon, is intended to give
the present regulations a real test,
and if it becomes evident that they
can be enforced, a general ban on stu-
dent cars will not be consider3d
The President, although believing
the best procedure to be the abolition
of all student cars with the idea of
eventually reinstating them gradually
if such action is ever deemed feasibi.,
is willing to cooperate with The Daily
in giving students a last chance to
prove themselves worthy of keeping
their cars. He agrees that the present
regulations constitute the ideal set-
tlement of the situation provided they
can be enforced without the expendi-
ture of an unreasonable amount of
money for policing. The Daily has
maintained that the regulations, be-
cause of their lax enforcement thus
far, have never been given a chance,
and with the aid and cooperation of
the student body, will attempt to
prove to the administration that the
present rules, having gained the res-
pect of the students, can be enforced
If the experiment succeeds, the
present rules will be continued; if it
fails, it will have been definitely pro-
ved that abolition of all cars is h
only way out of the situation at Mich-
igan, and neither students nor The
Daily will have any justifiction in
further opposition to the ban.
A meeting of the present automo-
bile committee will be called at once,
the work reorganized, and a concen-
trated effort made in the few weeks
remaining to sweep Ann Arbor of un-
registered student cars. Probation will
be meted out for a first offense; sus-
pension from the University for a
definite period for a second offense.
The Daily, in recommending this pro-
cedure, has been governed by the
theory that drastic punishment for
the minority who refuse to cooperate
is to be preferred to general punish-
ment for all, which is virtually what
a general ban would amount to.
If, in the opinion of the President,
the students continue to attempt to
disregard the present University rul-
ings, despite the fact that the situa-
tion has been clearly placed before
them both by President Little in his
address at Hill auditorium on Sunday
and by The Daily, a general ban on
all student cars will be enacted by-the
Regents and placed in operation.
Avowing that world peace will
never be guaranteed until all nations
submit international disputes to an
impartial International tribunal, Prof.
Alexander Pierce Higgins, professor
of International Law at Cambridge
university, speaking under the auspi-
ces of Coif, honorary legal society,
yesterday delivered the first of a two-
lecture series on the subject, "In-
ternational Relations and Internation-
al Law."
Professor higgins will deliver the
second public talk at 4:15 o'clock to-
day in Room C, of the Law building
on, "The Locarno Settlement". He
was principal speaker at the annual
Coif banquet which was held last
night at the Lawyer's club.
The main trouble, he said in his
afternoon talk, lies in the disregard
by the people of their duty to follow'
the doings of other nations besides
their own. The average citizen fails
to appreciate the close interrelation
between home affairs and foreign
events. An unusual knowledge is
necessary to understand international
relations, he said, especially at pres-
ent when the world is in the throes
of the greatest period of unrest in its
President Kenyon L. Butterfield of'
Michigan State college, Prof. Roy W.
Sellars of the philosophy department, !
Prof. Charles E. Merriam of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, and Prof. L. A.
Chase of Northern State Normal
school will be among the speakers at
the 32nd annual meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,
and Letters 'which opens here tomor-
row, it was announced yesterday by
the committee in charge.
President Butterfield, who attended
the conference last year, is a grad-
uate of Michigan State college in the
class of 1891, and did graduate work
for three yearsaat thedUniversity here. I
In the school year 1902-03 he taught
rural sociology at the University.
Professor Sellars is a graduate of
the University and has been employed'
as teacher here since his graduation.
He was appointed professor of philo-
sophy in 1923, and has written several
books, the best known of which is
"Essentials of Logic."
In the evening session on Thursday
Prof. Charles E. Merriam, head of the
political science department of the
University of Chicago, will speak on
"The Role of Tradition in Civic Train-
Prof. L. A. Chase, of Northern Statel
Normal college, will speak at 8:00
o'clock tomorrow night in Natural
Science auditorium at the second ses-1
sion of the Academy.
Talks by prominent Detroit adver-
By Timothy Hay
Clippy Stadium rests in the realm
of the engineers! And its and lawsl
are celebrating the removal of the
eye-sore from their end of the
More than two hundred students]
were in the crowd that carried the
feat of the century. Where they got
the idea that Harry had anything to;
with the Stadium is more than weE
could figure out, but an engineer,
WOULD drag in something like that.
To the tune of roller skates, scoot-
ers and co-eds' shrieks, the grand
march down the diagonal was made'
without a single protest from anyone,
white redwood benches last night although a University policeman was
from the State street end of the cam- seen sneaking away from the scene of
pus down to the engineering arch, action.
where formerly rested the senior The campus was busier last night
benches, removed recently by Univer- than State street the evening of thej
sity authorities. last tear gas party of the police de-
Lifting the benches in four sections, partment. The sentiment of the B.
and carrying the big blocks which and G. boys evidently was: "If they're
formed the foundation, the engineers foolish enough to want 'em, let them
marched down the walk yelling and have them."
singing, as engineers are wont to in We think the lits and laws ought to
their carefree moments. take up a collection to provide a purse