AP AJ IiF 711V"JI V L L- "A:#I I Li .d" s1 v I" L E SHMAN OR VAR SIT Y SQUAD 'RED flI TINS em Llu "Ed rA r . .. :_ ,. ork ...............7 is ..............4 ..t..n.............6 iphia.......5 ..3 ... . . . . . 2 L. 3 2 2 4 5 L, 2 4 n 4 4 9 e. NaionalLeague Rostonbg............ 7$ sS.Loutig........... ...5 Ch(iCago ................ Cincinnati ...............2 Brooklyn............2u Pct. . .700 The All-Campus swimming mieet in their opening game over Phi MuTt .667 conduncted by the Intramural depart- lu yteoesddsoeo 5t .600 ment, will be held on Mlonday after- .600 nona1h no Po.Eet il4. LBeta The ta Pidefeated 'Tau Epsi-l .500 101atteUinPo.Eeswilont Rho by the score of 10 to 0. Deltal .444 begin promptly at 4 o'clock. The fol- 1Phi and Theta Kappa Psi engaged in!1 30& owig eent wil b ru of: 0a slugging match which was finally)I 200 'l1 n vnswilb ul f:5 won by Delta, Phi 17 to 16.1 1yard free stroke; 100 yard free stroke ;J __________________ ;50 yard back stroke; 100 yard back l____________ stroke; 50 yard breast stroke;" 1001 Pc.yard breast stroke; 2,20 Yard free iiE EE' .7,18 !S') IS C 3 \1,1 stroke; fancy dive, (4 required and 2, A~N)1 .667 otoa) .625 optional). 1 60 The preliminaries will be run offIBsenl oMonday and the finals at 4 o'clock, I usdyMcignSatt; .375 on Thursday afternoon, April 28th. 1 lg ee SJAll students are eligible for this Weesa -WstVriaI .122 competition except those mien on the here. 182 j Varsity arnd freshmen squads-who are I Friday-Syracuse at Syracuse. barred by Coach "Matt" Mann. Saturday-Syracuse at Sy ra-Il ___case. 1r tThe first games of the interfrater- Trackr nity baseball season were played Fri-r Friday and Saturday--Penn H day afternoon, it being necessary to I Relays at Philadelphia. j 5 0 postpone the games scheduled for i Teni 1GThursday because of the rain. These' S turday-Pontiac Tennis club 16games will be played later in h e at Ferry field. 5 2 f son after the games scheduled al-' luboon 4 11ready ,have been played off, inter'DeroitGolf cub01 Phi Kappa 'Sigma, last year's ine-'1 heawlns .3 fraternity champions, were victor~s w~, 1 i11 tne r1 it is 1 tell,'~ 1g e 1 i hat. noi 't what egreat ketball Istall- Thei easilyl IBYEEDAY'S RESULTS Amnerican. League 1 St. Louis . .. .012 jDetroit ......101 Cleveland ... 000 Chicago.....000 New York .. .200 1i 2f;1--15 221 120-10 1 1 002~ 000- 2 312 0ox- 8 1 100 000- 31 000 001- 4 1 the elir ke away of theg ,v specta the gar ot be Any ~:i rib e min , {1 b^kyt. .. . i I"._e . prii you :r cecovcry " Wshnton .200 °001 010- 4:10 =1 ot, it woul Boston......004 001 Ox- 5 10 3 man lfense F; d- a man ,to National Leauet ints on theI RH B " Phillis.....000 10 000- 110 01 mination of New York X 004 000 Olx- 5 W 2 gaeo ne of the hicago . ;.. .000 000 00- 0?D AlaayTisSt. Louis ... 000' 025 '0x-780 acular playi .me-that of Boston.....210 001 00-;4 8 1 } ~Brooklyn ....020 °000 000-,2 7 3 me _ wil e cinnati ..1 00 '011 020- 6 11 O0 ams will Pat sug'.12'01 0-41 .s, since thePitbrh..0 00 0-41 1 [apped fara Upie i n . 1 FIFEEN ,GOLFERS _.AW'AR EA aund if more MEMBER "iffP TO LWiAL C,03 agame will ctator FiMf'teen Lnversty' players were, the officials awarded playing membershps n he d to a great Ann 'Arbor Golf club yesterday after- rviolations noon after the 72 ole stroke compet- ansi stop of tion. "M" men were not required 'toI' nade at'the play throufgh the elimination rounds. ble. Fouls °the lowest score turned inby any called very of those who played through the en- t frequent tire 72 holes was 149, made byWil- liam Courtney. The complete list of -the members chosen is as follows:' former De- Fred Glover, John 'Glover, Connor, >his home Cle, Vyse,Goodspeed, Courtney, Ber- new record gelin, Waterbury, Barber, Pfaffmann, i harn course. Krave, Rhodes-, Lewis, and uston.° DISPLAY r inspection of oulr 'exensive line of and imported jewelry 'nsovdties. , °/ ~.LER'S E STREET JEWELERS df re lIfrcas n F°iym ve ntebs e ~ . to kepoin.Thes'e, shoes and n stacke T[A7PntV NPw Snrinsr fivTPs The An : Arboar Press. PRINTERS BINDERS ENGRAVERS Maynard St. Phone 3406 ENVELOPE ENCLOSURES ECONOMICAL ADVERTISING We want to tell the MERCHANTS and MANUFACT- U Rc~Rs of Ann Arbor of ONE GOOD WAY, to RE:ACH- a great' maney people for BUT LITT, , M4ONEY. ENVELOPE STUrrERS sent with your B'IJ,Ls aind MONTHL1Y STATr.MENTS, that tell of some Ux- USUAL -StRVIC4 or of: BARGAINS in MERCHANDIjSE, often start a customer TOWARD MORJt purciases. Wr WILT, BE ,GLAD To HEL.P you plan a series of these Hrr rUr. MAILING PIr your May Festival 145-146-147 .which is worthy of FOR RENT-$6 secures aparge $10 room. with hot 'and. cold water for Two. 337 Thompson. 145 of this undertaking, _______________ FOR SALE FOR SALE-Most desirable house . IDSAY for f rat. in city. Easy terms. Also1 MUSIC Education. large rooming house, .furnished. Both fine location. May rent. Phone 7733 (or 4454, evenings), be( FOR 144-145-146-1.47-148-149di MUSICRj=SALE-1926 Ford Coupe. Bump- ,' M SICers, spot-light, water pump, mjileage ma very low. Looks like new. Price va] 3ok' is right. -: an( 11926 Dodge special .Coupe. Mileage very low. Can't tell it from new. bruary 10, 1927f Price is low. Terms. ho3 RI.1. ALBERco 514 East Washington $3 Open evenings and Sundays. 4 '1 ____________________________________________ Tf.______ FOR SALE-A large overstuffed rock-} he thirty-fourth annual. er, $8. Mahogany library tab~le, $10.1 ,Dial 341-51 Wls 143-144-145 wihthe splendid 'work ______________ HNER HARMONICAS. Eas lay and very popular. 25< Jniversity Music House. mnakes of typewriters for sa ent. Excellent machines at unable prices, forrent P epairing by experienced wort iurteous service. Aulta I sun-tues-th .HESTRA LEADERS - Con end look- over our up-to-date d music. University Music F ), L.* "s. In tSALE--Oliver type rfect work ing con(: al Hook~er 4S41.k I SALE-Ford road: ve tires, starter, dF ood condition. 1617 hone 9117. Boyer or I N ARBOR 04 Works.R, ugs Sh SE~E best of 50 ; 365 evenigs. $ iapooed. NOTICE Students? 2i5%~ off on Phone Tunes and plays like, a ba e-sounds like a guitar. E~ y. Special price this 'weel University Music House Save used t: Landis ' 1 ____ MAY ISALE-TI Mfeta and y call sized. F FEST ITICF-Do not leave Michigan until rou have preserved your diloma y the famnous drum-head mounit rocess. Let's talk it over. J B Saunders, exceptional framing. 306 youth State St. "-rsu ws Letters and Colege rintng. Prices and service right. Ais & Olilnger, Prom~pt Printers 9-111 E. Wash. St. Dial 8132 W FS-tf )VICE-Mell Gillespie, teacher man- olin, banjos, guitar, chord con- 3truction. Dial 4757. Wed., Fri., Sun.1, tf ojaiiowski's Barber Shop has sat- [stied Students for 40 years. sun-wed-fri TEWBITING1 and imeograph- ig promptly and neatly done by experienced operators at mod- erate rates. 'Thesis an~d college work a specialty for 19 years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TFhe Typwriter and Sta.tionery Store. tf TYPEWRITER RIBBONS AND CARBONS it rapid turnover insures a fresh tock and you secure th~e bestqul [ty at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR- RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smilth & Corona Typewriters, Inc. ttU )IC'IE-The new Royal' Portables are now on display at Rider's Pen Shop, 315 State St. A wonderful machine." You will be interested. Call and see them. NOTICE NOTICE I W tTHE BOARD OF PUBLIC ,EDU4 Philadelhia, Febri STAT Mr. Charles A. Sink, Secretary and Business Manager, University School of Jusic,- Ann. Arbor, Michigan. My Dear Mr, Sink: :: r i We in Philadelphia are doing our utmost to deve festival, the- type'of which you have so successfully pres I wish to congratulate you and all of your co-workers makes possible. the presentation of six concerts with the conductors and soloists, whom you have assembled foi in,-1927. You, are setting a standard for such affairs the highest spirit of emulatioti., 'With heartiest wishes for the continued success Jam Yours truly, (Signed) GEORGE L. L: Director of 1"V FOIWS " FORDS aFORD~S FLORSF shoes # circles. who like Spiffy THE CURTIS INSTITUTE OF Endowed by Mary Louise Curtis B R ITTEN HOUSE SQUARE H PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLV ANIA Fels Mr. Charles A. Sink, University School of -Music Ann Arbor, Michigan. My Dear Mr. Sink: I ,have' read witlh much interest the prospectus of tii May Festival. It seems to me that it is. well in linew Our entire stock of used cars =e put into frst class running tion and the prices asked ar( any' cases rmuch ,lower than Clue givena. A car'for every p" id every car worth the money. C Pick out -your car and driv )me. We have roadsters, ton- )pes, Tudory, four doors, $3f ;48. The very one you want is t alk to Mr. Gaus, Phone 4229. nvA Y